The `useRouter` composable returns the router instance and must be called in a `setup` function, plugin, or route middleware. (Within the template of a Vue component, you can access the router using `$router` instead.)
If you have a `pages/` folder, `useRouter` is identical in behavior to the one provided by `vue-router`. Feel free to read the router documentation for more information on what each method does.
- **back:** Go back in history if possible, same as `router.go(-1)`.
- **forward:** Go forward in history if possible, same as `router.go(1)`.
- **go:** Move forward or backward through the history without the hierarchical restrictions enforced in `router.back()` and `router.forward()`.
- **push:** Programmatically navigate to a new URL by pushing an entry in the history stack. **It is recommended to use [`navigateTo`]( instead.**
- **replace:** Programmatically navigate to a new URL by replacing the current entry in the routes history stack. **It is recommended to use [`navigateTo`]( instead.**
> TIP: `router.addRoute()` adds route details into an array of routes and it is useful while building Nuxt plugins while `router.push()` on the other hand, triggers a new navigation immediately and it is useful in Nuxt Page components, Vue components and composable.
`useRouter` composable provides `afterEach`, `beforeEach` and `beforeResolve` helper methods that acts as nagivation guards.
However, Nuxt has a concept of **route middleware** that simplifies the implementation of navigation guards and provides a better developer experience.
If you do not have a `pages/` folder, then `useRouter` will return a universal router instance with similar helper methods, but be aware that not all features may be supported or behave in exactly the same way as with `vue-router`.