Providing an [app.head](/docs/api/configuration/nuxt-config#head) property in your `nuxt.config.ts` allows you to customize the head for your entire app.
The `useHead` composable function allows you to manage your head tags in a programmatic and reactive way, powered by [@vueuse/head](
Nuxt provides `<Title>`, `<Base>`, `<NoScript>`, `<Style>`, `<Meta>`, `<Link>`, `<Body>`, `<Html>` and `<Head>` components so that you can interact directly with your metadata within your component's template.
Because these component names match native HTML elements, it is very important that they are capitalized in the template.
`<Head>` and `<Body>` can accept nested meta tags (for aesthetic reasons) but this has no effect on _where_ the nested meta tags are rendered in the final HTML.
You can use the `titleTemplate` option to provide a dynamic template for customizing the title of your site. for example, by adding the name of your site to the title of every page.
The `titleTemplate` can either be a string, where `%s` is replaced with the title, or a function.
If you want to use a function (for full control), then this cannot be set in your `nuxt.config`, and it is recommended instead to set it within your `app.vue` file, where it will apply to all pages on your site:
```vue [useHead]
titleTemplate: (titleChunk) => {
return titleChunk ? `${titleChunk} - Site Title` : 'Site Title';
Now, if you set the title to `My Page` with `useHead` on another page of your site, the title would appear as 'My Page - Site Title' in the browser tab. You could also pass `null` to default to the site title.
### Body Tags
You can use the `body: true` option on the `link` and `script` meta tags to append them to the end of the `<body>` tag.
In the example below, `titleTemplate` is set either as a string with the `%s` placeholder or as a `function`, which allows greater flexibility in setting the page title dynamically for each route of your Nuxt app:
`nuxt.config` is also used as an alternative way of setting the page title. However, `nuxt.config` does not allow the page title to be dynamic. Therefore, it is recommended to use `titleTemplate` in the `app.vue` file to add a dynamic title, which is then applied to all routes of your Nuxt app.
### Add External CSS
The example below inserts Google Fonts using the `link` property of the `useHead` composable: