2021-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
import defu from 'defu'
2021-10-12 15:22:06 +00:00
import { computed , getCurrentInstance as getVM , isReactive , isRef , onBeforeMount , onServerPrefetch , reactive , ref , set , shallowRef , toRaw , toRefs , watch } from '@vue/composition-api'
2021-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
import { useNuxtApp } from './app'
2021-10-12 15:22:06 +00:00
import { useState } from './composables'
2021-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
// Vue composition API export
export {
computed ,
createApp ,
createRef ,
customRef ,
defineAsyncComponent ,
del ,
effectScope ,
getCurrentInstance ,
getCurrentScope ,
h ,
inject ,
isRaw ,
isReactive ,
isReadonly ,
isRef ,
markRaw ,
nextTick ,
onActivated ,
onBeforeMount ,
onBeforeUnmount ,
onBeforeUpdate ,
onDeactivated ,
onErrorCaptured ,
onMounted ,
onScopeDispose ,
onServerPrefetch ,
onUnmounted ,
onUpdated ,
provide ,
proxyRefs ,
reactive ,
readonly ,
set ,
shallowReactive ,
shallowReadonly ,
shallowRef ,
toRaw ,
toRef ,
toRefs ,
triggerRef ,
unref ,
useAttrs ,
useCssModule ,
useCSSModule ,
useSlots ,
version ,
warn ,
watch ,
watchEffect ,
watchPostEffect ,
} from '@vue/composition-api'
export { ref }
// Common deprecation utils
// TODO: Add migration guide docs to @nuxtjs/composition-api
const checkDocsMsg = 'Please see https://v3.nuxtjs.org for more information.'
const msgPrefix = '[bridge] [legacy capi]'
const unsupported = message => ( ) => { throw new Error ( ` ${ msgPrefix } ${ message } ${ checkDocsMsg } ` ) }
const _warned = { }
const warnOnce = ( id , message ) => {
if ( ! _warned [ id ] ) {
console . warn ( msgPrefix , message )
_warned [ id ] = true
// Warn in case of having any imports from `@nuxtjs/composition-api`
warnOnce ( 'import' , ` \` @nuxtjs/composition-api \` is deprecated. ${ checkDocsMsg } ` )
// Stub functions that provided type support
2021-10-06 15:36:24 +00:00
export const defineNuxtMiddleware = mw => mw
2021-10-19 12:17:18 +00:00
export const defineNuxtPlugin = unsupported ( 'You are using `defineNuxtPlugin`, which can be replaced with `defineNuxtPlugin` (import from `#app`).' )
2021-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
// Internal exports
export const setMetaPlugin = unsupported ( '`setMetaPlugin` is an internal function that is no longer used.' )
export const setSSRContext = unsupported ( '`setSSRContext` is an internal function that is no longer used.' )
export const globalPlugin = unsupported ( '`globalPlugin` is an internal function that is no longer used.' )
// Deprecated functions
export const withContext = unsupported ( '`withContext` is a deprecated method that is no longer provided.' )
export const useStatic = unsupported ( '`useStatic` is a deprecated method that is no longer provided.' )
export const reqRef = unsupported ( '`reqRef` is a deprecated method that is no longer provided.' )
export const reqSsrRef = unsupported ( '`reqSsrRef` is no longer provided (`ssrRef` can be used instead).' )
// ssrRef helpers
const sanitise = val => ( val && JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( val ) ) ) || val
const getValue = val => val instanceof Function ? val ( ) : val
export const ssrRef = ( value , key ) => {
const vm = getVM ( )
if ( ! vm ) { throw new Error ( 'ssrRef no longer supports global/ambient context and must be called within a setup() function' ) }
2021-10-12 15:22:06 +00:00
warnOnce ( 'ssrRef' , '`ssrRef` is deprecated and can be replaced with `useState`.' )
2021-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
2021-10-12 15:22:06 +00:00
return useState ( key , value instanceof Function ? value : ( ) => value )
2021-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
export const shallowSsrRef = ( value , key ) => {
2021-10-12 15:22:06 +00:00
warnOnce ( 'shallowSsrRef' , '`shallowSsrRef` is deprecated and can be replaced with `useState`.' )
2021-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
2021-10-12 15:22:06 +00:00
const ref = ssrRef ( value , key )
2021-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
2021-10-12 15:22:06 +00:00
if ( process . client ) {
return shallowRef ( ref . value )
2021-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
2021-10-12 15:22:06 +00:00
return ref
2021-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
export const ssrPromise = ( value , key ) => {
warnOnce ( 'ssrPromise' , 'ssrPromise is deprecated. Please use an alternative implementation.' )
const ssrRefs = useSSRRefs ( )
const promise = Promise . resolve ( isHMR ( ) ? getValue ( value ) : ssrRefs [ key ] ? ? getValue ( value ) )
onServerPrefetch ( async ( ) => { ssrRefs [ key ] = sanitise ( await promise ) } )
return promise
// Composition API functions
export const onGlobalSetup = ( fn ) => {
2021-10-19 12:17:18 +00:00
warnOnce ( 'onGlobalSetup' , '`onGlobalSetup` is deprecated and can be replaced with `defineNuxtPlugin(nuxtApp => nuxtApp.provide)` (import from `#app`).' )
2021-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
const app = useNuxtApp ( )
app . _setupFns . push ( fn )
export const useAsync = ( cb , key ) => {
2021-10-19 12:17:18 +00:00
warnOnce ( 'useAsync' , 'You are using `useAsync`, which is deprecated.' )
2021-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
const _ref = isRef ( key ) ? key : ssrRef ( null , key )
if ( ! _ref . value || isHMR ( ) ) {
const p = Promise . resolve ( cb ( ) ) . then ( res => ( _ref . value = res ) )
onServerPrefetch ( ( ) => p )
return _ref
export const useContext = ( ) => {
2021-10-19 12:17:18 +00:00
warnOnce ( 'useContext' , 'You are using `useContext`, which can be replaced with `useNuxtApp` (import from `#app`).' )
2021-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
const route = useRoute ( )
const nuxt = useNuxtApp ( )
return {
2021-10-18 18:31:37 +00:00
... nuxt . nuxt2App . context ,
2021-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
route : computed ( ( ) => route ) ,
query : computed ( ( ) => route . value . query ) ,
2021-10-18 18:31:37 +00:00
from : computed ( ( ) => nuxt . nuxt2App . context . from ) ,
2021-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
params : computed ( ( ) => route . value . params )
function createEmptyMeta ( ) {
return {
titleTemplate : null ,
_ _dangerouslyDisableSanitizers : [ ] ,
_ _dangerouslyDisableSanitizersByTagID : { } ,
title : undefined ,
htmlAttrs : { } ,
headAttrs : { } ,
bodyAttrs : { } ,
base : undefined ,
meta : [ ] ,
link : [ ] ,
style : [ ] ,
script : [ ] ,
noscript : [ ] ,
changed : undefined ,
afterNavigation : undefined
export const getHeadOptions = ( options ) => {
const head = function ( ) {
const optionHead =
options . head instanceof Function ? options . head . call ( this ) : options . head
if ( ! this . _computedHead ) { return optionHead }
const computedHead = this . _computedHead . map ( ( h ) => {
if ( isReactive ( h ) ) { return toRaw ( h ) }
if ( isRef ( h ) ) { return h . value }
return h
} )
return defu ( { } , ... computedHead . reverse ( ) , optionHead )
return { head }
export const defineComponent = ( options ) => {
if ( ! ( 'head' in options ) ) { return options }
return {
... options ,
... getHeadOptions ( options )
export const useMeta = ( init ) => {
const vm = getCurrentInstance ( )
const refreshMeta = ( ) => vm . $meta ( ) . refresh ( )
if ( ! vm . _computedHead ) {
const metaRefs = reactive ( createEmptyMeta ( ) )
vm . _computedHead = [ metaRefs ]
vm . _metaRefs = toRefs ( metaRefs )
if ( process . client ) {
watch ( Object . values ( vm . _metaRefs ) , refreshMeta , { immediate : true } )
if ( init ) {
const initRef = init instanceof Function ? computed ( init ) : ref ( init )
vm . _computedHead . push ( initRef )
if ( process . client ) {
watch ( initRef , refreshMeta , { immediate : true } )
return vm . _metaRefs
// Wrapped properties
export const wrapProperty = ( property , makeComputed = true ) => ( ) => {
const vm = getCurrentInstance ( )
return makeComputed ? computed ( ( ) => vm [ property ] ) : vm [ property ]
export const useRouter = ( ) => {
2021-10-19 12:17:18 +00:00
warnOnce ( 'useRouter' , 'You are using `useRouter`, which can be replaced with `useRouter` (import from `#app`).' )
2021-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
return getCurrentInstance ( ) . $router
export const useRoute = ( ) => {
2021-10-19 12:17:18 +00:00
warnOnce ( 'useRoute' , 'You are using `useRoute`, which can be replaced with `useRoute` (import from `#app`).' )
2021-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
const vm = getCurrentInstance ( )
return computed ( ( ) => vm . $route )
export const useStore = ( ) => getCurrentInstance ( ) . $store
// useFetch and helper functions
const fetches = new WeakMap ( )
const fetchPromises = new Map ( )
const mergeDataOnMount = ( data ) => {
const vm = getCurrentInstance ( )
if ( ! vm ) { throw new Error ( 'This must be called within a setup function.' ) }
onBeforeMount ( ( ) => {
// Merge data
for ( const key in data ) {
try {
// Assign missing properties
if ( key in vm ) {
// Skip functions (not stringifiable)
if ( typeof vm [ key ] === 'function' ) { continue }
// Preserve reactive objects
if ( isReactive ( vm [ key ] ) ) {
// Unset keys that do not exist in incoming data
for ( const k in vm [ key ] ) {
if ( ! ( k in data [ key ] ) ) {
delete vm [ key ] [ k ]
Object . assign ( vm [ key ] , data [ key ] )
set ( vm , key , data [ key ] )
} catch ( e ) {
if ( process . env . NODE _ENV === 'development' )
// eslint-disable-next-line
console . warn ( ` Could not hydrate ${ key } . ` )
} )
function createGetCounter ( counterObject , defaultKey = '' ) {
return function getCounter ( id = defaultKey ) {
if ( counterObject [ id ] === undefined ) {
counterObject [ id ] = 0
return counterObject [ id ] ++
const setFetchState = ( vm ) => {
vm . $fetchState =
vm . $fetchState ||
reactive ( {
error : null ,
pending : false ,
timestamp : 0
} )
function getKey ( vm ) {
const nuxt = useNuxtApp ( )
const nuxtState = nuxt . payload
if ( process . server && 'push' in vm . $ssrContext . nuxt . fetch ) {
return undefined
} else if ( process . client && '_payloadFetchIndex' in nuxtState ) {
nuxtState . _payloadFetchIndex = nuxtState . _payloadFetchIndex || 0
return nuxtState . _payloadFetchIndex ++
const defaultKey = vm . $options . _scopeId || vm . $options . name || ''
const getCounter = createGetCounter (
process . server
? vm . $ssrContext . fetchCounters
2021-10-18 18:31:37 +00:00
: nuxt . vue2App . _fetchCounters ,
2021-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
if ( typeof vm . $options . fetchKey === 'function' ) {
return vm . $options . fetchKey . call ( vm , getCounter )
} else {
const key = typeof vm . $options . fetchKey === 'string' ? vm . $options . fetchKey : defaultKey
return key ? key + ':' + getCounter ( key ) : String ( getCounter ( key ) )
function normalizeError ( err ) {
let message
if ( ! ( err . message || typeof err === 'string' ) ) {
try {
message = JSON . stringify ( err , null , 2 )
} catch ( e ) {
message = ` [ ${ err . constructor . name } ] `
} else {
message = err . message || err
return {
... err ,
message ,
statusCode :
err . statusCode ||
err . status ||
( err . response && err . response . status ) ||
const loadFullStatic = ( vm ) => {
vm . _fetchKey = getKey ( vm )
// Check if component has been fetched on server
const { fetchOnServer } = vm . $options
const fetchedOnServer =
typeof fetchOnServer === 'function'
? fetchOnServer . call ( vm ) !== false
: fetchOnServer !== false
if ( ! fetchedOnServer || vm . $nuxt ? . isPreview || ! vm . $nuxt ? . _pagePayload ) {
vm . _hydrated = true
const data = vm . $nuxt . _pagePayload . fetch [ vm . _fetchKey ]
// If fetch error
if ( data && data . _error ) {
vm . $fetchState . error = data . _error
mergeDataOnMount ( data )
async function serverPrefetch ( vm ) {
if ( ! vm . _fetchOnServer ) { return }
// Call and await on $fetch
setFetchState ( vm )
try {
await callFetches . call ( vm )
} catch ( err ) {
if ( process . dev ) {
console . error ( 'Error in fetch():' , err )
vm . $fetchState . error = normalizeError ( err )
vm . $fetchState . pending = false
// Define an ssrKey for hydration
vm . _fetchKey =
// Nuxt 2.15+ uses a different format - an object rather than an array
'push' in vm . $ssrContext . nuxt . fetch
? vm . $ssrContext . nuxt . fetch . length
: vm . _fetchKey || vm . $ssrContext . fetchCounters [ '' ] ++
// Add data-fetch-key on parent element of Component
if ( ! vm . $vnode . data ) { vm . $vnode . data = { } }
const attrs = ( vm . $vnode . data . attrs = vm . $vnode . data . attrs || { } )
attrs [ 'data-fetch-key' ] = vm . _fetchKey
const data = { ... vm . _data }
Object . entries ( vm . _ _composition _api _state _ _ . rawBindings ) . forEach (
( [ key , val ] ) => {
if ( val instanceof Function || val instanceof Promise ) { return }
data [ key ] = isRef ( val ) ? val . value : val
// Add to ssrContext for window.__NUXT__.fetch
const content = vm . $fetchState . error
? { _error : vm . $fetchState . error }
: JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( data ) )
if ( 'push' in vm . $ssrContext . nuxt . fetch ) {
vm . $ssrContext . nuxt . fetch . push ( content )
} else {
vm . $ssrContext . nuxt . fetch [ vm . _fetchKey ] = content
async function callFetches ( ) {
const fetchesToCall = fetches . get ( this )
if ( ! fetchesToCall ) { return }
this . $nuxt . nbFetching ++
this . $fetchState . pending = true
this . $fetchState . error = null
this . _hydrated = false
let error = null
const startTime = Date . now ( )
try {
await Promise . all (
fetchesToCall . map ( ( fetch ) => {
if ( fetchPromises . has ( fetch ) ) { return fetchPromises . get ( fetch ) }
const promise = Promise . resolve ( fetch ( this ) ) . finally ( ( ) =>
fetchPromises . delete ( fetch )
fetchPromises . set ( fetch , promise )
return promise
} )
} catch ( err ) {
if ( process . dev ) {
console . error ( 'Error in fetch():' , err )
error = normalizeError ( err )
const delayLeft = ( this . _fetchDelay || 0 ) - ( Date . now ( ) - startTime )
if ( delayLeft > 0 ) {
await new Promise ( resolve => setTimeout ( resolve , delayLeft ) )
this . $fetchState . error = error
this . $fetchState . pending = false
this . $fetchState . timestamp = Date . now ( )
this . $nextTick ( ( ) => ( this . $nuxt ) . nbFetching -- )
const isSsrHydration = vm => vm . $vnode ? . elm ? . dataset ? . fetchKey
export const useFetch = ( callback ) => {
const vm = getCurrentInstance ( )
const nuxt = useNuxtApp ( )
const nuxtState = nuxt . payload
const callbacks = fetches . get ( vm ) || [ ]
fetches . set ( vm , [ ... callbacks , callback ] )
if ( typeof vm . $options . fetchOnServer === 'function' ) {
vm . _fetchOnServer = vm . $options . fetchOnServer . call ( vm ) !== false
} else {
vm . _fetchOnServer = vm . $options . fetchOnServer !== false
if ( process . server ) {
vm . _fetchKey = getKey ( vm )
setFetchState ( vm )
onServerPrefetch ( ( ) => serverPrefetch ( vm ) )
function result ( ) {
return {
fetch : vm . $fetch ,
fetchState : vm . $fetchState
vm . _fetchDelay =
typeof vm . $options . fetchDelay === 'number' ? vm . $options . fetchDelay : 0
vm . $fetch = callFetches . bind ( vm )
onBeforeMount ( ( ) => ! vm . _hydrated && callFetches . call ( vm ) )
if ( process . server || ! isSsrHydration ( vm ) ) {
if ( process . client && ! process . dev && process . static ) { loadFullStatic ( vm ) }
return result ( )
// Hydrate component
vm . _hydrated = true
vm . _fetchKey = vm . $vnode . elm ? . dataset . fetchKey || getKey ( vm )
const data = nuxtState . fetch [ vm . _fetchKey ]
// If fetch error
if ( data && data . _error ) {
vm . $fetchState . error = data . _error
return result ( )
mergeDataOnMount ( data )
return result ( )
// -- Private shared utils (across composables) --
function getCurrentInstance ( ) {
const vm = getVM ( )
if ( ! vm ) { throw new Error ( 'This must be called within a setup function.' ) }
return vm . proxy
const useSSRRefs = ( ) => {
const { payload } = useNuxtApp ( )
payload . ssrRefs = payload . ssrRefs || { }
return payload . ssrRefs
const isHMR = ( ) => process . env . NODE _ENV === 'development' && process . client && window . $nuxt ? . context . isHMR