In addition, Nuxt provides a [`vue:error`](/docs/api/advanced/hooks#app-hooks-runtime) hook that will be called if any errors propagate up to the top level.
If you are using an error reporting framework, you can provide a global handler through [`vueApp.config.errorHandler`]( It will receive all Vue errors, even if they are handled.
You might encounter chunk loading errors due to a network connectivity failure or a new deployment (which invalidates your old, hashed JS chunk URLs). Nuxt provides built-in support for handling chunk loading errors by performing a hard reload when a chunk fails to load during route navigation.
You can change this behavior by setting `experimental.emitRouteChunkError` to `false` (to disable hooking into these errors at all) or to `manual` if you want to handle them yourself. If you want to handle chunk loading errors manually, you can check out the [the automatic implementation]( for ideas.
When Nuxt encounters a fatal error (any unhandled error on the server, or an error created with `fatal: true` on the client) it will either render a JSON response (if requested with `Accept: application/json` header) or trigger a full-screen error page.
Although it is called an 'error page' it's not a route and shouldn't be placed in your `~/pages` directory. For the same reason, you shouldn't use `definePageMeta` within this page.
If you have an error with custom fields they will be lost; you should assign them to `data` instead:
throw createError({
statusCode: 404,
statusMessage:'Page Not Found',
data: {
myCustomField: true
For custom errors we highly recommend to use `onErrorCaptured` composable that can be called in a page/component setup function or `vue:error` runtime nuxt hook that can be configured in a nuxt plugin.
When you are ready to remove the error page, you can call the [`clearError`](/docs/api/utils/clear-error) helper function, which takes an optional path to redirect to (for example, if you want to navigate to a 'safe' page).
Make sure to check before using anything dependent on Nuxt plugins, such as `$route` or `useRouter`, as if a plugin threw an error, then it won't be re-run until you clear the error.
If you are running on Node 16 and you set any cookies when rendering your error page, they will [overwrite cookies previously set]( We recommend using a newer version of Node as Node 16 reached end-of-life in September 2023.
- on server-side, it will trigger a full-screen error page which you can clear with [`clearError`](#clearerror).
- on client-side, it will throw a non-fatal error for you to handle. If you need to trigger a full-screen error page, then you can do this by setting `fatal: true`.
You can call this function at any point on client-side, or (on server side) directly within middleware, plugins or `setup()` functions. It will trigger a full-screen error page which you can clear with [`clearError`](#clearerror).
This function will clear the currently handled Nuxt error. It also takes an optional path to redirect to (for example, if you want to navigate to a 'safe' page).
Nuxt also provides a [`<NuxtErrorBoundary>`](/docs/api/components/nuxt-error-boundary) component that allows you to handle client-side errors within your app, without replacing your entire site with an error page.
This component is responsible for handling errors that occur within its default slot. On client-side, it will prevent the error from bubbling up to the top level, and will render the `#error` slot instead.
The `#error` slot will receive `error` as a prop. (If you set `error = null` it will trigger re-rendering the default slot; you'll need to ensure that the error is fully resolved first or the error slot will just be rendered a second time.)