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import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'
import fsp from 'node:fs/promises'
import { beforeAll, describe, expect, it } from 'vitest'
import { execaCommand } from 'execa'
import { globby } from 'globby'
import { join } from 'pathe'
describe.skipIf(process.env.SKIP_BUNDLE_SIZE === 'true' || process.env.ECOSYSTEM_CI)('minimal nuxt application', () => {
const rootDir = fileURLToPath(new URL('./fixtures/minimal', import.meta.url))
beforeAll(async () => {
await Promise.all([
execaCommand(`pnpm nuxi build ${rootDir}`, { env: { EXTERNAL_VUE: 'false' } }),
execaCommand(`pnpm nuxi build ${rootDir}`, { env: { EXTERNAL_VUE: 'true' } })
}, 120 * 1000)
// Identical behaviour between inline/external vue options as this should only affect the server build
for (const outputDir of ['.output', '.output-inline']) {
it('default client bundle size', async () => {
const clientStats = await analyzeSizes('**/*.js', join(rootDir, outputDir, 'public'))
expect( => f.replace(/\..*\.js/, '.js'))).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
it('default server bundle size', async () => {
const serverDir = join(rootDir, '.output/server')
const serverStats = await analyzeSizes(['**/*.mjs', '!node_modules'], serverDir)
const modules = await analyzeSizes('node_modules/**/*', serverDir)
const packages = modules.files
.filter(m => m.endsWith('package.json'))
.map(m => m.replace('/package.json', '').replace('node_modules/', ''))
it('default server bundle size (inlined vue modules)', async () => {
const serverDir = join(rootDir, '.output-inline/server')
const serverStats = await analyzeSizes(['**/*.mjs', '!node_modules'], serverDir)
const modules = await analyzeSizes('node_modules/**/*', serverDir)
const packages = modules.files
.filter(m => m.endsWith('package.json'))
.map(m => m.replace('/package.json', '').replace('node_modules/', ''))
async function analyzeSizes (pattern: string | string[], rootDir: string) {
const files: string[] = await globby(pattern, { cwd: rootDir })
let totalBytes = 0
for (const file of files) {
const path = join(rootDir, file)
const isSymlink = (await fsp.lstat(path).catch(() => null))?.isSymbolicLink()
if (!isSymlink) {
const bytes = Buffer.byteLength(await fsp.readFile(path))
totalBytes += bytes
return { files, totalBytes }
2023-04-04 12:34:29 +00:00
function roundToKilobytes (bytes: number) {
return (bytes / 1024).toFixed(bytes > (100 * 1024) ? 0 : 1) + 'k'
2023-04-04 12:34:29 +00:00