mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 03:03:14 +00:00
Add updated CAS by abbodi1406
This commit is contained in:
@ -6509,20 +6509,40 @@ mode 100, 36
goto dk_done
param (
function CONOUT($strObj)
Out-Host -Input $strObj
function ExitScript($ExitCode = 0)
Exit $ExitCode
if (-Not $PSVersionTable) {
Write-Host "==== ERROR ====`r`n"
Write-Host 'Windows PowerShell 1.0 is not supported by this script.'
"==== ERROR ====`r`n"
"Windows PowerShell 1.0 is not supported by this script."
ExitScript 1
if ($ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode.value__ -NE 0) {
Write-Host "==== ERROR ====`r`n"
Write-Host 'Windows PowerShell is not running in Full Language Mode.'
"==== ERROR ====`r`n"
"Windows PowerShell is not running in Full Language Mode."
ExitScript 1
@ -6530,21 +6550,49 @@ $winbuild = 1
try {
$winbuild = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo("$env:SystemRoot\System32\kernel32.dll").FileBuildPart
} catch {
$winbuild = [int](Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).BuildNumber
$winbuild = [int]([wmi]'Win32_OperatingSystem=@').BuildNumber
if ($winbuild -EQ 1) {
Write-Host "==== ERROR ====`r`n"
Write-Host 'Could not detect Windows build.'
"==== ERROR ====`r`n"
"Could not detect Windows build."
ExitScript 1
if ($winbuild -LT 2600) {
Write-Host "==== ERROR ====`r`n"
Write-Host 'This build of Windows is not supported by this script.'
"==== ERROR ====`r`n"
"This build of Windows is not supported by this script."
ExitScript 1
$SysPath = "$env:SystemRoot\System32"
if (Test-Path "$env:SystemRoot\Sysnative\reg.exe") {
$SysPath = "$env:SystemRoot\Sysnative"
if (Test-Path "$SysPath\sppc.dll") {
$SLdll = 'sppc.dll'
} elseif (Test-Path "$SysPath\slc.dll") {
$SLdll = 'slc.dll'
} else {
"==== ERROR ====`r`n"
"Software Licensing Client Dll is not detected."
ExitScript 1
if ($All.IsPresent)
$isAll = {CONOUT "`r"}
$noAll = {$null}
$isAll = {$null}
$noAll = {CONOUT "`r"}
$Dlv = $Dlv.IsPresent
$IID = $IID.IsPresent -Or $Dlv.IsPresent
$NT6 = $winbuild -GE 6000
$NT7 = $winbuild -GE 7600
$NT9 = $winbuild -GE 9600
@ -6554,12 +6602,29 @@ $Admin = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdenti
$line2 = "============================================================"
$line3 = "____________________________________________________________"
function UnQuickEdit
$t=[AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly((Get-Random), 1).DefineDynamicModule((Get-Random), $False).DefineType((Get-Random))
$t.DefinePInvokeMethod('GetStdHandle', 'kernel32.dll', 22, 1, [IntPtr], @([Int32]), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128)
$t.DefinePInvokeMethod('SetConsoleMode', 'kernel32.dll', 22, 1, [Boolean], @([IntPtr], [Int32]), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128)
$t.DefinePInvokeMethod('GetConsoleWindow', 'kernel32.dll', 22, 1, [IntPtr], @(), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128)
$t.DefinePInvokeMethod('SendMessageW', 'user32.dll', 22, 1, [IntPtr], @([IntPtr], [UInt32], [IntPtr], [IntPtr]), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128)
if ($winbuild -GE 17763) {
if ($k::SendMessageW($k::GetConsoleWindow(), 127, 0, 0) -EQ [IntPtr]::Zero) {
$v=(0x0080, 0x00A0)[!($winbuild -GE 10586)]
$b=$k::SetConsoleMode($k::GetStdHandle(-10), $v)
function echoWindows
Write-Host "$line2"
Write-Host "=== Windows Status ==="
Write-Host "$line2"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line2"
CONOUT "=== Windows Status ==="
CONOUT "$line2"
& $noAll
function echoOffice
@ -6568,18 +6633,22 @@ function echoOffice
if ($All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
Write-Host "$line2"
Write-Host "=== Office Status ==="
Write-Host "$line2"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
& $isAll
CONOUT "$line2"
CONOUT "=== Office Status ==="
CONOUT "$line2"
& $noAll
$script:doMSG = 0
function strGetRegistry($strKey, $strName)
Get-ItemProperty -EA 0 $strKey | select -EA 0 -Expand $strName
try {
return [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::GetValue($strKey, $strName, $null)
} catch {
return $null
function CheckOhook
@ -6610,55 +6679,57 @@ function CheckOhook
if ($All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
Write-Host "$line2"
Write-Host "=== Office Ohook Status ==="
Write-Host "$line2"
Write-Host -back 'Black' -fore 'Yellow' 'Ohook for permanent Office activation is installed.'
Write-Host -back 'Black' -fore 'Yellow' 'You can ignore the below mentioned Office activation status.'
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
& $isAll
CONOUT "$line2"
CONOUT "=== Office Ohook Status ==="
CONOUT "$line2"
$host.UI.WriteLine('Yellow', 'Black', "`r`nOhook for permanent Office activation is installed.`r`nYou can ignore the below mentioned Office activation status.")
& $noAll
#region WMI
function DetectID($strSLP, $strAppId, [ref]$strAppVar)
function DetectID($strSLP, $strAppId)
$fltr = "ApplicationID='$strAppId'"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {
$fltr = $fltr + " AND PartialProductKey <> NULL"
Get-WmiObject $strSLP ID -Filter $fltr -EA 0 | select ID -EA 0 | foreach {
$strAppVar.Value = 1
$ppk = (" AND PartialProductKey <> NULL)", ")")[$All.IsPresent]
$fltr = "SELECT ID FROM $strSLP WHERE (ApplicationID='$strAppId'"
$clause = $fltr + $ppk
$sWmi = [wmisearcher]$clause
$sWmi.Options.Rewindable = $false
return ($sWmi.Get().Count -GT 0)
function GetID($strSLP, $strAppId, $strProperty = "ID")
function GetID($strSLP, $strAppId)
$NT5 = ($strSLP -EQ $wslp -And $winbuild -LT 6001)
$IDs = [Collections.ArrayList]@()
$isAdd = (" AND LicenseDependsOn <> NULL)", ")")[$NT5]
$noAdd = " AND LicenseDependsOn IS NULL)"
$query = "SELECT ID FROM $strSLP WHERE (ApplicationID='$strAppId' AND PartialProductKey"
if ($All.IsPresent) {
$fltr = "ApplicationID='$strAppId' AND PartialProductKey IS NULL"
$clause = $fltr
$fltr = $query + " IS NULL"
$clause = $fltr + $isAdd
$sWmi = [wmisearcher]$clause
$sWmi.Options.Rewindable = $false
try {$sWmi.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_.Value}} catch {}
if (-Not $NT5) {
$clause = $fltr + " AND LicenseDependsOn <> NULL"
Get-WmiObject $strSLP $strProperty -Filter $clause -EA 0 | select -Expand $strProperty -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_}
if (-Not $NT5) {
$clause = $fltr + " AND LicenseDependsOn IS NULL"
Get-WmiObject $strSLP $strProperty -Filter $clause -EA 0 | select -Expand $strProperty -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_}
$clause = $fltr + $noAdd
$sWmi = [wmisearcher]$clause
$sWmi.Options.Rewindable = $false
try {$sWmi.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_.Value}} catch {}
$fltr = "ApplicationID='$strAppId' AND PartialProductKey <> NULL"
$clause = $fltr
$fltr = $query + " <> NULL"
$clause = $fltr + $isAdd
$sWmi = [wmisearcher]$clause
$sWmi.Options.Rewindable = $false
try {$sWmi.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_.Value}} catch {}
if (-Not $NT5) {
$clause = $fltr + " AND LicenseDependsOn <> NULL"
Get-WmiObject $strSLP $strProperty -Filter $clause -EA 0 | select -Expand $strProperty -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_}
if (-Not $NT5) {
$clause = $fltr + " AND LicenseDependsOn IS NULL"
Get-WmiObject $strSLP $strProperty -Filter $clause -EA 0 | select -Expand $strProperty -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_}
$clause = $fltr + $noAdd
$sWmi = [wmisearcher]$clause
$sWmi.Options.Rewindable = $false
try {$sWmi.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_.Value}} catch {}
return $IDs
@ -6695,38 +6766,45 @@ function DetectSubscription {
if ($objSvc.SubscriptionEdition.Contains("UNKNOWN") -EQ $false) {$SubMsgEdition = $objSvc.SubscriptionEdition}
Write-Host "Subscription information:"
Write-Host " Edition: $SubMsgEdition"
Write-Host " Type : $SubMsgType"
Write-Host " Status : $SubMsgStatus"
Write-Host " Expiry : $SubMsgExpiry"
CONOUT "`nSubscription information:"
CONOUT " Edition: $SubMsgEdition"
CONOUT " Type : $SubMsgType"
CONOUT " Status : $SubMsgStatus"
CONOUT " Expiry : $SubMsgExpiry"
function DetectAdbaClient
CONOUT "`nAD Activation client information:"
CONOUT " Object Name: $ADActivationObjectName"
CONOUT " Domain Name: $ADActivationObjectDN"
CONOUT " CSVLK Extended PID: $ADActivationCsvlkPid"
CONOUT " CSVLK Activation ID: $ADActivationCsvlkSkuId"
function DetectAvmClient
Write-Host "Automatic VM Activation client information:"
CONOUT "`nAutomatic VM Activation client information:"
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($IAID)) {
Write-Host " Guest IAID: $IAID"
} else {
Write-Host " Guest IAID: Not Available"
CONOUT " Guest IAID: Not Available"
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AutomaticVMActivationHostMachineName)) {
Write-Host " Host machine name: $AutomaticVMActivationHostMachineName"
CONOUT " Host machine name: $AutomaticVMActivationHostMachineName"
} else {
Write-Host " Host machine name: Not Available"
CONOUT " Host machine name: Not Available"
if ($AutomaticVMActivationLastActivationTime.Substring(0,4) -NE "1601") {
$EED = [DateTime]::Parse([Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($AutomaticVMActivationLastActivationTime),$null,48).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt')
Write-Host " Activation time: $EED UTC"
CONOUT " Activation time: $EED UTC"
} else {
Write-Host " Activation time: Not Available"
CONOUT " Activation time: Not Available"
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AutomaticVMActivationHostDigitalPid2)) {
Write-Host " Host Digital PID2: $AutomaticVMActivationHostDigitalPid2"
CONOUT " Host Digital PID2: $AutomaticVMActivationHostDigitalPid2"
} else {
Write-Host " Host Digital PID2: Not Available"
CONOUT " Host Digital PID2: Not Available"
@ -6756,32 +6834,30 @@ function DetectKmsHost
$KeyManagementServiceLowPriority = "Normal"
Write-Host "Key Management Service host information:"
Write-Host " Current count: $KeyManagementServiceCurrentCount"
Write-Host " Listening on Port: $KeyManagementServiceListeningPort"
Write-Host " DNS publishing: $KeyManagementServiceDnsPublishing"
Write-Host " KMS priority: $KeyManagementServiceLowPriority"
CONOUT "`nKey Management Service host information:"
CONOUT " Current count: $KeyManagementServiceCurrentCount"
CONOUT " Listening on Port: $KeyManagementServiceListeningPort"
CONOUT " DNS publishing: $KeyManagementServiceDnsPublishing"
CONOUT " KMS priority: $KeyManagementServiceLowPriority"
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($KeyManagementServiceTotalRequests)) {
Write-Host "Key Management Service cumulative requests received from clients:"
Write-Host " Total: $KeyManagementServiceTotalRequests"
Write-Host " Failed: $KeyManagementServiceFailedRequests"
Write-Host " Unlicensed: $KeyManagementServiceUnlicensedRequests"
Write-Host " Licensed: $KeyManagementServiceLicensedRequests"
Write-Host " Initial grace period: $KeyManagementServiceOOBGraceRequests"
Write-Host " Expired or Hardware out of tolerance: $KeyManagementServiceOOTGraceRequests"
Write-Host " Non-genuine grace period: $KeyManagementServiceNonGenuineGraceRequests"
Write-Host " Notification: $KeyManagementServiceNotificationRequests"
CONOUT "`nKey Management Service cumulative requests received from clients:"
CONOUT " Total: $KeyManagementServiceTotalRequests"
CONOUT " Failed: $KeyManagementServiceFailedRequests"
CONOUT " Unlicensed: $KeyManagementServiceUnlicensedRequests"
CONOUT " Licensed: $KeyManagementServiceLicensedRequests"
CONOUT " Initial grace period: $KeyManagementServiceOOBGraceRequests"
CONOUT " Expired or Hardware out of tolerance: $KeyManagementServiceOOTGraceRequests"
CONOUT " Non-genuine grace period: $KeyManagementServiceNonGenuineGraceRequests"
if ($null -NE $KeyManagementServiceNotificationRequests) {CONOUT " Notification: $KeyManagementServiceNotificationRequests"}
function DetectKmsClient
if ($null -NE $VLActivationTypeEnabled) {Write-Host "Configured Activation Type: $($VLActTypes[$VLActivationTypeEnabled])"}
if ($null -NE $VLActivationTypeEnabled) {CONOUT "Configured Activation Type: $($VLActTypes[$VLActivationTypeEnabled])"}
if ($LicenseStatus -NE 1) {
Write-Host "Please activate the product in order to update KMS client information values."
CONOUT "Please activate the product in order to update KMS client information values."
@ -6814,33 +6890,42 @@ function DetectKmsClient
Write-Host "Key Management Service client information:"
Write-Host " Client Machine ID (CMID): $($objSvc.ClientMachineID)"
CONOUT "Key Management Service client information:"
CONOUT " Client Machine ID (CMID): $($objSvc.ClientMachineID)"
if ($null -EQ $KmsReg) {
Write-Host " $KmsDns"
Write-Host " Registered KMS machine name: KMS name not available"
CONOUT " $KmsDns"
CONOUT " Registered KMS machine name: KMS name not available"
} else {
Write-Host " $KmsReg"
CONOUT " $KmsReg"
if ($null -NE $DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress) {Write-Host " KMS machine IP address: $DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress"}
Write-Host " KMS machine extended PID: $KeyManagementServiceProductKeyID"
Write-Host " Activation interval: $VLActivationInterval minutes"
Write-Host " Renewal interval: $VLRenewalInterval minutes"
if ($null -NE $KeyManagementServiceHostCaching) {Write-Host " KMS host caching: $KeyManagementServiceHostCaching"}
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain)) {Write-Host " KMS SRV record lookup domain: $KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain"}
if ($null -NE $DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress) {CONOUT " KMS machine IP address: $DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress"}
CONOUT " KMS machine extended PID: $KeyManagementServiceProductKeyID"
CONOUT " Activation interval: $VLActivationInterval minutes"
CONOUT " Renewal interval: $VLRenewalInterval minutes"
if ($null -NE $KeyManagementServiceHostCaching) {CONOUT " KMS host caching: $KeyManagementServiceHostCaching"}
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain)) {CONOUT " KMS SRV record lookup domain: $KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain"}
function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
try {$objPrd = Get-WmiObject $strSLP -Filter "ID='$strID'" -EA 1} catch {return}
$objPrd | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Value)) {set $_.Name $_.Value}
$objPrd = [wmisearcher]"SELECT * FROM $strSLP WHERE ID='$strID'"
$objPrd.Options.Rewindable = $false
$objPrd.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach { if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Value)) {set $_.Name $_.Value} }
$winID = ($ApplicationID -EQ $winApp)
$winPR = ($winID -And -Not $LicenseIsAddon)
$Vista = ($winID -And $NT6 -And -Not $NT7)
$NT5 = ($strSLP -EQ $wslp -And $winbuild -LT 6001)
$reapp = ("Windows", "App")[!$winID]
$prmnt = ("machine", "product")[!$winPR]
if ($Description | Select-String "VOLUME_KMSCLIENT") {$cKmsClient = 1; $_mTag = "Volume"}
if ($Description | Select-String "TIMEBASED_") {$cTblClient = 1; $_mTag = "Timebased"}
@ -6865,7 +6950,7 @@ function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
$LicenseInf = "Licensed"
$LicenseMsg = $null
if ($GracePeriodRemaining -EQ 0) {
if ($winPR) {$ExpireMsg = "The machine is permanently activated."} else {$ExpireMsg = "The product is permanently activated."}
$ExpireMsg = "The $prmnt is permanently activated."
} else {
$LicenseMsg = "$_mTag activation expiration: $GracePeriodRemaining minute(s) ($_gpr day(s))"
if ($null -NE $_xpr) {$ExpireMsg = "$_mTag activation will expire $_xpr"}
@ -6886,8 +6971,9 @@ function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
if ($LicenseStatus -EQ 5 -And -Not $NT5) {
$LicenseInf = "Notification"
$LicenseMsg = "Notification Reason: $LicenseReason"
if ($LicenseReason -EQ "0xC004F00F") {if ($null -NE $cKmsClient) {$LicenseMsg = $LicenseMsg + " (KMS license expired)."} else {$LicenseMsg = $LicenseMsg + " (hardware out of tolerance)."}}
if ($LicenseReason -EQ "0xC004F200") {$LicenseMsg = $LicenseMsg + " (non-genuine)."}
if ($LicenseReason -EQ "0xC004F009") {$LicenseMsg = $LicenseMsg + " (grace time expired)."}
if ($LicenseReason -EQ "0xC004F009" -Or $LicenseReason -EQ "0xC004F064") {$LicenseMsg = $LicenseMsg + " (grace time expired)."}
if ($LicenseStatus -GT 5 -Or ($LicenseStatus -GT 4 -And $NT5)) {
$LicenseInf = "Unknown"
@ -6899,25 +6985,61 @@ function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
if ($winPR -And $PartialProductKey -And -Not $NT9) {
$dp4 = Get-ItemProperty -EA 0 "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" | select -EA 0 -Expand DigitalProductId4
$dp4 = strGetRegistry "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" "DigitalProductId4"
if ($null -NE $dp4) {
$ProductKeyChannel = ([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($dp4, 1016, 128)).Trim([char]$null)
if ($All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
Write-Host "Name: $Name"
Write-Host "Description: $Description"
Write-Host "Activation ID: $ID"
if ($null -NE $ProductKeyID) {Write-Host "Extended PID: $ProductKeyID"}
if ($null -NE $OfflineInstallationId -And $IID.IsPresent) {Write-Host "Installation ID: $OfflineInstallationId"}
if ($null -NE $ProductKeyChannel) {Write-Host "Product Key Channel: $ProductKeyChannel"}
if ($null -NE $PartialProductKey) {Write-Host "Partial Product Key: $PartialProductKey"} else {Write-Host "Product Key: Not installed"}
Write-Host "License Status: $LicenseInf"
if ($null -NE $LicenseMsg) {Write-Host "$LicenseMsg"}
if ($winPR -And $Dlv -And $null -EQ $RemainingAppReArmCount) {
$tmp = [wmisearcher]"SELECT RemainingWindowsReArmCount FROM $strSLS"
$tmp.Options.Rewindable = $false
$tmp.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {set $_.Name $_.Value}
$add_on = $Name.IndexOf("add-on for", 5)
& $isAll
if ($add_on -EQ -1) {CONOUT "Name: $Name"} else {CONOUT "Name: $($Name.Substring(0, $add_on + 7))"}
CONOUT "Description: $Description"
CONOUT "Activation ID: $ID"
if ($null -NE $ProductKeyID) {CONOUT "Extended PID: $ProductKeyID"}
if ($null -NE $ProductKeyID2 -And $Dlv) {CONOUT "Product ID: $ProductKeyID2"}
if ($null -NE $OfflineInstallationId -And $IID) {CONOUT "Installation ID: $OfflineInstallationId"}
if ($null -NE $ProductKeyChannel) {CONOUT "Product Key Channel: $ProductKeyChannel"}
if ($null -NE $PartialProductKey) {CONOUT "Partial Product Key: $PartialProductKey"}
CONOUT "License Status: $LicenseInf"
if ($null -NE $LicenseMsg) {CONOUT "$LicenseMsg"}
if ($LicenseStatus -NE 0 -And $EvaluationEndDate.Substring(0,4) -NE "1601") {
$EED = [DateTime]::Parse([Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($EvaluationEndDate),$null,48).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt')
Write-Host "Evaluation End Date: $EED UTC"
CONOUT "Evaluation End Date: $EED UTC"
if ($Dlv) {
if ($null -NE $RemainingWindowsReArmCount) {
CONOUT "Remaining Windows rearm count: $RemainingWindowsReArmCount"
if ($null -NE $RemainingSkuReArmCount -And $RemainingSkuReArmCount -NE 4294967295) {
CONOUT "Remaining $reapp rearm count: $RemainingAppReArmCount"
CONOUT "Remaining SKU rearm count: $RemainingSkuReArmCount"
if ($null -NE $TrustedTime -And $LicenseStatus -NE 0) {
$TTD = [DateTime]::Parse([Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($TrustedTime),$null,32).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt')
CONOUT "Trusted time: $TTD"
if ($LicenseStatus -EQ 0) {
if ($strSLP -EQ $wslp -And $null -NE $PartialProductKey -And $null -NE $ADActivationObjectName -And $VLActivationType -EQ 1) {
if ($winID -And $null -NE $cAvmClient -And $null -NE $PartialProductKey) {
@ -6929,16 +7051,27 @@ function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
$chkSLS = ($null -NE $PartialProductKey) -And ($null -NE $cKmsClient -Or $null -NE $cKmsHost -Or $chkSub)
if (!$chkSLS) {
if ($null -NE $ExpireMsg) {Write-Host; Write-Host " $ExpireMsg"}
if ($null -NE $ExpireMsg) {CONOUT "`n $ExpireMsg"}
$objSvc = Get-WmiObject $strSLS -EA 0
if ($Vista) {
$objSvc | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Value)) {set $_.Name $_.Value}
$objSvc = New-Object PSObject
$wmiSvc = [wmisearcher]"SELECT * FROM $strSLS"
$wmiSvc.Options.Rewindable = $false
$wmiSvc.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Value))
$objSvc | Add-Member 8 $_.Name $_.Value
if ($null -EQ $IsKeyManagementServiceMachine) {set $_.Name $_.Value}
if ($strSLS -EQ $wsls -And $NT9) {
@ -6948,6 +7081,7 @@ function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
if ($null -NE $cKmsHost -And $IsKeyManagementServiceMachine -GT 0) {
if ($null -NE $ExpireMsg) {CONOUT "`n $ExpireMsg"}
@ -6955,7 +7089,9 @@ function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
if ($null -NE $ExpireMsg) {Write-Host; Write-Host " $ExpireMsg"}
if ($null -EQ $cKmsHost) {
if ($null -NE $ExpireMsg) {CONOUT "`n $ExpireMsg"}
if ($chkSub) {
@ -6995,11 +7131,10 @@ function PrintModePerPridFromRegistry
$vNextPrids = Get-Item -Path $vNextRegkey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'property' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.ToLower() -like "*retail" -or $_.ToLower() -like "*volume"}
If ($null -Eq $vNextPrids)
Write-Host "No registry keys found."
CONOUT "`nNo registry keys found."
$vNextPrids | ForEach `
$mode = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $vNextRegkey -Name $_).$_
@ -7009,7 +7144,7 @@ function PrintModePerPridFromRegistry
3 { $mode = "Device"; Break }
Default { $mode = "Legacy"; Break }
Write-Host $_ = $mode
CONOUT "$_ = $mode"
@ -7023,8 +7158,7 @@ function PrintSharedComputerLicensing
$scaPolicyValue = Get-ItemProperty -Path $scaPolicyKey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "SharedComputerLicensing" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($null -Eq $scaValue -And $null -Eq $scaValue2 -And $null -Eq $scaPolicyValue)
Write-Host "No registry keys found."
CONOUT "`nNo registry keys found."
$scaModeValue = $scaValue -Or $scaValue2 -Or $scaPolicyValue
@ -7036,9 +7170,8 @@ function PrintSharedComputerLicensing
$scaMode = "Enabled"
Write-Host "Status:" $scaMode
CONOUT "`nStatus: $scaMode"
$tokenFiles = $null
$tokenPath = "${env:LOCALAPPDATA}\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Licensing"
If (Test-Path $tokenPath)
@ -7047,12 +7180,12 @@ function PrintSharedComputerLicensing
If ($null -Eq $tokenFiles)
Write-Host "No tokens found."
CONOUT "No tokens found."
If ($tokenFiles.Length -Eq 0)
Write-Host "No tokens found."
CONOUT "No tokens found."
$tokenFiles | ForEach `
@ -7086,16 +7219,9 @@ function PrintLicensesInformation
$licenseFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $licensePath -Recurse | Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer }
If ($null -Eq $licenseFiles)
If ($null -Eq $licenseFiles -Or $licenseFiles.Length -Eq 0)
Write-Host "No licenses found."
If ($licenseFiles.Length -Eq 0)
Write-Host "No licenses found."
CONOUT "`nNo licenses found."
$licenseFiles | ForEach `
@ -7152,24 +7278,20 @@ function vNextDiagRun
if ($All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
Write-Host "$line2"
Write-Host "=== Office vNext Status ==="
Write-Host "$line2"
Write-Host "========== Mode per ProductReleaseId =========="
& $isAll
CONOUT "$line2"
CONOUT "=== Office vNext Status ==="
CONOUT "$line2"
CONOUT "`n========== Mode per ProductReleaseId =========="
Write-Host "========== Shared Computer Licensing =========="
CONOUT "`n========== Shared Computer Licensing =========="
Write-Host "========== vNext licenses ==========="
CONOUT "`n========== vNext licenses ==========="
PrintLicensesInformation -Mode "NUL"
Write-Host "========== Device licenses =========="
CONOUT "`n========== Device licenses =========="
PrintLicensesInformation -Mode "Device"
Write-Host "$line3"
CONOUT "$line3"
@ -7252,13 +7374,13 @@ function PrintStateData {
[string[]]$pwszStateString = $Marshal::PtrToStringUni($pwszStateData) -replace ";", "`n "
Write-Host " $pwszStateString"
CONOUT (" $pwszStateString")
return $TRUE
function PrintLastActivationHRresult {
function PrintLastActivationHResult {
$pdwLastHResult = 0
$cbSize = 0
@ -7271,12 +7393,34 @@ function PrintLastActivationHRresult {
return $FALSE
Write-Host (" LastActivationHResult=0x{0:x8}" -f $Marshal::ReadInt32($pdwLastHResult))
CONOUT (" LastActivationHResult=0x{0:x8}" -f $Marshal::ReadInt32($pdwLastHResult))
return $TRUE
function PrintLastActivationTime {
$pdwLastTime = 0
$cbSize = 0
if ($Win32::SLGetWindowsInformation(
)) {
return $FALSE
$actTime = $Marshal::ReadInt64($pdwLastTime)
if ($actTime -ne 0) {
CONOUT (" LastActivationTime={0}" -f [DateTime]::FromFileTimeUtc($actTime).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd:HH:mm:ss"))
return $TRUE
function PrintIsWindowsGenuine {
$dwGenuine = 0
$ppwszGenuineStates = @(
@ -7292,9 +7436,9 @@ function PrintIsWindowsGenuine {
if ($dwGenuine -lt 5) {
Write-Host (" IsWindowsGenuine={0}" -f $ppwszGenuineStates[$dwGenuine])
CONOUT (" IsWindowsGenuine={0}" -f $ppwszGenuineStates[$dwGenuine])
} else {
Write-Host (" IsWindowsGenuine={0}" -f $dwGenuine)
CONOUT (" IsWindowsGenuine={0}" -f $dwGenuine)
return $TRUE
@ -7318,7 +7462,7 @@ function PrintDigitalLicenseStatus {
[bool]$bDigitalLicense = $FALSE
$bDigitalLicense = (($dwReturnCode -ge 0) -and ($dwReturnCode -ne 1))
Write-Host (" IsDigitalLicense={0}" -f (BoolToWStr $bDigitalLicense))
CONOUT (" IsDigitalLicense={0}" -f (BoolToWStr $bDigitalLicense))
return $TRUE
@ -7336,7 +7480,7 @@ function PrintSubscriptionStatus {
return $FALSE
Write-Host (" SubscriptionSupportedEdition={0}" -f (BoolToWStr $dwSupported))
CONOUT (" SubscriptionSupportedEdition={0}" -f (BoolToWStr $dwSupported))
$pStatus = $Marshal::AllocHGlobal($Marshal::SizeOf([Type]$SubStatus))
if ($Win32::ClipGetSubscriptionStatus([ref]$pStatus)) {
@ -7347,25 +7491,26 @@ function PrintSubscriptionStatus {
$sStatus = $Marshal::PtrToStructure($pStatus, [Type]$SubStatus)
Write-Host (" SubscriptionEnabled={0}" -f (BoolToWStr $sStatus.dwEnabled))
CONOUT (" SubscriptionEnabled={0}" -f (BoolToWStr $sStatus.dwEnabled))
if ($sStatus.dwEnabled -eq 0) {
return $TRUE
Write-Host (" SubscriptionSku={0}" -f $sStatus.dwSku)
Write-Host (" SubscriptionState={0}" -f $sStatus.dwState)
CONOUT (" SubscriptionSku={0}" -f $sStatus.dwSku)
CONOUT (" SubscriptionState={0}" -f $sStatus.dwState)
return $TRUE
function ClicRun
if ($All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
Write-Host "Client Licensing Check information:"
& $isAll
CONOUT "Client Licensing Check information:"
$null = PrintStateData
$null = PrintLastActivationHRresult
$null = PrintLastActivationHResult
$null = PrintLastActivationTime
$null = PrintIsWindowsGenuine
if ($DllDigital) {
@ -7376,20 +7521,16 @@ function ClicRun
$null = PrintSubscriptionStatus
Write-Host "$line3"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line3"
& $noAll
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Check Activation Status"
if ($All.IsPresent) {
$SysPath = "$env:SystemRoot\System32"
if (Test-Path "$env:SystemRoot\Sysnative\reg.exe") {
$SysPath = "$env:SystemRoot\Sysnative"
if (!$Pass.IsPresent) {clear;}
$wslp = "SoftwareLicensingProduct"
@ -7403,46 +7544,43 @@ $cSub = ($winbuild -GE 19041) -And (Select-String -Path "$SysPath\wbem\sppwmi.mo
$DllDigital = ($winbuild -GE 14393) -And (Test-Path "$SysPath\EditionUpgradeManagerObj.dll")
$DllSubscription = ($winbuild -GE 14393) -And (Test-Path "$SysPath\Clipc.dll")
$VLActTypes = @("All", "AD", "KMS", "Token")
$SLKeyPath = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SL"
$NSKeyPath = "Registry::HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SL"
$SLKeyPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SL"
$NSKeyPath = "HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SL"
'cW1nd0ws', 'c0ff1ce15', 'c0ff1ce14', 'ospp14', 'ospp15' | foreach {set $_ $null}
'cW1nd0ws', 'c0ff1ce15', 'c0ff1ce14', 'ospp14', 'ospp15' | foreach {set $_ $false}
$OsppHook = 1
try {gsv osppsvc -EA 1 | Out-Null} catch {$OsppHook = 0}
$offsvc = "osppsvc"
if ($NT7 -Or -Not $NT6) {$winsvc = "sppsvc"} else {$winsvc = "slsvc"}
if ($NT7 -Or -Not $NT6) {
try {sasv sppsvc -EA 1} catch {}
try {gsv $winsvc -EA 1 | Out-Null; $WsppHook = 1} catch {$WsppHook = 0}
try {gsv $offsvc -EA 1 | Out-Null; $OsppHook = 1} catch {$OsppHook = 0}
if ($WsppHook -NE 0) {
try {sasv $winsvc -EA 1} catch {}
$cW1nd0ws = DetectID $wslp $winApp
$c0ff1ce15 = DetectID $wslp $o15App
$c0ff1ce14 = DetectID $wslp $o14App
try {sasv slsvc -EA 1} catch {}
DetectID $wslp $winApp ([ref]$cW1nd0ws)
DetectID $wslp $o15App ([ref]$c0ff1ce15)
DetectID $wslp $o14App ([ref]$c0ff1ce14)
if ($OsppHook -NE 0) {
try {sasv osppsvc -EA 1} catch {}
DetectID $oslp $o15App ([ref]$ospp15)
DetectID $oslp $o14App ([ref]$ospp14)
try {sasv $offsvc -EA 1} catch {}
$ospp15 = DetectID $oslp $o15App
$ospp14 = DetectID $oslp $o14App
if ($null -NE $cW1nd0ws)
if ($cW1nd0ws)
GetID $wslp $winApp | foreach -EA 1 {
GetResult $wslp $wsls $_
Write-Host "$line3"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line3"
& $noAll
elseif ($NT6)
Write-Host "Error: product key not found."
CONOUT "`nError: product key not found."
if ($winbuild -GE 9200) {
@ -7456,39 +7594,43 @@ if ($c0ff1ce15 -Or $ospp15) {
$doMSG = 1
if ($null -NE $c0ff1ce15) {
if ($c0ff1ce15)
GetID $wslp $o15App | foreach -EA 1 {
GetResult $wslp $wsls $_
Write-Host "$line3"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line3"
& $noAll
if ($null -NE $c0ff1ce14) {
if ($c0ff1ce14)
GetID $wslp $o14App | foreach -EA 1 {
GetResult $wslp $wsls $_
Write-Host "$line3"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line3"
& $noAll
if ($null -NE $ospp15) {
if ($ospp15)
GetID $oslp $o15App | foreach -EA 1 {
GetResult $oslp $osls $_
Write-Host "$line3"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line3"
& $noAll
if ($null -NE $ospp14) {
if ($ospp14)
GetID $oslp $o14App | foreach -EA 1 {
GetResult $oslp $osls $_
Write-Host "$line3"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line3"
& $noAll
@ -47,20 +47,40 @@ choice /c 0 /n
exit /b
param (
function CONOUT($strObj)
Out-Host -Input $strObj
function ExitScript($ExitCode = 0)
Exit $ExitCode
if (-Not $PSVersionTable) {
Write-Host "==== ERROR ====`r`n"
Write-Host 'Windows PowerShell 1.0 is not supported by this script.'
"==== ERROR ====`r`n"
"Windows PowerShell 1.0 is not supported by this script."
ExitScript 1
if ($ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode.value__ -NE 0) {
Write-Host "==== ERROR ====`r`n"
Write-Host 'Windows PowerShell is not running in Full Language Mode.'
"==== ERROR ====`r`n"
"Windows PowerShell is not running in Full Language Mode."
ExitScript 1
@ -68,21 +88,49 @@ $winbuild = 1
try {
$winbuild = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo("$env:SystemRoot\System32\kernel32.dll").FileBuildPart
} catch {
$winbuild = [int](Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).BuildNumber
$winbuild = [int]([wmi]'Win32_OperatingSystem=@').BuildNumber
if ($winbuild -EQ 1) {
Write-Host "==== ERROR ====`r`n"
Write-Host 'Could not detect Windows build.'
"==== ERROR ====`r`n"
"Could not detect Windows build."
ExitScript 1
if ($winbuild -LT 2600) {
Write-Host "==== ERROR ====`r`n"
Write-Host 'This build of Windows is not supported by this script.'
"==== ERROR ====`r`n"
"This build of Windows is not supported by this script."
ExitScript 1
$SysPath = "$env:SystemRoot\System32"
if (Test-Path "$env:SystemRoot\Sysnative\reg.exe") {
$SysPath = "$env:SystemRoot\Sysnative"
if (Test-Path "$SysPath\sppc.dll") {
$SLdll = 'sppc.dll'
} elseif (Test-Path "$SysPath\slc.dll") {
$SLdll = 'slc.dll'
} else {
"==== ERROR ====`r`n"
"Software Licensing Client Dll is not detected."
ExitScript 1
if ($All.IsPresent)
$isAll = {CONOUT "`r"}
$noAll = {$null}
$isAll = {$null}
$noAll = {CONOUT "`r"}
$Dlv = $Dlv.IsPresent
$IID = $IID.IsPresent -Or $Dlv.IsPresent
$NT6 = $winbuild -GE 6000
$NT7 = $winbuild -GE 7600
$NT9 = $winbuild -GE 9600
@ -92,12 +140,29 @@ $Admin = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdenti
$line2 = "============================================================"
$line3 = "____________________________________________________________"
function UnQuickEdit
$t=[AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly((Get-Random), 1).DefineDynamicModule((Get-Random), $False).DefineType((Get-Random))
$t.DefinePInvokeMethod('GetStdHandle', 'kernel32.dll', 22, 1, [IntPtr], @([Int32]), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128)
$t.DefinePInvokeMethod('SetConsoleMode', 'kernel32.dll', 22, 1, [Boolean], @([IntPtr], [Int32]), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128)
$t.DefinePInvokeMethod('GetConsoleWindow', 'kernel32.dll', 22, 1, [IntPtr], @(), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128)
$t.DefinePInvokeMethod('SendMessageW', 'user32.dll', 22, 1, [IntPtr], @([IntPtr], [UInt32], [IntPtr], [IntPtr]), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128)
if ($winbuild -GE 17763) {
if ($k::SendMessageW($k::GetConsoleWindow(), 127, 0, 0) -EQ [IntPtr]::Zero) {
$v=(0x0080, 0x00A0)[!($winbuild -GE 10586)]
$b=$k::SetConsoleMode($k::GetStdHandle(-10), $v)
function echoWindows
Write-Host "$line2"
Write-Host "=== Windows Status ==="
Write-Host "$line2"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line2"
CONOUT "=== Windows Status ==="
CONOUT "$line2"
& $noAll
function echoOffice
@ -106,18 +171,22 @@ function echoOffice
if ($All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
Write-Host "$line2"
Write-Host "=== Office Status ==="
Write-Host "$line2"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
& $isAll
CONOUT "$line2"
CONOUT "=== Office Status ==="
CONOUT "$line2"
& $noAll
$script:doMSG = 0
function strGetRegistry($strKey, $strName)
Get-ItemProperty -EA 0 $strKey | select -EA 0 -Expand $strName
try {
return [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::GetValue($strKey, $strName, $null)
} catch {
return $null
function CheckOhook
@ -148,55 +217,57 @@ function CheckOhook
if ($All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
Write-Host "$line2"
Write-Host "=== Office Ohook Status ==="
Write-Host "$line2"
Write-Host -back 'Black' -fore 'Yellow' 'Ohook for permanent Office activation is installed.'
Write-Host -back 'Black' -fore 'Yellow' 'You can ignore the below mentioned Office activation status.'
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
& $isAll
CONOUT "$line2"
CONOUT "=== Office Ohook Status ==="
CONOUT "$line2"
$host.UI.WriteLine('Yellow', 'Black', "`r`nOhook for permanent Office activation is installed.`r`nYou can ignore the below mentioned Office activation status.")
& $noAll
#region WMI
function DetectID($strSLP, $strAppId, [ref]$strAppVar)
function DetectID($strSLP, $strAppId)
$fltr = "ApplicationID='$strAppId'"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {
$fltr = $fltr + " AND PartialProductKey <> NULL"
Get-WmiObject $strSLP ID -Filter $fltr -EA 0 | select ID -EA 0 | foreach {
$strAppVar.Value = 1
$ppk = (" AND PartialProductKey <> NULL)", ")")[$All.IsPresent]
$fltr = "SELECT ID FROM $strSLP WHERE (ApplicationID='$strAppId'"
$clause = $fltr + $ppk
$sWmi = [wmisearcher]$clause
$sWmi.Options.Rewindable = $false
return ($sWmi.Get().Count -GT 0)
function GetID($strSLP, $strAppId, $strProperty = "ID")
function GetID($strSLP, $strAppId)
$NT5 = ($strSLP -EQ $wslp -And $winbuild -LT 6001)
$IDs = [Collections.ArrayList]@()
$isAdd = (" AND LicenseDependsOn <> NULL)", ")")[$NT5]
$noAdd = " AND LicenseDependsOn IS NULL)"
$query = "SELECT ID FROM $strSLP WHERE (ApplicationID='$strAppId' AND PartialProductKey"
if ($All.IsPresent) {
$fltr = "ApplicationID='$strAppId' AND PartialProductKey IS NULL"
$clause = $fltr
$fltr = $query + " IS NULL"
$clause = $fltr + $isAdd
$sWmi = [wmisearcher]$clause
$sWmi.Options.Rewindable = $false
try {$sWmi.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_.Value}} catch {}
if (-Not $NT5) {
$clause = $fltr + " AND LicenseDependsOn <> NULL"
Get-WmiObject $strSLP $strProperty -Filter $clause -EA 0 | select -Expand $strProperty -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_}
if (-Not $NT5) {
$clause = $fltr + " AND LicenseDependsOn IS NULL"
Get-WmiObject $strSLP $strProperty -Filter $clause -EA 0 | select -Expand $strProperty -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_}
$clause = $fltr + $noAdd
$sWmi = [wmisearcher]$clause
$sWmi.Options.Rewindable = $false
try {$sWmi.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_.Value}} catch {}
$fltr = "ApplicationID='$strAppId' AND PartialProductKey <> NULL"
$clause = $fltr
$fltr = $query + " <> NULL"
$clause = $fltr + $isAdd
$sWmi = [wmisearcher]$clause
$sWmi.Options.Rewindable = $false
try {$sWmi.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_.Value}} catch {}
if (-Not $NT5) {
$clause = $fltr + " AND LicenseDependsOn <> NULL"
Get-WmiObject $strSLP $strProperty -Filter $clause -EA 0 | select -Expand $strProperty -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_}
if (-Not $NT5) {
$clause = $fltr + " AND LicenseDependsOn IS NULL"
Get-WmiObject $strSLP $strProperty -Filter $clause -EA 0 | select -Expand $strProperty -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_}
$clause = $fltr + $noAdd
$sWmi = [wmisearcher]$clause
$sWmi.Options.Rewindable = $false
try {$sWmi.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_.Value}} catch {}
return $IDs
@ -233,38 +304,45 @@ function DetectSubscription {
if ($objSvc.SubscriptionEdition.Contains("UNKNOWN") -EQ $false) {$SubMsgEdition = $objSvc.SubscriptionEdition}
Write-Host "Subscription information:"
Write-Host " Edition: $SubMsgEdition"
Write-Host " Type : $SubMsgType"
Write-Host " Status : $SubMsgStatus"
Write-Host " Expiry : $SubMsgExpiry"
CONOUT "`nSubscription information:"
CONOUT " Edition: $SubMsgEdition"
CONOUT " Type : $SubMsgType"
CONOUT " Status : $SubMsgStatus"
CONOUT " Expiry : $SubMsgExpiry"
function DetectAdbaClient
CONOUT "`nAD Activation client information:"
CONOUT " Object Name: $ADActivationObjectName"
CONOUT " Domain Name: $ADActivationObjectDN"
CONOUT " CSVLK Extended PID: $ADActivationCsvlkPid"
CONOUT " CSVLK Activation ID: $ADActivationCsvlkSkuId"
function DetectAvmClient
Write-Host "Automatic VM Activation client information:"
CONOUT "`nAutomatic VM Activation client information:"
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($IAID)) {
Write-Host " Guest IAID: $IAID"
} else {
Write-Host " Guest IAID: Not Available"
CONOUT " Guest IAID: Not Available"
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AutomaticVMActivationHostMachineName)) {
Write-Host " Host machine name: $AutomaticVMActivationHostMachineName"
CONOUT " Host machine name: $AutomaticVMActivationHostMachineName"
} else {
Write-Host " Host machine name: Not Available"
CONOUT " Host machine name: Not Available"
if ($AutomaticVMActivationLastActivationTime.Substring(0,4) -NE "1601") {
$EED = [DateTime]::Parse([Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($AutomaticVMActivationLastActivationTime),$null,48).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt')
Write-Host " Activation time: $EED UTC"
CONOUT " Activation time: $EED UTC"
} else {
Write-Host " Activation time: Not Available"
CONOUT " Activation time: Not Available"
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AutomaticVMActivationHostDigitalPid2)) {
Write-Host " Host Digital PID2: $AutomaticVMActivationHostDigitalPid2"
CONOUT " Host Digital PID2: $AutomaticVMActivationHostDigitalPid2"
} else {
Write-Host " Host Digital PID2: Not Available"
CONOUT " Host Digital PID2: Not Available"
@ -294,32 +372,30 @@ function DetectKmsHost
$KeyManagementServiceLowPriority = "Normal"
Write-Host "Key Management Service host information:"
Write-Host " Current count: $KeyManagementServiceCurrentCount"
Write-Host " Listening on Port: $KeyManagementServiceListeningPort"
Write-Host " DNS publishing: $KeyManagementServiceDnsPublishing"
Write-Host " KMS priority: $KeyManagementServiceLowPriority"
CONOUT "`nKey Management Service host information:"
CONOUT " Current count: $KeyManagementServiceCurrentCount"
CONOUT " Listening on Port: $KeyManagementServiceListeningPort"
CONOUT " DNS publishing: $KeyManagementServiceDnsPublishing"
CONOUT " KMS priority: $KeyManagementServiceLowPriority"
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($KeyManagementServiceTotalRequests)) {
Write-Host "Key Management Service cumulative requests received from clients:"
Write-Host " Total: $KeyManagementServiceTotalRequests"
Write-Host " Failed: $KeyManagementServiceFailedRequests"
Write-Host " Unlicensed: $KeyManagementServiceUnlicensedRequests"
Write-Host " Licensed: $KeyManagementServiceLicensedRequests"
Write-Host " Initial grace period: $KeyManagementServiceOOBGraceRequests"
Write-Host " Expired or Hardware out of tolerance: $KeyManagementServiceOOTGraceRequests"
Write-Host " Non-genuine grace period: $KeyManagementServiceNonGenuineGraceRequests"
Write-Host " Notification: $KeyManagementServiceNotificationRequests"
CONOUT "`nKey Management Service cumulative requests received from clients:"
CONOUT " Total: $KeyManagementServiceTotalRequests"
CONOUT " Failed: $KeyManagementServiceFailedRequests"
CONOUT " Unlicensed: $KeyManagementServiceUnlicensedRequests"
CONOUT " Licensed: $KeyManagementServiceLicensedRequests"
CONOUT " Initial grace period: $KeyManagementServiceOOBGraceRequests"
CONOUT " Expired or Hardware out of tolerance: $KeyManagementServiceOOTGraceRequests"
CONOUT " Non-genuine grace period: $KeyManagementServiceNonGenuineGraceRequests"
if ($null -NE $KeyManagementServiceNotificationRequests) {CONOUT " Notification: $KeyManagementServiceNotificationRequests"}
function DetectKmsClient
if ($null -NE $VLActivationTypeEnabled) {Write-Host "Configured Activation Type: $($VLActTypes[$VLActivationTypeEnabled])"}
if ($null -NE $VLActivationTypeEnabled) {CONOUT "Configured Activation Type: $($VLActTypes[$VLActivationTypeEnabled])"}
if ($LicenseStatus -NE 1) {
Write-Host "Please activate the product in order to update KMS client information values."
CONOUT "Please activate the product in order to update KMS client information values."
@ -352,33 +428,42 @@ function DetectKmsClient
Write-Host "Key Management Service client information:"
Write-Host " Client Machine ID (CMID): $($objSvc.ClientMachineID)"
CONOUT "Key Management Service client information:"
CONOUT " Client Machine ID (CMID): $($objSvc.ClientMachineID)"
if ($null -EQ $KmsReg) {
Write-Host " $KmsDns"
Write-Host " Registered KMS machine name: KMS name not available"
CONOUT " $KmsDns"
CONOUT " Registered KMS machine name: KMS name not available"
} else {
Write-Host " $KmsReg"
CONOUT " $KmsReg"
if ($null -NE $DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress) {Write-Host " KMS machine IP address: $DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress"}
Write-Host " KMS machine extended PID: $KeyManagementServiceProductKeyID"
Write-Host " Activation interval: $VLActivationInterval minutes"
Write-Host " Renewal interval: $VLRenewalInterval minutes"
if ($null -NE $KeyManagementServiceHostCaching) {Write-Host " KMS host caching: $KeyManagementServiceHostCaching"}
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain)) {Write-Host " KMS SRV record lookup domain: $KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain"}
if ($null -NE $DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress) {CONOUT " KMS machine IP address: $DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress"}
CONOUT " KMS machine extended PID: $KeyManagementServiceProductKeyID"
CONOUT " Activation interval: $VLActivationInterval minutes"
CONOUT " Renewal interval: $VLRenewalInterval minutes"
if ($null -NE $KeyManagementServiceHostCaching) {CONOUT " KMS host caching: $KeyManagementServiceHostCaching"}
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain)) {CONOUT " KMS SRV record lookup domain: $KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain"}
function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
try {$objPrd = Get-WmiObject $strSLP -Filter "ID='$strID'" -EA 1} catch {return}
$objPrd | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Value)) {set $_.Name $_.Value}
$objPrd = [wmisearcher]"SELECT * FROM $strSLP WHERE ID='$strID'"
$objPrd.Options.Rewindable = $false
$objPrd.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach { if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Value)) {set $_.Name $_.Value} }
$winID = ($ApplicationID -EQ $winApp)
$winPR = ($winID -And -Not $LicenseIsAddon)
$Vista = ($winID -And $NT6 -And -Not $NT7)
$NT5 = ($strSLP -EQ $wslp -And $winbuild -LT 6001)
$reapp = ("Windows", "App")[!$winID]
$prmnt = ("machine", "product")[!$winPR]
if ($Description | Select-String "VOLUME_KMSCLIENT") {$cKmsClient = 1; $_mTag = "Volume"}
if ($Description | Select-String "TIMEBASED_") {$cTblClient = 1; $_mTag = "Timebased"}
@ -403,7 +488,7 @@ function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
$LicenseInf = "Licensed"
$LicenseMsg = $null
if ($GracePeriodRemaining -EQ 0) {
if ($winPR) {$ExpireMsg = "The machine is permanently activated."} else {$ExpireMsg = "The product is permanently activated."}
$ExpireMsg = "The $prmnt is permanently activated."
} else {
$LicenseMsg = "$_mTag activation expiration: $GracePeriodRemaining minute(s) ($_gpr day(s))"
if ($null -NE $_xpr) {$ExpireMsg = "$_mTag activation will expire $_xpr"}
@ -424,8 +509,9 @@ function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
if ($LicenseStatus -EQ 5 -And -Not $NT5) {
$LicenseInf = "Notification"
$LicenseMsg = "Notification Reason: $LicenseReason"
if ($LicenseReason -EQ "0xC004F00F") {if ($null -NE $cKmsClient) {$LicenseMsg = $LicenseMsg + " (KMS license expired)."} else {$LicenseMsg = $LicenseMsg + " (hardware out of tolerance)."}}
if ($LicenseReason -EQ "0xC004F200") {$LicenseMsg = $LicenseMsg + " (non-genuine)."}
if ($LicenseReason -EQ "0xC004F009") {$LicenseMsg = $LicenseMsg + " (grace time expired)."}
if ($LicenseReason -EQ "0xC004F009" -Or $LicenseReason -EQ "0xC004F064") {$LicenseMsg = $LicenseMsg + " (grace time expired)."}
if ($LicenseStatus -GT 5 -Or ($LicenseStatus -GT 4 -And $NT5)) {
$LicenseInf = "Unknown"
@ -437,25 +523,61 @@ function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
if ($winPR -And $PartialProductKey -And -Not $NT9) {
$dp4 = Get-ItemProperty -EA 0 "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" | select -EA 0 -Expand DigitalProductId4
$dp4 = strGetRegistry "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" "DigitalProductId4"
if ($null -NE $dp4) {
$ProductKeyChannel = ([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($dp4, 1016, 128)).Trim([char]$null)
if ($All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
Write-Host "Name: $Name"
Write-Host "Description: $Description"
Write-Host "Activation ID: $ID"
if ($null -NE $ProductKeyID) {Write-Host "Extended PID: $ProductKeyID"}
if ($null -NE $OfflineInstallationId -And $IID.IsPresent) {Write-Host "Installation ID: $OfflineInstallationId"}
if ($null -NE $ProductKeyChannel) {Write-Host "Product Key Channel: $ProductKeyChannel"}
if ($null -NE $PartialProductKey) {Write-Host "Partial Product Key: $PartialProductKey"} else {Write-Host "Product Key: Not installed"}
Write-Host "License Status: $LicenseInf"
if ($null -NE $LicenseMsg) {Write-Host "$LicenseMsg"}
if ($winPR -And $Dlv -And $null -EQ $RemainingAppReArmCount) {
$tmp = [wmisearcher]"SELECT RemainingWindowsReArmCount FROM $strSLS"
$tmp.Options.Rewindable = $false
$tmp.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {set $_.Name $_.Value}
$add_on = $Name.IndexOf("add-on for", 5)
& $isAll
if ($add_on -EQ -1) {CONOUT "Name: $Name"} else {CONOUT "Name: $($Name.Substring(0, $add_on + 7))"}
CONOUT "Description: $Description"
CONOUT "Activation ID: $ID"
if ($null -NE $ProductKeyID) {CONOUT "Extended PID: $ProductKeyID"}
if ($null -NE $ProductKeyID2 -And $Dlv) {CONOUT "Product ID: $ProductKeyID2"}
if ($null -NE $OfflineInstallationId -And $IID) {CONOUT "Installation ID: $OfflineInstallationId"}
if ($null -NE $ProductKeyChannel) {CONOUT "Product Key Channel: $ProductKeyChannel"}
if ($null -NE $PartialProductKey) {CONOUT "Partial Product Key: $PartialProductKey"}
CONOUT "License Status: $LicenseInf"
if ($null -NE $LicenseMsg) {CONOUT "$LicenseMsg"}
if ($LicenseStatus -NE 0 -And $EvaluationEndDate.Substring(0,4) -NE "1601") {
$EED = [DateTime]::Parse([Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($EvaluationEndDate),$null,48).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt')
Write-Host "Evaluation End Date: $EED UTC"
CONOUT "Evaluation End Date: $EED UTC"
if ($Dlv) {
if ($null -NE $RemainingWindowsReArmCount) {
CONOUT "Remaining Windows rearm count: $RemainingWindowsReArmCount"
if ($null -NE $RemainingSkuReArmCount -And $RemainingSkuReArmCount -NE 4294967295) {
CONOUT "Remaining $reapp rearm count: $RemainingAppReArmCount"
CONOUT "Remaining SKU rearm count: $RemainingSkuReArmCount"
if ($null -NE $TrustedTime -And $LicenseStatus -NE 0) {
$TTD = [DateTime]::Parse([Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($TrustedTime),$null,32).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt')
CONOUT "Trusted time: $TTD"
if ($LicenseStatus -EQ 0) {
if ($strSLP -EQ $wslp -And $null -NE $PartialProductKey -And $null -NE $ADActivationObjectName -And $VLActivationType -EQ 1) {
if ($winID -And $null -NE $cAvmClient -And $null -NE $PartialProductKey) {
@ -467,16 +589,27 @@ function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
$chkSLS = ($null -NE $PartialProductKey) -And ($null -NE $cKmsClient -Or $null -NE $cKmsHost -Or $chkSub)
if (!$chkSLS) {
if ($null -NE $ExpireMsg) {Write-Host; Write-Host " $ExpireMsg"}
if ($null -NE $ExpireMsg) {CONOUT "`n $ExpireMsg"}
$objSvc = Get-WmiObject $strSLS -EA 0
if ($Vista) {
$objSvc | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Value)) {set $_.Name $_.Value}
$objSvc = New-Object PSObject
$wmiSvc = [wmisearcher]"SELECT * FROM $strSLS"
$wmiSvc.Options.Rewindable = $false
$wmiSvc.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Value))
$objSvc | Add-Member 8 $_.Name $_.Value
if ($null -EQ $IsKeyManagementServiceMachine) {set $_.Name $_.Value}
if ($strSLS -EQ $wsls -And $NT9) {
@ -486,6 +619,7 @@ function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
if ($null -NE $cKmsHost -And $IsKeyManagementServiceMachine -GT 0) {
if ($null -NE $ExpireMsg) {CONOUT "`n $ExpireMsg"}
@ -493,7 +627,9 @@ function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
if ($null -NE $ExpireMsg) {Write-Host; Write-Host " $ExpireMsg"}
if ($null -EQ $cKmsHost) {
if ($null -NE $ExpireMsg) {CONOUT "`n $ExpireMsg"}
if ($chkSub) {
@ -533,11 +669,10 @@ function PrintModePerPridFromRegistry
$vNextPrids = Get-Item -Path $vNextRegkey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'property' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.ToLower() -like "*retail" -or $_.ToLower() -like "*volume"}
If ($null -Eq $vNextPrids)
Write-Host "No registry keys found."
CONOUT "`nNo registry keys found."
$vNextPrids | ForEach `
$mode = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $vNextRegkey -Name $_).$_
@ -547,7 +682,7 @@ function PrintModePerPridFromRegistry
3 { $mode = "Device"; Break }
Default { $mode = "Legacy"; Break }
Write-Host $_ = $mode
CONOUT "$_ = $mode"
@ -561,8 +696,7 @@ function PrintSharedComputerLicensing
$scaPolicyValue = Get-ItemProperty -Path $scaPolicyKey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "SharedComputerLicensing" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($null -Eq $scaValue -And $null -Eq $scaValue2 -And $null -Eq $scaPolicyValue)
Write-Host "No registry keys found."
CONOUT "`nNo registry keys found."
$scaModeValue = $scaValue -Or $scaValue2 -Or $scaPolicyValue
@ -574,9 +708,8 @@ function PrintSharedComputerLicensing
$scaMode = "Enabled"
Write-Host "Status:" $scaMode
CONOUT "`nStatus: $scaMode"
$tokenFiles = $null
$tokenPath = "${env:LOCALAPPDATA}\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Licensing"
If (Test-Path $tokenPath)
@ -585,12 +718,12 @@ function PrintSharedComputerLicensing
If ($null -Eq $tokenFiles)
Write-Host "No tokens found."
CONOUT "No tokens found."
If ($tokenFiles.Length -Eq 0)
Write-Host "No tokens found."
CONOUT "No tokens found."
$tokenFiles | ForEach `
@ -624,16 +757,9 @@ function PrintLicensesInformation
$licenseFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $licensePath -Recurse | Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer }
If ($null -Eq $licenseFiles)
If ($null -Eq $licenseFiles -Or $licenseFiles.Length -Eq 0)
Write-Host "No licenses found."
If ($licenseFiles.Length -Eq 0)
Write-Host "No licenses found."
CONOUT "`nNo licenses found."
$licenseFiles | ForEach `
@ -690,24 +816,20 @@ function vNextDiagRun
if ($All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
Write-Host "$line2"
Write-Host "=== Office vNext Status ==="
Write-Host "$line2"
Write-Host "========== Mode per ProductReleaseId =========="
& $isAll
CONOUT "$line2"
CONOUT "=== Office vNext Status ==="
CONOUT "$line2"
CONOUT "`n========== Mode per ProductReleaseId =========="
Write-Host "========== Shared Computer Licensing =========="
CONOUT "`n========== Shared Computer Licensing =========="
Write-Host "========== vNext licenses ==========="
CONOUT "`n========== vNext licenses ==========="
PrintLicensesInformation -Mode "NUL"
Write-Host "========== Device licenses =========="
CONOUT "`n========== Device licenses =========="
PrintLicensesInformation -Mode "Device"
Write-Host "$line3"
CONOUT "$line3"
@ -790,13 +912,13 @@ function PrintStateData {
[string[]]$pwszStateString = $Marshal::PtrToStringUni($pwszStateData) -replace ";", "`n "
Write-Host " $pwszStateString"
CONOUT (" $pwszStateString")
return $TRUE
function PrintLastActivationHRresult {
function PrintLastActivationHResult {
$pdwLastHResult = 0
$cbSize = 0
@ -809,12 +931,34 @@ function PrintLastActivationHRresult {
return $FALSE
Write-Host (" LastActivationHResult=0x{0:x8}" -f $Marshal::ReadInt32($pdwLastHResult))
CONOUT (" LastActivationHResult=0x{0:x8}" -f $Marshal::ReadInt32($pdwLastHResult))
return $TRUE
function PrintLastActivationTime {
$pdwLastTime = 0
$cbSize = 0
if ($Win32::SLGetWindowsInformation(
)) {
return $FALSE
$actTime = $Marshal::ReadInt64($pdwLastTime)
if ($actTime -ne 0) {
CONOUT (" LastActivationTime={0}" -f [DateTime]::FromFileTimeUtc($actTime).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd:HH:mm:ss"))
return $TRUE
function PrintIsWindowsGenuine {
$dwGenuine = 0
$ppwszGenuineStates = @(
@ -830,9 +974,9 @@ function PrintIsWindowsGenuine {
if ($dwGenuine -lt 5) {
Write-Host (" IsWindowsGenuine={0}" -f $ppwszGenuineStates[$dwGenuine])
CONOUT (" IsWindowsGenuine={0}" -f $ppwszGenuineStates[$dwGenuine])
} else {
Write-Host (" IsWindowsGenuine={0}" -f $dwGenuine)
CONOUT (" IsWindowsGenuine={0}" -f $dwGenuine)
return $TRUE
@ -856,7 +1000,7 @@ function PrintDigitalLicenseStatus {
[bool]$bDigitalLicense = $FALSE
$bDigitalLicense = (($dwReturnCode -ge 0) -and ($dwReturnCode -ne 1))
Write-Host (" IsDigitalLicense={0}" -f (BoolToWStr $bDigitalLicense))
CONOUT (" IsDigitalLicense={0}" -f (BoolToWStr $bDigitalLicense))
return $TRUE
@ -874,7 +1018,7 @@ function PrintSubscriptionStatus {
return $FALSE
Write-Host (" SubscriptionSupportedEdition={0}" -f (BoolToWStr $dwSupported))
CONOUT (" SubscriptionSupportedEdition={0}" -f (BoolToWStr $dwSupported))
$pStatus = $Marshal::AllocHGlobal($Marshal::SizeOf([Type]$SubStatus))
if ($Win32::ClipGetSubscriptionStatus([ref]$pStatus)) {
@ -885,25 +1029,26 @@ function PrintSubscriptionStatus {
$sStatus = $Marshal::PtrToStructure($pStatus, [Type]$SubStatus)
Write-Host (" SubscriptionEnabled={0}" -f (BoolToWStr $sStatus.dwEnabled))
CONOUT (" SubscriptionEnabled={0}" -f (BoolToWStr $sStatus.dwEnabled))
if ($sStatus.dwEnabled -eq 0) {
return $TRUE
Write-Host (" SubscriptionSku={0}" -f $sStatus.dwSku)
Write-Host (" SubscriptionState={0}" -f $sStatus.dwState)
CONOUT (" SubscriptionSku={0}" -f $sStatus.dwSku)
CONOUT (" SubscriptionState={0}" -f $sStatus.dwState)
return $TRUE
function ClicRun
if ($All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
Write-Host "Client Licensing Check information:"
& $isAll
CONOUT "Client Licensing Check information:"
$null = PrintStateData
$null = PrintLastActivationHRresult
$null = PrintLastActivationHResult
$null = PrintLastActivationTime
$null = PrintIsWindowsGenuine
if ($DllDigital) {
@ -914,20 +1059,16 @@ function ClicRun
$null = PrintSubscriptionStatus
Write-Host "$line3"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line3"
& $noAll
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Check Activation Status"
if ($All.IsPresent) {
$SysPath = "$env:SystemRoot\System32"
if (Test-Path "$env:SystemRoot\Sysnative\reg.exe") {
$SysPath = "$env:SystemRoot\Sysnative"
if (!$Pass.IsPresent) {clear;}
$wslp = "SoftwareLicensingProduct"
@ -941,46 +1082,43 @@ $cSub = ($winbuild -GE 19041) -And (Select-String -Path "$SysPath\wbem\sppwmi.mo
$DllDigital = ($winbuild -GE 14393) -And (Test-Path "$SysPath\EditionUpgradeManagerObj.dll")
$DllSubscription = ($winbuild -GE 14393) -And (Test-Path "$SysPath\Clipc.dll")
$VLActTypes = @("All", "AD", "KMS", "Token")
$SLKeyPath = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SL"
$NSKeyPath = "Registry::HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SL"
$SLKeyPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SL"
$NSKeyPath = "HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SL"
'cW1nd0ws', 'c0ff1ce15', 'c0ff1ce14', 'ospp14', 'ospp15' | foreach {set $_ $null}
'cW1nd0ws', 'c0ff1ce15', 'c0ff1ce14', 'ospp14', 'ospp15' | foreach {set $_ $false}
$OsppHook = 1
try {gsv osppsvc -EA 1 | Out-Null} catch {$OsppHook = 0}
$offsvc = "osppsvc"
if ($NT7 -Or -Not $NT6) {$winsvc = "sppsvc"} else {$winsvc = "slsvc"}
if ($NT7 -Or -Not $NT6) {
try {sasv sppsvc -EA 1} catch {}
try {gsv $winsvc -EA 1 | Out-Null; $WsppHook = 1} catch {$WsppHook = 0}
try {gsv $offsvc -EA 1 | Out-Null; $OsppHook = 1} catch {$OsppHook = 0}
if ($WsppHook -NE 0) {
try {sasv $winsvc -EA 1} catch {}
$cW1nd0ws = DetectID $wslp $winApp
$c0ff1ce15 = DetectID $wslp $o15App
$c0ff1ce14 = DetectID $wslp $o14App
try {sasv slsvc -EA 1} catch {}
DetectID $wslp $winApp ([ref]$cW1nd0ws)
DetectID $wslp $o15App ([ref]$c0ff1ce15)
DetectID $wslp $o14App ([ref]$c0ff1ce14)
if ($OsppHook -NE 0) {
try {sasv osppsvc -EA 1} catch {}
DetectID $oslp $o15App ([ref]$ospp15)
DetectID $oslp $o14App ([ref]$ospp14)
try {sasv $offsvc -EA 1} catch {}
$ospp15 = DetectID $oslp $o15App
$ospp14 = DetectID $oslp $o14App
if ($null -NE $cW1nd0ws)
if ($cW1nd0ws)
GetID $wslp $winApp | foreach -EA 1 {
GetResult $wslp $wsls $_
Write-Host "$line3"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line3"
& $noAll
elseif ($NT6)
Write-Host "Error: product key not found."
CONOUT "`nError: product key not found."
if ($winbuild -GE 9200) {
@ -994,39 +1132,43 @@ if ($c0ff1ce15 -Or $ospp15) {
$doMSG = 1
if ($null -NE $c0ff1ce15) {
if ($c0ff1ce15)
GetID $wslp $o15App | foreach -EA 1 {
GetResult $wslp $wsls $_
Write-Host "$line3"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line3"
& $noAll
if ($null -NE $c0ff1ce14) {
if ($c0ff1ce14)
GetID $wslp $o14App | foreach -EA 1 {
GetResult $wslp $wsls $_
Write-Host "$line3"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line3"
& $noAll
if ($null -NE $ospp15) {
if ($ospp15)
GetID $oslp $o15App | foreach -EA 1 {
GetResult $oslp $osls $_
Write-Host "$line3"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line3"
& $noAll
if ($null -NE $ospp14) {
if ($ospp14)
GetID $oslp $o14App | foreach -EA 1 {
GetResult $oslp $osls $_
Write-Host "$line3"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line3"
& $noAll
Reference in New Issue
Block a user