2018-10-25 07:43:42 +00:00
import parseArgs from 'minimist'
import wrapAnsi from 'wrap-ansi'
import { name, version } from '../package.json'
import { loadNuxtConfig, indent, indentLines, foldLines } from './utils'
import { options as Options, defaultOptions as DefaultOptions } from './options'
import * as imports from './imports'
const startSpaces = 6
const optionSpaces = 2
const maxCharsPerLine = 80
export default class NuxtCommand {
constructor({ description, usage, options } = {}) {
this.description = description || ''
this.usage = usage || ''
this.options = Array.from(new Set((options || []).concat(DefaultOptions)))
_getMinimistOptions() {
const minimistOptions = {
alias: {},
boolean: [],
string: [],
default: {}
for (const name of this.options) {
const option = Options[name]
if (option.alias) {
minimistOptions.alias[option.alias] = name
if (option.type) {
minimistOptions[option.type].push(option.alias || name)
if (option.default) {
minimistOptions.default[option.alias || name] = option.default
return minimistOptions
getArgv(args) {
const minimistOptions = this._getMinimistOptions()
const argv = parseArgs(args || process.argv.slice(2), minimistOptions)
if (argv.version) {
} else if (argv.help) {
return argv
async getNuxtConfig(argv, extraOptions) {
const config = await loadNuxtConfig(argv)
const options = Object.assign(config, extraOptions || {})
for (const name of this.options) {
if (Options[name].handle) {
Options[name].handle(options, argv)
return options
importCore() {
return imports.core()
importBuilder() {
return imports.builder()
importGenerator() {
return imports.generator()
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importWebpack() {
return imports.webpack()
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async getNuxt(options) {
const { Nuxt } = await this.importCore()
return new Nuxt(options)
async getBuilder(nuxt) {
const { Builder } = await this.importBuilder()
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const { BundleBuilder } = await this.importWebpack()
return new Builder(nuxt, BundleBuilder)
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async getGenerator(nuxt) {
const { Generator } = await this.importGenerator()
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const builder = await this.getBuilder(nuxt)
return new Generator(nuxt, builder)
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_getHelp() {
const options = []
let maxOptionLength = 0
// For consistency Options determines order
for (const name in Options) {
const option = Options[name]
if (this.options.includes(name)) {
let optionHelp = '--'
optionHelp += option.type === 'boolean' && option.default ? 'no-' : ''
optionHelp += name
if (option.alias) {
optionHelp += `, -${option.alias}`
maxOptionLength = Math.max(maxOptionLength, optionHelp.length)
options.push([ optionHelp, option.description ])
const optionStr = options.map(([option, description]) => {
const line = option +
indent(maxOptionLength + optionSpaces - option.length) +
wrapAnsi(description, maxCharsPerLine - startSpaces - maxOptionLength - optionSpaces)
return indentLines(line, startSpaces + maxOptionLength + optionSpaces, startSpaces)
const description = foldLines(this.description, maxCharsPerLine, startSpaces)
return `
$ nuxt ${this.usage}
showVersion() {
process.stdout.write(`${name} v${version}\n`)
showHelp() {