You can use the built-in `usePreviewMode` composable to access and control preview state in Nuxt. If the composable detects preview mode it will automatically force any updates necessary for [`useAsyncData`](/docs/api/composables/use-async-data) and [`useFetch`](/docs/api/composables/use-fetch) to rerender preview content.
const { enabled, state } = usePreviewMode()
## Options
### Custom `enable` check
You can specify a custom way to enable preview mode. By default the `usePreviewMode` composable will enable preview mode if there is a `preview` param in url that is equal to `true` (for example, `http://localhost:3000?preview=true`). You can wrap the `usePreviewMode` into custom composable, to keep options consistent across usages and prevent any errors.
`usePreviewMode` will try to store the value of a `token` param from url in state. You can modify this state and it will be available for all [`usePreviewMode`](/docs/api/composables/use-preview-mode) calls.
Then you can see your preview page by adding the query param `preview` to the end of the page you want to see once:
`usePreviewMode` should be tested locally with `nuxi generate` and then `nuxi preview` rather than `nuxi dev`. (The [preview command](/docs/api/commands/preview) is not related to preview mode.)