
171 lines
6.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import { Suspense, Transition, defineComponent, h, inject, nextTick, ref, watch } from 'vue'
import type { KeepAliveProps, TransitionProps, VNode } from 'vue'
import { RouterView } from '#vue-router'
import { defu } from 'defu'
import type { RouteLocationNormalized, RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded } from '#vue-router'
import { generateRouteKey, toArray, wrapInKeepAlive } from './utils'
import type { RouterViewSlotProps } from './utils'
import { RouteProvider } from '#app/components/route-provider'
import { useNuxtApp } from '#app/nuxt'
import { useRouter } from '#app/composables/router'
import { _wrapIf } from '#app/components/utils'
import { LayoutMetaSymbol, PageRouteSymbol } from '#app/components/injections'
// @ts-expect-error virtual file
import { appKeepalive as defaultKeepaliveConfig, appPageTransition as defaultPageTransition } from '#build/nuxt.config.mjs'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'NuxtPage',
inheritAttrs: false,
props: {
name: {
type: String,
transition: {
type: [Boolean, Object] as any as () => boolean | TransitionProps,
default: undefined,
keepalive: {
type: [Boolean, Object] as any as () => boolean | KeepAliveProps,
default: undefined,
route: {
type: Object as () => RouteLocationNormalized,
pageKey: {
type: [Function, String] as unknown as () => string | ((route: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded) => string),
default: null,
setup (props, { attrs, expose }) {
const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp()
const pageRef = ref()
const forkRoute = inject(PageRouteSymbol, null)
let previousPageKey: string | undefined | false
expose({ pageRef })
const _layoutMeta = inject(LayoutMetaSymbol, null)
let vnode: VNode
const done = nuxtApp.deferHydration()
if (import.meta.client && nuxtApp.isHydrating) {
const removeErrorHook = nuxtApp.hooks.hookOnce('app:error', done)
if (props.pageKey) {
watch(() => props.pageKey, (next, prev) => {
if (next !== prev) {
if ( {
nuxtApp._isNuxtPageUsed = true
return () => {
return h(RouterView, { name:, route: props.route, ...attrs }, {
default: (routeProps: RouterViewSlotProps) => {
const isRenderingNewRouteInOldFork = import.meta.client && haveParentRoutesRendered(forkRoute, routeProps.route, routeProps.Component)
const hasSameChildren = import.meta.client && forkRoute && forkRoute.matched.length === routeProps.route.matched.length
if (!routeProps.Component) {
// If we're rendering a `<NuxtPage>` child route on navigation to a route which lacks a child page
// we'll render the old vnode until the new route finishes resolving
if (import.meta.client && vnode && !hasSameChildren) {
return vnode
// Return old vnode if we are rendering _new_ page suspense fork in _old_ layout suspense fork
if (import.meta.client && vnode && _layoutMeta && !_layoutMeta.isCurrent(routeProps.route)) {
return vnode
if (import.meta.client && isRenderingNewRouteInOldFork && forkRoute && (!_layoutMeta || _layoutMeta?.isCurrent(forkRoute))) {
// if leaving a route with an existing child route, render the old vnode
if (hasSameChildren) {
return vnode
// If _leaving_ null child route, return null vnode
return null
const key = generateRouteKey(routeProps, props.pageKey)
if (!nuxtApp.isHydrating && !hasChildrenRoutes(forkRoute, routeProps.route, routeProps.Component) && previousPageKey === key) {
previousPageKey = key
const hasTransition = !!(props.transition ?? routeProps.route.meta.pageTransition ?? defaultPageTransition)
const transitionProps = hasTransition && _mergeTransitionProps([
{ onAfterLeave: () => { nuxtApp.callHook('page:transition:finish', routeProps.Component) } },
const keepaliveConfig = props.keepalive ?? routeProps.route.meta.keepalive ?? (defaultKeepaliveConfig as KeepAliveProps)
vnode = _wrapIf(Transition, hasTransition && transitionProps,
wrapInKeepAlive(keepaliveConfig, h(Suspense, {
suspensible: true,
onPending: () => nuxtApp.callHook('page:start', routeProps.Component),
onResolve: () => { nextTick(() => nuxtApp.callHook('page:finish', routeProps.Component).then(() => nuxtApp.callHook('page:loading:end')).finally(done)) },
}, {
default: () => {
const providerVNode = h(RouteProvider, {
key: key || undefined,
vnode: routeProps.Component,
route: routeProps.route,
renderKey: key || undefined,
trackRootNodes: hasTransition,
vnodeRef: pageRef,
if (import.meta.client && keepaliveConfig) {
(providerVNode.type as any).name = (routeProps.Component.type as any).name || (routeProps.Component.type as any).__name || 'RouteProvider'
return providerVNode
return vnode
function _mergeTransitionProps (routeProps: TransitionProps[]): TransitionProps {
const _props: TransitionProps[] = => ({
onAfterLeave: prop.onAfterLeave ? toArray(prop.onAfterLeave) : undefined,
return defu(..._props as [TransitionProps, TransitionProps])
function haveParentRoutesRendered (fork: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded | null, newRoute: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded, Component?: VNode) {
if (!fork) { return false }
const index = newRoute.matched.findIndex(m => m.components?.default === Component?.type)
if (!index || index === -1) { return false }
// we only care whether the parent route components have had to rerender
return newRoute.matched.slice(0, index)
(c, i) => c.components?.default !== fork.matched[i]?.components?.default) ||
(Component && generateRouteKey({ route: newRoute, Component }) !== generateRouteKey({ route: fork, Component }))
function hasChildrenRoutes (fork: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded | null, newRoute: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded, Component?: VNode) {
if (!fork) { return false }
const index = newRoute.matched.findIndex(m => m.components?.default === Component?.type)
return index < newRoute.matched.length - 1