initial commit

This commit is contained in:
pooya parsa 2020-07-02 15:02:35 +02:00
commit 14f187e69b
123 changed files with 10034 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
const coreJsMeta = {
2: {
prefixes: {
es6: 'es6',
es7: 'es7'
builtIns: '@babel/compat-data/corejs2-built-ins'
3: {
prefixes: {
es6: 'es',
es7: 'es'
builtIns: 'core-js-compat/data'
function getDefaultPolyfills (corejs) {
const { prefixes: { es6, es7 } } = coreJsMeta[corejs.version]
return [
// Promise polyfill alone doesn't work in IE,
// Needs this as well. see: #1642
// This is required for webpack code splitting, vuex etc.
// this is needed for object rest spread support in templates
// as vue-template-es2015-compiler 1.8+ compiles it to Object.assign() calls.
// #2012 es7.promise replaces native Promise in FF and causes missing finally
function getPolyfills (targets, includes, { ignoreBrowserslistConfig, configPath, corejs }) {
const { default: getTargets, isRequired } = require('@babel/helper-compilation-targets')
const builtInsList = require(coreJsMeta[corejs.version].builtIns)
const builtInTargets = getTargets(targets, {
return includes.filter(item => isRequired(
compatData: { 'nuxt-polyfills': builtInsList[item] }
function isPackageHoisted (packageName) {
const path = require('path')
const installedPath = require.resolve(packageName)
const relativePath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'node_modules', packageName)
return installedPath !== relativePath
module.exports = (api, options = {}) => {
const presets = []
const plugins = []
const envName = api.env()
const {
polyfills: userPolyfills,
loose = false,
debug = false,
useBuiltIns = 'usage',
modules = false,
ignoreBrowserslistConfig = envName === 'modern',
} = options
let { corejs = { version: 3 } } = options
if (typeof corejs !== 'object') {
corejs = { version: Number(corejs) }
const isCorejs3Hoisted = isPackageHoisted('core-js')
if (
(corejs.version === 3 && !isCorejs3Hoisted) ||
(corejs.version === 2 && isCorejs3Hoisted)
) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
(console.fatal || console.error)(`babel corejs option is ${corejs.version}, please directlly install core-js@${corejs.version}.`)
const defaultTargets = {
server: { node: 'current' },
client: { ie: 9 },
modern: { esmodules: true }
let { targets = defaultTargets[envName] } = options
// modern mode can only be { esmodules: true }
if (envName === 'modern') {
targets = defaultTargets.modern
const polyfills = []
if (envName === 'client' && useBuiltIns === 'usage') {
userPolyfills || getDefaultPolyfills(corejs),
plugins.push([require('./polyfills-plugin'), { polyfills }])
// Pass options along to babel-preset-env
require('@babel/preset-env'), {
exclude: polyfills.concat(exclude || []),
// JSX
if (options.jsx !== false) {
// presets.push([require('@vue/babel-preset-jsx'), Object.assign({}, options.jsx)])
[require('@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators'), {
legacy: decoratorsLegacy !== false
[require('@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties'), { loose: true }]
// Transform runtime, but only for helpers
plugins.push([require('@babel/plugin-transform-runtime'), {
regenerator: useBuiltIns !== 'usage',
corejs: false,
helpers: useBuiltIns === 'usage',
useESModules: envName !== 'server',
return {
sourceType: 'unambiguous',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
// Add polyfill imports to the first file encountered.
module.exports = ({ types }) => {
let entryFile
return {
name: 'inject-polyfills',
visitor: {
Program (path, state) {
if (!entryFile) {
entryFile = state.filename
} else if (state.filename !== entryFile) {
const { polyfills } = state.opts
const { createImport } = require('@babel/preset-env/lib/utils')
// Imports are injected in reverse order
polyfills.slice().reverse().forEach((p) => {
createImport(path, p)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,849 @@
import path from 'path'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import chokidar from 'chokidar'
import consola from 'consola'
import fsExtra from 'fs-extra'
import Glob from 'glob'
import hash from 'hash-sum'
import pify from 'pify'
import upath from 'upath'
import semver from 'semver'
import debounce from 'lodash/debounce'
import omit from 'lodash/omit'
import template from 'lodash/template'
import uniq from 'lodash/uniq'
import uniqBy from 'lodash/uniqBy'
import { BundleBuilder } from 'src/webpack'
import vueAppTemplate from 'src/vue-app/template'
import {
} from 'src/utils'
import Ignore from './ignore'
import BuildContext from './context/build'
import TemplateContext from './context/template'
const glob = pify(Glob)
export default class Builder {
constructor (nuxt, bundleBuilder) {
this.nuxt = nuxt
this.plugins = []
this.options = nuxt.options
this.globals = determineGlobals(nuxt.options.globalName, nuxt.options.globals)
this.watchers = {
files: null,
custom: null,
restart: null
this.supportedExtensions = ['vue', 'js', ...( || [])]
// Helper to resolve build paths
this.relativeToBuild = (...args) => relativeTo(this.options.buildDir, ...args)
this._buildStatus = STATUS.INITIAL
// Hooks for watch lifecycle
if ( {
// Start watching after initial render
this.nuxt.hook('build:done', () => {'Waiting for file changes')
// Enable HMR for serverMiddleware
// Close hook
this.nuxt.hook('close', () => this.close())
if ( {
this.nuxt.hook('build:done', () => {
consola.warn('Notice: Please do not deploy bundles built with "analyze" mode, they\'re for analysis purposes only.')
// Resolve template
this.template = vueAppTemplate
// Create a new bundle builder
this.bundleBuilder = this.getBundleBuilder(bundleBuilder)
this.ignore = new Ignore({
rootDir: this.options.srcDir,
ignoreArray: this.options.ignore
// Add support for App.{ext} (or app.{ext})
this.appFiles = []
for (const ext of this.supportedExtensions) {
for (const name of ['app', 'App']) {
this.appFiles.push(path.join(this.options.srcDir, `${name}.${ext}`))
getBundleBuilder () {
const context = new BuildContext(this)
return new BundleBuilder(context)
forGenerate () { = TARGETS.static
async build () {
// Avoid calling build() method multiple times when dev:true
if (this._buildStatus === STATUS.BUILD_DONE && {
return this
// If building
if (this._buildStatus === STATUS.BUILDING) {
await waitFor(1000)
this._buildStatus = STATUS.BUILDING
if ( {'Preparing project for development')'Initial build may take a while')
} else {'Production build')
if (this.options.render.ssr) {`Bundling for ${chalk.bold.yellow('server')} and ${'client')} side`)
} else {`Bundling only for ${'client')} side`)
const target = isFullStatic(this.options) ? 'full static' :`Target: ${chalk.bold.cyan(target)}`)
// Wait for nuxt ready
await this.nuxt.ready()
// Call before hook
await this.nuxt.callHook('build:before', this,
// await this.validatePages()
// Validate template
try {
} catch (err) {
consola.success('Builder initialized')
consola.debug(`App root: ${this.options.srcDir}`)
// Create or empty .nuxt/, .nuxt/components and .nuxt/dist folders
await fsExtra.emptyDir(r(this.options.buildDir))
const buildDirs = [r(this.options.buildDir, 'components')]
if (! {
r(this.options.buildDir, 'dist', 'client'),
r(this.options.buildDir, 'dist', 'server')
await Promise.all( => fsExtra.emptyDir(dir)))
// Call ready hook
await this.nuxt.callHook('builder:prepared', this,
// Generate routes and interpret the template files
await this.generateRoutesAndFiles()
// Add vue-app template dir to watchers
await this.resolvePlugins()
// Start bundle build: webpack, rollup, parcel...
// Flag to set that building is done
this._buildStatus = STATUS.BUILD_DONE
// Call done hook
await this.nuxt.callHook('build:done', this)
return this
// Check if pages dir exists and warn if not
// async validatePages () {
// this._nuxtPages = typeof !== 'function'
// if (
// !this._nuxtPages ||
// await fsExtra.exists(path.join(this.options.srcDir, this.options.dir.pages))
// ) {
// return
// }
// const dir = this.options.srcDir
// if (await fsExtra.exists(path.join(this.options.srcDir, '..', this.options.dir.pages))) {
// throw new Error(
// `No \`${this.options.dir.pages}\` directory found in ${dir}. Did you mean to run \`nuxt\` in the parent (\`../\`) directory?`
// )
// }
// this._defaultPage = true
// consola.warn(`No \`${this.options.dir.pages}\` directory found in ${dir}. Using the default built-in page.`)
// }
validateTemplate () {
// Validate template dependencies
const templateDependencies = this.template.dependencies
for (const depName in templateDependencies) {
const depVersion = templateDependencies[depName]
// Load installed version
const pkg = this.nuxt.resolver.requireModule(path.join(depName, 'package.json'))
if (pkg) {
const validVersion = semver.satisfies(pkg.version, depVersion)
if (!validVersion) {
consola.warn(`${depName}@${depVersion} is recommended but ${depName}@${pkg.version} is installed!`)
} else {
consola.warn(`${depName}@${depVersion} is required but not installed!`)
globPathWithExtensions (path) {
return `${path}/**/*.{${this.supportedExtensions.join(',')}}`
createTemplateContext () {
return new TemplateContext(this, this.options)
async generateRoutesAndFiles () {
consola.debug('Generating nuxt files')
this.plugins = Array.from(await this.normalizePlugins())
const templateContext = this.createTemplateContext()
await this.resolvePages(templateContext)
await this.resolveApp(templateContext)
await Promise.all([
await this.resolvePlugins(templateContext)
await this.resolveCustomTemplates(templateContext)
await this.resolveLoadingIndicator(templateContext)
await this.compileTemplates(templateContext)
consola.success('Nuxt files generated')
async normalizePlugins () {
// options.extendPlugins allows for returning a new plugins array
if (typeof this.options.extendPlugins === 'function') {
const extendedPlugins = this.options.extendPlugins(this.options.plugins)
if (Array.isArray(extendedPlugins)) {
this.options.plugins = extendedPlugins
// extendPlugins hook only supports in-place modifying
await this.nuxt.callHook('builder:extendPlugins', this.options.plugins)
const modes = ['client', 'server']
const modePattern = new RegExp(`\\.(${modes.join('|')})(\\.\\w+)*$`)
return uniqBy( => {
if (typeof p === 'string') {
p = { src: p }
const pluginBaseName = path.basename(p.src, path.extname(p.src)).replace(
if (p.ssr === false) {
p.mode = 'client'
} else if (p.mode === undefined) {
p.mode = 'all'
p.src.replace(modePattern, (_, mode) => {
if (modes.includes(mode)) {
p.mode = mode
} else if (!['client', 'server', 'all'].includes(p.mode)) {
consola.warn(`Invalid plugin mode (server/client/all): '${p.mode}'. Falling back to 'all'`)
p.mode = 'all'
return {
src: this.nuxt.resolver.resolveAlias(p.src),
mode: p.mode,
name: 'nuxt_plugin_' + pluginBaseName + '_' + hash(p.src)
p =>
addOptionalTemplates (templateContext) {
if ( {
// templateContext.templateFiles.push('components/nuxt-build-indicator.vue')
if (this.options.loading !== false) {
// templateContext.templateFiles.push('components/nuxt-loading.vue')
async resolveFiles (dir, cwd = this.options.srcDir) {
return this.ignore.filter(await glob(this.globPathWithExtensions(dir), {
async resolveRelative (dir) {
const dirPrefix = new RegExp(`^${dir}/`)
return (await this.resolveFiles(dir)).map(file => ({ src: file.replace(dirPrefix, '') }))
async resolveApp ({ templateVars }) {
templateVars.appPath = 'nuxt-app/app.tutorial.vue'
for (const appFile of this.appFiles) {
if (await fsExtra.exists(appFile)) {
templateVars.appPath = appFile
templateVars.hasApp = true
templateVars.hasApp = false
async resolveLayouts ({ templateVars, templateFiles }) {
if (!this.options.features.layouts) {
if (await fsExtra.exists(path.resolve(this.options.srcDir, this.options.dir.layouts))) {
for (const file of await this.resolveFiles(this.options.dir.layouts)) {
const name = file
.replace(new RegExp(`^${this.options.dir.layouts}/`), '')
.replace(new RegExp(`\\.(${this.supportedExtensions.join('|')})$`), '')
// Layout Priority: module.addLayout > .vue file > other extensions
if (name === 'error') {
if (!templateVars.components.ErrorPage) {
templateVars.components.ErrorPage = this.relativeToBuild(
} else if (this.options.layouts[name]) {
consola.warn(`Duplicate layout registration, "${name}" has been registered as "${this.options.layouts[name]}"`)
} else if (!templateVars.layouts[name] || /\.vue$/.test(file)) {
templateVars.layouts[name] = this.relativeToBuild(
// If no default layout, create its folder and add the default folder
if (!templateVars.layouts.default) {
await fsExtra.mkdirp(r(this.options.buildDir, 'layouts'))
templateVars.layouts.default = './layouts/default.vue'
async resolvePages (templateContext) {
const { templateVars } = templateContext
const pagesDir = path.join(this.options.srcDir, this.options.dir.pages)
this._nuxtPages = templateContext.hasPages = await fsExtra.exists(pagesDir)
if (!templateContext.hasPages) {
const { routeNameSplitter, trailingSlash } = this.options.router
// Use nuxt.js createRoutes bases on pages/
const files = {}
const ext = new RegExp(`\\.(${this.supportedExtensions.join('|')})$`)
for (const page of await this.resolveFiles(this.options.dir.pages)) {
const key = page.replace(ext, '')
// .vue file takes precedence over other extensions
if (/\.vue$/.test(page) || !files[key]) {
files[key] = page.replace(/(['"])/g, '\\$1')
templateVars.router.routes = createRoutes({
files: Object.values(files),
srcDir: this.options.srcDir,
pagesDir: this.options.dir.pages,
supportedExtensions: this.supportedExtensions,
// TODO: Support custom createRoutes
// else { // If user defined a custom method to create routes
// templateVars.router.routes = await
// this.options.srcDir
// )
// }
await this.nuxt.callHook(
// router.extendRoutes method
if (typeof this.options.router.extendRoutes === 'function') {
// let the user extend the routes
const extendedRoutes = this.options.router.extendRoutes(
// Only overwrite routes when something is returned for backwards compatibility
if (extendedRoutes !== undefined) {
templateVars.router.routes = extendedRoutes
// Make routes accessible for other modules and webpack configs
this.routes = templateVars.router.routes
async resolveStore ({ templateVars, templateFiles }) {
// Add store if needed
if (! || ! {
templateVars.storeModules = (await this.resolveRelative(
.sort(({ src: p1 }, { src: p2 }) => {
// modules are sorted from low to high priority (for overwriting properties)
let res = p1.split('/').length - p2.split('/').length
if (res === 0 && p1.includes('/index.')) {
res = -1
} else if (res === 0 && p2.includes('/index.')) {
res = 1
return res
async resolveMiddleware ({ templateVars, templateFiles }) {
if (!this.options.features.middleware) {
const middleware = await this.resolveRelative(this.options.dir.middleware)
const extRE = new RegExp(`\\.(${this.supportedExtensions.join('|')})$`)
templateVars.middleware ={ src }) => {
const name = src.replace(extRE, '')
const dst = this.relativeToBuild(this.options.srcDir, this.options.dir.middleware, src)
return { name, src, dst }
// templateFiles.push('middleware.js')
async resolveCustomTemplates (templateContext) {
// Sanitize custom template files = => {
const src = t.src || t
return {
src: r(this.options.srcDir, src),
dst: t.dst || path.basename(src),
custom: true,
...(typeof t === 'object' ? t : undefined)
const customTemplateFiles = => t.dst || path.basename(t.src || t))
const templatePaths = uniq([
// Modules & user provided templates
// first custom to keep their index
// @nuxt/vue-app templates
const appDir = path.resolve(this.options.srcDir,
templateContext.templateFiles = await Promise.all( (file) => {
// Use custom file if provided in build.templates[]
const customTemplateIndex = customTemplateFiles.indexOf(file)
const customTemplate = customTemplateIndex !== -1 ?[customTemplateIndex] : null
let src = customTemplate ? (customTemplate.src || customTemplate) : r(this.template.dir, file)
// Allow override templates using a file with same name in ${srcDir}/app
const customAppFile = path.resolve(this.options.srcDir,, file)
const customAppFileExists = customAppFile.startsWith(appDir) && await fsExtra.exists(customAppFile)
if (customAppFileExists) {
src = customAppFile
return {
dst: file,
custom: Boolean(customAppFileExists || customTemplate),
options: (customTemplate && customTemplate.options) || {}
async resolveLoadingIndicator ({ templateFiles }) {
if (! {
let indicatorPath = path.resolve(
'views/loading', + '.html'
let customIndicator = false
if (!await fsExtra.exists(indicatorPath)) {
indicatorPath = this.nuxt.resolver.resolveAlias(
if (await fsExtra.exists(indicatorPath)) {
customIndicator = true
} else {
indicatorPath = null
if (!indicatorPath) {
// consola.error(
// `Could not fetch loading indicator: ${
// }`
// )
src: indicatorPath,
dst: 'loading.html',
custom: customIndicator,
options: this.options.loadingIndicator
async compileTemplates (templateContext) {
// Prepare template options
const { templateVars, templateFiles, templateOptions } = templateContext
await this.nuxt.callHook('build:templates', {
templatesFiles: templateFiles,
resolve: r
templateOptions.imports = {
resolvePath: this.nuxt.resolver.resolvePath,
resolveAlias: this.nuxt.resolver.resolveAlias,
relativeToBuild: this.relativeToBuild
// Interpret and move template files to .nuxt/
await Promise.all( (templateFile) => {
const { src, dst, custom } = templateFile
// Add custom templates to watcher
if (custom) {
// Render template to dst
const fileContent = await fsExtra.readFile(src, 'utf8')
let content
try {
const templateFunction = template(fileContent, templateOptions)
content = stripWhitespace(
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Could not compile template ${src}: ${err.message}`)
// Ensure parent dir exits and write file
const relativePath = r(this.options.buildDir, dst)
await fsExtra.outputFile(relativePath, content, 'utf8')
resolvePlugins () {
// Check plugins exist then set alias to their real path
return Promise.all( (p) => {
const ext = '{?(.+([^.])),/index.+([^.])}'
const pluginFiles = await glob(`${p.src}${ext}`)
if (!pluginFiles || pluginFiles.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`Plugin not found: ${p.src}`)
if (pluginFiles.length > 1 && !isIndexFileAndFolder(pluginFiles)) {
message: `Found ${pluginFiles.length} plugins that match the configuration, suggest to specify extension:`,
additional: '\n' + => `- ${x}`).join('\n')
p.src = this.relativeToBuild(p.src)
// TODO: Uncomment when generateConfig enabled again
// async generateConfig() {
// const config = path.resolve(this.options.buildDir, 'build.config.js')
// const options = omit(this.options, Options.unsafeKeys)
// await fsExtra.writeFile(
// config,
// `export default ${JSON.stringify(options, null, ' ')}`,
// 'utf8'
// )
// }
createFileWatcher (patterns, events, listener, watcherCreatedCallback) {
const options = this.options.watchers.chokidar
const watcher =, options)
for (const event of events) {
watcher.on(event, listener)
// TODO: due to fixes in chokidar this isnt used anymore and could be removed in Nuxt v3
const { rewatchOnRawEvents } = this.options.watchers
if (rewatchOnRawEvents && Array.isArray(rewatchOnRawEvents)) {
watcher.on('raw', (_event) => {
if (rewatchOnRawEvents.includes(_event)) {
this.createFileWatcher(patterns, events, listener, watcherCreatedCallback)
if (typeof watcherCreatedCallback === 'function') {
assignWatcher (key) {
return (watcher) => {
if (this.watchers[key]) {
this.watchers[key] = watcher
watchClient () {
let patterns = [
r(this.options.srcDir, this.options.dir.layouts),
r(this.options.srcDir, this.options.dir.middleware),
if ( {
if (this._nuxtPages && !this._defaultPage) {
patterns.push(r(this.options.srcDir, this.options.dir.pages))
patterns =, ...args) => upath.normalizeSafe(this.globPathWithExtensions(path), ...args))
const refreshFiles = debounce(() => this.generateRoutesAndFiles(), 200)
// Watch for src Files
this.createFileWatcher(patterns, ['add', 'unlink'], refreshFiles, this.assignWatcher('files'))
// Watch for custom provided files
const customPatterns = uniq([,
...Object.values(omit(, ['options']))
if (customPatterns.length === 0) {
this.createFileWatcher(customPatterns, ['change'], refreshFiles, this.assignWatcher('custom'))
// Watch for app/ files
this.createFileWatcher([r(this.options.srcDir,], ['add', 'change', 'unlink'], refreshFiles, this.assignWatcher('app'))
serverMiddlewareHMR () {
// Check nuxt.server dependency
if (!this.nuxt.server) {
// Get registered server middleware with path
const entries = this.nuxt.server.serverMiddlewarePaths()
// Resolve dependency tree
const deps = new Set()
const dep2Entry = {}
for (const entry of entries) {
for (const dep of scanRequireTree(entry)) {
if (!dep2Entry[dep]) {
dep2Entry[dep] = new Set()
// Create watcher
debounce((event, fileName) => {
if (!dep2Entry[fileName]) {
return // #7097
for (const entry of dep2Entry[fileName]) {
// Reload entry
let newItem
try {
newItem = this.nuxt.server.replaceMiddleware(entry, entry)
} catch (error) {
consola.error(`[HMR Error]: ${error}`)
if (!newItem) {
// Full reload if HMR failed
return this.nuxt.callHook('watch:restart', { event, path: fileName })
// Log`[HMR] ${chalk.cyan(newItem.route || '/')} (${chalk.grey(fileName)})`)
// Tree may be changed so recreate watcher
}, 200),
watchRestart () {
const nuxtRestartWatch = [
// Custom watchers
if (this.ignore.ignoreFile) {
if (this.options._envConfig && this.options._envConfig.dotenv) {
// If default page displayed, watch for first page creation
if (this._nuxtPages && this._defaultPage) {
nuxtRestartWatch.push(path.join(this.options.srcDir, this.options.dir.pages))
// If store not activated, watch for a file in the directory
if (! {
async (event, fileName) => {
if (['add', 'change', 'unlink'].includes(event) === false) {
await this.nuxt.callHook('watch:fileChanged', this, fileName) // Legacy
await this.nuxt.callHook('watch:restart', { event, path: fileName })
unwatch () {
for (const watcher in this.watchers) {
async close () {
if (this.__closed) {
this.__closed = true
// Unwatch
// Close bundleBuilder
if (typeof this.bundleBuilder.close === 'function') {
await this.bundleBuilder.close()
const STATUS = {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
export default class BuildContext {
constructor (builder) {
this._builder = builder
this.nuxt = builder.nuxt
this.options = builder.nuxt.options =
get buildOptions () {
get plugins () {
return this._builder.plugins

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
import hash from 'hash-sum'
import consola from 'consola'
import uniqBy from 'lodash/uniqBy'
import serialize from 'serialize-javascript'
import devalue from '@nuxt/devalue'
import { r, wp, wChunk, serializeFunction, isFullStatic } from 'src/utils'
export default class TemplateContext {
constructor(builder, options) {
this.templateFiles = Array.from(builder.template.files)
this.templateVars = {
nuxtOptions: options,
features: options.features,
extensions: options.extensions
.map(ext => ext.replace(/^\./, ''))
messages: options.messages,
isTest: options.test,
isFullStatic: isFullStatic(options),
debug: options.debug,
buildIndicator: &&,
vue: { config: options.vue.config },
fetch: options.fetch,
mode: options.mode,
router: options.router,
env: options.env,
head: options.head,
store: ? : false,
globalName: options.globalName,
globals: builder.globals,
css: options.css,
plugins: builder.plugins,
appPath: './App.js',
layouts: Object.assign({}, options.layouts),
typeof options.loading === 'string'
? builder.relativeToBuild(options.srcDir, options.loading)
: options.loading,
pageTransition: options.pageTransition,
layoutTransition: options.layoutTransition,
rootDir: options.rootDir,
srcDir: options.srcDir,
dir: options.dir,
components: {
ErrorPage: options.ErrorPage
? builder.relativeToBuild(options.ErrorPage)
: null
get templateOptions () {
return {
imports: {
interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs-extra'
import ignore from 'ignore'
export default class Ignore {
constructor (options) {
this.rootDir = options.rootDir
this.ignoreOptions = options.ignoreOptions
this.ignoreArray = options.ignoreArray
static get IGNORE_FILENAME () {
return '.nuxtignore'
findIgnoreFile () {
if (!this.ignoreFile) {
const ignoreFile = path.resolve(this.rootDir, Ignore.IGNORE_FILENAME)
if (fs.existsSync(ignoreFile) && fs.statSync(ignoreFile).isFile()) {
this.ignoreFile = ignoreFile
this.ignore = ignore(this.ignoreOptions)
return this.ignoreFile
readIgnoreFile () {
if (this.findIgnoreFile()) {
return fs.readFileSync(this.ignoreFile, 'utf8')
addIgnoresRules () {
const content = this.readIgnoreFile()
if (content) {
if (this.ignoreArray && this.ignoreArray.length > 0) {
if (!this.ignore) {
this.ignore = ignore(this.ignoreOptions)
filter (paths) {
if (this.ignore) {
return this.ignore.filter([].concat(paths || []))
return paths
reload () {
delete this.ignore
delete this.ignoreFile

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import Builder from './builder'
export { default as Builder } from './builder'
export function getBuilder (nuxt) {
return new Builder(nuxt)
export function build (nuxt) {
return getBuilder(nuxt).build()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
import path from 'path'
import consola from 'consola'
import minimist from 'minimist'
import Hookable from 'hable'
import { name, version } from '../../package.json'
import { forceExit } from './utils'
import { loadNuxtConfig } from './utils/config'
import { indent, foldLines, colorize } from './utils/formatting'
import { startSpaces, optionSpaces, forceExitTimeout } from './utils/constants'
import { Nuxt } from 'src/core'
import { Builder } from 'src/builder'
import { Generator } from 'src/generator'
export default class NuxtCommand extends Hookable {
constructor (cmd = { name: '', usage: '', description: '' }, argv = process.argv.slice(2), hooks = {}) {
if (!cmd.options) {
cmd.options = {}
this.cmd = cmd
this._argv = Array.from(argv)
this._parsedArgv = null // Lazy evaluate
static run (cmd, argv, hooks) {
return NuxtCommand.from(cmd, argv, hooks).run()
static from (cmd, argv, hooks) {
if (cmd instanceof NuxtCommand) {
return cmd
return new NuxtCommand(cmd, argv, hooks)
async run () {
await this.callHook('run:before', {
argv: this._argv,
cmd: this.cmd,
rootDir: path.resolve(this.argv._[0] || '.')
if ( {
if (this.argv.version) {
if (typeof !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('Invalid command! Commands should at least implement run() function.')
let cmdError
try {
} catch (e) {
cmdError = e
if (this.argv.lock) {
await this.releaseLock()
if (this.argv['force-exit']) {
const forceExitByUser = this.isUserSuppliedArg('force-exit')
if (cmdError) {
forceExit(, forceExitByUser ? false : forceExitTimeout)
if (forceExitByUser) {
if (cmdError) {
throw cmdError
showVersion () {
process.stdout.write(`${name} v${version}\n`)
showHelp () {
get argv () {
if (!this._parsedArgv) {
const minimistOptions = this._getMinimistOptions()
this._parsedArgv = minimist(this._argv, minimistOptions)
return this._parsedArgv
async getNuxtConfig (extraOptions = {}) {
// Flag to indicate nuxt is running with CLI (not programmatic)
extraOptions._cli = true
const context = {
dev: !!
const config = await loadNuxtConfig(this.argv, context)
const options = Object.assign(config, extraOptions)
for (const name of Object.keys(this.cmd.options)) {
this.cmd.options[name].prepare && this.cmd.options[name].prepare(this, options, this.argv)
await this.callHook('config', options)
return options
async getNuxt (options) {
const nuxt = new Nuxt(options)
await nuxt.ready()
return nuxt
async getBuilder (nuxt) {
return new Builder(nuxt)
async getGenerator (nuxt) {
const builder = await this.getBuilder(nuxt)
return new Generator(nuxt, builder)
async setLock (lockRelease) {
if (lockRelease) {
if (this._lockRelease) {
consola.warn(`A previous unreleased lock was found, this shouldn't happen and is probably an error in 'nuxt ${}' command. The lock will be removed but be aware of potential strange results`)
await this.releaseLock()
this._lockRelease = lockRelease
} else {
this._lockRelease = lockRelease
async releaseLock () {
if (this._lockRelease) {
await this._lockRelease()
this._lockRelease = undefined
isUserSuppliedArg (option) {
return this._argv.includes(`--${option}`) || this._argv.includes(`--no-${option}`)
_getDefaultOptionValue (option) {
return typeof option.default === 'function' ? option.default(this.cmd) : option.default
_getMinimistOptions () {
const minimistOptions = {
alias: {},
boolean: [],
string: [],
default: {}
for (const name of Object.keys(this.cmd.options)) {
const option = this.cmd.options[name]
if (option.alias) {
minimistOptions.alias[option.alias] = name
if (option.type) {
minimistOptions[option.type].push(option.alias || name)
if (option.default) {
minimistOptions.default[option.alias || name] = this._getDefaultOptionValue(option)
return minimistOptions
_getHelp () {
const options = []
let maxOptionLength = 0
for (const name in this.cmd.options) {
const option = this.cmd.options[name]
let optionHelp = '--'
optionHelp += option.type === 'boolean' && this._getDefaultOptionValue(option) ? 'no-' : ''
optionHelp += name
if (option.alias) {
optionHelp += `, -${option.alias}`
maxOptionLength = Math.max(maxOptionLength, optionHelp.length)
options.push([optionHelp, option.description])
const _opts =[option, description]) => {
const i = indent(maxOptionLength + optionSpaces - option.length)
return foldLines(
option + i + description,
startSpaces + maxOptionLength + optionSpaces * 2,
startSpaces + optionSpaces
const usage = foldLines(`Usage: nuxt ${this.cmd.usage} [options]`, startSpaces)
const description = foldLines(this.cmd.description, startSpaces)
const opts = foldLines('Options:', startSpaces) + '\n\n' + _opts
let helpText = colorize(`${usage}\n\n`)
if (this.cmd.description) {
helpText += colorize(`${description}\n\n`)
if (options.length) {
helpText += colorize(`${opts}\n\n`)
return helpText

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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
import consola from 'consola'
import { MODES, TARGETS } from 'src/utils'
import { common, locking } from '../options'
import { createLock } from '../utils'
export default {
name: 'build',
description: 'Compiles the application for production deployment',
usage: 'build <dir>',
options: {
analyze: {
alias: 'a',
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Launch webpack-bundle-analyzer to optimize your bundles',
prepare (cmd, options, argv) {
// Analyze option = || {}
if (argv.analyze && typeof !== 'object') { = true
devtools: {
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
description: 'Enable Vue devtools',
prepare (cmd, options, argv) {
options.vue = options.vue || {}
options.vue.config = options.vue.config || {}
if (argv.devtools) {
options.vue.config.devtools = true
generate: {
type: 'boolean',
default: true,
description: 'Don\'t generate static version for SPA mode (useful for nuxt start)'
quiet: {
alias: 'q',
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Disable output except for errors',
prepare (cmd, options, argv) {
// Silence output when using --quiet = || {}
if (argv.quiet) { = Boolean(argv.quiet)
standalone: {
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
description: 'Bundle all server dependencies (useful for nuxt-start)',
prepare (cmd, options, argv) {
if (argv.standalone) { = true
async run (cmd) {
const config = await cmd.getNuxtConfig({ dev: false, server: false, _build: true })
config.server = (config.mode === || config.ssr === false) && cmd.argv.generate !== false
const nuxt = await cmd.getNuxt(config)
if (cmd.argv.lock) {
await cmd.setLock(await createLock({
id: 'build',
dir: nuxt.options.buildDir,
root: config.rootDir
// TODO: remove if in Nuxt 3
if (nuxt.options.mode === && === TARGETS.server && cmd.argv.generate !== false) {
// Build + Generate for static deployment
const generator = await cmd.getGenerator(nuxt)
await generator.generate({ build: true })
} else {
// Build only
const builder = await cmd.getBuilder(nuxt)
const nextCommand = === TARGETS.static ? 'nuxt export' : 'nuxt start''Ready to run `' + (nextCommand) + '`')

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@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
import consola from 'consola'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import opener from 'opener'
import { common, server } from '../options'
import { eventsMapping, formatPath } from '../utils'
import { showBanner } from '../utils/banner'
import { showMemoryUsage } from '../utils/memory'
export default {
name: 'dev',
description: 'Start the application in development mode (e.g. hot-code reloading, error reporting)',
usage: 'dev <dir>',
options: {
open: {
alias: 'o',
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Opens the server listeners url in the default browser'
async run (cmd) {
const { argv } = cmd
await this.startDev(cmd, argv,
async startDev (cmd, argv) {
let nuxt
try {
nuxt = await this._listenDev(cmd, argv)
} catch (error) {
try {
await this._buildDev(cmd, argv, nuxt)
} catch (error) {
await nuxt.callHook('cli:buildError', error)
return nuxt
async _listenDev (cmd, argv) {
const config = await cmd.getNuxtConfig({ dev: true, _build: true })
const nuxt = await cmd.getNuxt(config)
// Setup hooks
nuxt.hook('watch:restart', payload => this.onWatchRestart(payload, { nuxt, cmd, argv }))
nuxt.hook('bundler:change', changedFileName => this.onBundlerChange(changedFileName))
// Wait for nuxt to be ready
await nuxt.ready()
// Start listening
await nuxt.server.listen()
// Show banner when listening
showBanner(nuxt, false)
// Opens the server listeners url in the default browser (only once)
if ( { = false
const openerPromises = => opener(listener.url))
await Promise.all(openerPromises)
// Return instance
return nuxt
async _buildDev (cmd, argv, nuxt) {
// Create builder instance
const builder = await cmd.getBuilder(nuxt)
// Start Build
// Print memory usage
// Display server urls after the build
for (const listener of nuxt.server.listeners) {'Listening on: ') + listener.url)
// Return instance
return nuxt
logChanged ({ event, path }) {
const { icon, color, action } = eventsMapping[event] || eventsMapping.change
type: event,
icon: chalk[color].bold(icon),
message: `${action} ${chalk.cyan(formatPath(path))}`
async onWatchRestart ({ event, path }, { nuxt, cmd, argv }) {
this.logChanged({ event, path })
await nuxt.close()
await this.startDev(cmd, argv)
onBundlerChange (path) {
this.logChanged({ event: 'change', path })

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
import path from 'path'
import consola from 'consola'
import { TARGETS } from 'src/utils'
import { common, locking } from '../options'
import { createLock } from '../utils'
export default {
name: 'export',
description: 'Export a static generated web application',
usage: 'export <dir>',
options: {
'fail-on-error': {
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
description: 'Exit with non-zero status code if there are errors when exporting pages'
async run (cmd) {
const config = await cmd.getNuxtConfig({
dev: false,
target: TARGETS.static,
_export: true
const nuxt = await cmd.getNuxt(config)
if (cmd.argv.lock) {
await cmd.setLock(await createLock({
id: 'export',
dir: nuxt.options.generate.dir,
root: config.rootDir
const generator = await cmd.getGenerator(nuxt)
await nuxt.server.listen(0)
const { errors } = await generator.generate({
init: true,
build: false
await nuxt.close()
if (cmd.argv['fail-on-error'] && errors.length > 0) {
throw new Error('Error exporting pages, exiting with non-zero code')
}'Ready to run `nuxt serve` or deploy `' + path.basename(nuxt.options.generate.dir) + '/` directory')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
import { TARGETS } from 'src/utils'
import { common, locking } from '../options'
import { normalizeArg, createLock } from '../utils'
export default {
name: 'generate',
description: 'Generate a static web application (server-rendered)',
usage: 'generate <dir>',
options: {
build: {
type: 'boolean',
default: true,
description: 'Only generate pages for dynamic routes, used for incremental builds. Generate has to be run once without this option before using it'
devtools: {
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
description: 'Enable Vue devtools',
prepare (cmd, options, argv) {
options.vue = options.vue || {}
options.vue.config = options.vue.config || {}
if (argv.devtools) {
options.vue.config.devtools = true
quiet: {
alias: 'q',
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Disable output except for errors',
prepare (cmd, options, argv) {
// Silence output when using --quiet = || {}
if (argv.quiet) { = true
modern: {
description: 'Generate app in modern build (modern mode can be only client)',
prepare (cmd, options, argv) {
if (normalizeArg(argv.modern)) {
options.modern = 'client'
'fail-on-error': {
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
description: 'Exit with non-zero status code if there are errors when generating pages'
async run (cmd) {
const config = await cmd.getNuxtConfig({
dev: false,
_generate: true
if ( === TARGETS.static) {
throw new Error("Please use `nuxt export` when using `target: 'static'`")
// Forcing static target anyway = TARGETS.static
// Disable analyze if set by the nuxt config = || {} = false
// Set flag to keep the prerendering behaviour
config._legacyGenerate = true
const nuxt = await cmd.getNuxt(config)
if (cmd.argv.lock) {
await cmd.setLock(await createLock({
id: 'build',
dir: nuxt.options.buildDir,
root: config.rootDir
nuxt.hook('build:done', async () => {
await cmd.releaseLock()
await cmd.setLock(await createLock({
id: 'generate',
dir: nuxt.options.generate.dir,
root: config.rootDir
const generator = await cmd.getGenerator(nuxt)
await nuxt.server.listen(0)
const { errors } = await generator.generate({
init: true,
await nuxt.close()
if (cmd.argv['fail-on-error'] && errors.length > 0) {
throw new Error('Error generating pages, exiting with non-zero code')

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import consola from 'consola'
import listCommands from '../list'
import { common } from '../options'
import NuxtCommand from '../command'
import getCommand from '.'
export default {
name: 'help',
description: 'Shows help for <command>',
usage: 'help <command>',
options: {
version: common.version
async run (cmd) {
const [name] = cmd._argv
if (!name) {
return listCommands()
const command = await getCommand(name)
if (!command) {`Unknown command: ${name}`)

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
const _commands = {
start: () => import('./start'),
serve: () => import('./serve'),
dev: () => import('./dev'),
build: () => import('./build'),
generate: () => import('./generate'),
export: () => import('./export'),
webpack: () => import('./webpack'),
help: () => import('./help')
export default function getCommand (name) {
if (!_commands[name]) {
return Promise.resolve(null)
return _commands[name]().then(m => m.default)

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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
import { promises as fs } from 'fs'
import { join, extname, basename } from 'path'
import connect from 'connect'
import serveStatic from 'serve-static'
import compression from 'compression'
import { getNuxtConfig } from 'src/config'
import { TARGETS } from 'src/utils'
import { common, server } from '../options'
import { showBanner } from '../utils/banner'
import { Listener } from 'src/server'
import { Nuxt } from 'src/core'
export default {
name: 'serve',
description: 'Serve the exported static application (should be compiled with `nuxt build` and `nuxt export` first)',
usage: 'serve <dir>',
options: {
'config-file': common['config-file'],
version: common.version,
async run (cmd) {
let options = await cmd.getNuxtConfig({ dev: false })
// add default options
options = getNuxtConfig(options)
try {
// overwrites with build config
const buildConfig = require(join(options.buildDir, 'nuxt/config.json')) =
} catch (err) {}
if ( === TARGETS.server) {
throw new Error('You cannot use `nuxt serve` with ' + TARGETS.server + ' target, please use `nuxt start`')
const distStat = await fs.stat(options.generate.dir).catch(err => null) // eslint-disable-line handle-callback-err
if (!distStat || !distStat.isDirectory()) {
throw new Error('Output directory `' + basename(options.generate.dir) + '/` does not exists, please run `nuxt export` before `nuxt serve`.')
const app = connect()
app.use(compression({ threshold: 0 }))
serveStatic(options.generate.dir, {
extensions: ['html']
if (options.generate.fallback) {
const fallbackFile = await fs.readFile(join(options.generate.dir, options.generate.fallback), 'utf-8')
app.use((req, res, next) => {
const ext = extname(req.url) || '.html'
if (ext !== '.html') {
return next()
res.writeHeader(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/html'
const { port, host, socket, https } = options.server
const listener = new Listener({
dev: true, // try another port if taken
baseURL: options.router.base
await listener.listen()
constructor: Nuxt,
server: {
listeners: [listener]
}, false)

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import { TARGETS } from 'src/utils'
import { common, server } from '../options'
import { showBanner } from '../utils/banner'
export default {
name: 'start',
description: 'Start the application in production mode (the application should be compiled with `nuxt build` first)',
usage: 'start <dir>',
options: {
async run (cmd) {
const config = await cmd.getNuxtConfig({ dev: false, _start: true })
if ( === TARGETS.static) {
throw new Error('You cannot use `nuxt start` with ' + TARGETS.static + ' target, please use `nuxt export` and `nuxt serve`')
const nuxt = await cmd.getNuxt(config)
// Listen and show ready banner
await nuxt.server.listen()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
import util from 'util'
import consola from 'consola'
import get from 'lodash/get'
import { common } from '../options'
export default {
name: 'webpack',
description: 'Inspect Nuxt webpack config',
usage: 'webpack [query...]',
options: {
name: {
alias: 'n',
type: 'string',
default: 'client',
description: 'Webpack bundle name: server, client, modern'
depth: {
alias: 'd',
type: 'string',
default: 2,
description: 'Inspection depth'
colors: {
type: 'boolean',
default: process.stdout.isTTY,
description: 'Output with ANSI colors'
dev: {
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
description: 'Inspect development mode webpack config'
async run (cmd) {
const { name } = cmd.argv
const queries = [...cmd.argv._]
const config = await cmd.getNuxtConfig({ dev:, server: false })
const nuxt = await cmd.getNuxt(config)
const builder = await cmd.getBuilder(nuxt)
const { bundleBuilder } = builder
const webpackConfig = bundleBuilder.getWebpackConfig(name)
let queryError
const match = queries.reduce((result, query) => {
const m = advancedGet(result, query)
if (m === undefined) {
queryError = query
return result
return m
}, webpackConfig)
const serialized = formatObj(match, {
depth: parseInt(cmd.argv.depth),
colors: cmd.argv.colors
consola.log(serialized + '\n')
if (serialized.includes('[Object]' || serialized.includes('[Array'))) {'You can use `--depth` or add more queries to inspect `[Object]` and `[Array]` fields.')
if (queryError) {
consola.warn(`No match in webpack config for \`${queryError}\``)
function advancedGet (obj = {}, query = '') {
let result = obj
if (!query || !result) {
return result
const [l, r] = query.split('=')
if (!Array.isArray(result)) {
return typeof result === 'object' ? get(result, l) : result
result = result.filter((i) => {
const v = get(i, l)
if (!v) {
if (
(v === r) ||
(typeof v.test === 'function' && v.test(r)) ||
(typeof v.match === 'function' && v.match(r)) ||
(r && r.match(v))
) {
return true
if (result.length === 1) {
return result[0]
return result.length ? result : undefined
function formatObj (obj, formatOptions) {
if (!util.formatWithOptions) {
return util.format(obj)
return util.formatWithOptions(formatOptions, obj)

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import * as commands from './commands'
import * as options from './options'
export {
export { default as NuxtCommand } from './command'
export { default as setup } from './setup'
export { default as run } from './run'
export { loadNuxtConfig } from './utils/config'
export { getWebpackConfig } from './utils/webpack'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import chalk from 'chalk'
import { indent, foldLines, colorize } from './utils/formatting'
import { startSpaces, optionSpaces } from './utils/constants'
import getCommand from './commands'
export default async function listCommands () {
const commandsOrder = ['dev', 'build', 'generate', 'start', 'help']
// Load all commands
const _commands = await Promise.all( => getCommand(cmd))
let maxLength = 0
const commandsHelp = []
for (const command of _commands) {
commandsHelp.push([command.usage, command.description])
maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, command.usage.length)
const _cmds =[cmd, description]) => {
const i = indent(maxLength + optionSpaces - cmd.length)
return foldLines( + i + description,
startSpaces + maxLength + optionSpaces * 2,
startSpaces + optionSpaces
const usage = foldLines('Usage: nuxt <command> [--help|-h]', startSpaces)
const cmds = foldLines('Commands:', startSpaces) + '\n\n' + _cmds

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
import { defaultNuxtConfigFile } from 'src/config'
import { normalizeArg } from '../utils'
export default {
spa: {
alias: 's',
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Launch in SPA mode'
universal: {
alias: 'u',
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Launch in Universal mode (default)'
'config-file': {
alias: 'c',
type: 'string',
default: defaultNuxtConfigFile,
description: `Path to Nuxt.js config file (default: \`${defaultNuxtConfigFile}\`)`
modern: {
alias: 'm',
type: 'string',
description: 'Build/Start app for modern browsers, e.g. server, client and false',
prepare (cmd, options, argv) {
if (argv.modern !== undefined) {
options.modern = normalizeArg(argv.modern)
target: {
alias: 't',
type: 'string',
description: 'Build/start app for a different target, e.g. server, serverless and static',
prepare (cmd, options, argv) {
if ( { =
'force-exit': {
type: 'boolean',
default (cmd) {
return ['build', 'generate', 'export'].includes(
description: 'Whether Nuxt.js should force exit after the command has finished'
version: {
alias: 'v',
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Display the Nuxt version'
help: {
alias: 'h',
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Display this message'
processenv: {
type: 'boolean',
default: true,
description: 'Disable reading from `process.env` and updating it with dotenv'
dotenv: {
type: 'string',
default: '.env',
description: 'Specify path to dotenv file (default: `.env`). Use `false` to disable'

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import common from './common'
import server from './server'
import locking from './locking'
export {

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
export default {
lock: {
type: 'boolean',
default: true,
description: 'Do not set a lock on the project when building'

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import consola from 'consola'
export default {
port: {
alias: 'p',
type: 'string',
description: 'Port number on which to start the application',
prepare (cmd, options, argv) {
if (argv.port) {
options.server.port = +argv.port
hostname: {
alias: 'H',
type: 'string',
description: 'Hostname on which to start the application',
prepare (cmd, options, argv) {
if (argv.hostname === '') {
consola.fatal('Provided hostname argument has no value')
'unix-socket': {
alias: 'n',
type: 'string',
description: 'Path to a UNIX socket'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import fs from 'fs'
import execa from 'execa'
import { name as pkgName } from '../../package.json'
import NuxtCommand from './command'
import setup from './setup'
import getCommand from './commands'
function packageExists (name) {
try {
return true
} catch (e) {
return false
export default async function run(_argv, hooks = {}) {
// Check for not installing both nuxt and nuxt-edge
const dupPkg = '@nuxt/' + (pkgName === '@nuxt/cli-edge' ? 'cli' : 'cli-edge')
if (packageExists(dupPkg)) {
throw new Error('Both `nuxt` and `nuxt-edge` dependencies are installed! This is unsupported, please choose one and remove the other one from dependencies.')
// Read from process.argv
const argv = _argv ? Array.from(_argv) : process.argv.slice(2)
// Check for internal command
let cmd = await getCommand(argv[0])
// Matching `nuxt` or `nuxt [dir]` or `nuxt -*` for `nuxt dev` shortcut
if (!cmd && (!argv[0] || argv[0][0] === '-' || (argv[0] !== 'static' && fs.existsSync(argv[0])))) {
cmd = await getCommand('dev')
// Check for dev
const dev = argv[0] === 'dev'
// Setup env
setup({ dev })
// Try internal command
if (cmd) {
return, argv.slice(1), hooks)
// Try external command
try {
await execa(`nuxt-${argv[0]}`, argv.slice(1), {
stdout: process.stdout,
stderr: process.stderr,
stdin: process.stdin
} catch (error) {
if (error.exitCode === 2) {
throw String(`Command not found: nuxt-${argv[0]}`)
throw String(`Failed to run command \`nuxt-${argv[0]}\`:\n${error}`)

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import consola from 'consola'
import exit from 'exit'
import { fatalBox } from './utils/formatting'
let _setup = false
export default function setup ({ dev }) {
// Apply default NODE_ENV if not provided
if (!process.env.NODE_ENV) {
process.env.NODE_ENV = dev ? 'development' : 'production'
if (_setup) {
_setup = true
// Global error handler
/* istanbul ignore next */
process.on('unhandledRejection', (err) => {
// Exit process on fatal errors
/* istanbul ignore next */
log (logObj) {
if (logObj.type === 'fatal') {
const errorMessage = String(logObj.args[0])
// Wrap all console logs with consola for better DX

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import consola from 'consola'
import env from 'std-env'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import { successBox } from './formatting'
import { getFormattedMemoryUsage } from './memory'
export function showBanner (nuxt, showMemoryUsage = true) {
if (env.test) {
if (env.minimalCLI) {
for (const listener of nuxt.server.listeners) {'Listening on: ' + listener.url)
const titleLines = []
const messageLines = []
// Name and version
const { bannerColor, badgeMessages } = nuxt.options.cli
titleLines.push(`${chalk[bannerColor].bold('Nuxt.js')} @ ${nuxt.constructor.version || 'exotic'}\n`)
const label = name => chalk.bold.cyan(`${name}:`)
// Environment
const isDev =
let _env = isDev ? 'development' : 'production'
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== _env) {
_env += ` (${chalk.cyan(process.env.NODE_ENV)})`
titleLines.push(`${label('Environment')} ${_env}`)
// Rendering
const isSSR = nuxt.options.render.ssr
const rendering = isSSR ? 'server-side' : 'client-side'
titleLines.push(`${label('Rendering')} ${rendering}`)
// Target
const target = || 'server'
titleLines.push(`${label('Target')} ${target}`)
if (showMemoryUsage) {
titleLines.push('\n' + getFormattedMemoryUsage())
// Listeners
for (const listener of nuxt.server.listeners) {
messageLines.push(chalk.bold('Listening: ') +
// Add custom badge messages
if (badgeMessages.length) {
messageLines.push('', ...badgeMessages)
process.stdout.write(successBox(messageLines.join('\n'), titleLines.join('\n')))

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import path from 'path'
import defaultsDeep from 'lodash/defaultsDeep'
import { loadNuxtConfig as _loadNuxtConfig, getDefaultNuxtConfig } from 'src/config'
import { MODES } from 'src/utils'
export async function loadNuxtConfig (argv, configContext) {
const rootDir = path.resolve(argv._[0] || '.')
const configFile = argv['config-file']
// Load config
const options = await _loadNuxtConfig({
envConfig: {
dotenv: argv.dotenv === 'false' ? false : argv.dotenv,
env: argv.processenv ? process.env : {}
// Nuxt Mode
options.mode =
( && || (argv.universal && MODES.universal) || options.mode
// Server options
options.server = defaultsDeep({
port: argv.port || undefined,
host: argv.hostname || undefined,
socket: argv['unix-socket'] || undefined
}, options.server || {}, getDefaultNuxtConfig().server)
return options

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
export const forceExitTimeout = 5
export const startSpaces = 2
export const optionSpaces = 2
// 80% of terminal column width
// this is a fn because console width can have changed since startup
export const maxCharsPerLine = () => (process.stdout.columns || 100) * 80 / 100

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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
import wrapAnsi from 'wrap-ansi'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import boxen from 'boxen'
import { maxCharsPerLine } from './constants'
export function indent (count, chr = ' ') {
return chr.repeat(count)
export function indentLines (string, spaces, firstLineSpaces) {
const lines = Array.isArray(string) ? string : string.split('\n')
let s = ''
if (lines.length) {
const i0 = indent(firstLineSpaces === undefined ? spaces : firstLineSpaces)
s = i0 + lines.shift()
if (lines.length) {
const i = indent(spaces)
s += '\n' + => i + l).join('\n')
return s
export function foldLines (string, spaces, firstLineSpaces, charsPerLine = maxCharsPerLine()) {
return indentLines(wrapAnsi(string, charsPerLine), spaces, firstLineSpaces)
export function colorize (text) {
return text
.replace(/\[[^ ]+]/g, m => chalk.grey(m))
.replace(/<[^ ]+>/g, m =>
.replace(/ (-[-\w,]+)/g, m => chalk.bold(m))
.replace(/`([^`]+)`/g, (_, m) => chalk.bold.cyan(m))
export function box (message, title, options) {
return boxen([
title || chalk.white('Nuxt Message'),
chalk.white(foldLines(message, 0, 0, maxCharsPerLine()))
].join('\n'), Object.assign({
borderColor: 'white',
borderStyle: 'round',
padding: 1,
margin: 1
}, options)) + '\n'
export function successBox (message, title) {
return box(message, title ||'✔ Nuxt Success'), {
borderColor: 'green'
export function warningBox (message, title) {
return box(message, title || chalk.yellow('⚠ Nuxt Warning'), {
borderColor: 'yellow'
export function errorBox (message, title) {
return box(message, title ||'✖ Nuxt Error'), {
borderColor: 'red'
export function fatalBox (message, title) {
return errorBox(message, title ||'✖ Nuxt Fatal Error'))

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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
import path from 'path'
import exit from 'exit'
import { lock } from 'src/utils'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import env from 'std-env'
import { warningBox } from './formatting'
export const eventsMapping = {
add: { icon: '+', color: 'green', action: 'Created' },
change: { icon: ? '»' : '↻', color: 'blue', action: 'Updated' },
unlink: { icon: '-', color: 'red', action: 'Removed' }
export function formatPath (filePath) {
if (!filePath) {
return filePath.replace(process.cwd() + path.sep, '')
* Normalize string argument in command
* @export
* @param {String} argument
* @param {*} defaultValue
* @returns formatted argument
export function normalizeArg (arg, defaultValue) {
switch (arg) {
case 'true': arg = true; break
case '': arg = true; break
case 'false': arg = false; break
case undefined: arg = defaultValue; break
return arg
export function forceExit (cmdName, timeout) {
if (timeout !== false) {
const exitTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
const msg = `The command 'nuxt ${cmdName}' finished but did not exit after ${timeout}s
This is most likely not caused by a bug in Nuxt.js
Make sure to cleanup all timers and listeners you or your plugins/modules start.
Nuxt.js will now force exit
${chalk.bold('DeprecationWarning: Starting with Nuxt version 3 this will be a fatal error')}`
// TODO: Change this to a fatal error in v3
}, timeout * 1000)
} else {
// An immediate export throws an error when mocking with jest
// TypeError: Cannot set property createLock of #<Object> which has only a getter
export function createLock (...args) {
return lock(...args)

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import chalk from 'chalk'
import consola from 'consola'
import prettyBytes from 'pretty-bytes'
export function getMemoryUsage () {
const { heapUsed, rss } = process.memoryUsage()
return { heap: heapUsed, rss }
export function getFormattedMemoryUsage () {
const { heap, rss } = getMemoryUsage()
return `Memory usage: ${chalk.bold(prettyBytes(heap))} (RSS: ${prettyBytes(rss)})`
export function showMemoryUsage () {

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import { loadNuxt } from 'src/core'
import { getBuilder } from 'src/builder'
export async function getWebpackConfig(name = 'client', loadOptions = {}) {
const nuxt = await loadNuxt(loadOptions)
const builder = await getBuilder(nuxt)
const { bundleBuilder } = builder
return bundleBuilder.getWebpackConfig(name)

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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
export default () => ({
vue: {
config: {
silent: undefined, // = !dev
performance: undefined // = dev
vueMeta: null,
head: {
meta: [],
link: [],
style: [],
script: []
fetch: {
server: true,
client: true
plugins: [],
extendPlugins: null,
css: [],
layouts: {},
ErrorPage: null,
loading: {
color: 'black',
failedColor: 'red',
height: '2px',
throttle: 200,
duration: 5000,
continuous: false,
rtl: false,
css: true
loadingIndicator: 'default',
pageTransition: {
name: 'page',
mode: 'out-in',
appear: false,
appearClass: 'appear',
appearActiveClass: 'appear-active',
appearToClass: 'appear-to'
layoutTransition: {
name: 'layout',
mode: 'out-in'
features: {
store: true,
layouts: true,
meta: true,
middleware: true,
transitions: true,
deprecations: true,
validate: true,
asyncData: true,
fetch: true,
clientOnline: true,
clientPrefetch: true,
clientUseUrl: false,
componentAliases: true,
componentClientOnly: true

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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
import capitalize from 'lodash/capitalize'
import env from 'std-env'
import { TARGETS, MODES } from 'src/utils'
export default () => ({
// Env
dev: Boolean(,
test: Boolean(env.test),
debug: undefined, // = dev
env: {},
createRequire: undefined,
// Target
target: TARGETS.server,
// Rendering
ssr: true,
// TODO: remove in Nuxt 3
// Mode
mode: MODES.universal,
modern: undefined,
// Modules
modules: [],
buildModules: [],
_modules: [],
globalName: undefined,
globals: {
id: globalName => `__${globalName}`,
nuxt: globalName => `$${globalName}`,
context: globalName => `__${globalName.toUpperCase()}__`,
pluginPrefix: globalName => globalName,
readyCallback: globalName => `on${capitalize(globalName)}Ready`,
loadedCallback: globalName => `_on${capitalize(globalName)}Loaded`
// Server
serverMiddleware: [],
// Dirs and extensions
_nuxtConfigFile: undefined,
srcDir: undefined,
buildDir: '.nuxt',
modulesDir: [
dir: {
assets: 'assets',
app: 'app',
layouts: 'layouts',
middleware: 'middleware',
pages: 'pages',
static: 'static',
store: 'store'
extensions: [],
styleExtensions: ['css', 'pcss', 'postcss', 'styl', 'stylus', 'scss', 'sass', 'less'],
alias: {},
// Ignores
ignoreOptions: undefined,
ignorePrefix: '-',
ignore: [
// Watch
watch: [],
watchers: {
rewatchOnRawEvents: undefined,
webpack: {
aggregateTimeout: 1000
chokidar: {
ignoreInitial: true
// Editor
editor: undefined,
// Hooks
hooks: null,
// runtimeConfig
privateRuntimeConfig: {},
publicRuntimeConfig: {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
import env from 'std-env'
export default () => ({
quiet: Boolean( || env.test),
analyze: false,
profile: process.argv.includes('--profile'),
extractCSS: false,
cssSourceMap: undefined,
ssr: undefined,
parallel: false,
cache: false,
standalone: false,
publicPath: '/_nuxt/',
serverURLPolyfill: 'url',
filenames: {
// { isDev, isClient, isServer }
app: ({ isDev, isModern }) => isDev ? `[name]${isModern ? '.modern' : ''}.js` : `[name].[contenthash:7]${isModern ? '.modern' : ''}.js`,
chunk: ({ isDev, isModern }) => isDev ? `[name]${isModern ? '.modern' : ''}.js` : `[name].[contenthash:7]${isModern ? '.modern' : ''}.js`,
css: ({ isDev }) => isDev ? '[name].css' : '[name].[contenthash:7].css',
img: ({ isDev }) => isDev ? '[path][name].[ext]' : 'img/[name].[contenthash:7].[ext]',
font: ({ isDev }) => isDev ? '[path][name].[ext]' : 'fonts/[name].[contenthash:7].[ext]',
video: ({ isDev }) => isDev ? '[path][name].[ext]' : 'videos/[name].[contenthash:7].[ext]'
loaders: {
file: {},
fontUrl: { limit: 1000 },
imgUrl: { limit: 1000 },
pugPlain: {},
vue: {
transformAssetUrls: {
video: 'src',
source: 'src',
object: 'src',
embed: 'src'
css: {},
cssModules: {
modules: {
localIdentName: '[local]_[hash:base64:5]'
less: {},
sass: {
sassOptions: {
indentedSyntax: true
scss: {},
stylus: {},
vueStyle: {}
styleResources: {},
plugins: [],
terser: {},
hardSource: false,
aggressiveCodeRemoval: false,
optimizeCSS: undefined,
optimization: {
runtimeChunk: 'single',
minimize: undefined,
minimizer: undefined,
splitChunks: {
chunks: 'all',
name: undefined,
cacheGroups: {
default: {
name: undefined
splitChunks: {
layouts: false,
pages: true,
commons: true
babel: {
configFile: false,
babelrc: false,
cacheDirectory: undefined
transpile: [], // Name of NPM packages to be transpiled
postcss: {
preset: {
stage: 2
html: {
minify: {
collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
decodeEntities: true,
minifyCSS: true,
minifyJS: true,
processConditionalComments: true,
removeEmptyAttributes: true,
removeRedundantAttributes: true,
trimCustomFragments: true,
useShortDoctype: true
template: undefined,
templates: [],
watch: [],
devMiddleware: {},
hotMiddleware: {},
stats: {
excludeAssets: [
friendlyErrors: true,
additionalExtensions: [],
warningIgnoreFilters: [],
followSymlinks: false,
loadingScreen: {},
indicator: {
position: 'bottom-right',
backgroundColor: '#2E495E',
color: '#00C48D'

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
export default () => ({
badgeMessages: [],
bannerColor: 'green'

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
export default () => ({
dir: 'dist',
routes: [],
exclude: [],
concurrency: 500,
interval: 0,
subFolders: true,
fallback: '200.html',
crawler: true,
staticAssets: {
base: undefined, // Default: "/_nuxt/static:
versionBase: undefined, // Default: "_nuxt/static/{version}""
dir: 'static',
version: undefined // Default: "{timeStampSec}"

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import _app from './_app'
import _common from './_common'
import build from './build'
import messages from './messages'
import modes from './modes'
import render from './render'
import router from './router'
import server from './server'
import cli from './cli'
import generate from './generate'
export const defaultNuxtConfigFile = 'nuxt.config'
export function getDefaultNuxtConfig (options = {}) {
if (!options.env) {
options.env = process.env
return {
build: build(),
messages: messages(),
modes: modes(),
render: render(),
router: router(),
server: server(options),
cli: cli(),
generate: generate()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
export default () => ({
loading: 'Loading...',
error_404: 'This page could not be found',
server_error: 'Server error',
nuxtjs: 'Nuxt.js',
back_to_home: 'Back to the home page',
'An error occurred in the application and your page could not be served. If you are the application owner, check your logs for details.',
client_error: 'Error',
'An error occurred while rendering the page. Check developer tools console for details.'

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import { MODES } from 'src/utils'
export default () => ({
[MODES.universal]: {
build: {
ssr: true
render: {
ssr: true
[]: {
build: {
ssr: false
render: {
ssr: false

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// TODO: Refactor @nuxt/server related options into `server.js`
export default () => ({
bundleRenderer: {
shouldPrefetch: () => false,
shouldPreload: (fileWithoutQuery, asType) => ['script', 'style'].includes(asType),
runInNewContext: undefined
crossorigin: undefined,
resourceHints: true,
ssr: undefined,
ssrLog: undefined,
http2: {
push: false,
shouldPush: null,
pushAssets: null
static: {
prefix: true
compressor: {
threshold: 0
etag: {
weak: false
csp: false,
dist: {
// Don't serve index.html template
index: false,
// 1 year in production
maxAge: '1y'
fallback: {
dist: {},
static: {
skipUnknown: true,
handlers: {
'.htm': false,
'.html': false

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
export default () => ({
mode: 'history',
base: '/',
routes: [],
routeNameSplitter: '-',
middleware: [],
linkActiveClass: 'nuxt-link-active',
linkExactActiveClass: 'nuxt-link-exact-active',
linkPrefetchedClass: false,
extendRoutes: null,
scrollBehavior: null,
parseQuery: false,
stringifyQuery: false,
fallback: false,
prefetchLinks: true,
prefetchPayloads: true,
trailingSlash: undefined

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
export default ({ env = {} } = {}) => ({
https: false,
port: env.NUXT_PORT ||
env.PORT ||
env.npm_package_config_nuxt_port ||
host: env.NUXT_HOST ||
env.HOST ||
env.npm_package_config_nuxt_host ||
socket: env.UNIX_SOCKET ||
timing: false

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export { defaultNuxtConfigFile, getDefaultNuxtConfig } from './config'
export { getNuxtConfig } from './options'
export { loadNuxtConfig } from './load'

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@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs'
import defu from 'defu'
import consola from 'consola'
import dotenv from 'dotenv'
import { clearRequireCache, scanRequireTree } from 'src/utils'
import jiti from 'jiti'
import _createRequire from 'create-require'
import destr from 'destr'
import * as rc from 'rc9'
import { defaultNuxtConfigFile } from './config'
const isJest = typeof jest !== 'undefined'
export async function loadNuxtConfig ({
rootDir = '.',
envConfig = {},
configFile = defaultNuxtConfigFile,
configContext = {},
configOverrides = {},
createRequire = module => isJest ? _createRequire(module.filename) : jiti(module.filename)
} = {}) {
rootDir = path.resolve(rootDir)
let options = {}
try {
configFile = require.resolve(path.resolve(rootDir, configFile))
} catch (e) {
if (e.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
throw (e)
} else if (configFile !== defaultNuxtConfigFile) {
consola.fatal('Config file not found: ' + configFile)
// Skip configFile if cannot resolve
configFile = undefined
// Load env
envConfig = {
dotenv: '.env',
env: process.env,
expand: true,
const env = loadEnv(envConfig, rootDir)
// Fill process.env so it is accessible in nuxt.config
for (const key in env) {
if (!key.startsWith('_') && envConfig.env[key] === undefined) {
envConfig.env[key] = env[key]
if (configFile) {
// Clear cache
const _require = createRequire(module)
options = _require(configFile) || {}
if (options.default) {
options = options.default
if (typeof options === 'function') {
try {
options = await options(configContext)
if (options.default) {
options = options.default
} catch (error) {
consola.fatal('Error while fetching async configuration')
// Don't mutate options export
options = { ...options }
// Keep _nuxtConfigFile for watching
options._nuxtConfigFile = configFile
// Keep all related files for watching
options._nuxtConfigFiles = Array.from(scanRequireTree(configFile))
if (!options._nuxtConfigFiles.includes(configFile)) {
if (typeof options.rootDir !== 'string') {
options.rootDir = rootDir
// Load Combine configs
// Priority: configOverrides > nuxtConfig > .nuxtrc > .nuxtrc (global)
options = defu(
options,{ name: '.nuxtrc', dir: options.rootDir }),
// Load env to options._env
options._env = env
options._envConfig = envConfig
if (configContext) { configContext.env = env }
// Expand and interpolate runtimeConfig from _env
if (envConfig.expand) {
for (const c of ['publicRuntimeConfig', 'privateRuntimeConfig']) {
if (options[c]) {
if (typeof options[c] === 'function') {
options[c] = options[c](env)
expand(options[c], env, destr)
return options
function loadEnv (envConfig, rootDir = process.cwd()) {
const env = Object.create(null)
// Read dotenv
if (envConfig.dotenv) {
envConfig.dotenv = path.resolve(rootDir, envConfig.dotenv)
if (fs.existsSync(envConfig.dotenv)) {
const parsed = dotenv.parse(fs.readFileSync(envConfig.dotenv, 'utf-8'))
Object.assign(env, parsed)
// Apply process.env
if (!envConfig.env._applied) {
Object.assign(env, envConfig.env)
envConfig.env._applied = true
// Interpolate env
if (envConfig.expand) {
return env
// Based on
function expand (target, source = {}, parse = v => v) {
function getValue (key) {
// Source value 'wins' over target value
return source[key] !== undefined ? source[key] : target[key]
function interpolate (value) {
if (typeof value !== 'string') {
return value
const matches = value.match(/(.?\${?(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_:]+)?}?)/g) || []
return parse(matches.reduce((newValue, match) => {
const parts = /(.?)\${?([a-zA-Z0-9_:]+)?}?/g.exec(match)
const prefix = parts[1]
let value, replacePart
if (prefix === '\\') {
replacePart = parts[0]
value = replacePart.replace('\\$', '$')
} else {
const key = parts[2]
replacePart = parts[0].substring(prefix.length)
value = getValue(key)
// Resolve recursive interpolations
value = interpolate(value)
return newValue.replace(replacePart, value)
}, value))
for (const key in target) {
target[key] = interpolate(getValue(key))

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@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs'
import defaultsDeep from 'lodash/defaultsDeep'
import defu from 'defu'
import pick from 'lodash/pick'
import uniq from 'lodash/uniq'
import consola from 'consola'
import destr from 'destr'
import { TARGETS, MODES, guardDir, isNonEmptyString, isPureObject, isUrl, getMainModule, urlJoin, getPKG } from 'src/utils'
import { defaultNuxtConfigFile, getDefaultNuxtConfig } from './config'
export function getNuxtConfig (_options) {
// Prevent duplicate calls
if (_options.__normalized__) {
return _options
// Clone options to prevent unwanted side-effects
const options = Object.assign({}, _options)
options.__normalized__ = true
// Normalize options
if (options.loading === true) {
delete options.loading
if (
options.router &&
options.router.middleware &&
) {
options.router.middleware = [options.router.middleware]
if (options.router && typeof options.router.base === 'string') {
options._routerBaseSpecified = true
// TODO: Remove for Nuxt 3
// router.scrollBehavior -> app/router.scrollBehavior.js
if (options.router && typeof options.router.scrollBehavior !== 'undefined') {
consola.warn('`router.scrollBehavior` property is deprecated in favor of using `~/app/router.scrollBehavior.js` file, learn more:')
// TODO: Remove for Nuxt 3
// transition -> pageTransition
if (typeof options.transition !== 'undefined') {
consola.warn('`transition` property is deprecated in favor of `pageTransition` and will be removed in Nuxt 3')
options.pageTransition = options.transition
delete options.transition
if (typeof options.pageTransition === 'string') {
options.pageTransition = { name: options.pageTransition }
if (typeof options.layoutTransition === 'string') {
options.layoutTransition = { name: options.layoutTransition }
if (typeof options.extensions === 'string') {
options.extensions = [options.extensions]
options.globalName = (isNonEmptyString(options.globalName) && /^[a-zA-Z]+$/.test(options.globalName))
? options.globalName.toLowerCase()
// use `` for preventing replacing to nuxt-edge
: 'nuxt'
// Resolve rootDir
options.rootDir = isNonEmptyString(options.rootDir) ? path.resolve(options.rootDir) : process.cwd()
// Apply defaults by ${buildDir}/dist/build.config.js
// TODO: Unsafe operation.
// const buildDir = options.buildDir || defaults.buildDir
// const buildConfig = resolve(options.rootDir, buildDir, 'build.config.js')
// if (existsSync(buildConfig)) {
// defaultsDeep(options, require(buildConfig))
// }
// Apply defaults
const nuxtConfig = getDefaultNuxtConfig() =
// Fall back to default if publicPath is falsy
if ( && ! { = undefined
defaultsDeep(options, nuxtConfig)
// Target = || 'server'
if (!Object.values(TARGETS).includes( {
consola.warn(`Unknown target: ${}. Falling back to server`) = 'server'
// SSR root option
if (options.ssr === false) {
options.mode =
// Apply mode preset
const modePreset = options.modes[options.mode || MODES.universal]
if (!modePreset) {
consola.warn(`Unknown mode: ${options.mode}. Falling back to ${MODES.universal}`)
defaultsDeep(options, modePreset || options.modes[MODES.universal])
// Sanitize router.base
if (!/\/$/.test(options.router.base)) {
options.router.base += '/'
// Alias export to generate
// TODO: switch to export by default for nuxt3
if (options.export) {
options.generate = defu(options.export, options.generate)
exports.export = options.generate
// Check srcDir and generate.dir existence
const hasSrcDir = isNonEmptyString(options.srcDir)
const hasGenerateDir = isNonEmptyString(options.generate.dir)
// Resolve srcDir
options.srcDir = hasSrcDir
? path.resolve(options.rootDir, options.srcDir)
: options.rootDir
// Resolve buildDir
options.buildDir = path.resolve(options.rootDir, options.buildDir)
// Aliases
const { rootDir, srcDir, dir: { assets: assetsDir, static: staticDir } } = options
options.alias = {
'~~': rootDir,
'@@': rootDir,
'~': srcDir,
'@': srcDir,
[assetsDir]: path.join(srcDir, assetsDir),
[staticDir]: path.join(srcDir, staticDir),
// Default value for _nuxtConfigFile
if (!options._nuxtConfigFile) {
options._nuxtConfigFile = path.resolve(options.rootDir, `${defaultNuxtConfigFile}.js`)
if (!options._nuxtConfigFiles) {
options._nuxtConfigFiles = [
// Watch for config file changes
// Protect rootDir against buildDir
guardDir(options, 'rootDir', 'buildDir')
if (hasGenerateDir) {
// Resolve generate.dir
options.generate.dir = path.resolve(options.rootDir, options.generate.dir)
// Protect rootDir against buildDir
guardDir(options, 'rootDir', 'generate.dir')
if (hasSrcDir) {
// Protect srcDir against buildDir
guardDir(options, 'srcDir', 'buildDir')
if (hasGenerateDir) {
// Protect srcDir against generate.dir
guardDir(options, 'srcDir', 'generate.dir')
// Populate modulesDir
options.modulesDir = uniq(
[].concat(options.modulesDir).map(dir => path.resolve(options.rootDir, dir))
const mandatoryExtensions = ['js', 'mjs']
options.extensions = mandatoryExtensions
.filter(ext => !options.extensions.includes(ext))
// If app.html is defined, set the template path to the user template
if (options.appTemplatePath === undefined) {
options.appTemplatePath = path.resolve(options.buildDir, 'views/app.template.html')
if (fs.existsSync(path.join(options.srcDir, 'app.html'))) {
options.appTemplatePath = path.join(options.srcDir, 'app.html')
} else {
options.appTemplatePath = path.resolve(options.srcDir, options.appTemplatePath)
} =[^/])$/, '$1/') =[^/])$/, '$1/')
// Ignore publicPath on dev
if ( && isUrl( { =
// If store defined, update store options to true unless explicitly disabled
if ( !== false &&
fs.existsSync(path.join(options.srcDir, &&
.find(filename => filename !== '' && filename[0] !== '.')
) { = true
// SPA loadingIndicator
if (options.loadingIndicator) {
// Normalize loadingIndicator
if (!isPureObject(options.loadingIndicator)) {
options.loadingIndicator = { name: options.loadingIndicator }
// Apply defaults
options.loadingIndicator = Object.assign(
name: 'default',
color: (options.loading && options.loading.color) || '#D3D3D3',
color2: '#F5F5F5',
background: (options.manifest && options.manifest.theme_color) || 'white',
loading: options.messages.loading
// Debug errors
if (options.debug === undefined) {
options.debug =
// Validate that etag.hash is a function, if not unset it
if (options.render.etag) {
const { hash } = options.render.etag
if (hash) {
const isFn = typeof hash === 'function'
if (!isFn) {
options.render.etag.hash = undefined
if ( {
consola.warn(`render.etag.hash should be a function, received ${typeof hash} instead`)
// Apply default hash to CSP option
if (options.render.csp) {
options.render.csp = defu(options.render.csp, {
hashAlgorithm: 'sha256',
allowedSources: undefined,
policies: undefined,
addMeta: Boolean( === TARGETS.static),
unsafeInlineCompatibility: false,
reportOnly: options.debug
// TODO: Remove this if statement in Nuxt 3, we will stop supporting this typo (more on:
if (options.render.csp.unsafeInlineCompatiblity) {
consola.warn('Using `unsafeInlineCompatiblity` is deprecated and will be removed in Nuxt 3. Use `unsafeInlineCompatibility` instead.')
options.render.csp.unsafeInlineCompatibility = options.render.csp.unsafeInlineCompatiblity
delete options.render.csp.unsafeInlineCompatiblity
// cssSourceMap
if ( === undefined) { =
const babelConfig =
// babel cacheDirectory
if (babelConfig.cacheDirectory === undefined) {
babelConfig.cacheDirectory =
// TODO: remove this warn in Nuxt 3
if (Array.isArray(babelConfig.presets)) {
const warnPreset = (presetName) => {
const oldPreset = '@nuxtjs/babel-preset-app'
const newPreset = '@nuxt/babel-preset-app'
if (presetName.includes(oldPreset)) {
presetName = presetName.replace(oldPreset, newPreset)
consola.warn('@nuxtjs/babel-preset-app has been deprecated, please use @nuxt/babel-preset-app.')
return presetName
babelConfig.presets = => {
const hasOptions = Array.isArray(preset)
if (hasOptions) {
preset[0] = warnPreset(preset[0])
} else if (typeof preset === 'string') {
preset = warnPreset(preset)
return preset
// Vue config
const vueConfig = options.vue.config
if (vueConfig.silent === undefined) {
vueConfig.silent = !
if (vueConfig.performance === undefined) {
vueConfig.performance =
// merge custom env with variables
const eligibleEnvVariables = pick(process.env, Object.keys(process.env).filter(k => k.startsWith('NUXT_ENV_')))
Object.assign(options.env, eligibleEnvVariables)
// Normalize ignore
options.ignore = options.ignore ? [].concat(options.ignore) : []
// Append ignorePrefix glob to ignore
if (typeof options.ignorePrefix === 'string') {
// Compression middleware legacy
if (options.render.gzip) {
consola.warn('render.gzip is deprecated and will be removed in a future version! Please switch to render.compressor')
options.render.compressor = options.render.gzip
delete options.render.gzip
// If no server-side rendering, add appear true transition
if (options.render.ssr === false && options.pageTransition) {
options.pageTransition.appear = true
options.render.ssrLog =
? options.render.ssrLog === undefined || options.render.ssrLog
: false
// We assume the SPA fallback path is 404.html (for GitHub Pages, Surge, etc.)
if (options.generate.fallback === true) {
options.generate.fallback = '404.html'
if ( === 'none' || === true) { = false
// Vendor backward compatibility with nuxt 1.x
if (typeof !== 'undefined') {
consola.warn('vendor has been deprecated due to webpack4 optimization')
// Disable CSS extraction due to incompatibility with thread-loader
if ( && { = false
consola.warn('extractCSS cannot work with parallel build due to limited work pool in thread-loader')
// build.extractCSS.allChunks has no effect
if (typeof !== 'undefined') {
consola.warn('build.extractCSS.allChunks has no effect from v2.0.0. Please use build.optimization.splitChunks settings instead.')
// devModules has been renamed to buildModules
if (typeof options.devModules !== 'undefined') {
consola.warn('`devModules` has been renamed to `buildModules` and will be removed in Nuxt 3.')
delete options.devModules
// Enable minimize for production builds
if ( === undefined) { = !
// Enable optimizeCSS only when extractCSS is enabled
if ( === undefined) { = ? {} : false
const { loaders } =
const vueLoader = loaders.vue
if (vueLoader.productionMode === undefined) {
vueLoader.productionMode = !
const styleLoaders = [
'css', 'cssModules', 'less',
'sass', 'scss', 'stylus', 'vueStyle'
for (const name of styleLoaders) {
const loader = loaders[name]
if (loader && loader.sourceMap === undefined) {
loader.sourceMap = Boolean(
} = [].concat( || [])
if ( === true) {
consola.level = 0
// Use runInNewContext for dev mode by default
const { bundleRenderer } = options.render
if (typeof bundleRenderer.runInNewContext === 'undefined') {
bundleRenderer.runInNewContext =
// TODO: Remove this if statement in Nuxt 3
if ( {
consola.warn('Using `build.crossorigin` is deprecated and will be removed in Nuxt 3. Please use `render.crossorigin` instead.')
options.render.crossorigin =
const { timing } = options.server
if (timing) {
options.server.timing = { total: true, ...timing }
if (isPureObject(options.serverMiddleware)) {
options.serverMiddleware = Object.entries(options.serverMiddleware)
.map(([path, handler]) => ({ path, handler }))
// Generate staticAssets
const { staticAssets } = options.generate
if (!staticAssets.version) {
staticAssets.version = String(Math.round( / 1000))
if (!staticAssets.base) {
const publicPath = isUrl( ? '' : // "/_nuxt" or custom CDN URL
staticAssets.base = urlJoin(publicPath, staticAssets.dir)
if (!staticAssets.versionBase) {
staticAssets.versionBase = urlJoin(staticAssets.base, staticAssets.version)
// createRequire factory
if (options.createRequire === undefined) {
const createRequire = require('create-require')
options.createRequire = module => createRequire(module.filename)
// ----- Builtin modules -----
// Loading screen
// Force disable for production and programmatic users
if (! || !options._cli || !getPKG('@nuxt/loading-screen')) { = false
if ( {
} else {
// When loadingScreen is disabled we should also disable build indicator = false
// Components Module
// TODO: Webpack5 support
// if (!options._start && getPKG('@nuxt/components')) {
// options._modules.push('@nuxt/components')
// }
// Nuxt Telemetry
if (
options.telemetry !== false &&
!options.test &&
!destr(process.env.NUXT_TELEMETRY_DISABLED) &&
) {
return options

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
export { default as Module } from './module'
export { default as Nuxt } from './nuxt'
export { default as Resolver } from './resolver'
export { loadNuxtConfig } from 'src/config'
export { loadNuxt } from './load'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import { loadNuxtConfig } from '../config'
import Nuxt from './nuxt'
const OVERRIDES = {
dry: { dev: false, server: false },
dev: { dev: true, _build: true },
build: { dev: false, server: false, _build: true },
start: { dev: false, _start: true }
export async function loadNuxt (loadOptions) {
// Normalize loadOptions
if (typeof loadOptions === 'string') {
loadOptions = { for: loadOptions }
const { ready = true } = loadOptions
const _for = loadOptions.for || 'dry'
// Get overrides
const override = OVERRIDES[_for]
// Unsupported purpose
if (!override) {
throw new Error('Unsupported for: ' + _for)
// Load Config
const config = await loadNuxtConfig(loadOptions)
// Apply config overrides
Object.assign(config, override)
// Initiate Nuxt
const nuxt = new Nuxt(config)
if (ready) {
await nuxt.ready()
return nuxt

View File

@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs'
import hash from 'hash-sum'
import consola from 'consola'
import { chainFn, sequence } from 'src/utils'
export default class ModuleContainer {
constructor (nuxt) {
this.nuxt = nuxt
this.options = nuxt.options
this.requiredModules = {}
// Self bind to allow destructre from container
for (const method of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(ModuleContainer.prototype)) {
if (typeof this[method] === 'function') {
this[method] = this[method].bind(this)
async ready () {
// Call before hook
await this.nuxt.callHook('modules:before', this, this.options.modules)
if (this.options.buildModules && !this.options._start) {
// Load every devModule in sequence
await sequence(this.options.buildModules, this.addModule)
// Load every module in sequence
await sequence(this.options.modules, this.addModule)
// Load ah-hoc modules last
await sequence(this.options._modules, this.addModule)
// Call done hook
await this.nuxt.callHook('modules:done', this)
addVendor () {
consola.warn('addVendor has been deprecated due to webpack4 optimization')
addTemplate (template) {
if (!template) {
throw new Error('Invalid template: ' + JSON.stringify(template))
// Validate & parse source
const src = template.src || template
const srcPath = path.parse(src)
if (typeof src !== 'string' || !fs.existsSync(src)) {
throw new Error('Template src not found: ' + src)
// Mostly for DX, some people prefers `filename` vs `fileName`
const fileName = template.fileName || template.filename
// Generate unique and human readable dst filename if not provided
const dst = fileName || `${path.basename(srcPath.dir)}.${}.${hash(src)}${srcPath.ext}`
// Add to templates list
const templateObj = {
options: template.options
return templateObj
addPlugin (template) {
const { dst } = this.addTemplate(template)
// Add to nuxt plugins
src: path.join(this.options.buildDir, dst),
// TODO: remove deprecated option in Nuxt 3
ssr: template.ssr,
mode: template.mode
addLayout (template, name) {
const { dst, src } = this.addTemplate(template)
const layoutName = name || path.parse(src).name
const layout = this.options.layouts[layoutName]
if (layout) {
consola.warn(`Duplicate layout registration, "${layoutName}" has been registered as "${layout}"`)
// Add to nuxt layouts
this.options.layouts[layoutName] = `./${dst}`
// If error layout, set ErrorPage
if (name === 'error') {
addErrorLayout (dst) {
const relativeBuildDir = path.relative(this.options.rootDir, this.options.buildDir)
this.options.ErrorPage = `~/${relativeBuildDir}/${dst}`
addServerMiddleware (middleware) {
extendBuild (fn) { = chainFn(, fn)
extendRoutes (fn) {
this.options.router.extendRoutes = chainFn(
requireModule (moduleOpts) {
return this.addModule(moduleOpts)
async addModule (moduleOpts) {
let src
let options
let handler
// Type 1: String or Function
if (typeof moduleOpts === 'string' || typeof moduleOpts === 'function') {
src = moduleOpts
} else if (Array.isArray(moduleOpts)) {
// Type 2: Babel style array
[src, options] = moduleOpts
} else if (typeof moduleOpts === 'object') {
// Type 3: Pure object
({ src, options, handler } = moduleOpts)
// Define handler if src is a function
if (typeof src === 'function') {
handler = src
// Prevent adding buildModules-listed entries in production
if (this.options.buildModules.includes(handler) && this.options._start) {
// Resolve handler
if (!handler) {
try {
handler = this.nuxt.resolver.requireModule(src, { useESM: true })
} catch (error) {
if (error.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
throw error
// Hint only if entrypoint is not found and src is not local alias or path
if (error.message.includes(src) && !/^[~.]|^@\//.test(src)) {
let message = 'Module `{name}` not found.'
if (this.options.buildModules.includes(src)) {
message += ' Please ensure `{name}` is in `devDependencies` and installed. HINT: During build step, for npm/yarn, `NODE_ENV=production` or `--production` should NOT be used.'.replace('{name}', src)
} else if (this.options.modules.includes(src)) {
message += ' Please ensure `{name}` is in `dependencies` and installed.'
message = message.replace(/{name}/g, src)
if (this.options._cli) {
throw error
} else {
// TODO: Remove in next major version
consola.warn('Silently ignoring module as programatic usage detected.')
// Validate handler
if (typeof handler !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('Module should export a function: ' + src)
// Ensure module is required once
const metaKey = handler.meta &&
const key = metaKey || src
if (typeof key === 'string') {
if (this.requiredModules[key]) {
if (!metaKey) {
// TODO: Skip with nuxt3
consola.warn('Modules should be only specified once:', key)
} else {
this.requiredModules[key] = { src, options, handler }
// Default module options to empty object
if (options === undefined) {
options = {}
const result = await, options)
return result

View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
import isPlainObject from 'lodash/isPlainObject'
import consola from 'consola'
import Hookable from 'hable'
import { defineAlias } from 'src/utils'
import { getNuxtConfig } from 'src/config'
import { Server } from 'src/server'
import { version } from '../../package.json'
import ModuleContainer from './module'
import Resolver from './resolver'
export default class Nuxt extends Hookable {
constructor (options = {}) {
// Assign options and apply defaults
this.options = getNuxtConfig(options)
// Create instance of core components
this.resolver = new Resolver(this)
this.moduleContainer = new ModuleContainer(this)
// Deprecated hooks
// #3294 - 7514db73b25c23b8c14ebdafbb4e129ac282aabd
'render:context': {
to: '_render:context',
message: '`render:context(nuxt)` is deprecated, Please use `vue-renderer:ssr:context(context)`'
// #3773
'render:routeContext': {
to: '_render:context',
message: '`render:routeContext(nuxt)` is deprecated, Please use `vue-renderer:ssr:context(context)`'
showReady: 'webpack:done'
// Add Legacy aliases
defineAlias(this, this.resolver, ['resolveAlias', 'resolvePath'])
this.showReady = () => { this.callHook('webpack:done') }
// Init server
if (this.options.server !== false) {
// Call ready
if (this.options._ready !== false) {
this.ready().catch((err) => {
static get version () {
return `v${version}` + (global.__NUXT_DEV__ ? '-development' : '')
ready () {
if (!this._ready) {
this._ready = this._init()
return this._ready
async _init () {
if (this._initCalled) {
return this
this._initCalled = true
// Add hooks
if (isPlainObject(this.options.hooks)) {
} else if (typeof this.options.hooks === 'function') {
// Await for modules
await this.moduleContainer.ready()
// Await for server to be ready
if (this.server) {
await this.server.ready()
// Call ready hook
await this.callHook('ready', this)
return this
_initServer () {
if (this.server) {
this.server = new Server(this)
this.renderer = this.server
this.render =
defineAlias(this, this.server, ['renderRoute', 'renderAndGetWindow', 'listen'])
async close (callback) {
await this.callHook('close', this)
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
await callback()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
import { resolve, join } from 'path'
import fs from 'fs-extra'
import consola from 'consola'
import {
} from 'src/utils'
export default class Resolver {
constructor (nuxt) {
this.nuxt = nuxt
this.options = this.nuxt.options
// Binds
this.resolvePath = this.resolvePath.bind(this)
this.resolveAlias = this.resolveAlias.bind(this)
this.resolveModule = this.resolveModule.bind(this)
this.requireModule = this.requireModule.bind(this)
const { createRequire } = this.options
this._require = createRequire ? createRequire(module) : module.require
this._resolve = require.resolve
resolveModule (path) {
try {
return this._resolve(path, {
paths: this.options.modulesDir
} catch (error) {
if (error.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
// TODO: remove after released
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' && error.message.startsWith('Cannot resolve module')) {
throw error
resolveAlias (path) {
if (startsWithRootAlias(path)) {
return join(this.options.rootDir, path.substr(2))
if (startsWithSrcAlias(path)) {
return join(this.options.srcDir, path.substr(1))
return resolve(this.options.srcDir, path)
resolvePath (path, { alias, isAlias = alias, module, isModule = module, isStyle } = {}) {
// TODO: Remove in Nuxt 3
if (alias) {
consola.warn('Using alias is deprecated and will be removed in Nuxt 3. Use `isAlias` instead.')
if (module) {
consola.warn('Using module is deprecated and will be removed in Nuxt 3. Use `isModule` instead.')
// Fast return in case of path exists
if (fs.existsSync(path)) {
return path
let resolvedPath
// Try to resolve it as a regular module
if (isModule !== false) {
resolvedPath = this.resolveModule(path)
// Try to resolve alias
if (!resolvedPath && isAlias !== false) {
resolvedPath = this.resolveAlias(path)
// Use path for resolvedPath
if (!resolvedPath) {
resolvedPath = path
let isDirectory
// Check if resolvedPath exits and is not a directory
if (fs.existsSync(resolvedPath)) {
isDirectory = fs.lstatSync(resolvedPath).isDirectory()
if (!isDirectory) {
return resolvedPath
const extensions = isStyle ? this.options.styleExtensions : this.options.extensions
// Check if any resolvedPath.[ext] or resolvedPath/index.[ext] exists
for (const ext of extensions) {
if (!isDirectory && fs.existsSync(resolvedPath + '.' + ext)) {
return resolvedPath + '.' + ext
const resolvedPathwithIndex = join(resolvedPath, 'index.' + ext)
if (isDirectory && fs.existsSync(resolvedPathwithIndex)) {
return resolvedPathwithIndex
// If there's no index.[ext] we just return the directory path
if (isDirectory) {
return resolvedPath
// Give up
throw new Error(`Cannot resolve "${path}" from "${resolvedPath}"`)
requireModule (path, { esm, useESM = esm, alias, isAlias = alias, intropDefault, interopDefault = intropDefault } = {}) {
let resolvedPath = path
let requiredModule
// TODO: Remove in Nuxt 3
if (intropDefault) {
consola.warn('Using intropDefault is deprecated and will be removed in Nuxt 3. Use `interopDefault` instead.')
if (alias) {
consola.warn('Using alias is deprecated and will be removed in Nuxt 3. Use `isAlias` instead.')
if (esm) {
consola.warn('Using esm is deprecated and will be removed in Nuxt 3. Use `useESM` instead.')
let lastError
// Try to resolve path
try {
resolvedPath = this.resolvePath(path, { isAlias })
} catch (e) {
lastError = e
const isExternal = isExternalDependency(resolvedPath)
// in dev mode make sure to clear the require cache so after
// a dev server restart any changed file is reloaded
if ( && !isExternal) {
// By default use esm only for js,mjs files outside of node_modules
if (useESM === undefined) {
useESM = !isExternal && /.(js|mjs)$/.test(resolvedPath)
// Try to require
try {
if (useESM) {
requiredModule = this._require(resolvedPath)
} else {
requiredModule = require(resolvedPath)
} catch (e) {
lastError = e
// Interop default
if (interopDefault !== false && requiredModule && requiredModule.default) {
requiredModule = requiredModule.default
// Throw error if failed to require
if (requiredModule === undefined && lastError) {
throw lastError
return requiredModule

View File

@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
import path from 'path'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import consola from 'consola'
import fsExtra from 'fs-extra'
import defu from 'defu'
import htmlMinifier from 'html-minifier'
import { parse } from 'node-html-parser'
import { isFullStatic, flatRoutes, isString, isUrl, promisifyRoute, waitFor, TARGETS } from 'src/utils'
export default class Generator {
constructor (nuxt, builder) {
this.nuxt = nuxt
this.options = nuxt.options
this.builder = builder
this.isFullStatic = false
// Set variables
this.staticRoutes = path.resolve(this.options.srcDir, this.options.dir.static)
this.srcBuiltPath = path.resolve(this.options.buildDir, 'dist', 'client')
this.distPath = this.options.generate.dir
this.distNuxtPath = path.join(
isUrl( ? '' :
// Shared payload
this._payload = null
this.setPayload = (payload) => {
this._payload = defu(payload, this._payload)
async generate ({ build = true, init = true } = {}) {
consola.debug('Initializing generator...')
await this.initiate({ build, init })
// Payloads for full static
if (this.isFullStatic) {'Full static mode activated')
const { staticAssets } = this.options.generate
this.staticAssetsDir = path.resolve(this.distNuxtPath, staticAssets.dir, staticAssets.version)
this.staticAssetsBase = this.options.generate.staticAssets.versionBase
consola.debug('Preparing routes for generate...')
const routes = await this.initRoutes()'Generating pages')
const errors = await this.generateRoutes(routes)
await this.afterGenerate()
// Done hook
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:done', this, errors)
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:done', this, { errors })
return { errors }
async initiate ({ build = true, init = true } = {}) {
// Wait for nuxt be ready
await this.nuxt.ready()
// Call before hook
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:before', this, this.options.generate)
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:before', this)
if (build) {
// Add flag to set process.static
// Start build process
this.isFullStatic = isFullStatic(this.options)
} else {
const hasBuilt = await fsExtra.exists(path.resolve(this.options.buildDir, 'dist', 'server', 'client.manifest.json'))
if (!hasBuilt) {
const fullStaticArgs = isFullStatic(this.options) ? ' --target static' : ''
throw new Error(
`No build files found in ${this.srcBuiltPath}.\nPlease run \`nuxt build${fullStaticArgs}\` before calling \`nuxt export\``
const config = this.getBuildConfig()
if (!config || ( !== TARGETS.static && !this.options._legacyGenerate)) {
throw new Error(
'In order to use `nuxt export`, you need to run `nuxt build --target static`'
this.isFullStatic = config.isFullStatic
this.options.render.ssr = config.ssr
// Initialize dist directory
if (init) {
await this.initDist()
async initRoutes (...args) {
// Resolve config.generate.routes promises before generating the routes
let generateRoutes = []
if (this.options.router.mode !== 'hash') {
try {
generateRoutes = await promisifyRoute(
this.options.generate.routes || [],
} catch (e) {
consola.error('Could not resolve routes')
throw e // eslint-disable-line no-unreachable
let routes = []
// Generate only index.html for router.mode = 'hash' or client-side apps
if (this.options.router.mode === 'hash') {
routes = ['/']
} else {
routes = flatRoutes(this.getAppRoutes())
routes = routes.filter(route => this.shouldGenerateRoute(route))
routes = this.decorateWithPayloads(routes, generateRoutes)
// extendRoutes hook
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:extendRoutes', routes)
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:extendRoutes', { routes })
return routes
shouldGenerateRoute (route) {
return this.options.generate.exclude.every((regex) => {
if (typeof regex === 'string') {
return regex !== route
return !regex.test(route)
getBuildConfig () {
try {
return require(path.join(this.options.buildDir, 'nuxt/config.json'))
} catch (err) {
return null
getAppRoutes () {
return require(path.join(this.options.buildDir, 'routes.json'))
async generateRoutes (routes) {
const errors = []
this.routes = []
this.generatedRoutes = new Set()
routes.forEach(({ route, ...props }) => {
route = decodeURI(route)
this.routes.push({ route, ...props })
// Add routes to the tracked generated routes (for crawler)
// Start generate process
while (this.routes.length) {
let n = 0
await Promise.all(
.splice(0, this.options.generate.concurrency)
.map(async ({ route, payload }) => {
await waitFor(n++ * this.options.generate.interval)
await this.generateRoute({ route, payload, errors })
// Improve string representation for errors
// TODO: Use consola for more consistency
errors.toString = () => this._formatErrors(errors)
return errors
_formatErrors (errors) {
return errors
.map(({ type, route, error }) => {
const isHandled = type === 'handled'
const color = isHandled ? 'yellow' : 'red'
let line = chalk[color](` ${route}\n\n`)
if (isHandled) {
line += chalk.grey(JSON.stringify(error, undefined, 2) + '\n')
} else {
line += chalk.grey(error.stack || error.message || `${error}`)
return line
async afterGenerate () {
const { fallback } = this.options.generate
// Disable SPA fallback if value isn't a non-empty string
if (typeof fallback !== 'string' || !fallback) {
const fallbackPath = path.join(this.distPath, fallback)
// Prevent conflicts
if (await fsExtra.exists(fallbackPath)) {
consola.warn(`SPA fallback was configured, but the configured path (${fallbackPath}) already exists.`)
// Render and write the SPA template to the fallback path
let { html } = await this.nuxt.server.renderRoute('/', {
spa: true,
staticAssetsBase: this.staticAssetsBase
try {
html = this.minifyHtml(html)
} catch (error) {
consola.warn('HTML minification failed for SPA fallback')
await fsExtra.writeFile(fallbackPath, html, 'utf8')
consola.success('Client-side fallback created: `' + fallback + '`')
async initDist () {
// Clean destination folder
await fsExtra.emptyDir(this.distPath)`Generating output directory: ${path.basename(this.distPath)}/`)
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:distRemoved', this)
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:distRemoved', this)
// Copy static and built files
if (await fsExtra.exists(this.staticRoutes)) {
await fsExtra.copy(this.staticRoutes, this.distPath)
// Copy .nuxt/dist/client/ to dist/_nuxt/
await fsExtra.copy(this.srcBuiltPath, this.distNuxtPath)
if (this.payloadDir) {
await fsExtra.ensureDir(this.payloadDir)
// Add .nojekyll file to let GitHub Pages add the _nuxt/ folder
const nojekyllPath = path.resolve(this.distPath, '.nojekyll')
fsExtra.writeFile(nojekyllPath, '')
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:distCopied', this)
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:distCopied', this)
decorateWithPayloads (routes, generateRoutes) {
const routeMap = {}
// Fill routeMap for known routes
routes.forEach((route) => {
routeMap[route] = { route, payload: null }
// Fill routeMap with given generate.routes
generateRoutes.forEach((route) => {
// route is either a string or like { route : '/my_route/1', payload: {} }
const path = isString(route) ? route : route.route
routeMap[path] = {
route: path,
payload: route.payload || null
return Object.values(routeMap)
async generateRoute ({ route, payload = {}, errors = [] }) {
let html
const pageErrors = []
const setPayload = (_payload) => {
payload = defu(_payload, payload)
// Apply shared payload
if (this._payload) {
payload = defu(payload, this._payload)
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:route', { route, setPayload })
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:route', { route, setPayload })
try {
const renderContext = {
staticAssetsBase: this.staticAssetsBase
const res = await this.nuxt.server.renderRoute(route, renderContext)
html = res.html
// If crawler activated and called from generateRoutes()
if (this.options.generate.crawler && this.options.render.ssr) {
const possibleTrailingSlash = this.options.router.trailingSlash ? '/' : ''
parse(html).querySelectorAll('a').map((el) => {
const sanitizedHref = (el.getAttribute('href') || '')
.replace(this.options.router.base, '/')
.replace(/\/+$/, '')
const route = decodeURI(sanitizedHref + possibleTrailingSlash)
if (route.startsWith('/') && !path.extname(route) && this.shouldGenerateRoute(route) && !this.generatedRoutes.has(route)) {
this.routes.push({ route })
// Save Static Assets
if (this.staticAssetsDir && renderContext.staticAssets) {
for (const asset of renderContext.staticAssets) {
const assetPath = path.join(this.staticAssetsDir, asset.path)
await fsExtra.ensureDir(path.dirname(assetPath))
await fsExtra.writeFile(assetPath, asset.src, 'utf-8')
if (res.error) {
pageErrors.push({ type: 'handled', route, error: res.error })
} catch (err) {
pageErrors.push({ type: 'unhandled', route, error: err })
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:routeFailed', { route, errors: pageErrors })
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:routeFailed', { route, errors: pageErrors })
return false
try {
html = this.minifyHtml(html)
} catch (err) {
const minifyErr = new Error(
`HTML minification failed. Make sure the route generates valid HTML. Failed HTML:\n ${html}`
pageErrors.push({ type: 'unhandled', route, error: minifyErr })
let fileName
if (this.options.generate.subFolders) {
fileName = path.join(route, path.sep, 'index.html') // /about -> /about/index.html
fileName = fileName === '/404/index.html' ? '/404.html' : fileName // /404 -> /404.html
} else {
const normalizedRoute = route.replace(/\/$/, '')
fileName = route.length > 1 ? path.join(path.sep, normalizedRoute + '.html') : path.join(path.sep, 'index.html')
// Call hook to let user update the path & html
const page = { route, path: fileName, html, exclude: false }
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:page', page)
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:page', { page, errors: pageErrors })
if (page.exclude) {
return false
page.path = path.join(this.distPath, page.path)
// Make sure the sub folders are created
await fsExtra.mkdirp(path.dirname(page.path))
await fsExtra.writeFile(page.path, page.html, 'utf8')
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:routeCreated', { route, path: page.path, errors: pageErrors })
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:routeCreated', { route, path: page.path, errors: pageErrors })
if (pageErrors.length) {
consola.error(`Error generating route "${route}": ${ => e.error.message).join(', ')}`)
} else {
consola.success(`Generated route "${route}"`)
return true
minifyHtml (html) {
let minificationOptions =
// Legacy: Override minification options with generate.minify if present
// TODO: Remove in Nuxt version 3
if (typeof this.options.generate.minify !== 'undefined') {
minificationOptions = this.options.generate.minify
consola.warn('generate.minify has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major version.' +
' Use build.html.minify instead!')
if (!minificationOptions) {
return html
return htmlMinifier.minify(html, minificationOptions)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import Generator from './generator'
export { default as Generator } from './generator'
export function getGenerator (nuxt) {
return new Generator(nuxt)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
export default class ServerContext {
constructor (server) {
this.nuxt = server.nuxt
this.globals = server.globals
this.options = server.options
this.resources = server.resources

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
export { default as Server } from './server'
export { default as Listener } from './listener'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import consola from 'consola'
import { timeout } from 'src/utils'
export default async function renderAndGetWindow (
url = 'http://localhost:3000',
jsdomOpts = {},
loadingTimeout = 2000,
} = {}
) {
const jsdom = await import('jsdom')
.then(m => m.default || m)
.catch((e) => {
jsdom is not installed. Please install jsdom with:
$ yarn add --dev jsdom
$ npm install --dev jsdom
throw e
const options = Object.assign({
// Load subresources (
resources: 'usable',
runScripts: 'dangerously',
virtualConsole: true,
beforeParse (window) {
// Mock window.scrollTo
window.scrollTo = () => {}
}, jsdomOpts)
const jsdomErrHandler = (err) => {
throw err
if (options.virtualConsole) {
if (options.virtualConsole === true) {
options.virtualConsole = new jsdom.VirtualConsole().sendTo(consola)
// Throw error when window creation failed
options.virtualConsole.on('jsdomError', jsdomErrHandler)
const { window } = await jsdom.JSDOM.fromURL(url, options)
// If Nuxt could not be loaded (error from the server-side)
const nuxtExists = window.document.body.innerHTML.includes(`id="${}"`)
if (!nuxtExists) {
const error = new Error('Could not load the nuxt app')
error.body = window.document.body.innerHTML
throw error
// Used by Nuxt.js to say when the components are loaded and the app ready
await timeout(new Promise((resolve) => {
window[loadedCallback] = () => resolve(window)
}), loadingTimeout, `Components loading in renderAndGetWindow was not completed in ${loadingTimeout / 1000}s`)
if (options.virtualConsole) {
// After window initialized successfully
options.virtualConsole.removeListener('jsdomError', jsdomErrHandler)
// Send back window object
return window

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
import http from 'http'
import https from 'https'
import enableDestroy from 'server-destroy'
import ip from 'ip'
import consola from 'consola'
import pify from 'pify'
let RANDOM_PORT = '0'
export default class Listener {
constructor ({ port, host, socket, https, app, dev, baseURL }) {
// Options
this.port = port = host
this.socket = socket
this.https = https = app = dev
this.baseURL = baseURL
// After listen
this.listening = false
this._server = null
this.server = null
this.address = null
this.url = null
async close () {
// Destroy server by forcing every connection to be closed
if (this.server && this.server.listening) {
await this.server.destroy()
consola.debug('server closed')
// Delete references
this.listening = false
this._server = null
this.server = null
this.address = null
this.url = null
computeURL () {
const address = this.server.address()
if (!this.socket) {
switch (address.address) {
case '': = 'localhost'; break
case '': = ip.address(); break
this.port = address.port
this.url = `http${this.https ? 's' : ''}://${}:${this.port}${this.baseURL}`
this.url = `unix+http://${address}`
async listen () {
// Prevent multi calls
if (this.listening) {
// Initialize underlying http(s) server
const protocol = this.https ? https : http
const protocolOpts = this.https ? [this.https] : []
this._server = protocol.createServer.apply(protocol, protocolOpts.concat(
// Call server.listen
// Prepare listenArgs
const listenArgs = this.socket ? { path: this.socket } : { host:, port: this.port }
listenArgs.exclusive = false
// Call server.listen
try {
this.server = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this._server.on('error', error => reject(error))
const s = this._server.listen(listenArgs, error => error ? reject(error) : resolve(s))
} catch (error) {
return this.serverErrorHandler(error)
// Enable destroy support
// Compute listen URL
// Set this.listening to true
this.listening = true
async serverErrorHandler (error) {
// Detect if port is not available
const addressInUse = error.code === 'EADDRINUSE'
// Use better error message
if (addressInUse) {
const address = this.socket || `${}:${this.port}`
error.message = `Address \`${address}\` is already in use.`
// Listen to a random port on dev as a fallback
if ( && !this.socket && this.port !== RANDOM_PORT) {
consola.warn(error.message)'Trying a random port...')
this.port = RANDOM_PORT
await this.close()
await this.listen()
RANDOM_PORT = this.port
// Throw error
throw error

View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs-extra'
import consola from 'consola'
import Youch from '@nuxtjs/youch'
export default ({ resources, options }) => async function errorMiddleware (_error, req, res, next) {
// Normalize error
const error = normalizeError(_error, options)
const sendResponse = (content, type = 'text/html') => {
// Set Headers
res.statusCode = error.statusCode
res.statusMessage = 'RuntimeError'
res.setHeader('Content-Type', type + '; charset=utf-8')
res.setHeader('Content-Length', Buffer.byteLength(content))
res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate')
// Error headers
if (error.headers) {
for (const name in error.headers) {
res.setHeader(name, error.headers[name])
// Send Response
res.end(content, 'utf-8')
// Check if request accepts JSON
const hasReqHeader = (header, includes) =>
req.headers[header] && req.headers[header].toLowerCase().includes(includes)
const isJson =
hasReqHeader('accept', 'application/json') ||
hasReqHeader('user-agent', 'curl/')
// Use basic errors when debug mode is disabled
if (!options.debug) {
// We hide actual errors from end users, so show them on server logs
if (error.statusCode !== 404) {
// Json format is compatible with Youch json responses
const json = {
status: error.statusCode,
message: error.message,
if (isJson) {
sendResponse(JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 2), 'text/json')
const html = resources.errorTemplate(json)
// Show stack trace
const youch = new Youch(
if (isJson) {
const json = await youch.toJSON()
sendResponse(JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 2), 'text/json')
const html = await youch.toHTML()
const sanitizeName = name => name ? name.replace('webpack:///', '').split('?')[0] : null
const normalizeError = (_error, { srcDir, rootDir, buildDir }) => {
if (typeof _error === 'string') {
_error = { message: _error }
} else if (!_error) {
_error = { message: '<empty>' }
const error = new Error()
error.message = _error.message =
error.statusCode = _error.statusCode || 500
error.headers = _error.headers
const searchPath = [
path.join(buildDir, 'dist', 'server'),
const findInPaths = (fileName) => {
for (const dir of searchPath) {
const fullPath = path.resolve(dir, fileName)
if (fs.existsSync(fullPath)) {
return fullPath
return fileName
error.stack = (_error.stack || '')
.map((line) => {
const match = line.match(/\(([^)]+)\)|([^\s]+\.[^\s]+):/)
if (!match) {
return line
const src = match[1] || match[2] || ''
return line.replace(src, findInPaths(sanitizeName(src)))
return error
async function readSource (frame) {
if (fs.existsSync(frame.fileName)) {
frame.fullPath = frame.fileName // Youch BW compat
frame.contents = await fs.readFile(frame.fileName, 'utf-8')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
import generateETag from 'etag'
import fresh from 'fresh'
import consola from 'consola'
import { getContext, TARGETS } from 'src/utils'
export default ({ options, nuxt, renderRoute, resources }) => async function nuxtMiddleware (req, res, next) {
// Get context
const context = getContext(req, res)
try {
const url = decodeURI(req.url)
res.statusCode = 200
const result = await renderRoute(url, context)
// If result is falsy, call renderLoading
if (!result) {
await nuxt.callHook('server:nuxt:renderLoading', req, res)
await nuxt.callHook('render:route', url, result, context)
const {
} = result
if (redirected && !== TARGETS.static) {
await nuxt.callHook('render:routeDone', url, result, context)
return html
if (error) {
res.statusCode = context.nuxt.error.statusCode || 500
// Add ETag header
if (!error && options.render.etag) {
const { hash } = options.render.etag
const etag = hash ? hash(html, options.render.etag) : generateETag(html, options.render.etag)
if (fresh(req.headers, { etag })) {
res.statusCode = 304
await nuxt.callHook('render:beforeResponse', url, result, context)
await nuxt.callHook('render:routeDone', url, result, context)
res.setHeader('ETag', etag)
// HTTP2 push headers for preload assets
if (!error && options.render.http2.push) {
// Parse resourceHints to extract HTTP.2 prefetch/push headers
const { shouldPush, pushAssets } = options.render.http2
const { publicPath } = resources.clientManifest
const links = pushAssets
? pushAssets(req, res, publicPath, preloadFiles)
: defaultPushAssets(preloadFiles, shouldPush, publicPath, options)
// Pass with single Link header
if (links.length > 0) {
res.setHeader('Link', links.join(', '))
if (options.render.csp && cspScriptSrcHashes) {
const { allowedSources, policies } = options.render.csp
const isReportOnly = !!options.render.csp.reportOnly
const cspHeader = isReportOnly ? 'Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only' : 'Content-Security-Policy'
res.setHeader(cspHeader, getCspString({ cspScriptSrcHashes, allowedSources, policies, isDev:, isReportOnly }))
// Send response
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')
res.setHeader('Accept-Ranges', 'none') // #3870
res.setHeader('Content-Length', Buffer.byteLength(html))
await nuxt.callHook('render:beforeResponse', url, result, context)
res.end(html, 'utf8')
await nuxt.callHook('render:routeDone', url, result, context)
return html
} catch (err) {
if (context && context.redirected) {
return err
if ( === 'URIError') {
err.statusCode = 400
const defaultPushAssets = (preloadFiles, shouldPush, publicPath, options) => {
if (shouldPush && {
consola.warn('http2.shouldPush is deprecated. Use http2.pushAssets function')
const links = []
preloadFiles.forEach(({ file, asType, fileWithoutQuery, modern }) => {
// By default, we only preload scripts or css
if (!shouldPush && asType !== 'script' && asType !== 'style') {
// User wants to explicitly control what to preload
if (shouldPush && !shouldPush(fileWithoutQuery, asType)) {
const { crossorigin } = options.render
const cors = `${crossorigin ? ` crossorigin=${crossorigin};` : ''}`
// `modulepreload` rel attribute only supports script-like `as` value
const rel = modern && asType === 'script' ? 'modulepreload' : 'preload'
links.push(`<${publicPath}${file}>; rel=${rel};${cors} as=${asType}`)
return links
const getCspString = ({ cspScriptSrcHashes, allowedSources, policies, isDev, isReportOnly }) => {
const joinedHashes = cspScriptSrcHashes.join(' ')
const baseCspStr = `script-src 'self'${isDev ? ' \'unsafe-eval\'' : ''} ${joinedHashes}`
const policyObjectAvailable = typeof policies === 'object' && policies !== null && !Array.isArray(policies)
if (Array.isArray(allowedSources) && allowedSources.length) {
return isReportOnly && policyObjectAvailable && !!policies['report-uri'] ? `${baseCspStr} ${allowedSources.join(' ')}; report-uri ${policies['report-uri']};` : `${baseCspStr} ${allowedSources.join(' ')}`
if (policyObjectAvailable) {
const transformedPolicyObject = transformPolicyObject(policies, cspScriptSrcHashes)
return Object.entries(transformedPolicyObject).map(([k, v]) => `${k} ${Array.isArray(v) ? v.join(' ') : v}`).join('; ')
return baseCspStr
const transformPolicyObject = (policies, cspScriptSrcHashes) => {
const userHasDefinedScriptSrc = policies['script-src'] && Array.isArray(policies['script-src'])
const additionalPolicies = userHasDefinedScriptSrc ? policies['script-src'] : []
// Self is always needed for inline-scripts, so add it, no matter if the user specified script-src himself.
const hashAndPolicyList = cspScriptSrcHashes.concat('\'self\'', additionalPolicies)
return { ...policies, 'script-src': hashAndPolicyList }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
import consola from 'consola'
import onHeaders from 'on-headers'
import { Timer } from 'src/utils'
export default options => (req, res, next) => {
if (res.timing) {
consola.warn('server-timing is already registered.')
res.timing = new ServerTiming()
if (options && {
res.timing.start('total', 'Nuxt Server Time')
onHeaders(res, () => {
if (res.timing.headers.length > 0) {
.concat(res.getHeader('Server-Timing') || [])
.join(', ')
class ServerTiming extends Timer {
constructor (...args) {
this.headers = []
end (...args) {
const time = super.end(...args)
if (time) {
return time
clear () {
this.headers.length = 0
formatHeader (time) {
const desc = time.description ? `;desc="${time.description}"` : ''
return `${};dur=${time.duration}${desc}`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
export default {
build: true,
rollup: {
externals: ['jsdom']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
import path from 'path'
import consola from 'consola'
import launchMiddleware from 'launch-editor-middleware'
import serveStatic from 'serve-static'
import servePlaceholder from 'serve-placeholder'
import connect from 'connect'
import { determineGlobals, isUrl } from 'src/utils'
import { VueRenderer } from 'src/vue-renderer'
import ServerContext from './context'
import renderAndGetWindow from './jsdom'
import nuxtMiddleware from './middleware/nuxt'
import errorMiddleware from './middleware/error'
import Listener from './listener'
import createTimingMiddleware from './middleware/timing'
export default class Server {
constructor (nuxt) {
this.nuxt = nuxt
this.options = nuxt.options
this.globals = determineGlobals(nuxt.options.globalName, nuxt.options.globals)
this.publicPath = isUrl(
// Runtime shared resources
this.resources = {}
// Will be set after listen
this.listeners = []
// Create new connect instance = connect()
// Close hook
this.nuxt.hook('close', () => this.close())
// devMiddleware placeholder
if ( {
this.nuxt.hook('server:devMiddleware', (devMiddleware) => {
this.devMiddleware = devMiddleware
async ready () {
if (this._readyCalled) {
return this
this._readyCalled = true
await this.nuxt.callHook('render:before', this, this.options.render)
// Initialize vue-renderer
this.serverContext = new ServerContext(this)
this.renderer = new VueRenderer(this.serverContext)
await this.renderer.ready()
// Setup nuxt middleware
await this.setupMiddleware()
// Call done hook
await this.nuxt.callHook('render:done', this)
return this
async setupMiddleware () {
// Apply setupMiddleware from modules first
await this.nuxt.callHook('render:setupMiddleware',
// Compression middleware for production
if (! {
const { compressor } = this.options.render
if (typeof compressor === 'object') {
// If only setting for `compression` are provided, require the module and insert
const compression = this.nuxt.resolver.requireModule('compression')
} else if (compressor) {
// Else, require own compression middleware if compressor is actually truthy
if (this.options.server.timing) {
// For serving static/ files to /
const staticMiddleware = serveStatic(
path.resolve(this.options.srcDir, this.options.dir.static),
staticMiddleware.prefix = this.options.render.static.prefix
// Serve .nuxt/dist/client files only for production
// For dev they will be served with devMiddleware
if (! {
const distDir = path.resolve(this.options.buildDir, 'dist', 'client')
path: this.publicPath,
handler: serveStatic(
// Dev middleware
if ( {
this.useMiddleware((req, res, next) => {
if (!this.devMiddleware) {
return next()
this.devMiddleware(req, res, next)
// open in editor for debug mode only
if (this.options.debug) {
path: '__open-in-editor',
handler: launchMiddleware(this.options.editor)
// Add user provided middleware
for (const m of this.options.serverMiddleware) {
// Graceful 404 error handler
const { fallback } = this.options.render
if (fallback) {
// Dist files
if (fallback.dist) {
path: this.publicPath,
handler: servePlaceholder(fallback.dist)
// Other paths
if (fallback.static) {
path: '/',
handler: servePlaceholder(fallback.static)
// Finally use nuxtMiddleware
options: this.options,
nuxt: this.nuxt,
renderRoute: this.renderRoute.bind(this),
resources: this.resources
// Apply errorMiddleware from modules first
await this.nuxt.callHook('render:errorMiddleware',
// Error middleware for errors that occurred in middleware that declared above
resources: this.resources,
options: this.options
_normalizeMiddleware (middleware) {
// Normalize plain function
if (typeof middleware === 'function') {
middleware = { handle: middleware }
// If a plain string provided as path to middleware
if (typeof middleware === 'string') {
middleware = this._requireMiddleware(middleware)
// Normalize handler to handle (backward compatibility)
if (middleware.handler && !middleware.handle) {
middleware.handle = middleware.handler
delete middleware.handler
// Normalize path to route (backward compatibility)
if (middleware.path && !middleware.route) {
middleware.route = middleware.path
delete middleware.path
// If handle is a string pointing to path
if (typeof middleware.handle === 'string') {
Object.assign(middleware, this._requireMiddleware(middleware.handle))
// No handle
if (!middleware.handle) {
middleware.handle = (req, res, next) => {
next(new Error('ServerMiddleware should expose a handle: ' + middleware.entry))
// Prefix on handle (proxy-module)
if (middleware.handle.prefix !== undefined && middleware.prefix === undefined) {
middleware.prefix = middleware.handle.prefix
// sub-app (express)
if (typeof middleware.handle.handle === 'function') {
const server = middleware.handle
middleware.handle = server.handle.bind(server)
return middleware
_requireMiddleware (entry) {
// Resolve entry
entry = this.nuxt.resolver.resolvePath(entry)
// Require middleware
let middleware
try {
middleware = this.nuxt.resolver.requireModule(entry)
} catch (error) {
// Show full error
consola.error('ServerMiddleware Error:', error)
// Placeholder for error
middleware = (req, res, next) => { next(error) }
// Normalize
middleware = this._normalizeMiddleware(middleware)
// Set entry
middleware.entry = entry
return middleware
resolveMiddleware (middleware, fallbackRoute = '/') {
// Ensure middleware is normalized
middleware = this._normalizeMiddleware(middleware)
// Fallback route
if (!middleware.route) {
middleware.route = fallbackRoute
// Resolve final route
middleware.route = (
(middleware.prefix !== false ? this.options.router.base : '') +
(typeof middleware.route === 'string' ? middleware.route : '')
).replace(/\/\//g, '/')
// Strip trailing slash
if (middleware.route.endsWith('/')) {
middleware.route = middleware.route.slice(0, -1)
// Assign _middleware to handle to make accessible from app.stack
middleware.handle._middleware = middleware
return middleware
useMiddleware (middleware) {
const { route, handle } = this.resolveMiddleware(middleware), handle)
replaceMiddleware (query, middleware) {
let serverStackItem
if (typeof query === 'string') {
// Search by entry
serverStackItem ={ handle }) => handle._middleware && handle._middleware.entry === query)
} else {
// Search by reference
serverStackItem ={ handle }) => handle === query)
// Stop if item not found
if (!serverStackItem) {
// unload middleware
// Resolve middleware
const { route, handle } = this.resolveMiddleware(middleware, serverStackItem.route)
// Update serverStackItem
serverStackItem.handle = handle
// Error State
serverStackItem.route = route
// Return updated item
return serverStackItem
unloadMiddleware ({ handle }) {
if (handle._middleware && typeof handle._middleware.unload === 'function') {
serverMiddlewarePaths () {
return{ handle }) => handle._middleware && handle._middleware.entry).filter(Boolean)
renderRoute () {
return this.renderer.renderRoute.apply(this.renderer, arguments)
loadResources () {
return this.renderer.loadResources.apply(this.renderer, arguments)
renderAndGetWindow (url, opts = {}, {
loadingTimeout = 2000,
loadedCallback = this.globals.loadedCallback,
globals = this.globals
} = {}) {
return renderAndGetWindow(url, opts, {
async listen (port, host, socket) {
// Ensure nuxt is ready
await this.nuxt.ready()
// Create a new listener
const listener = new Listener({
port: isNaN(parseInt(port)) ? this.options.server.port : port,
host: host ||,
socket: socket || this.options.server.socket,
https: this.options.server.https,
baseURL: this.options.router.base
// Listen
await listener.listen()
// Push listener to this.listeners
await this.nuxt.callHook('listen', listener.server, listener)
return listener
async close () {
if (this.__closed) {
this.__closed = true
await Promise.all( => l.close()))
this.listeners = []
if (typeof this.renderer.close === 'function') {
await this.renderer.close()
} = null
for (const key in this.resources) {
delete this.resources[key]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
import { join } from 'path'
export function isExternalDependency (id) {
return /[/\\]node_modules[/\\]/.test(id)
export function clearRequireCache (id) {
if (isExternalDependency(id)) {
const entry = getRequireCacheItem(id)
if (!entry) {
delete require.cache[id]
if (entry.parent) {
entry.parent.children = entry.parent.children.filter(e => !== id)
for (const child of entry.children) {
delete require.cache[id]
export function scanRequireTree (id, files = new Set()) {
if (isExternalDependency(id) || files.has(id)) {
return files
const entry = getRequireCacheItem(id)
if (!entry) {
return files
for (const child of entry.children) {
scanRequireTree(, files)
return files
export function getRequireCacheItem (id) {
try {
return require.cache[id]
} catch (e) {
export function tryRequire (id) {
try {
return require(id)
} catch (e) {
export function getPKG (id) {
return tryRequire(join(id, 'package.json'))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
export const TARGETS = {
server: 'server',
static: 'static'
export const MODES = {
universal: 'universal',
spa: 'spa'

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import { TARGETS } from './constants'
export const getContext = function getContext (req, res) {
return { req, res }
export const determineGlobals = function determineGlobals (globalName, globals) {
const _globals = {}
for (const global in globals) {
if (typeof globals[global] === 'function') {
_globals[global] = globals[global](globalName)
} else {
_globals[global] = globals[global]
return _globals
export const isFullStatic = function (options) {
return ! && !options._legacyGenerate && === TARGETS.static && options.render.ssr

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
export * from './context'
export * from './lang'
export * from './locking'
export * from './resolve'
export * from './route'
export * from './serialize'
export * from './task'
export * from './timer'
export * from './cjs'
export * from './modern'
export * from './constants'

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
export const encodeHtml = function encodeHtml (str) {
return str.replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
export const isString = obj => typeof obj === 'string' || obj instanceof String
export const isNonEmptyString = obj => Boolean(obj && isString(obj))
export const isPureObject = obj => !Array.isArray(obj) && typeof obj === 'object'
export const isUrl = function isUrl (url) {
return ['http', '//'].some(str => url.startsWith(str))
export const urlJoin = function urlJoin () {
return [].slice
.replace(/\/+/g, '/')
.replace(':/', '://')
* Wraps value in array if it is not already an array
* @param {any} value
* @return {array}
export const wrapArray = value => Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]
[/[ \t\f\r]+\n/g, '\n'], // strip empty indents
[/{\n{2,}/g, '{\n'], // strip start padding from blocks
[/\n{2,}([ \t\f\r]*})/g, '\n$1'], // strip end padding from blocks
[/\n{3,}/g, '\n\n'], // strip multiple blank lines (1 allowed)
[/\n{2,}$/g, '\n'] // strip blank lines EOF (0 allowed)
export const stripWhitespace = function stripWhitespace (string) {
WHITESPACE_REPLACEMENTS.forEach(([regex, newSubstr]) => {
string = string.replace(regex, newSubstr)
return string

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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
import path from 'path'
import consola from 'consola'
import hash from 'hash-sum'
import fs from 'fs-extra'
import properlock from 'proper-lockfile'
import onExit from 'signal-exit'
export const lockPaths = new Set()
export const defaultLockOptions = {
stale: 30000,
onCompromised: err => consola.warn(err)
export function getLockOptions (options) {
return Object.assign({}, defaultLockOptions, options)
export function createLockPath ({ id = 'nuxt', dir, root }) {
const sum = hash(`${root}-${dir}`)
return path.resolve(root, 'node_modules/.cache/nuxt', `${id}-lock-${sum}`)
export async function getLockPath (config) {
const lockPath = createLockPath(config)
// the lock is created for the lockPath as ${lockPath}.lock
// so the (temporary) lockPath needs to exist
await fs.ensureDir(lockPath)
return lockPath
export async function lock ({ id, dir, root, options }) {
const lockPath = await getLockPath({ id, dir, root })
try {
const locked = await properlock.check(lockPath)
if (locked) {
consola.fatal(`A lock with id '${id}' already exists on ${dir}`)
} catch (e) {
consola.debug(`Check for an existing lock with id '${id}' on ${dir} failed`, e)
let lockWasCompromised = false
let release
try {
options = getLockOptions(options)
const onCompromised = options.onCompromised
options.onCompromised = (err) => {
lockWasCompromised = true
release = await properlock.lock(lockPath, options)
} catch (e) {}
if (!release) {
consola.warn(`Unable to get a lock with id '${id}' on ${dir} (but will continue)`)
return false
if (!lockPaths.size) {
// make sure to always cleanup our temporary lockPaths
onExit(() => {
for (const lockPath of lockPaths) {
return async function lockRelease () {
try {
await fs.remove(lockPath)
// release as last so the lockPath is still removed
// when it fails on a compromised lock
await release()
} catch (e) {
if (!lockWasCompromised || !e.message.includes('already released')) {
// proper-lockfile doesnt remove lockDir when lock is compromised
// removing it here could cause the 'other' process to throw an error
// as well, but in our case its much more likely the lock was
// compromised due to mtime update timeouts
const lockDir = `${lockPath}.lock`
if (await fs.exists(lockDir)) {
await fs.remove(lockDir)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
import UAParser from 'ua-parser-js'
export const ModernBrowsers = {
Edge: '16',
Firefox: '60',
Chrome: '61',
'Chrome Headless': '61',
Chromium: '61',
Iron: '61',
Safari: '10.1',
Opera: '48',
Yandex: '18',
Vivaldi: '1.14',
'Mobile Safari': '10.3'
let semver
let __modernBrowsers
const getModernBrowsers = () => {
if (__modernBrowsers) {
return __modernBrowsers
__modernBrowsers = Object.keys(ModernBrowsers)
.reduce((allBrowsers, browser) => {
allBrowsers[browser] = semver.coerce(ModernBrowsers[browser])
return allBrowsers
}, {})
return __modernBrowsers
export const isModernBrowser = (ua) => {
if (!ua) {
return false
if (!semver) {
semver = require('semver')
const { browser } = UAParser(ua)
const browserVersion = semver.coerce(browser.version)
if (!browserVersion) {
return false
const modernBrowsers = getModernBrowsers()
return Boolean(modernBrowsers[] && semver.gte(browserVersion, modernBrowsers[]))
export const isModernRequest = (req, modernMode = false) => {
if (modernMode === false) {
return false
const { socket = {}, headers } = req
if (socket._modern === undefined) {
const ua = headers && headers['user-agent']
socket._modern = isModernBrowser(ua)
return socket._modern
export const safariNoModuleFix = '!function(){var e=document,t=e.createElement("script");if(!("noModule"in t)&&"onbeforeload"in t){var n=!1;e.addEventListener("beforeload",function(e){if(!0;else if(!"nomodule")||!n)return;e.preventDefault()},!0),t.type="module",t.src=".",e.head.appendChild(t),t.remove()}}();'

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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
import path from 'path'
import consola from 'consola'
import escapeRegExp from 'lodash/escapeRegExp'
export const startsWithAlias = aliasArray => str => aliasArray.some(c => str.startsWith(c))
export const startsWithSrcAlias = startsWithAlias(['@', '~'])
export const startsWithRootAlias = startsWithAlias(['@@', '~~'])
export const isWindows = process.platform.startsWith('win')
export const wp = function wp (p = '') {
if (isWindows) {
return p.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
return p
// Kept for backward compat (modules may use it from template context)
export const wChunk = function wChunk (p = '') {
return p
const reqSep = /\//g
const sysSep = escapeRegExp(path.sep)
const normalize = string => string.replace(reqSep, sysSep)
export const r = function r (...args) {
const lastArg = args[args.length - 1]
if (startsWithSrcAlias(lastArg)) {
return wp(lastArg)
return wp(path.resolve(
export const relativeTo = function relativeTo (...args) {
const dir = args.shift()
// Keep webpack inline loader intact
if (args[0].includes('!')) {
const loaders = args.shift().split('!')
return loaders.concat(relativeTo(dir, loaders.pop(), ...args)).join('!')
// Resolve path
const resolvedPath = r(...args)
// Check if path is an alias
if (startsWithSrcAlias(resolvedPath)) {
return resolvedPath
// Make correct relative path
let rp = path.relative(dir, resolvedPath)
if (rp[0] !== '.') {
rp = '.' + path.sep + rp
return wp(rp)
export function defineAlias (src, target, prop, opts = {}) {
const { bind = true, warn = false } = opts
if (Array.isArray(prop)) {
for (const p of prop) {
defineAlias(src, target, p, opts)
let targetVal = target[prop]
if (bind && typeof targetVal === 'function') {
targetVal = targetVal.bind(target)
let warned = false
Object.defineProperty(src, prop, {
get: () => {
if (warn && !warned) {
warned = true
message: `'${prop}' is deprecated'`,
additional: new Error().stack.split('\n').splice(2).join('\n')
return targetVal
const isIndex = s => /(.*)\/index\.[^/]+$/.test(s)
export function isIndexFileAndFolder (pluginFiles) {
// Return early in case the matching file count exceeds 2 (index.js + folder)
if (pluginFiles.length !== 2) {
return false
return pluginFiles.some(isIndex)
export const getMainModule = () => {
return require.main || (module && module.main) || module

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@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
import path from 'path'
import get from 'lodash/get'
import consola from 'consola'
import { r } from './resolve'
export const flatRoutes = function flatRoutes (router, fileName = '', routes = []) {
router.forEach((r) => {
if ([':', '*'].some(c => r.path.includes(c))) {
if (r.children) {
if (fileName === '' && r.path === '/') {
return flatRoutes(r.children, fileName + r.path + '/', routes)
fileName = fileName.replace(/\/+/g, '/')
// if child path is already absolute, do not make any concatenations
if (r.path && r.path.startsWith('/')) {
} else if (r.path === '' && fileName[fileName.length - 1] === '/') {
routes.push(fileName.slice(0, -1) + r.path)
} else {
routes.push(fileName + r.path)
return routes
function cleanChildrenRoutes (routes, isChild = false, routeNameSplitter = '-') {
let start = -1
const regExpIndex = new RegExp(`${routeNameSplitter}index$`)
const routesIndex = []
routes.forEach((route) => {
if (regExpIndex.test( || === 'index') {
// Save indexOf 'index' key in name
const res =
const s = res.indexOf('index')
start = start === -1 || s < start ? s : start
routes.forEach((route) => {
route.path = isChild ? route.path.replace('/', '') : route.path
if (route.path.includes('?')) {
const names =
const paths = route.path.split('/')
if (!isChild) {
} // clean first / for parents
routesIndex.forEach((r) => {
const i = r.indexOf('index') - start // children names
if (i < paths.length) {
for (let a = 0; a <= i; a++) {
if (a === i) {
paths[a] = paths[a].replace('?', '')
if (a < i && names[a] !== r[a]) {
route.path = (isChild ? '' : '/') + paths.join('/')
} =, '')
if (route.children) {
if (route.children.find(child => child.path === '')) {
route.children = cleanChildrenRoutes(route.children, true, routeNameSplitter)
return routes
const DYNAMIC_ROUTE_REGEX = /^\/([:*])/
export const sortRoutes = function sortRoutes (routes) {
routes.sort((a, b) => {
if (!a.path.length) {
return -1
if (!b.path.length) {
return 1
// Order: /static, /index, /:dynamic
// Match exact route before index: /login before /index/_slug
if (a.path === '/') {
return DYNAMIC_ROUTE_REGEX.test(b.path) ? -1 : 1
if (b.path === '/') {
return DYNAMIC_ROUTE_REGEX.test(a.path) ? 1 : -1
let i
let res = 0
let y = 0
let z = 0
const _a = a.path.split('/')
const _b = b.path.split('/')
for (i = 0; i < _a.length; i++) {
if (res !== 0) {
y = _a[i] === '*' ? 2 : _a[i].includes(':') ? 1 : 0
z = _b[i] === '*' ? 2 : _b[i].includes(':') ? 1 : 0
res = y - z
// If a.length >= b.length
if (i === _b.length - 1 && res === 0) {
// unless * found sort by level, then alphabetically
res = _a[i] === '*' ? -1 : (
_a.length === _b.length ? a.path.localeCompare(b.path) : (_a.length - _b.length)
if (res === 0) {
// unless * found sort by level, then alphabetically
res = _a[i - 1] === '*' && _b[i] ? 1 : (
_a.length === _b.length ? a.path.localeCompare(b.path) : (_a.length - _b.length)
return res
routes.forEach((route) => {
if (route.children) {
return routes
export const createRoutes = function createRoutes ({
pagesDir = '',
routeNameSplitter = '-',
supportedExtensions = ['vue', 'js'],
}) {
const routes = []
files.forEach((file) => {
const keys = file
.replace(new RegExp(`^${pagesDir}`), '')
.replace(new RegExp(`\\.(${supportedExtensions.join('|')})$`), '')
.replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/')
const route = { name: '', path: '', component: r(srcDir, file) }
let parent = routes
keys.forEach((key, i) => {
// remove underscore only, if its the prefix
const sanitizedKey = key.startsWith('_') ? key.substr(1) : key =
? + routeNameSplitter + sanitizedKey
: sanitizedKey += key === '_' ? 'all' : ''
route.chunkName = file.replace(new RegExp(`\\.(${supportedExtensions.join('|')})$`), '')
const child = parent.find(parentRoute => ===
if (child) {
child.children = child.children || []
parent = child.children
route.path = ''
} else if (key === 'index' && i + 1 === keys.length) {
route.path += i > 0 ? '' : '/'
} else {
route.path += '/' + getRoutePathExtension(key)
if (key.startsWith('_') && key.length > 1) {
route.path += '?'
if (trailingSlash !== undefined) {
route.pathToRegexpOptions = { ...route.pathToRegexpOptions, strict: true }
route.path = route.path.replace(/\/+$/, '') + (trailingSlash ? '/' : '') || '/'
return cleanChildrenRoutes(routes, false, routeNameSplitter)
// Guard dir1 from dir2 which can be indiscriminately removed
export const guardDir = function guardDir (options, key1, key2) {
const dir1 = get(options, key1, false)
const dir2 = get(options, key2, false)
if (
dir1 &&
dir2 &&
dir1 === dir2 ||
dir1.startsWith(dir2) &&
) {
const errorMessage = `options.${key2} cannot be a parent of or same as ${key1}`
throw new Error(errorMessage)
const getRoutePathExtension = (key) => {
if (key === '_') {
return '*'
if (key.startsWith('_')) {
return `:${key.substr(1)}`
return key
export const promisifyRoute = function promisifyRoute (fn, ...args) {
// If routes is an array
if (Array.isArray(fn)) {
return Promise.resolve(fn)
// If routes is a function expecting a callback
if (fn.length === arguments.length) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fn((err, routeParams) => {
if (err) {
}, ...args)
let promise = fn(...args)
if (
!promise ||
(!(promise instanceof Promise) && typeof promise.then !== 'function')
) {
promise = Promise.resolve(promise)
return promise

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
import serialize from 'serialize-javascript'
export function normalizeFunctions (obj) {
if (typeof obj !== 'object' || Array.isArray(obj) || obj === null) {
return obj
for (const key in obj) {
if (key === '__proto__' || key === 'constructor') {
const val = obj[key]
if (val !== null && typeof val === 'object' && !Array.isArray(obj)) {
obj[key] = normalizeFunctions(val)
if (typeof obj[key] === 'function') {
const asString = obj[key].toString()
const match = asString.match(/^([^{(]+)=>\s*([\0-\uFFFF]*)/)
if (match) {
const fullFunctionBody = match[2].match(/^{?(\s*return\s+)?([\0-\uFFFF]*?)}?$/)
let functionBody = fullFunctionBody[2].trim()
if (fullFunctionBody[1] || !match[2].trim().match(/^\s*{/)) {
functionBody = `return ${functionBody}`
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func
obj[key] = new Function(...match[1].split(',').map(arg => arg.trim()), functionBody)
return obj
export function serializeFunction (func) {
let open = false
func = normalizeFunctions(func)
return serialize(func)
.replace(serializeFunction.assignmentRE, (_, spaces) => {
return `${spaces}: function (`
.replace(serializeFunction.internalFunctionRE, (_, spaces, name, args) => {
if (open) {
return `${spaces}${name}: function (${args}) {`
} else {
open = true
return _
.replace(`${ || 'function'}(`, 'function (')
.replace('function function', 'function')
serializeFunction.internalFunctionRE = /^(\s*)(?!(?:if)|(?:for)|(?:while)|(?:switch)|(?:catch))(\w+)\s*\((.*?)\)\s*\{/gm
serializeFunction.assignmentRE = /^(\s*):(\w+)\(/gm

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
export const sequence = function sequence (tasks, fn) {
return tasks.reduce(
(promise, task) => promise.then(() => fn(task)),
export const parallel = function parallel (tasks, fn) {
return Promise.all(
export const chainFn = function chainFn (base, fn) {
if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
return base
return function (...args) {
if (typeof base !== 'function') {
return fn.apply(this, args)
let baseResult = base.apply(this, args)
// Allow function to mutate the first argument instead of returning the result
if (baseResult === undefined) {
[baseResult] = args
const fnResult =
baseResult,, 1)
// Return mutated argument if no result was returned
if (fnResult === undefined) {
return baseResult
return fnResult

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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
async function promiseFinally (fn, finalFn) {
let result
try {
if (typeof fn === 'function') {
result = await fn()
} else {
result = await fn
} finally {
return result
export const timeout = function timeout (fn, ms, msg) {
let timerId
const warpPromise = promiseFinally(fn, () => clearTimeout(timerId))
const timerPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
timerId = setTimeout(() => reject(new Error(msg)), ms)
return Promise.race([warpPromise, timerPromise])
export const waitFor = function waitFor (ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms || 0))
export class Timer {
constructor () {
this._times = new Map()
start (name, description) {
const time = {
start: this.hrtime()
this._times.set(name, time)
return time
end (name) {
if (this._times.has(name)) {
const time = this._times.get(name)
time.duration = this.hrtime(time.start)
return time
hrtime (start) {
const useBigInt = typeof process.hrtime.bigint === 'function'
if (start) {
const end = useBigInt ? process.hrtime.bigint() : process.hrtime(start)
return useBigInt
? (end - start) / BigInt(1000000)
: (end[0] * 1e3) + (end[1] * 1e-6)
return useBigInt ? process.hrtime.bigint() : process.hrtime()
clear () {

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
Has pages/ ? <nuxt-page />
Please create `pages/index.vue` or `app.vue`
<nav>My navbar</nav>
<nuxt-page />
my-project/app.vue -> no router needed
my-project/pages/index.vue -> router needed and app.vue display
Resolving App:
1. ~/app.vue (variable)
2. (if pages/) nuxt-app/app.pages.vue (Light with router)
3. nuxt-app/app.tutorial.vue
For layers:
create {srcDir}/app.vue:
app.starter.vue -- guiding to create app.vue or pages/
app.default.vue if (pages/)
app.layout.vue if (layouts/)

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
// nothing here

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
export { init } from './nuxt'

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import Hookable from 'hookable'
import { defineGetter } from './utils'
class Nuxt extends Hookable {
constructor ({ app, ssrContext, globalName }) {
super() = app
this.ssrContext = ssrContext
this.globalName = globalName
provide (name, value) {
const $name = '$' + name
defineGetter(, $name, value)
defineGetter(, $name, value)
export async function init ({ app, plugins, ssrContext, globalName = 'nuxt' }) {
const nuxt = new Nuxt({ app, ssrContext, globalName })
nuxt.provide('nuxt', nuxt)
const inject = nuxt.provide.bind(nuxt)
for (const plugin of plugins) {
await plugin(nuxt, inject)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import { createSSRApp } from 'vue'
import plugins from './plugins.client'
import { init } from 'nuxt-app'
import App from '<%= appPath %>'
async function initApp () {
const app = createSSRApp(App)
await init({
await app.$nuxt.callHook('client:create')
await app.$nuxt.callHook('client:mounted')
console.log('App ready:', app) // eslint-disable-line no-console
initApp().catch((error) => {
console.error('Error while mounting app:', error) // eslint-disable-line no-console

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { init } from 'nuxt-app'
import plugins from 'nuxt-build/plugins.server'
import App from '<%= appPath %>'
export default async function createNuxtAppServer (ssrContext = {}) {
const app = createApp(App)
await init({
await app.$nuxt.callHook('server:create')
return app

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<Nuxt />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
import sharedPlugins from './plugins'
export default [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
// import router from 'nuxt-app/plugins/router'
import state from 'nuxt-app/plugins/state'
import components from 'nuxt-app/plugins/components'
import legacy from 'nuxt-app/plugins/legacy'
export default [
// router,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
import sharedPlugins from './plugins'
import preload from 'nuxt-app/plugins/preload'
export default [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
const Index = () => import('~/pages' /* webpackChunkName: "Home" */)
const About = () => import('~/pages/about' /* webpackChunkName: "About" */)
const Custom = () => import('~/pages/custom' /* webpackChunkName: "Custom" */)
export default [
path: '',
__file: '@/pages/index.vue',
component: Index
path: '/about',
component: About
path: '/custom',
component: Custom

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html {{ HTML_ATTRS }}>
<head {{ HEAD_ATTRS }}>
{{ HEAD }}
<body {{ BODY_ATTRS }}>
<div id="__nuxt">{{ APP }}</div>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Server error</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no" name=viewport>
.__nuxt-error-page{padding: 1rem;background:#f7f8fb;color:#47494e;text-align:center;display:-webkit-box;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-box-pack:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-webkit-box-orient:vertical;-webkit-box-direction:normal;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;font-family:sans-serif;font-weight:100!important;-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0}.__nuxt-error-page .error{max-width:450px}.__nuxt-error-page .title{font-size:24px;font-size:1.5rem;margin-top:15px;color:#47494e;margin-bottom:8px}.__nuxt-error-page .description{color:#7f828b;line-height:21px;margin-bottom:10px}.__nuxt-error-page a{color:#7f828b!important;text-decoration:none}.__nuxt-error-page .logo{position:fixed;left:12px;bottom:12px}
<div class="__nuxt-error-page">
<div class="error">
<svg xmlns="" width="90" height="90" fill="#DBE1EC" viewBox="0 0 48 48"><path d="M22 30h4v4h-4zm0-16h4v12h-4zm1.99-10C12.94 4 4 12.95 4 24s8.94 20 19.99 20S44 35.05 44 24 35.04 4 23.99 4zM24 40c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16S15.16 8 24 8s16 7.16 16 16-7.16 16-16 16z"/></svg>
<div class="title">Server error</div>
<div class="description">{{ message }}</div>
<div class="logo">
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Nuxt.js</a>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
// import { h, defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { Link } from 'vue-router'
// const NuxtLink = defineComponent({
// extends: Link
// })
export default function components ({ app }) {
app.component('NuxtLink', Link)
app.component('NLink', Link) // TODO: deprecate

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
export default function legacy ({ app }) {
app.$nuxt.context = {}
if (process.client) {
const legacyApp = { }
legacyApp.$root = legacyApp
window[app.$nuxt.globalName] = legacyApp
if (process.server) {
const { ssrContext } = app.$nuxt
app.$nuxt.context.req = ssrContext.req
app.$nuxt.context.res = ssrContext.res

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
export default function preload ({ app }) {
beforeCreate () {
const { _registeredComponents } = this.$nuxt.ssrContext
const { __moduleIdentifier } = this.$options

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { createRouter, createWebHistory, createMemoryHistory } from 'vue-router'
import routes from 'nuxt-build/routes'
export default function router ({ app }) {
const routerHistory = process.client
? createWebHistory()
: createMemoryHistory()
const router = createRouter({
history: routerHistory,
const previousRoute = ref()
router.afterEach((to, from) => {
previousRoute.value = from
Object.defineProperty(app.config.globalProperties, 'previousRoute', {
get: () => previousRoute.value
if (process.server) {
app.$nuxt.hook('server:create', async () => {
await router.isReady()
} else {
app.$nuxt.hook('client:create', async () => {
await router.isReady()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
export default function state ({ app }) {
if (process.server) {
app.$nuxt.state = {
serverRendered: true
// data, fetch, vuex, etc.
app.$nuxt.ssrContext.nuxt = app.$nuxt.state
if (process.client) {
app.$nuxt.state = window.__NUXT__ || {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import path from 'path'
import globby from 'globby'
const dir = path.join(__dirname, 'nuxt')
const files = globby.sync(path.join(dir, '/**'))
.map(f => f.replace(dir + path.sep, '')) // TODO: workaround
export default {
dependencies: {},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export function defineGetter (obj, key, val) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { get: () => val })

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
"nuxtChildKey": {
"description": "This prop will be set to <router-view/>, useful to make transitions inside a dynamic page and different route. Default: `$route.fullPath`"
"to": {
"description": "Denotes the target route of the link. When clicked, the value of the to prop will be passed to router.push() internally, so the value can be either a string or a location descriptor object."
"prefetch": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Prefetch route target (overrides router.prefetchLinks value in nuxt.config.js)."
"no-prefetch": {
"description": "Avoid prefetching route target."
"replace": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Setting replace prop will call router.replace() instead of router.push() when clicked, so the navigation will not leave a history record."
"append": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Setting append prop always appends the relative path to the current path. For example, assuming we are navigating from /a to a relative link b, without append we will end up at /b, but with append we will end up at /a/b."
"tag": {
"description": "Specify which tag to render to, and it will still listen to click events for navigation."
"active-class": {
"description": "Configure the active CSS class applied when the link is active."
"exact": {
"description": "The default active class matching behavior is inclusive match. For example, <router-link to=\"/a\"> will get this class applied as long as the current path starts with /a/ or is /a.\nOne consequence of this is that <router-link to=\"/\"> will be active for every route! To force the link into \"exact match mode\", use the exact prop: <router-link to=\"/\" exact>"
"event": {
"description": "Specify the event(s) that can trigger the link navigation."
"exact-active-class": {
"description": "Configure the active CSS class applied when the link is active with exact match. Note the default value can also be configured globally via the linkExactActiveClass router constructor option."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
"nuxt": {
"attributes": [
"description": "Component to render the current nuxt page."
"n-child": {
"description": "Component for displaying the children components in a nested route."
"nuxt-child": {
"description": "Component for displaying the children components in a nested route."
"n-link": {
"attributes": [
"description": "Component for navigating between Nuxt pages."
"nuxt-link": {
"attributes": [
"description": "Component for navigating between Nuxt pages."
"no-ssr": {
"description": "Component for excluding a part of your app from server-side rendering."

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
export { default as VueRenderer } from './renderer'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs-extra'
import consola from 'consola'
import template from 'lodash/template'
import { TARGETS, isModernRequest, waitFor } from 'src/utils'
import SPARenderer from './renderers/spa'
import SSRRenderer from './renderers/ssr'
import ModernRenderer from './renderers/modern'
export default class VueRenderer {
constructor (context) {
this.serverContext = context
this.options = this.serverContext.options
// Will be set by createRenderer
this.renderer = {
ssr: undefined,
modern: undefined,
spa: undefined
// Renderer runtime resources
Object.assign(this.serverContext.resources, {
clientManifest: undefined,
modernManifest: undefined,
serverManifest: undefined,
ssrTemplate: undefined,
spaTemplate: undefined,
errorTemplate: this.parseTemplate('Nuxt.js Internal Server Error')
// Default status
this._state = 'created'
this._error = null
ready () {
if (!this._readyPromise) {
this._state = 'loading'
this._readyPromise = this._ready()
.then(() => {
this._state = 'ready'
return this
.catch((error) => {
this._state = 'error'
this._error = error
throw error
return this._readyPromise
async _ready () {
// Resolve dist path
this.distPath = path.resolve(this.options.buildDir, 'dist', 'server')
// -- Development mode --
if ( {
this.serverContext.nuxt.hook('build:resources', mfs => this.loadResources(mfs))
// -- Production mode --
// Try once to load SSR resources from fs
await this.loadResources(fs)
// Without using `nuxt start` (programmatic, tests and generate)
if (!this.options._start) {
this.serverContext.nuxt.hook('build:resources', () => this.loadResources(fs))
// Verify resources
if (this.options.modern && !this.isModernReady) {
throw new Error(
`No modern build files found in ${this.distPath}.\nUse either \`nuxt build --modern\` or \`modern\` option to build modern files.`
} else if (!this.isReady) {
throw new Error(
`No build files found in ${this.distPath}.\nUse either \`nuxt build\` or \`\` or start nuxt in development mode.`
async loadResources (_fs) {
const updated = []
const readResource = async (fileName, encoding) => {
try {
const fullPath = path.resolve(this.distPath, fileName)
if (!await _fs.exists(fullPath)) {
const contents = await _fs.readFile(fullPath, encoding)
return contents
} catch (err) {
consola.error('Unable to load resource:', fileName, err)
for (const resourceName in this.resourceMap) {
const { fileName, transform, encoding } = this.resourceMap[resourceName]
// Load resource
let resource = await readResource(fileName, encoding)
// Skip unavailable resources
if (!resource) {
// Apply transforms
if (typeof transform === 'function') {
resource = await transform(resource, { readResource })
// Update resource
this.serverContext.resources[resourceName] = resource
// Load templates
await this.loadTemplates()
await this.serverContext.nuxt.callHook('render:resourcesLoaded', this.serverContext.resources)
// Detect if any resource updated
if (updated.length > 0) {
// Create new renderer
async loadTemplates () {
// Reload error template
const errorTemplatePath = path.resolve(this.options.buildDir, 'views/error.html')
if (await fs.exists(errorTemplatePath)) {
const errorTemplate = await fs.readFile(errorTemplatePath, 'utf8')
this.serverContext.resources.errorTemplate = this.parseTemplate(errorTemplate)
// Reload loading template
const loadingHTMLPath = path.resolve(this.options.buildDir, 'loading.html')
if (await fs.exists(loadingHTMLPath)) {
this.serverContext.resources.loadingHTML = await fs.readFile(loadingHTMLPath, 'utf8')
this.serverContext.resources.loadingHTML = this.serverContext.resources.loadingHTML.replace(/\r|\n|[\t\s]{3,}/g, '')
} else {
this.serverContext.resources.loadingHTML = ''
// TODO: Remove in Nuxt 3
get noSSR () { /* Backward compatibility */
return this.options.render.ssr === false
get SSR () {
return this.options.render.ssr === true
get isReady () {
// SPA
if (!this.serverContext.resources.spaTemplate || ! {
return false
// SSR
if (this.SSR && (!this.serverContext.resources.ssrTemplate || !this.renderer.ssr)) {
return false
return true
get isModernReady () {
return this.isReady && this.serverContext.resources.modernManifest
// TODO: Remove in Nuxt 3
get isResourcesAvailable () { /* Backward compatibility */
return this.isReady
detectModernBuild () {
const { options, resources } = this.serverContext
if ([false, 'client', 'server'].includes(options.modern)) {
const isExplicitStaticModern = === TARGETS.static && options.modern
if (!resources.modernManifest && !isExplicitStaticModern) {
options.modern = false
options.modern = options.render.ssr ? 'server' : 'client'`Modern bundles are detected. Modern mode (\`${options.modern}\`) is enabled now.`)
createRenderer () {
// Resource clientManifest is always required
if (!this.serverContext.resources.clientManifest) {
// Create SPA renderer
if (this.serverContext.resources.spaTemplate) { = new SPARenderer(this.serverContext)
// Skip the rest if SSR resources are not available
if (this.serverContext.resources.ssrTemplate && this.serverContext.resources.serverManifest) {
// Create bundle renderer for SSR
this.renderer.ssr = new SSRRenderer(this.serverContext)
if (this.options.modern !== false) {
this.renderer.modern = new ModernRenderer(this.serverContext)
renderSPA (renderContext) {
renderSSR (renderContext) {
// Call renderToString from the bundleRenderer and generate the HTML (will update the renderContext as well)
const renderer = renderContext.modern ? this.renderer.modern : this.renderer.ssr
return renderer.render(renderContext)
async renderRoute (url, renderContext = {}, _retried = 0) {
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (!this.isReady) {
// Fall-back to loading-screen if enabled
if ( {
// Tell nuxt middleware to use `server:nuxt:renderLoading hook
return false
// Retry
const retryLimit = ? 60 : 3
if (_retried < retryLimit && this._state !== 'error') {
await this.ready().then(() => waitFor(1000))
return this.renderRoute(url, renderContext, _retried + 1)
// Throw Error
switch (this._state) {
case 'created':
throw new Error('Renderer ready() is not called! Please ensure `nuxt.ready()` is called and awaited.')
case 'loading':
throw new Error('Renderer is loading.')
case 'error':
throw this._error
case 'ready':
throw new Error(`Renderer resources are not loaded! Please check possible console errors and ensure dist (${this.distPath}) exists.`)
throw new Error('Renderer is in unknown state!')
// Log rendered url
consola.debug(`Rendering url ${url}`)
// Add url to the renderContext
renderContext.url = url
// Add target to the renderContext =
const { req = {}, res = {} } = renderContext
if ( === undefined) {
// TODO: Remove reading from renderContext.res in Nuxt3 = !this.SSR || ||
// renderContext.modern
if (renderContext.modern === undefined) {
const modernMode = this.options.modern
renderContext.modern = modernMode === 'client' || isModernRequest(req, modernMode)
// Set runtime config on renderContext
renderContext.runtimeConfig = {
private: ? {} : { ...this.options.privateRuntimeConfig },
public: { ...this.options.publicRuntimeConfig }
// Call renderContext hook
await this.serverContext.nuxt.callHook('vue-renderer:context', renderContext)
// Render SPA or SSR
? this.renderSPA(renderContext)
: this.renderSSR(renderContext)
get resourceMap () {
return {
clientManifest: {
fileName: 'client.manifest.json',
transform: src => JSON.parse(src)
modernManifest: {
fileName: 'modern.manifest.json',
transform: src => JSON.parse(src)
serverManifest: {
fileName: 'server.manifest.json',
// BundleRenderer needs resolved contents
transform: async (src, { readResource }) => {
const serverManifest = JSON.parse(src)
const readResources = async (obj) => {
const _obj = {}
await Promise.all(Object.keys(obj).map(async (key) => {
_obj[key] = await readResource(obj[key])
return _obj
const [files, maps] = await Promise.all([
// Try to parse sourcemaps
for (const map in maps) {
if (maps[map] && maps[map].version) {
try {
maps[map] = JSON.parse(maps[map])
} catch (e) {
maps[map] = { version: 3, sources: [], mappings: '' }
return {
ssrTemplate: {
fileName: 'index.ssr.html',
transform: src => this.parseTemplate(src)
spaTemplate: {
fileName: '',
transform: src => this.parseTemplate(src)
parseTemplate (templateStr) {
return template(templateStr, {
interpolate: /{{([\s\S]+?)}}/g,
evaluate: /{%([\s\S]+?)%}/g
close () {
if (this.__closed) {
this.__closed = true
for (const key in this.renderer) {
delete this.renderer[key]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
export default class BaseRenderer {
constructor (serverContext) {
this.serverContext = serverContext
this.options = serverContext.options
renderTemplate (templateFn, opts) {
// Fix problem with HTMLPlugin's minify option (#3392)
opts.html_attrs = opts.HTML_ATTRS
opts.head_attrs = opts.HEAD_ATTRS
opts.body_attrs = opts.BODY_ATTRS
return templateFn(opts)
render () {
throw new Error('`render()` needs to be implemented')

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More