This is the default preset used by Nuxt, which is mainly a wrapper around the `@babel/preset-env` preset. It also optionally uses the `@vue/babel-preset-jsx` preset as well as `@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import`, `@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators`, `@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties`, `@babel/plugin-transform-runtime`. Furthermore the preset is adding polyfills.
Usually, no additional configuration is required. If needed though, there is an option to fine-tune the preset's behavior. Just add the following to `nuxt.config.js`:
**Note**: Since `core-js@2` and `core-js@3` are both supported from Babel 7.4.0, we recommend directly adding `core-js` and setting the version via the [`corejs`](#corejs) option.
* **ignoreBrowserslistConfig**, defaults to value of `modern` - '[@babel/preset-env](' parameter
* **jsx**, default truish, can be a an object passed as params to [@vue/babel-preset-jsx`](
* **loose**, default `false` - '[@babel/preset-env](' parameter and also sets `loose=true` for `@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties`
* **modern** passed by builder, either `true` or `false`