description: The <NuxtPage> component is required to display pages located in the pages/ directory.
- label: Source
icon: i-simple-icons-github
size: xs
`<NuxtPage>` is a built-in component that comes with Nuxt. It lets you display top-level or nested pages located in the [`pages/`](/docs/guide/directory-structure/pages) directory.
`<NuxtPage>` is a wrapper around [`<RouterView>`]( from Vue Router. It should be used instead of `<RouterView>` because the former takes additional care of internal states. Otherwise, `useRoute()` may return incorrect paths.
By default, Nuxt does not enable `<Transition>` and `<KeepAlive>`. You can enable them in the nuxt.config file or by setting the `transition` and `keepalive` properties on `<NuxtPage>`. If you want to define a specific page, you can set it in `definePageMeta` in the page component.
Don't use `$route` object here as it can cause problems with how `<NuxtPage>` renders pages with `<Suspense>`.
Alternatively, `pageKey` can be passed as a `key` value via [`definePageMeta`](/docs/api/utils/define-page-meta) from the `<script>` section of your Vue component in the `/pages` directory.
```vue [pages/my-page.vue]
key: route => route.fullPath
## Page's Ref
To get the `ref` of a page component, access it through `ref.value.pageRef`