
223 lines
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import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url'
import fs from 'node:fs'
2024-02-05 11:24:39 +00:00
import { join } from 'pathe'
import type { Component } from '@nuxt/schema'
import { parseURL } from 'ufo'
import { createUnplugin } from 'unplugin'
import MagicString from 'magic-string'
import { ELEMENT_NODE, parse, walk } from 'ultrahtml'
import { hash } from 'ohash'
import { resolvePath } from '@nuxt/kit'
import defu from 'defu'
import { isVue } from '../core/utils'
interface ServerOnlyComponentTransformPluginOptions {
getComponents: () => Component[]
* allow using `nuxt-client` attribute on components
selectiveClient?: boolean | 'deep'
interface ComponentChunkOptions {
getComponents: () => Component[]
buildDir: string
const SCRIPT_RE = /<script[^>]*>/g
const HAS_SLOT_OR_CLIENT_RE = /(<slot[^>]*>)|(nuxt-client)/
const TEMPLATE_RE = /<template>([\s\S]*)<\/template>/
const NUXTCLIENT_ATTR_RE = /\s:?nuxt-client(="[^"]*")?/g
const IMPORT_CODE = '\nimport { vforToArray as __vforToArray } from \'#app/components/utils\'' + '\nimport NuxtTeleportIslandComponent from \'#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-component\'' + '\nimport NuxtTeleportSsrSlot from \'#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-slot\''
const EXTRACTED_ATTRS_RE = /v-(?:if|else-if|else)(="[^"]*")?/g
function wrapWithVForDiv (code: string, vfor: string): string {
return `<div v-for="${vfor}" style="display: contents;">${code}</div>`
export const islandsTransform = createUnplugin((options: ServerOnlyComponentTransformPluginOptions, meta) => {
const isVite = meta.framework === 'vite'
return {
name: 'server-only-component-transform',
enforce: 'pre',
transformInclude (id) {
if (!isVue(id)) { return false }
if (options.selectiveClient === 'deep') { return true }
const components = options.getComponents()
const islands = components.filter(component =>
component.island || (component.mode === 'server' && !components.some(c => c.pascalName === component.pascalName && c.mode === 'client')),
const { pathname } = parseURL(decodeURIComponent(pathToFileURL(id).href))
return islands.some(c => c.filePath === pathname)
async transform (code, id) {
if (!HAS_SLOT_OR_CLIENT_RE.test(code)) { return }
const template = code.match(TEMPLATE_RE)
if (!template) { return }
const startingIndex = template.index || 0
const s = new MagicString(code)
if (!code.match(SCRIPT_RE)) {
s.prepend('<script setup>' + IMPORT_CODE + '</script>')
} else {
s.replace(SCRIPT_RE, (full) => {
return full + IMPORT_CODE
let hasNuxtClient = false
const ast = parse(template[0])
await walk(ast, (node) => {
if (node.type === ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ( === 'slot') {
const { attributes, children, loc } = node
const slotName = ?? 'default'
if ( { delete }
if (attributes['v-bind']) {
attributes._bind = extractAttributes(attributes, ['v-bind'])['v-bind']
const teleportAttributes = extractAttributes(attributes, ['v-if', 'v-else-if', 'v-else'])
const bindings = getPropsToString(attributes)
// add the wrapper
s.appendLeft(startingIndex + loc[0].start, `<NuxtTeleportSsrSlot${attributeToString(teleportAttributes)} name="${slotName}" :props="${bindings}">`)
if (children.length) {
// pass slot fallback to NuxtTeleportSsrSlot fallback
const attrString = attributeToString(attributes)
const slice = code.slice(startingIndex + loc[0].end, startingIndex + loc[1].start).replaceAll(/:?key="[^"]"/g, '')
s.overwrite(startingIndex + loc[0].start, startingIndex + loc[1].end, `<slot${attrString.replaceAll(EXTRACTED_ATTRS_RE, '')}/><template #fallback>${attributes['v-for'] ? wrapWithVForDiv(slice, attributes['v-for']) : slice}</template>`)
} else {
s.overwrite(startingIndex + loc[0].start, startingIndex + loc[0].end, code.slice(startingIndex + loc[0].start, startingIndex + loc[0].end).replaceAll(EXTRACTED_ATTRS_RE, ''))
s.appendRight(startingIndex + loc[1].end, '</NuxtTeleportSsrSlot>')
} else if (options.selectiveClient && ('nuxt-client' in node.attributes || ':nuxt-client' in node.attributes)) {
hasNuxtClient = true
const { loc, attributes } = node
const attributeValue = attributes[':nuxt-client'] || attributes['nuxt-client'] || 'true'
if (isVite) {
const uid = hash(id + node.loc[0].start + node.loc[0].end)
const wrapperAttributes = extractAttributes(attributes, ['v-if', 'v-else-if', 'v-else'])
let startTag = code.slice(startingIndex + loc[0].start, startingIndex + loc[0].end).replace(NUXTCLIENT_ATTR_RE, '')
if (wrapperAttributes) {
startTag = startTag.replaceAll(EXTRACTED_ATTRS_RE, '')
s.appendLeft(startingIndex + loc[0].start, `<NuxtTeleportIslandComponent${attributeToString(wrapperAttributes)} to="${}-${uid}" :nuxt-client="${attributeValue}">`)
s.overwrite(startingIndex + loc[0].start, startingIndex + loc[0].end, startTag)
s.appendRight(startingIndex + loc[1].end, '</NuxtTeleportIslandComponent>')
if (!isVite && hasNuxtClient) {
console.warn(`nuxt-client attribute and client components within islands is only supported with Vite. file: ${id}`)
if (s.hasChanged()) {
return {
code: s.toString(),
map: s.generateMap({ source: id, includeContent: true }),
* extract attributes from a node
function extractAttributes (attributes: Record<string, string>, names: string[]) {
const extracted: Record<string, string> = {}
for (const name of names) {
if (name in attributes) {
extracted[name] = attributes[name]
delete attributes[name]
return extracted
function attributeToString (attributes: Record<string, string>) {
return Object.entries(attributes).map(([name, value]) => value ? ` ${name}="${value}"` : ` ${name}`).join('')
function isBinding (attr: string): boolean {
return attr.startsWith(':')
function getPropsToString (bindings: Record<string, string>): string {
const vfor = bindings['v-for']?.split(' in ').map((v: string) => v.trim()) as [string, string] | undefined
if (Object.keys(bindings).length === 0) { return 'undefined' }
const content = Object.entries(bindings).filter(b => b[0] && (b[0] !== '_bind' && b[0] !== 'v-for')).map(([name, value]) => isBinding(name) ? `[\`${name.slice(1)}\`]: ${value}` : `[\`${name}\`]: \`${value}\``).join(',')
const data = bindings._bind ? `mergeProps(${bindings._bind}, { ${content} })` : `{ ${content} }`
if (!vfor) {
return `[${data}]`
} else {
return `__vforToArray(${vfor[1]}).map(${vfor[0]} => (${data}))`
export const componentsChunkPlugin = createUnplugin((options: ComponentChunkOptions) => {
const { buildDir } = options
return {
name: 'componentsChunkPlugin',
vite: {
async config (config) {
const components = options.getComponents() = defu(, {
rollupOptions: {
input: {},
output: {},
const rollupOptions =!
if (typeof rollupOptions.input === 'string') {
rollupOptions.input = { entry: rollupOptions.input }
} else if (typeof rollupOptions.input === 'object' && Array.isArray(rollupOptions.input)) {
rollupOptions.input = rollupOptions.input.reduce<{ [key: string]: string }>((acc, input) => { acc[input] = input; return acc }, {})
// don't use 'strict', this would create another "facade" chunk for the entry file, causing the ssr styles to not detect everything
rollupOptions.preserveEntrySignatures = 'allow-extension'
for (const component of components) {
if (component.mode === 'client' || component.mode === 'all') {
rollupOptions.input![component.pascalName] = await resolvePath(component.filePath)
async generateBundle (_opts, bundle) {
const components = options.getComponents().filter(c => c.mode === 'client' || c.mode === 'all')
const pathAssociation: Record<string, string> = {}
for (const [chunkPath, chunkInfo] of Object.entries(bundle)) {
if (chunkInfo.type !== 'chunk') { continue }
for (const component of components) {
if (chunkInfo.facadeModuleId && chunkInfo.exports.length > 0) {
const { pathname } = parseURL(decodeURIComponent(pathToFileURL(chunkInfo.facadeModuleId).href))
const isPath = await resolvePath(component.filePath) === pathname
if (isPath) {
// avoid importing the component chunk in all pages
chunkInfo.isEntry = false
pathAssociation[component.pascalName] = chunkPath
fs.writeFileSync(join(buildDir, 'components-chunk.mjs'), `export const paths = ${JSON.stringify(pathAssociation, null, 2)}`)