mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 03:03:18 +00:00
perf(nuxt): use prerendered islands to serialise/revive payload (#21461)
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
const event = useRequestEvent()
const mounted = ref(false)
onMounted(() => { mounted.value = true })
const ssrHTML = ref<string>(process.client ? getFragmentHTML(instance.vnode?.el ?? null).join('') ?? '<div></div>' : '<div></div>')
const uid = ref<string>(ssrHTML.value.match(SSR_UID_RE)?.[1] ?? randomUUID())
const availableSlots = computed(() => {
@ -67,19 +68,37 @@ export default defineComponent({
return getSlotProps(ssrHTML.value)
function _fetchComponent () {
const url = `/__nuxt_island/${props.name}:${hashId.value}`
async function _fetchComponent () {
const key = `${props.name}:${hashId.value}`
if (nuxtApp.payload.data[key]) { return nuxtApp.payload.data[key] }
const url = `/__nuxt_island/${key}`
if (process.server && process.env.prerender) {
// Hint to Nitro to prerender the island component
appendResponseHeader(event, 'x-nitro-prerender', url)
// TODO: Validate response
return $fetch<NuxtIslandResponse>(url, {
const result = await $fetch<NuxtIslandResponse>(url, {
params: {
props: props.props ? JSON.stringify(props.props) : undefined
nuxtApp.payload.data[key] = {
__nuxt_island: {
...(process.server && process.env.prerender)
? {}
: {
params: {
props: props.props ? JSON.stringify(props.props) : undefined
return result
const key = ref(0)
async function fetchComponent () {
@ -1,16 +1,32 @@
import { reactive, ref, shallowReactive, shallowRef } from 'vue'
import { definePayloadReviver, getNuxtClientPayload } from '#app/composables/payload'
import { createError } from '#app/composables/error'
import { defineNuxtPlugin } from '#app/nuxt'
import { defineNuxtPlugin, useNuxtApp } from '#app/nuxt'
const revivers = {
NuxtError: (data: any) => createError(data),
EmptyShallowRef: (data: any) => shallowRef(data === '_' ? undefined : data === '0n' ? BigInt(0) : JSON.parse(data)),
EmptyRef: (data: any) => ref(data === '_' ? undefined : data === '0n' ? BigInt(0) : JSON.parse(data)),
ShallowRef: (data: any) => shallowRef(data),
ShallowReactive: (data: any) => shallowReactive(data),
Ref: (data: any) => ref(data),
Reactive: (data: any) => reactive(data)
// @ts-expect-error Virtual file.
import { componentIslands } from '#build/nuxt.config.mjs'
const revivers: Record<string, (data: any) => any> = {
NuxtError: data => createError(data),
EmptyShallowRef: data => shallowRef(data === '_' ? undefined : data === '0n' ? BigInt(0) : JSON.parse(data)),
EmptyRef: data => ref(data === '_' ? undefined : data === '0n' ? BigInt(0) : JSON.parse(data)),
ShallowRef: data => shallowRef(data),
ShallowReactive: data => shallowReactive(data),
Ref: data => ref(data),
Reactive: data => reactive(data)
if (componentIslands) {
revivers.Island = ({ key, params }: any) => {
const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp()
if (!nuxtApp.isHydrating) {
nuxtApp.payload.data[key] = nuxtApp.payload.data[key] || $fetch(`/__nuxt_island/${key}`, params ? { params } : {}).then((r) => {
nuxtApp.payload.data[key] = r
return r
return null
export default defineNuxtPlugin({
@ -2,16 +2,22 @@ import { isReactive, isRef, isShallow, toRaw } from 'vue'
import { definePayloadReducer } from '#app/composables/payload'
import { isNuxtError } from '#app/composables/error'
import { defineNuxtPlugin } from '#app/nuxt'
/* Defining a plugin that will be used by the Nuxt framework. */
const reducers = {
NuxtError: (data: any) => isNuxtError(data) && data.toJSON(),
EmptyShallowRef: (data: any) => isRef(data) && isShallow(data) && !data.value && (typeof data.value === 'bigint' ? '0n' : (JSON.stringify(data.value) || '_')),
EmptyRef: (data: any) => isRef(data) && !data.value && (typeof data.value === 'bigint' ? '0n' : (JSON.stringify(data.value) || '_')),
ShallowRef: (data: any) => isRef(data) && isShallow(data) && data.value,
ShallowReactive: (data: any) => isReactive(data) && isShallow(data) && toRaw(data),
Ref: (data: any) => isRef(data) && data.value,
Reactive: (data: any) => isReactive(data) && toRaw(data)
// @ts-expect-error Virtual file.
import { componentIslands } from '#build/nuxt.config.mjs'
const reducers: Record<string, (data: any) => any> = {
NuxtError: data => isNuxtError(data) && data.toJSON(),
EmptyShallowRef: data => isRef(data) && isShallow(data) && !data.value && (typeof data.value === 'bigint' ? '0n' : (JSON.stringify(data.value) || '_')),
EmptyRef: data => isRef(data) && !data.value && (typeof data.value === 'bigint' ? '0n' : (JSON.stringify(data.value) || '_')),
ShallowRef: data => isRef(data) && isShallow(data) && data.value,
ShallowReactive: data => isReactive(data) && isShallow(data) && toRaw(data),
Ref: data => isRef(data) && data.value,
Reactive: data => isReactive(data) && toRaw(data)
if (componentIslands) {
reducers.Island = data => data && data?.__nuxt_island
export default defineNuxtPlugin({
@ -1,166 +1,15 @@
import { Fragment, Teleport, computed, createStaticVNode, createVNode, defineComponent, getCurrentInstance, h, nextTick, onMounted, ref, watch } from 'vue'
import { debounce } from 'perfect-debounce'
import { hash } from 'ohash'
import { appendResponseHeader } from 'h3'
import { useHead } from '@unhead/vue'
import { randomUUID } from 'uncrypto'
import type { NuxtIslandResponse } from '../../core/runtime/nitro/renderer'
import { useNuxtApp } from '#app/nuxt'
import { useRequestEvent } from '#app/composables/ssr'
import { useAsyncData } from '#app/composables/asyncData'
import { getFragmentHTML, getSlotProps } from '#app/components/utils'
const pKey = '_islandPromises'
const UID_ATTR = /nuxt-ssr-component-uid(="([^"]*)")?/
const SLOTNAME_RE = /nuxt-ssr-slot-name="([^"]*)"/g
const SLOT_FALLBACK_RE = /<div nuxt-slot-fallback-start="([^"]*)"[^>]*><\/div>(((?!<div nuxt-slot-fallback-end[^>]*>)[\s\S])*)<div nuxt-slot-fallback-end[^>]*><\/div>/g
const SSR_UID_RE = /nuxt-ssr-component-uid="([^"]*)"/
let id = 0
const getId = process.client ? () => 's' + (id--) : randomUUID
import { defineComponent, h } from 'vue'
import NuxtIsland from '#app/components/nuxt-island'
export const createServerComponent = (name: string) => {
return defineComponent({
inheritAttrs: false,
setup (_props, { attrs, slots }) {
return () => h(NuxtServerComponent, {
return () => h(NuxtIsland, {
props: attrs
}, slots)
const NuxtServerComponent = defineComponent({
name: 'NuxtServerComponent',
props: {
name: {
type: String,
required: true
props: {
type: Object,
default: () => undefined
context: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({})
async setup (props, { slots }) {
const instance = getCurrentInstance()!
const uid = ref(getFragmentHTML(instance.vnode?.el)[0]?.match(SSR_UID_RE)?.[1] ?? getId())
const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp()
const mounted = ref(false)
const key = ref(0)
onMounted(() => { mounted.value = true })
const hashId = computed(() => hash([props.name, props.props, props.context]))
const event = useRequestEvent()
function _fetchComponent () {
const url = `/__nuxt_island/${props.name}:${hashId.value}`
if (process.server && process.env.prerender) {
// Hint to Nitro to prerender the island component
appendResponseHeader(event, 'x-nitro-prerender', url)
// TODO: Validate response
return $fetch<NuxtIslandResponse>(url, {
params: {
props: props.props ? JSON.stringify(props.props) : undefined
const res = useAsyncData(
async () => {
nuxtApp[pKey] = nuxtApp[pKey] || {}
if (!nuxtApp[pKey][hashId.value]) {
nuxtApp[pKey][hashId.value] = _fetchComponent().finally(() => {
delete nuxtApp[pKey]![hashId.value]
const res: NuxtIslandResponse = await nuxtApp[pKey][hashId.value]
return {
html: res.html,
head: {
link: res.head.link,
style: res.head.style
}, {
immediate: process.server || !nuxtApp.isHydrating,
default: () => ({
html: '',
head: {
link: [], style: []
useHead(() => res.data.value!.head)
if (process.client) {
watch(props, debounce(async () => {
await res.execute()
if (process.client) {
// must await next tick for Teleport to work correctly with static node re-rendering
await nextTick()
}, 100))
const slotProps = computed(() => {
return getSlotProps(res.data.value!.html)
const availableSlots = computed(() => {
return [...res.data.value!.html.matchAll(SLOTNAME_RE)].map(m => m[1])
const html = computed(() => {
const currentSlots = Object.keys(slots)
return res.data.value!.html
.replace(UID_ATTR, () => `nuxt-ssr-component-uid="${getId()}"`)
.replace(SLOT_FALLBACK_RE, (full, slotName, content) => {
// remove fallback to insert slots
if (currentSlots.includes(slotName)) {
return ''
return content
function setUid () {
uid.value = html.value.match(SSR_UID_RE)?.[1] ?? getId() as string
await res
if (process.server || !nuxtApp.isHydrating) {
return () => {
const nodes = [createVNode(Fragment, {
key: key.value
}, [createStaticVNode(html.value, 1)])]
if (uid.value && (mounted.value || nuxtApp.isHydrating || process.server)) {
for (const slot in slots) {
if (availableSlots.value.includes(slot)) {
nodes.push(createVNode(Teleport, { to: process.client ? `[nuxt-ssr-component-uid='${uid.value}'] [nuxt-ssr-slot-name='${slot}']` : `uid=${uid.value};slot=${slot}` }, {
default: () => (slotProps.value[slot] ?? [undefined]).map((data: any) => slots[slot]?.(data))
return nodes
@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ export const nuxtConfigTemplate = {
return [
...Object.entries(ctx.nuxt.options.app).map(([k, v]) => `export const ${camelCase('app-' + k)} = ${JSON.stringify(v)}`),
`export const renderJsonPayloads = ${!!ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.renderJsonPayloads}`,
`export const componentIslands = ${!!ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.componentIslands}`,
`export const devPagesDir = ${ctx.nuxt.options.dev ? JSON.stringify(ctx.nuxt.options.dir.pages) : 'null'}`,
`export const devRootDir = ${ctx.nuxt.options.dev ? JSON.stringify(ctx.nuxt.options.rootDir) : 'null'}`
@ -168,6 +168,8 @@ describe('pages', () => {
await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle')
expect(await page.innerText('body')).toContain('Composable | foo: auto imported from ~/composables/foo.ts')
await page.close()
await expectNoClientErrors('/proxy')
@ -446,8 +448,6 @@ describe('pages', () => {
// test islands mounted client side with slot
await page.locator('#show-island').click()
await page.waitForResponse(response => response.url().includes('/__nuxt_island/') && response.status() === 200)
await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle')
expect(await page.locator('#island-mounted-client-side').innerHTML()).toContain('Interactive testing slot post SSR')
await page.close()
@ -1202,10 +1202,36 @@ describe.skipIf(isDev() || isWebpack)('inlining component styles', () => {
describe('prefetching', () => {
describe.skipIf(isDev() || isWindows || !isRenderingJson)('prefetching', () => {
it('should prefetch components', async () => {
await expectNoClientErrors('/prefetch/components')
it('should prefetch server components', async () => {
await expectNoClientErrors('/prefetch/server-components')
it('should prefetch everything needed when NuxtLink is used', async () => {
const page = await createPage()
const requests: string[] = []
page.on('request', (req) => {
requests.push(req.url().replace(url('/'), '/').replace(/\.[^.]+\./g, '.'))
await page.goto(url('/prefetch'))
await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle')
const snapshot = [...requests]
await page.click('[href="/prefetch/server-components"]')
await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle')
expect(await page.innerHTML('#async-server-component-count')).toBe('34')
await page.close()
it('should not prefetch certain dynamic imports by default', async () => {
const html = await $fetch('/auth')
// should not prefetch global components
@ -1596,6 +1622,13 @@ describe.skipIf(isDev() || isWindows || !isRenderingJson)('payload rendering', (
await page.close()
it.skipIf(!isRenderingJson)('should not include server-component HTML in payload', async () => {
const payload = await $fetch('/prefetch/server-components/_payload.json', { responseType: 'text' })
const entries = Object.entries(parsePayload(payload))
const [key, serialisedComponent] = entries.find(([key]) => key.startsWith('AsyncServerComponent')) || []
describe.skipIf(isWindows)('useAsyncData', () => {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<NuxtLink :to="{ name: 'prefetch-server-components'}">
Server components page
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Testing prefetching server components:
<AsyncServerComponent :count="34" />
@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ const revivers = {
EmptyRef: (data: any) => ref(JSON.parse(data)),
ShallowRef: (data: any) => shallowRef(data),
ShallowReactive: (data: any) => shallowReactive(data),
Island: (key: any) => key,
Ref: (data: any) => ref(data),
Reactive: (data: any) => reactive(data),
// test fixture reviver only
Reference in New Issue
Block a user