
269 lines
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import { addBuildPlugin, addComponent } from 'nuxt/kit'
import type { NuxtPage } from 'nuxt/schema'
import { defu } from 'defu'
import { createUnplugin } from 'unplugin'
import { withoutLeadingSlash } from 'ufo'
// (defined in nuxt/src/core/nitro.ts)
declare module 'nitropack' {
interface NitroRouteConfig {
ssr?: boolean
export default defineNuxtConfig({
future: { compatibilityVersion: process.env.TEST_V4 === 'true' ? 4 : 3 },
app: {
pageTransition: true,
layoutTransition: true,
teleportId: 'nuxt-teleport',
teleportTag: 'span',
head: {
charset: 'utf-8',
link: [undefined],
meta: [
{ name: 'viewport', content: 'width=1024, initial-scale=1' },
{ charset: 'utf-8' },
{ name: 'description', content: 'Nuxt Fixture' },
keepalive: {
include: ['keepalive-in-config', 'not-keepalive-in-nuxtpage'],
buildDir: process.env.NITRO_BUILD_DIR,
builder: process.env.TEST_BUILDER as 'webpack' | 'vite' ?? 'vite',
appId: 'nuxt-app-basic',
build: {
transpile: [
(ctx) => {
if (typeof ctx.isDev !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('context not passed') }
return false
css: ['~/assets/global.css'],
// this produces an order of `~` > `~/extends/bar` > `~/extends/node_modules/foo`
theme: './extends/bar',
extends: [
nitro: {
publicAssets: [
dir: '../custom-public',
baseURL: '/custom',
esbuild: {
options: {
// in order to test bigint serialization
target: 'es2022',
routeRules: {
'/route-rules/spa': { ssr: false },
'/route-rules/middleware': { appMiddleware: 'route-rules-middleware' },
'/hydration/spa-redirection/**': { ssr: false },
'/no-scripts': { experimentalNoScripts: true },
output: { dir: process.env.NITRO_OUTPUT_DIR },
prerender: {
routes: [
optimization: {
keyedComposables: [
name: 'useCustomKeyedComposable',
source: '~/other-composables-folder/custom-keyed-composable',
argumentLength: 1,
runtimeConfig: {
public: {
needsFallback: undefined,
modules: [
function (_options, nuxt) {
// ensure setting `runtimeConfig` also sets `nitro.runtimeConfig`
nuxt.options.runtimeConfig = defu(nuxt.options.runtimeConfig, {
public: {
testConfig: 123,
function (_options, nuxt) {
nuxt.hook('modules:done', () => {
// @ts-expect-error not valid nuxt option
if (!nuxt.options.__installed_layer) {
throw new Error('layer in layers/ directory was not auto-registered')
function (_, nuxt) {
if (typeof nuxt.options.builder === 'string' && nuxt.options.builder.includes('webpack')) { return }
const plugin = createUnplugin(() => ({
name: 'virtual',
resolveId (id) {
if (id === 'virtual.css') { return 'virtual.css' }
load (id) {
if (id === 'virtual.css') { return ':root { --virtual: red }' }
function (_options, nuxt) {
nuxt.hook('pages:extend', (pages) => {
path: '/manual-redirect',
redirect: '/',
function (_options, nuxt) {
const routesToDuplicate = ['/async-parent', '/fixed-keyed-child-parent', '/keyed-child-parent', '/with-layout', '/with-layout2']
const stripLayout = (page: NuxtPage): NuxtPage => ({,
children: page.children?.map(child => stripLayout(child)),
name: 'internal-' +,
path: withoutLeadingSlash(page.path),
meta: {,
layout: undefined,
_layout: page.meta?.layout,
nuxt.hook('pages:extend', (pages) => {
const newPages = []
for (const page of pages) {
if (routesToDuplicate.includes(page.path)) {
const internalParent = pages.find(page => page.path === '/internal-layout')
internalParent!.children = newPages
function (_options, nuxt) {
// to check that page metadata is preserved
nuxt.hook('pages:extend', (pages) => {
const customName = pages.find(page => === 'some-custom-name')
if (!customName) { throw new Error('Page with custom name not found') }
if (customName.path !== '/some-custom-path') { throw new Error('Page path not extracted') }
customName.meta ||= {}
customName.meta.someProp = true
// To test falsy module values
vite: {
logLevel: 'silent',
build: {
assetsInlineLimit: 100, // keep SVG as assets URL
telemetry: false, // for testing telemetry types - it is auto-disabled in tests
hooks: {
'webpack:config' (configs) {
// in order to test bigint serialization we need to set target to a more modern one
for (const config of configs) {
const esbuildRules = config.module!.rules!.filter(
rule => typeof rule === 'object' && rule && 'loader' in rule && rule.loader === 'esbuild-loader',
for (const rule of esbuildRules) {
if (typeof rule === 'object' && typeof rule.options === 'object') { = 'es2022'
'modules:done' () {
name: 'CustomComponent',
export: 'namedExport',
filePath: '~/other-components-folder/named-export',
'components:extend' (components) {
for (const comp of components) {
if (comp.pascalName === 'GlobalSync') { = 'sync'
'vite:extendConfig' (config) {
name: 'nuxt:server',
configureServer (server) {
server.middlewares.use((req, res, next) => {
if (req.url === '/vite-plugin-without-path') {
res.end('vite-plugin without path')
server.middlewares.use((req, res, next) => {
if (req.url === '/__nuxt-test') {
res.end('vite-plugin with __nuxt prefix')
vue: {
compilerOptions: {
isCustomElement: (tag) => {
return tag === 'custom-component'
features: {
inlineStyles: id => !!id && !id.includes('assets.vue'),
experimental: {
2024-06-18 16:24:17 +00:00
decorators: true,
typedPages: true,
polyfillVueUseHead: true,
respectNoSSRHeader: true,
clientFallback: true,
restoreState: true,
clientNodeCompat: true,
componentIslands: {
selectiveClient: 'deep',
treeshakeClientOnly: true,
asyncContext: process.env.TEST_CONTEXT === 'async',
appManifest: process.env.TEST_MANIFEST !== 'manifest-off',
renderJsonPayloads: process.env.TEST_PAYLOAD !== 'js',
headNext: true,
inlineRouteRules: true,
appConfig: {
fromNuxtConfig: true,
nested: {
val: 1,