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import { describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest'
import type { RouteLocation, RouteLocationRaw } from 'vue-router'
import type { NuxtLinkOptions, NuxtLinkProps } from '../src/app/components/nuxt-link'
import { defineNuxtLink } from '../src/app/components/nuxt-link'
// Mocks `h()`
vi.mock('vue', async () => {
const vue: Record<string, unknown> = await vi.importActual('vue')
return {
resolveComponent: (name: string) => name,
h: (...args: any[]) => args
// Mocks Nuxt `useRouter()`
vi.mock('../src/app/composables/router', () => ({
useRouter: () => ({
resolve: (route: string | RouteLocation & { to?: string }): Partial<RouteLocation> & { href?: string } => {
if (typeof route === 'string') {
return { href: route, path: route }
return route.to
? { href: route.to }
: {
path: route.path || `/${route.name?.toString()}` || undefined,
query: route.query || undefined,
hash: route.hash || undefined
// Helpers for test visibility
const EXTERNAL = 'a'
const INTERNAL = 'RouterLink'
// Renders a `<NuxtLink />`
const nuxtLink = (
props: NuxtLinkProps = {},
nuxtLinkOptions: Partial<NuxtLinkOptions> = {}
): { type: string, props: Record<string, unknown>, slots: unknown } => {
const component = defineNuxtLink({ componentName: 'NuxtLink', ...nuxtLinkOptions })
const [type, _props, slots] = (component.setup as unknown as (props: NuxtLinkProps, context: { slots: Record<string, () => unknown> }) =>
() => [string, Record<string, unknown>, unknown])(props, { slots: { default: () => null } })()
return { type, props: _props, slots }
describe('nuxt-link:to', () => {
it('renders link with `to` prop', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to' }).props.to).toBe('/to')
it('renders link with `href` prop', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ href: '/href' }).props.to).toBe('/href')
it('renders link with `to` prop and warns about `href` prop conflict', () => {
const consoleWarnSpy = vi.spyOn(console, 'warn').mockImplementation(vi.fn() as any)
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to', href: '/href' }).props.to).toBe('/to')
// TODO: Uncomment when `dev` mode for tests is available
// expect(consoleWarnSpy).toHaveBeenCalledOnce()
it('without to and href', () => {
const link = nuxtLink()
describe('nuxt-link:isExternal', () => {
it('returns based on `to` value', () => {
// Internal
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/foo' }).type).toBe(INTERNAL)
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/foo/bar' }).type).toBe(INTERNAL)
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/foo/bar?baz=qux' }).type).toBe(INTERNAL)
// External
expect(nuxtLink({ to: 'https://nuxtjs.org' }).type).toBe(EXTERNAL)
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '//nuxtjs.org' }).type).toBe(EXTERNAL)
expect(nuxtLink({ to: 'tel:0123456789' }).type).toBe(EXTERNAL)
expect(nuxtLink({ to: 'mailto:hello@nuxtlabs.com' }).type).toBe(EXTERNAL)
it('returns `false` when `to` is a route location object', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: { to: '/to' } as RouteLocationRaw }).type).toBe(INTERNAL)
it('honors `external` prop', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to', external: true }).type).toBe(EXTERNAL)
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to', external: false }).type).toBe(INTERNAL)
it('returns `true` when using the `target` prop', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/foo', target: '_blank' }).type).toBe(EXTERNAL)
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/foo/bar', target: '_blank' }).type).toBe(EXTERNAL)
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/foo/bar?baz=qux', target: '_blank' }).type).toBe(EXTERNAL)
describe('nuxt-link:propsOrAttributes', () => {
describe('`isExternal` is `true`', () => {
describe('href', () => {
it('forwards `to` value', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: 'https://nuxtjs.org' }).props.href).toBe('https://nuxtjs.org')
it('resolves route location object', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: { to: '/to' } as RouteLocationRaw, external: true }).props.href).toBe('/to')
describe('target', () => {
it('forwards `target` prop', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: 'https://nuxtjs.org', target: '_blank' }).props.target).toBe('_blank')
expect(nuxtLink({ to: 'https://nuxtjs.org', target: null }).props.target).toBe(null)
it('defaults to `null`', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: 'https://nuxtjs.org' }).props.target).toBe(null)
describe('rel', () => {
it('uses framework\'s default', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: 'https://nuxtjs.org' }).props.rel).toBe('noopener noreferrer')
it('uses user\'s default', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: 'https://nuxtjs.org' }, { externalRelAttribute: 'foo' }).props.rel).toBe('foo')
expect(nuxtLink({ to: 'https://nuxtjs.org' }, { externalRelAttribute: null }).props.rel).toBe(null)
it('uses and favors `rel` prop', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: 'https://nuxtjs.org', rel: 'foo' }).props.rel).toBe('foo')
expect(nuxtLink({ to: 'https://nuxtjs.org', rel: 'foo' }, { externalRelAttribute: 'bar' }).props.rel).toBe('foo')
expect(nuxtLink({ to: 'https://nuxtjs.org', rel: null }, { externalRelAttribute: 'bar' }).props.rel).toBe(null)
expect(nuxtLink({ to: 'https://nuxtjs.org', rel: '' }, { externalRelAttribute: 'bar' }).props.rel).toBe(null)
it('honors `noRel` prop', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: 'https://nuxtjs.org', noRel: true }).props.rel).toBe(null)
expect(nuxtLink({ to: 'https://nuxtjs.org', noRel: false }).props.rel).toBe('noopener noreferrer')
it('honors `noRel` prop and warns about `rel` prop conflict', () => {
const consoleWarnSpy = vi.spyOn(console, 'warn').mockImplementation(vi.fn() as any)
expect(nuxtLink({ to: 'https://nuxtjs.org', noRel: true, rel: 'foo' }).props.rel).toBe(null)
// TODO: Uncomment when `dev` mode for tests is available
// expect(consoleWarnSpy).toHaveBeenCalledOnce()
describe('`isExternal` is `false`', () => {
describe('to', () => {
it('forwards `to` prop', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to' }).props.to).toBe('/to')
expect(nuxtLink({ to: { to: '/to' } as RouteLocationRaw }).props.to).toEqual({ to: '/to' })
describe('activeClass', () => {
it('uses framework\'s default', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to' }).props.activeClass).toBe(undefined)
it('uses user\'s default', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to' }, { activeClass: 'activeClass' }).props.activeClass).toBe('activeClass')
it('uses and favors `activeClass` prop', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to', activeClass: 'propActiveClass' }).props.activeClass).toBe('propActiveClass')
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to', activeClass: 'propActiveClass' }, { activeClass: 'activeClass' }).props.activeClass).toBe('propActiveClass')
describe('exactActiveClass', () => {
it('uses framework\'s default', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to' }).props.exactActiveClass).toBe(undefined)
it('uses user\'s default', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to' }, { exactActiveClass: 'exactActiveClass' }).props.exactActiveClass).toBe('exactActiveClass')
it('uses and favors `exactActiveClass` prop', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to', exactActiveClass: 'propExactActiveClass' }).props.exactActiveClass).toBe('propExactActiveClass')
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to', exactActiveClass: 'propExactActiveClass' }, { exactActiveClass: 'exactActiveClass' }).props.exactActiveClass).toBe('propExactActiveClass')
describe('replace', () => {
it('forwards `replace` prop', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to', replace: true }).props.replace).toBe(true)
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to', replace: false }).props.replace).toBe(false)
describe('ariaCurrentValue', () => {
it('forwards `ariaCurrentValue` prop', () => {
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to', ariaCurrentValue: 'page' }).props.ariaCurrentValue).toBe('page')
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to', ariaCurrentValue: 'step' }).props.ariaCurrentValue).toBe('step')
describe('trailingSlashBehavior', () => {
it('append slash', () => {
const appendSlashOptions: NuxtLinkOptions = { trailingSlash: 'append' }
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to' }, appendSlashOptions).props.to).toEqual('/to/')
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to/' }, appendSlashOptions).props.to).toEqual('/to/')
expect(nuxtLink({ to: { name: 'to' } }, appendSlashOptions).props.to).toHaveProperty('path', '/to/')
expect(nuxtLink({ to: { path: '/to' } }, appendSlashOptions).props.to).toHaveProperty('path', '/to/')
expect(nuxtLink({ href: '/to' }, appendSlashOptions).props.to).toEqual('/to/')
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to?param=1' }, appendSlashOptions).props.to).toEqual('/to/?param=1')
it('remove slash', () => {
const removeSlashOptions: NuxtLinkOptions = { trailingSlash: 'remove' }
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to' }, removeSlashOptions).props.to).toEqual('/to')
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to/' }, removeSlashOptions).props.to).toEqual('/to')
expect(nuxtLink({ to: { name: 'to' } }, removeSlashOptions).props.to).toHaveProperty('path', '/to')
expect(nuxtLink({ to: { path: '/to/' } }, removeSlashOptions).props.to).toHaveProperty('path', '/to')
expect(nuxtLink({ href: '/to/' }, removeSlashOptions).props.to).toEqual('/to')
expect(nuxtLink({ to: '/to/?param=1' }, removeSlashOptions).props.to).toEqual('/to?param=1')