description: Nuxt Kit provides a set of utilities to help you create and use modules. You can use these utilities to create your own modules or to reuse existing modules.
Modules are the building blocks of Nuxt. Kit provides a set of utilities to help you create and use modules. You can use these utilities to create your own modules or to reuse existing modules. For example, you can use the `defineNuxtModule` function to define a module and the `installModule` function to install a module programmatically.
## `defineNuxtModule`
Define a Nuxt module, automatically merging defaults with user provided options, installing any hooks that are provided, and calling an optional setup function for full control.
### Type
function defineNuxtModule<OptionsTextendsModuleOptions> (definition: ModuleDefinition<OptionsT> | NuxtModule<OptionsT>): NuxtModule<OptionsT>
Setup function for the module. If provided, the module will call the setup function.
### Examples
import { defineNuxtModule } from '@nuxt/kit'
export default defineNuxtModule({
meta: {
name: 'my-module',
configKey: 'myModule'
defaults: {
test: 123
setup (options, nuxt) {
nuxt.hook('modules:done', () => {
console.log('My module is ready with current test option: ', options.test)
## `installModule`
Install specified Nuxt module programmatically. This is helpful when your module depends on other modules. You can pass the module options as an object to `inlineOptions` and they will be passed to the module's `setup` function.