1. [Fork](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/) this repository to your own GitHub account and then [clone](https://help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository/) it to your local device.
> _Note that both **npm** and **yarn** have been seen to miss installing dependencies. To remedy that, you can either delete the `node_modules` folder in your example app and install again or do a local install of the missing dependencies._
> `npm link` could also (and does, to some extent) work for this, but it has been known to exhibit some issues. That is why we recommend calling `bin/nuxt` directly to run examples.
If you are adding a new feature, do a refactoring or change the behavior of Nuxt in any other manner, you'll likely
want to document the changes. Please do so with a PR to the [docs](https://github.com/nuxt/docs/pulls) repository.
You don't have to write documentation up immediately (but please do so as soon as your pull request is mature enough).
### Final checklist
When submitting your PR, there is a simple template that you have to fill out.
Please tick all appropriate "answers" in the checklists.
### Troubleshooting
#### Debugging tests on macOS
Searching for `getPort()` will reveal it's used to start new Nuxt processes during tests. It's been seen to stop working on macOS at times and may require you to manually set a port for testing.
Another common issue is Nuxt processes that may hang in memory when running fixture tests. A ghost process will often prevent subsequent tests from working. Run `ps aux | grep -i node` to inspect any hanging test processes if you suspect this is happening.