
274 lines
9.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import { h, isReadonly, reactive } from 'vue'
import { isEqual, joinURL, parseQuery, parseURL, stringifyParsedURL, stringifyQuery, withoutBase } from 'ufo'
import { createError } from 'h3'
import { defineNuxtPlugin, useRuntimeConfig } from '../nuxt'
import { clearError, showError } from '../composables/error'
import { navigateTo } from '../composables/router'
import { useState } from '../composables/state'
// @ts-expect-error virtual file
import { globalMiddleware } from '#build/middleware'
interface Route {
2022-11-09 09:08:50 +00:00
/** Percentage encoded pathname section of the URL. */
path: string
/** The whole location including the `search` and `hash`. */
fullPath: string
/** Object representation of the `search` property of the current location. */
query: Record<string, any>
/** Hash of the current location. If present, starts with a `#`. */
hash: string
/** Name of the matched record */
name: string | null | undefined
/** Object of decoded params extracted from the `path`. */
params: Record<string, any>
* The location we were initially trying to access before ending up
* on the current location.
redirectedFrom: Route | undefined
/** Merged `meta` properties from all of the matched route records. */
meta: Record<string, any>
/** compatibility type for vue-router */
matched: never[]
function getRouteFromPath (fullPath: string | Partial<Route>) {
if (typeof fullPath === 'object') {
fullPath = stringifyParsedURL({
pathname: fullPath.path || '',
search: stringifyQuery(fullPath.query || {}),
hash: fullPath.hash || ''
const url = parseURL(fullPath.toString())
return {
path: url.pathname,
query: parseQuery(,
hash: url.hash,
// stub properties for compat with vue-router
params: {},
name: undefined,
matched: [],
redirectedFrom: undefined,
meta: {},
href: fullPath
type RouteGuardReturn = void | Error | string | false
interface RouteGuard {
(to: Route, from: Route): RouteGuardReturn | Promise<RouteGuardReturn>
interface RouterHooks {
'resolve:before': (to: Route, from: Route) => RouteGuardReturn | Promise<RouteGuardReturn>
'navigate:before': (to: Route, from: Route) => RouteGuardReturn | Promise<RouteGuardReturn>
'navigate:after': (to: Route, from: Route) => void | Promise<void>
'error': (err: any) => void | Promise<void>
interface Router {
currentRoute: Route
isReady: () => Promise<void>
options: {}
install: () => Promise<void>
// Navigation
push: (url: string) => Promise<void>
replace: (url: string) => Promise<void>
back: () => void
go: (delta: number) => void
forward: () => void
// Guards
beforeResolve: (guard: RouterHooks['resolve:before']) => () => void
beforeEach: (guard: RouterHooks['navigate:before']) => () => void
afterEach: (guard: RouterHooks['navigate:after']) => () => void
onError: (handler: RouterHooks['error']) => () => void
// Routes
resolve: (url: string | Partial<Route>) => Route
addRoute: (parentName: string, route: Route) => void
getRoutes: () => any[]
hasRoute: (name: string) => boolean
removeRoute: (name: string) => void
export default defineNuxtPlugin<{ route: Route, router: Router }>({
name: 'nuxt:router',
enforce: 'pre',
setup (nuxtApp) {
const initialURL = import.meta.client
? withoutBase(window.location.pathname, useRuntimeConfig().app.baseURL) + + window.location.hash
: nuxtApp.ssrContext!.url
const routes: Route[] = []
const hooks: { [key in keyof RouterHooks]: RouterHooks[key][] } = {
'navigate:before': [],
'resolve:before': [],
'navigate:after': [],
error: []
const registerHook = <T extends keyof RouterHooks> (hook: T, guard: RouterHooks[T]) => {
return () => hooks[hook].splice(hooks[hook].indexOf(guard), 1)
const baseURL = useRuntimeConfig().app.baseURL
const route: Route = reactive(getRouteFromPath(initialURL))
async function handleNavigation (url: string | Partial<Route>, replace?: boolean): Promise<void> {
try {
// Resolve route
const to = getRouteFromPath(url)
// Run beforeEach hooks
for (const middleware of hooks['navigate:before']) {
const result = await middleware(to, route)
// Cancel navigation
if (result === false || result instanceof Error) { return }
// Redirect
if (result) { return handleNavigation(result, true) }
for (const handler of hooks['resolve:before']) {
await handler(to, route)
// Perform navigation
Object.assign(route, to)
if (import.meta.client) {
window.history[replace ? 'replaceState' : 'pushState']({}, '', joinURL(baseURL, to.fullPath))
if (!nuxtApp.isHydrating) {
// Clear any existing errors
await nuxtApp.runWithContext(clearError)
// Run afterEach hooks
for (const middleware of hooks['navigate:after']) {
await middleware(to, route)
} catch (err) {
if ( && !hooks.error.length) {
console.warn('No error handlers registered to handle middleware errors. You can register an error handler with `router.onError()`', err)
for (const handler of hooks.error) {
await handler(err)
const router: Router = {
currentRoute: route,
isReady: () => Promise.resolve(),
// These options provide a similar API to vue-router but have no effect
options: {},
install: () => Promise.resolve(),
// Navigation
push: (url: string) => handleNavigation(url, false),
replace: (url: string) => handleNavigation(url, true),
back: () => window.history.go(-1),
go: (delta: number) => window.history.go(delta),
forward: () => window.history.go(1),
// Guards
beforeResolve: (guard: RouterHooks['resolve:before']) => registerHook('resolve:before', guard),
beforeEach: (guard: RouterHooks['navigate:before']) => registerHook('navigate:before', guard),
afterEach: (guard: RouterHooks['navigate:after']) => registerHook('navigate:after', guard),
onError: (handler: RouterHooks['error']) => registerHook('error', handler),
// Routes
resolve: getRouteFromPath,
addRoute: (parentName: string, route: Route) => { routes.push(route) },
getRoutes: () => routes,
hasRoute: (name: string) => routes.some(route => === name),
removeRoute: (name: string) => {
const index = routes.findIndex(route => === name)
if (index !== -1) {
routes.splice(index, 1)
nuxtApp.vueApp.component('RouterLink', {
functional: true,
props: {
to: String,
custom: Boolean,
replace: Boolean,
// Not implemented
activeClass: String,
exactActiveClass: String,
ariaCurrentValue: String
setup: (props, { slots }) => {
const navigate = () => handleNavigation(, props.replace)
return () => {
const route = router.resolve(
return props.custom
? slots.default?.({ href:, navigate, route })
: h('a', { href:, onClick: (e: MouseEvent) => { e.preventDefault(); return navigate() } }, slots)
if (import.meta.client) {
window.addEventListener('popstate', (event) => {
const location = ( as Window).location
router.replace(location.href.replace(location.origin, ''))
nuxtApp._route = route
// Handle middleware
nuxtApp._middleware = nuxtApp._middleware || {
global: [],
named: {}
const initialLayout = useState('_layout')
nuxtApp.hooks.hookOnce('app:created', async () => {
router.beforeEach(async (to, from) => {
to.meta = reactive(to.meta || {})
if (nuxtApp.isHydrating && initialLayout.value && !isReadonly(to.meta.layout)) {
to.meta.layout = initialLayout.value
nuxtApp._processingMiddleware = true
if (import.meta.client || !nuxtApp.ssrContext?.islandContext) {
const middlewareEntries = new Set<RouteGuard>([...globalMiddleware,])
for (const middleware of middlewareEntries) {
const result = await nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => middleware(to, from))
if (import.meta.server) {
if (result === false || result instanceof Error) {
const error = result || createError({
statusCode: 404,
statusMessage: `Page Not Found: ${initialURL}`
delete nuxtApp._processingMiddleware
return nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => showError(error))
if (result || result === false) { return result }
router.afterEach(() => { delete nuxtApp._processingMiddleware })
await router.replace(initialURL)
if (!isEqual(route.fullPath, initialURL)) {
await nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => navigateTo(route.fullPath))
return {
provide: {