Internally, Nuxt uses `@nuxt/schema` to define these experimental features. You can refer to the [API documentation](/docs/api/configuration/nuxt-config#experimental) or the [source code]( for more information.
Enable native async context to be accessible for nested composables in Nuxt and in Nitro. This opens the possibility to use composables inside async composables and reduce the chance to get the `Nuxt instance is unavailable` error.
Emits `app:chunkError` hook when there is an error loading vite/webpack chunks. Default behavior is to perform a reload of the new route on navigation to a new route when a chunk fails to load.
If you set this to `'automatic-immediate'` Nuxt will reload the current route immediately, instead of waiting for a navigation. This is useful for chunk errors that are not triggered by navigation, e.g., when your Nuxt app fails to load a [lazy component](/docs/guide/directory-structure/components#dynamic-imports). A potential downside of this behavior is undesired reloads, e.g., when your app does not need the chunk that caused the error.
Allows Nuxt app state to be restored from `sessionStorage` when reloading the page after a chunk error or manual [`reloadNuxtApp()`](/docs/api/utils/reload-nuxt-app) call.
Enables the experimental [`<NuxtClientFallback>`](/docs/api/components/nuxt-client-fallback) component for rendering content on the client if there's an error in SSR.
Out of the box, this will enable typed usage of [`navigateTo`](/docs/api/utils/navigate-to), [`<NuxtLink>`](/docs/api/components/nuxt-link), [`router.push()`](/docs/api/composables/use-router) and more.
This option allows exposing some route metadata defined in `definePageMeta` at build-time to modules (specifically `alias`, `name`, `path`, `redirect`, `props` and `middleware`).
This only works with static or strings/arrays rather than variables or conditional assignment. See [original issue]( for more information and context.
It is also possible to scan page metadata only after all routes have been registered in `pages:extend`. Then another hook, `pages:resolved` will be called. To enable this behavior, set `scanPageMeta: 'after-resolve'`.
Caches Nuxt build artifacts based on a hash of the configuration and source files.
```ts twoslash [nuxt.config.ts]
export default defineNuxtConfig({
experimental: {
buildCache: true
When enabled, changes to the following files will trigger a full rebuild:
```bash [Directory structure]
In addition, any changes to files within `srcDir` will trigger a rebuild of the Vue client/server bundle. Nitro will always be rebuilt (though work is in progress to allow Nitro to announce its cacheable artifacts and their hashes).
The `definePageMeta()` macro is a useful way to collect build-time meta about pages. Nuxt itself provides a set list of supported keys which is used to power some of the internal features such as redirects, page aliases and custom paths.
This option allows passing additional keys to extract from the page metadata when using `scanPageMeta`.
foo: 'bar'
export default defineNuxtConfig({
experimental: {
extraPageMetaExtractionKeys: ['foo'],
hooks: {
'pages:resolved' (ctx) {
// ✅ foo is available
This allows modules to access additional metadata from the page metadata in the build context. If you are using this within a module, it's recommended also to [augment the `NuxtPage` types with your keys](/docs/guide/directory-structure/pages#typing-custom-metadata).
Ensure that auto-generated Vue component names match the full component name
you would use to auto-import the component.
```ts twoslash [nuxt.config.ts]
export default defineNuxtConfig({
experimental: {
normalizeComponentNames: true
By default, if you haven't set it manually, Vue will assign a component name that matches
the filename of the component.
```bash [Directory structure]
├─ components/
├─── SomeFolder/
├───── MyComponent.vue
In this case, the component name would be `MyComponent`, as far as Vue is concerned. If you wanted to use `<KeepAlive>` with it, or identify it in the Vue DevTools, you would need to use this component.
But in order to auto-import it, you would need to use `SomeFolderMyComponent`.
By setting `experimental.normalizeComponentNames`, these two values match, and Vue will generate a component name that matches the Nuxt pattern for component naming.