Nuxt automatically scans files inside the `~/server/api`, `~/server/routes`, and `~/server/middleware` directories to register API and server handlers with HMR support.
Each file should export a default function defined with `defineEventHandler()`.
The handler can directly return JSON data, a `Promise` or use `event.res.end()` to send response.
Given the Example above, the `/hello` route will be accessible at <http://localhost:3000/hello>.
## Server Middleware
Nuxt will automatically read in any file in the `~/server/middleware` to create server middleware for your project.
Middleware handlers will run on every request before any other server route to add check and some headers, log requests, or extend the event's request object.
Middleware handlers should not return anything (nor close or respond to the request) and only inspect or extend the request context or throw an error.
Handle file names can be suffixed with `.get`, `.post`, `.put`, `.delete`, ... to match request's [HTTP Method](
```ts [/server/api/test.get.ts]
export default defineEventHandler(() => 'Test get handler')
```ts [/server/api/]
export default defineEventHandler(() => 'Test post handler')
Catch-all routes are helpful for fallback route handling. For example, creating a file named `~/server/api/foo/[...].ts` will register a catch-all route for all requests that do not match any route handler, such as `/api/foo/bar/baz`.
You can now universally call this API using `$fetch('/api/submit', { method: 'post', body: { test: 123 } })`.
::alert{type=warning title=Attention}
We are using `` in the filename only to match requests with `POST` method that can accept the request body. When using `useBody` within a GET request, `useBody` will throw a `405 Method Not Allowed` HTTP error.
You can use `nitro` key in `nuxt.config` to directly set [Nitro Configuration](
This is an advanced option. Custom config can affect production deployments and we upgrade Nitro in semver-minor versions of Nuxt 3. meaning, configuration interface might be changed over the time.
Nitro Provides a cross platform [Stroage Layer]( In oder to configure additional storage mountpoints, you can use ``.