`<NuxtPage>` is a built-in component that comes with Nuxt. `NuxtPage` is required to display top-level or nested pages located in the [`pages/` directory](/docs/guide/directory-structure/pages).
`NuxtPage` is a wrapper around [`<RouterView>`](https://router.vuejs.org/api/interfaces/RouterViewProps.html#interface-routerviewprops) component from Vue Router. `NuxtPage` component accepts same `name` and `route` props.
Alternatively, `pageKey` can be passed as a `key` value via `definePageMeta` from the `<script>` section of your Vue component in the `/pages` directory.
In addition, `NuxtPage` also accepts custom props that you may need to pass further down the hierarchy. These custom props are accessible via `attrs` in the Nuxt app.
For example, in the above example, the value of `foobar` will be available using `$attrs.foobar` in the template or `useAttrs().foobar` in `<script setup>`.