mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 03:03:18 +00:00
perf(kit,nuxt,vite,webpack): hoist regex patterns (#29620)
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ import { readPackageJSON } from 'pkg-types'
import type { Nuxt, NuxtCompatibility, NuxtCompatibilityIssues } from '@nuxt/schema'
import { useNuxt } from './context'
const SEMANTIC_VERSION_RE = /-\d+\.[0-9a-f]+/
export function normalizeSemanticVersion (version: string) {
return version.replace(/-\d+\.[0-9a-f]+/, '') // Remove edge prefix
return version.replace(SEMANTIC_VERSION_RE, '') // Remove edge prefix
const builderMap = {
@ -121,6 +122,7 @@ export function isNuxt3 (nuxt: Nuxt = useNuxt()) {
return isNuxtMajorVersion(3, nuxt)
const NUXT_VERSION_RE = /^v/g
* Get nuxt version
@ -129,5 +131,5 @@ export function getNuxtVersion (nuxt: Nuxt | any = useNuxt() /* TODO: LegacyNuxt
if (typeof rawVersion !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Cannot determine nuxt version! Is current instance passed?')
return rawVersion.replace(/^v/g, '')
return rawVersion.replace(NUXT_VERSION_RE, '')
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import type { Component, ComponentsDir } from '@nuxt/schema'
import { useNuxt } from './context'
import { assertNuxtCompatibility } from './compatibility'
import { logger } from './logger'
import { MODE_RE } from './utils'
* Register a directory to be scanned for components and imported only when used.
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ export async function addComponent (opts: AddComponentOptions) {
nuxt.options.components = nuxt.options.components || []
if (!opts.mode) {
const [, mode = 'all'] = opts.filePath.match(/\.(server|client)(\.\w+)*$/) || []
const [, mode = 'all'] = opts.filePath.match(MODE_RE) || []
opts.mode = mode as 'all' | 'client' | 'server'
@ -6,10 +6,11 @@ import { useNuxt } from './context'
import { logger } from './logger'
import { addTemplate } from './template'
const LAYOUT_RE = /["']/g
export function addLayout (this: any, template: NuxtTemplate | string, name?: string) {
const nuxt = useNuxt()
const { filename, src } = addTemplate(template)
const layoutName = kebabCase(name || parse(filename).name).replace(/["']/g, '')
const layoutName = kebabCase(name || parse(filename).name).replace(LAYOUT_RE, '')
if (isNuxt2(nuxt)) {
// Nuxt 2 adds layouts in options
@ -4,13 +4,14 @@ import { normalize } from 'pathe'
import { useNuxt } from './context'
import { toArray } from './utils'
const HANDLER_METHOD_RE = /\.(get|head|patch|post|put|delete|connect|options|trace)(\.\w+)*$/
* normalize handler object
function normalizeHandlerMethod (handler: NitroEventHandler) {
// retrieve method from handler file name
const [, method = undefined] = handler.handler.match(/\.(get|head|patch|post|put|delete|connect|options|trace)(\.\w+)*$/) || []
const [, method = undefined] = handler.handler.match(HANDLER_METHOD_RE) || []
return {
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import type { NuxtPlugin, NuxtPluginTemplate } from '@nuxt/schema'
import { useNuxt } from './context'
import { addTemplate } from './template'
import { resolveAlias } from './resolve'
import { MODE_RE } from './utils'
* Normalize a nuxt plugin object
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ export function normalizePlugin (plugin: NuxtPlugin | string): NuxtPlugin {
plugin.mode = 'server'
if (!plugin.mode) {
const [, mode = 'all'] = plugin.src.match(/\.(server|client)(\.\w+)*$/) || []
const [, mode = 'all'] = plugin.src.match(MODE_RE) || []
plugin.mode = mode as 'all' | 'client' | 'server'
@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ export async function updateTemplates (options?: { filter?: (template: ResolvedN
return await tryUseNuxt()?.hooks.callHook('builder:generateApp', options)
const EXTENSION_RE = /\b\.\w+$/g
// Exclude bridge alias types to support Volar
const excludedAlias = [/^@vue\/.*$/, /^#internal\/nuxt/]
export async function _generateTypes (nuxt: Nuxt) {
const rootDirWithSlash = withTrailingSlash(nuxt.options.rootDir)
const relativeRootDir = relativeWithDot(nuxt.options.buildDir, nuxt.options.rootDir)
@ -225,9 +228,6 @@ export async function _generateTypes (nuxt: Nuxt) {
const aliases: Record<string, string> = nuxt.options.alias
// Exclude bridge alias types to support Volar
const excludedAlias = [/^@vue\/.*$/, /^#internal\/nuxt/]
const basePath = tsConfig.compilerOptions!.baseUrl
? resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, tsConfig.compilerOptions!.baseUrl)
: nuxt.options.buildDir
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ export async function _generateTypes (nuxt: Nuxt) {
} else {
const path = stats?.isFile()
// remove extension
? relativePath.replace(/\b\.\w+$/g, '')
? relativePath.replace(EXTENSION_RE, '')
// non-existent file probably shouldn't be resolved
: aliases[alias]!
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ export async function _generateTypes (nuxt: Nuxt) {
tsConfig.compilerOptions!.paths[alias] = await Promise.all(paths.map(async (path: string) => {
if (!isAbsolute(path)) { return path }
const stats = await fsp.stat(path).catch(() => null /* file does not exist */)
return relativeWithDot(nuxt.options.buildDir, stats?.isFile() ? path.replace(/\b\.\w+$/g, '') /* remove extension */ : path)
return relativeWithDot(nuxt.options.buildDir, stats?.isFile() ? path.replace(EXTENSION_RE, '') /* remove extension */ : path)
@ -349,6 +349,7 @@ function renderAttr (key: string, value?: string) {
return value ? `${key}="${value}"` : ''
const RELATIVE_WITH_DOT_RE = /^([^.])/
function relativeWithDot (from: string, to: string) {
return relative(from, to).replace(/^([^.])/, './$1') || '.'
return relative(from, to).replace(RELATIVE_WITH_DOT_RE, './$1') || '.'
@ -2,3 +2,5 @@
export function toArray<T> (value: T | T[]): T[] {
return Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]
export const MODE_RE = /\.(server|client)(\.\w+)*$/
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ const SSR_UID_RE = /data-island-uid="([^"]*)"/
const DATA_ISLAND_UID_RE = /data-island-uid(="")?(?!="[^"])/g
const SLOTNAME_RE = /data-island-slot="([^"]*)"/g
const SLOT_FALLBACK_RE = / data-island-slot="([^"]*)"[^>]*>/g
const ISLAND_SCOPE_ID_RE = /^<[^> ]*/
let id = 1
const getId = import.meta.client ? () => (id++).toString() : randomUUID
@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
let html = ssrHTML.value
if (props.scopeId) {
html = html.replace(/^<[^> ]*/, full => full + ' ' + props.scopeId)
html = html.replace(ISLAND_SCOPE_ID_RE, full => full + ' ' + props.scopeId)
if (import.meta.client && !canLoadClientComponent.value) {
@ -521,11 +521,12 @@ function useObserver (): { observe: ObserveFn } | undefined {
return _observer
const IS_2G_RE = /2g/
function isSlowConnection () {
if (import.meta.server) { return }
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/connection
const cn = (navigator as any).connection as { saveData: boolean, effectiveType: string } | null
if (cn && (cn.saveData || /2g/.test(cn.effectiveType))) { return true }
if (cn && (cn.saveData || IS_2G_RE.test(cn.effectiveType))) { return true }
return false
@ -15,13 +15,16 @@ export const _wrapIf = (component: Component, props: any, slots: any) => {
return { default: () => props ? h(component, props, slots) : slots.default?.() }
const ROUTE_KEY_PARENTHESES_RE = /(:\w+)\([^)]+\)/g
const ROUTE_KEY_SYMBOLS_RE = /(:\w+)[?+*]/g
const ROUTE_KEY_NORMAL_RE = /:\w+/g
// TODO: consider refactoring into single utility
// See https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/tree/main/packages/nuxt/src/pages/runtime/utils.ts#L8-L19
function generateRouteKey (route: RouteLocationNormalized) {
const source = route?.meta.key ?? route.path
.replace(/(:\w+)\([^)]+\)/g, '$1')
.replace(/(:\w+)[?+*]/g, '$1')
.replace(/:\w+/g, r => route.params[r.slice(1)]?.toString() || '')
.replace(ROUTE_KEY_SYMBOLS_RE, '$1')
.replace(ROUTE_KEY_NORMAL_RE, r => route.params[r.slice(1)]?.toString() || '')
return typeof source === 'function' ? source(route) : source
@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ export interface NavigateToOptions {
open?: OpenOptions
const URL_QUOTE_RE = /"/g
/** @since 3.0.0 */
export const navigateTo = (to: RouteLocationRaw | undefined | null, options?: NavigateToOptions): Promise<void | NavigationFailure | false> | false | void | RouteLocationRaw => {
if (!to) {
@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ export const navigateTo = (to: RouteLocationRaw | undefined | null, options?: Na
const redirect = async function (response: any) {
// TODO: consider deprecating in favour of `app:rendered` and removing
await nuxtApp.callHook('app:redirected')
const encodedLoc = location.replace(/"/g, '%22')
const encodedLoc = location.replace(URL_QUOTE_RE, '%22')
const encodedHeader = encodeURL(location, isExternalHost)
nuxtApp.ssrContext!._renderResponse = {
@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ import { ComponentNamePlugin } from './plugins/component-names'
const isPureObjectOrString = (val: any) => (!Array.isArray(val) && typeof val === 'object') || typeof val === 'string'
const isDirectory = (p: string) => { try { return statSync(p).isDirectory() } catch { return false } }
const SLASH_SEPARATOR_RE = /[\\/]/
function compareDirByPathLength ({ path: pathA }: { path: string }, { path: pathB }: { path: string }) {
return pathB.split(/[\\/]/).filter(Boolean).length - pathA.split(/[\\/]/).filter(Boolean).length
return pathB.split(SLASH_SEPARATOR_RE).filter(Boolean).length - pathA.split(SLASH_SEPARATOR_RE).filter(Boolean).length
const DEFAULT_COMPONENTS_DIRS_RE = /\/components(?:\/(?:global|islands))?$/
const STARTER_DOT_RE = /^\./g
export type getComponentsT = (mode?: 'client' | 'server' | 'all') => Component[]
@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ export default defineNuxtModule<ComponentsOptions>({
const dirOptions: ComponentsDir = typeof dir === 'object' ? dir : { path: dir }
const dirPath = resolveAlias(dirOptions.path)
const transpile = typeof dirOptions.transpile === 'boolean' ? dirOptions.transpile : 'auto'
const extensions = (dirOptions.extensions || nuxt.options.extensions).map(e => e.replace(/^\./g, ''))
const extensions = (dirOptions.extensions || nuxt.options.extensions).map(e => e.replace(STARTER_DOT_RE, ''))
const present = isDirectory(dirPath)
if (!present && !DEFAULT_COMPONENTS_DIRS_RE.test(dirOptions.path)) {
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ interface LoaderOptions {
const CLIENT_FALLBACK_RE = /<(?:NuxtClientFallback|nuxt-client-fallback)(?: [^>]*)?>/
const CLIENT_FALLBACK_GLOBAL_RE = /<(NuxtClientFallback|nuxt-client-fallback)( [^>]*)?>/g
const UID_RE = / :?uid=/
export const ClientFallbackAutoIdPlugin = (options: LoaderOptions) => createUnplugin(() => {
const exclude = options.transform?.exclude || []
const include = options.transform?.include || []
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ export const ClientFallbackAutoIdPlugin = (options: LoaderOptions) => createUnpl
s.replace(CLIENT_FALLBACK_GLOBAL_RE, (full, name, attrs) => {
if (/ :?uid=/.test(attrs)) { return full }
if (UID_RE.test(attrs)) { return full }
return `<${name} :uid="'${hash(relativeID)}' + JSON.stringify($props) + '${count}'" ${attrs ?? ''}>`
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
import { createUnplugin } from 'unplugin'
import MagicString from 'magic-string'
import type { Component } from 'nuxt/schema'
import { isVue } from '../../core/utils'
import { SX_RE, isVue } from '../../core/utils'
interface NameDevPluginOptions {
sourcemap: boolean
getComponents: () => Component[]
const FILENAME_RE = /([^/\\]+)\.\w+$/
* Set the default name of components to their PascalCase name
@ -15,10 +16,10 @@ export const ComponentNamePlugin = (options: NameDevPluginOptions) => createUnpl
name: 'nuxt:component-name-plugin',
enforce: 'post',
transformInclude (id) {
return isVue(id) || !!id.match(/\.[tj]sx$/)
return isVue(id) || !!id.match(SX_RE)
transform (code, id) {
const filename = id.match(/([^/\\]+)\.\w+$/)?.[1]
const filename = id.match(FILENAME_RE)?.[1]
if (!filename) {
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ const TEMPLATE_RE = /<template>([\s\S]*)<\/template>/
const NUXTCLIENT_ATTR_RE = /\s:?nuxt-client(="[^"]*")?/g
const IMPORT_CODE = '\nimport { mergeProps as __mergeProps } from \'vue\'' + '\nimport { vforToArray as __vforToArray } from \'#app/components/utils\'' + '\nimport NuxtTeleportIslandComponent from \'#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-component\'' + '\nimport NuxtTeleportSsrSlot from \'#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-slot\''
const EXTRACTED_ATTRS_RE = /v-(?:if|else-if|else)(="[^"]*")?/g
const KEY_RE = /:?key="[^"]"/g
function wrapWithVForDiv (code: string, vfor: string): string {
return `<div v-for="${vfor}" style="display: contents;">${code}</div>`
@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ export const IslandsTransformPlugin = (options: ServerOnlyComponentTransformPlug
if (children.length) {
// pass slot fallback to NuxtTeleportSsrSlot fallback
const attrString = attributeToString(attributes)
const slice = code.slice(startingIndex + loc[0].end, startingIndex + loc[1].start).replaceAll(/:?key="[^"]"/g, '')
const slice = code.slice(startingIndex + loc[0].end, startingIndex + loc[1].start).replaceAll(KEY_RE, '')
s.overwrite(startingIndex + loc[0].start, startingIndex + loc[1].end, `<slot${attrString.replaceAll(EXTRACTED_ATTRS_RE, '')}/><template #fallback>${attributes['v-for'] ? wrapWithVForDiv(slice, attributes['v-for']) : slice}</template>`)
} else {
s.overwrite(startingIndex + loc[0].start, startingIndex + loc[0].end, code.slice(startingIndex + loc[0].start, startingIndex + loc[0].end).replaceAll(EXTRACTED_ATTRS_RE, ''))
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { relative } from 'pathe'
import type { Component, ComponentsOptions } from 'nuxt/schema'
import { logger, tryUseNuxt } from '@nuxt/kit'
import { isVue } from '../../core/utils'
import { QUOTE_RE, SX_RE, isVue } from '../../core/utils'
interface LoaderOptions {
getComponents (): Component[]
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ interface LoaderOptions {
experimentalComponentIslands?: boolean
const REPLACE_COMPONENT_TO_DIRECT_IMPORT_RE = /(?<=[ (])_?resolveComponent\(\s*["'](lazy-|Lazy(?=[A-Z]))?([^'"]*)["'][^)]*\)/g
export const LoaderPlugin = (options: LoaderOptions) => createUnplugin(() => {
const exclude = options.transform?.exclude || []
const include = options.transform?.include || []
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ export const LoaderPlugin = (options: LoaderOptions) => createUnplugin(() => {
if (include.some(pattern => pattern.test(id))) {
return true
return isVue(id, { type: ['template', 'script'] }) || !!id.match(/\.[tj]sx$/)
return isVue(id, { type: ['template', 'script'] }) || !!id.match(SX_RE)
transform (code, id) {
const components = options.getComponents()
@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ export const LoaderPlugin = (options: LoaderOptions) => createUnplugin(() => {
const s = new MagicString(code)
// replace `_resolveComponent("...")` to direct import
s.replace(/(?<=[ (])_?resolveComponent\(\s*["'](lazy-|Lazy(?=[A-Z]))?([^'"]*)["'][^)]*\)/g, (full: string, lazy: string, name: string) => {
s.replace(REPLACE_COMPONENT_TO_DIRECT_IMPORT_RE, (full: string, lazy: string, name: string) => {
const component = findComponent(components, name, options.mode)
if (component) {
// TODO: refactor to nuxi
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ export const LoaderPlugin = (options: LoaderOptions) => createUnplugin(() => {
function findComponent (components: Component[], name: string, mode: LoaderOptions['mode']) {
const id = pascalCase(name).replace(/["']/g, '')
const id = pascalCase(name).replace(QUOTE_RE, '')
// Prefer exact match
const component = components.find(component => id === component.pascalName && ['all', mode, undefined].includes(component.mode))
if (component) { return component }
@ -6,8 +6,12 @@ import { isIgnored, logger, useNuxt } from '@nuxt/kit'
import { withTrailingSlash } from 'ufo'
import type { Component, ComponentsDir } from 'nuxt/schema'
import { resolveComponentNameSegments } from '../core/utils'
import { QUOTE_RE, resolveComponentNameSegments } from '../core/utils'
const ISLAND_RE = /\.island(?:\.global)?$/
const GLOBAL_RE = /\.global(?:\.island)?$/
const COMPONENT_MODE_RE = /(?<=\.)(client|server)(\.global|\.island)*$/
const MODE_REPLACEMENT_RE = /(\.(client|server))?(\.global|\.island)*$/
* Scan the components inside different components folders
* and return a unique list of components
@ -83,17 +87,17 @@ export async function scanComponents (dirs: ComponentsDir[], srcDir: string): Pr
let fileName = basename(filePath, extname(filePath))
const island = /\.island(?:\.global)?$/.test(fileName) || dir.island
const global = /\.global(?:\.island)?$/.test(fileName) || dir.global
const mode = island ? 'server' : (fileName.match(/(?<=\.)(client|server)(\.global|\.island)*$/)?.[1] || 'all') as 'client' | 'server' | 'all'
fileName = fileName.replace(/(\.(client|server))?(\.global|\.island)*$/, '')
const island = ISLAND_RE.test(fileName) || dir.island
const global = GLOBAL_RE.test(fileName) || dir.global
const mode = island ? 'server' : (fileName.match(COMPONENT_MODE_RE)?.[1] || 'all') as 'client' | 'server' | 'all'
fileName = fileName.replace(MODE_REPLACEMENT_RE, '')
if (fileName.toLowerCase() === 'index') {
fileName = dir.pathPrefix === false ? basename(dirname(filePath)) : '' /* inherits from path */
const suffix = (mode !== 'all' ? `-${mode}` : '')
const componentNameSegments = resolveComponentNameSegments(fileName.replace(/["']/g, ''), prefixParts)
const componentNameSegments = resolveComponentNameSegments(fileName.replace(QUOTE_RE, ''), prefixParts)
const pascalName = pascalCase(componentNameSegments)
if (LAZY_COMPONENT_NAME_REGEX.test(pascalName)) {
@ -102,14 +102,15 @@ export const componentsIslandsTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
const NON_VUE_RE = /\b\.(?!vue)\w+$/g
export const componentsTypeTemplate = {
filename: 'components.d.ts' as const,
getContents: ({ app, nuxt }) => {
const buildDir = nuxt.options.buildDir
const componentTypes = app.components.filter(c => !c.island).map((c) => {
const type = `typeof ${genDynamicImport(isAbsolute(c.filePath)
? relative(buildDir, c.filePath).replace(/\b\.(?!vue)\w+$/g, '')
: c.filePath.replace(/\b\.(?!vue)\w+$/g, ''), { wrapper: false })}['${c.export}']`
? relative(buildDir, c.filePath).replace(NON_VUE_RE, '')
: c.filePath.replace(NON_VUE_RE, ''), { wrapper: false })}['${c.export}']`
return [
c.island || c.mode === 'server' ? `IslandComponent<${type}>` : type,
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ export async function generateApp (nuxt: Nuxt, app: NuxtApp, options: { filter?:
const writes: Array<() => void> = []
const changedTemplates: Array<ResolvedNuxtTemplate<any>> = []
const FORWARD_SLASH_RE = /\//g
async function processTemplate (template: ResolvedNuxtTemplate) {
const fullPath = template.dst || resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, template.filename!)
const start = performance.now()
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ export async function generateApp (nuxt: Nuxt, app: NuxtApp, options: { filter?:
// In case a non-normalized absolute path is called for on Windows
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
nuxt.vfs[fullPath.replace(/\//g, '\\')] = contents
nuxt.vfs[fullPath.replace(FORWARD_SLASH_RE, '\\')] = contents
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { generateApp as _generateApp, createApp } from './app'
import { checkForExternalConfigurationFiles } from './external-config-files'
import { cleanupCaches, getVueHash } from './cache'
const IS_RESTART_PATH_RE = /^(?:app\.|error\.|plugins\/|middleware\/|layouts\/)/i
export async function build (nuxt: Nuxt) {
const app = createApp(nuxt)
nuxt.apps.default = app
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ export async function build (nuxt: Nuxt) {
if (event === 'change') { return }
const path = resolve(nuxt.options.srcDir, relativePath)
const relativePaths = nuxt.options._layers.map(l => relative(l.config.srcDir || l.cwd, path))
const restartPath = relativePaths.find(relativePath => /^(?:app\.|error\.|plugins\/|middleware\/|layouts\/)/i.test(relativePath))
const restartPath = relativePaths.find(relativePath => IS_RESTART_PATH_RE.test(relativePath))
if (restartPath) {
if (restartPath.startsWith('app')) {
app.mainComponent = undefined
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import { distDir } from '../dirs'
import { toArray } from '../utils'
import { template as defaultSpaLoadingTemplate } from '../../../ui-templates/dist/templates/spa-loading-icon'
import { nuxtImportProtections } from './plugins/import-protection'
import { EXTENSION_RE } from './utils'
const logLevelMapReverse = {
silent: 0,
@ -25,12 +26,14 @@ const logLevelMapReverse = {
verbose: 3,
} satisfies Record<NuxtOptions['logLevel'], NitroConfig['logLevel']>
const NODE_MODULES_RE = /(?<=\/)node_modules\/(.+)$/
const PNPM_NODE_MODULES_RE = /\.pnpm\/.+\/node_modules\/(.+)$/
export async function initNitro (nuxt: Nuxt & { _nitro?: Nitro }) {
// Resolve config
const excludePaths = nuxt.options._layers
.flatMap(l => [
.filter((dir): dir is string => Boolean(dir))
.map(dir => escapeRE(dir))
@ -330,11 +333,12 @@ export async function initNitro (nuxt: Nuxt & { _nitro?: Nitro }) {
// Add fallback server for `ssr: false`
const FORWARD_SLASH_RE = /\//g
if (!nuxt.options.ssr) {
nitroConfig.virtual!['#build/dist/server/server.mjs'] = 'export default () => {}'
// In case a non-normalized absolute path is called for on Windows
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
nitroConfig.virtual!['#build/dist/server/server.mjs'.replace(/\//g, '\\')] = 'export default () => {}'
nitroConfig.virtual!['#build/dist/server/server.mjs'.replace(FORWARD_SLASH_RE, '\\')] = 'export default () => {}'
@ -342,7 +346,7 @@ export async function initNitro (nuxt: Nuxt & { _nitro?: Nitro }) {
nitroConfig.virtual!['#build/dist/server/styles.mjs'] = 'export default {}'
// In case a non-normalized absolute path is called for on Windows
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
nitroConfig.virtual!['#build/dist/server/styles.mjs'.replace(/\//g, '\\')] = 'export default {}'
nitroConfig.virtual!['#build/dist/server/styles.mjs'.replace(FORWARD_SLASH_RE, '\\')] = 'export default {}'
@ -389,7 +393,7 @@ export async function initNitro (nuxt: Nuxt & { _nitro?: Nitro }) {
tsConfig.compilerOptions.paths[alias] = [absolutePath]
tsConfig.compilerOptions.paths[`${alias}/*`] = [`${absolutePath}/*`]
} else {
tsConfig.compilerOptions.paths[alias] = [absolutePath.replace(/\b\.\w+$/g, '')] /* remove extension */
tsConfig.compilerOptions.paths[alias] = [absolutePath.replace(EXTENSION_RE, '')] /* remove extension */
@ -566,8 +570,9 @@ export async function initNitro (nuxt: Nuxt & { _nitro?: Nitro }) {
const RELATIVE_RE = /^([^.])/
function relativeWithDot (from: string, to: string) {
return relative(from, to).replace(/^([^.])/, './$1') || '.'
return relative(from, to).replace(RELATIVE_RE, './$1') || '.'
async function spaLoadingTemplatePath (nuxt: Nuxt) {
@ -177,9 +177,10 @@ async function initNuxt (nuxt: Nuxt) {
const coreTypePackages = nuxt.options.typescript.hoist || []
const packageJSON = await readPackageJSON(nuxt.options.rootDir).catch(() => ({}) as PackageJson)
const NESTED_PKG_RE = /^[^@]+\//
nuxt._dependencies = new Set([...Object.keys(packageJSON.dependencies || {}), ...Object.keys(packageJSON.devDependencies || {})])
const paths = Object.fromEntries(await Promise.all(coreTypePackages.map(async (pkg) => {
const [_pkg = pkg, _subpath] = /^[^@]+\//.test(pkg) ? pkg.split('/') : [pkg]
const [_pkg = pkg, _subpath] = NESTED_PKG_RE.test(pkg) ? pkg.split('/') : [pkg]
const subpath = _subpath ? '/' + _subpath : ''
// ignore packages that exist in `package.json` as these can be resolved by TypeScript
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ interface VirtualFSPluginOptions {
alias?: Record<string, string>
const RELATIVE_ID_RE = /^\.{1,2}[\\/]/
export const VirtualFSPlugin = (nuxt: Nuxt, options: VirtualFSPluginOptions) => createUnplugin(() => {
const extensions = ['', ...nuxt.options.extensions]
const alias = { ...nuxt.options.alias, ...options.alias }
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ export const VirtualFSPlugin = (nuxt: Nuxt, options: VirtualFSPluginOptions) =>
return PREFIX + resolvedId
if (importer && /^\.{1,2}[\\/]/.test(id)) {
if (importer && RELATIVE_ID_RE.test(id)) {
const path = resolve(dirname(withoutPrefix(importer)), id)
const resolved = resolveWithExt(path)
if (resolved) {
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import type { NuxtTemplate, NuxtTypeTemplate } from 'nuxt/schema'
import type { Nitro } from 'nitropack'
import { annotatePlugins, checkForCircularDependencies } from './app'
import { EXTENSION_RE } from './utils'
export const vueShim: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'types/vue-shim.d.ts',
@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ export const cssTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
getContents: ctx => ctx.nuxt.options.css.map(i => genImport(i)).join('\n'),
const PLUGIN_TEMPLATE_RE = /_(45|46|47)/g
export const clientPluginTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'plugins.client.mjs',
async getContents (ctx) {
@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ export const clientPluginTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
const imports: string[] = []
for (const plugin of clientPlugins) {
const path = relative(ctx.nuxt.options.rootDir, plugin.src)
const variable = genSafeVariableName(filename(plugin.src)).replace(/_(45|46|47)/g, '_') + '_' + hash(path)
const variable = genSafeVariableName(filename(plugin.src)).replace(PLUGIN_TEMPLATE_RE, '_') + '_' + hash(path)
imports.push(genImport(plugin.src, variable))
@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ export const serverPluginTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
const imports: string[] = []
for (const plugin of serverPlugins) {
const path = relative(ctx.nuxt.options.rootDir, plugin.src)
const variable = genSafeVariableName(filename(path)).replace(/_(45|46|47)/g, '_') + '_' + hash(path)
const variable = genSafeVariableName(filename(path)).replace(PLUGIN_TEMPLATE_RE, '_') + '_' + hash(path)
imports.push(genImport(plugin.src, variable))
@ -112,7 +114,9 @@ declare module '#app/defaults' {
const TS_RE = /\.[cm]?tsx?$/
const JS_LETTER_RE = /\.(?<letter>[cm])?jsx?$/
const JS_RE = /\.[cm]jsx?$/
const JS_CAPTURE_RE = /\.[cm](jsx?)$/
export const pluginsDeclaration: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'types/plugins.d.ts',
getContents: async ({ nuxt, app }) => {
@ -134,18 +138,18 @@ export const pluginsDeclaration: NuxtTemplate = {
const pluginPath = resolve(typesDir, plugin.src)
const relativePath = relative(typesDir, pluginPath)
const correspondingDeclaration = pluginPath.replace(/\.(?<letter>[cm])?jsx?$/, '.d.$<letter>ts')
const correspondingDeclaration = pluginPath.replace(JS_LETTER_RE, '.d.$<letter>ts')
// if `.d.ts` file exists alongside a `.js` plugin, or if `.d.mts` file exists alongside a `.mjs` plugin, we can use the entire path
if (correspondingDeclaration !== pluginPath && exists(correspondingDeclaration)) {
const incorrectDeclaration = pluginPath.replace(/\.[cm]jsx?$/, '.d.ts')
const incorrectDeclaration = pluginPath.replace(JS_RE, '.d.ts')
// if `.d.ts` file exists, but plugin is `.mjs`, add `.js` extension to the import
// to hotfix issue until ecosystem updates to `@nuxt/module-builder@>=0.8.0`
if (incorrectDeclaration !== pluginPath && exists(incorrectDeclaration)) {
tsImports.push(relativePath.replace(/\.[cm](jsx?)$/, '.$1'))
tsImports.push(relativePath.replace(JS_CAPTURE_RE, '.$1'))
@ -188,11 +192,13 @@ export { }
const adHocModules = ['router', 'pages', 'imports', 'meta', 'components', 'nuxt-config-schema']
const IMPORT_NAME_RE = /\.\w+$/
const GIT_RE = /^git\+/
export const schemaTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'types/schema.d.ts',
getContents: async ({ nuxt }) => {
const relativeRoot = relative(resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'types'), nuxt.options.rootDir)
const getImportName = (name: string) => (name[0] === '.' ? './' + join(relativeRoot, name) : name).replace(/\.\w+$/, '')
const getImportName = (name: string) => (name[0] === '.' ? './' + join(relativeRoot, name) : name).replace(IMPORT_NAME_RE, '')
const modules = nuxt.options._installedModules
.filter(m => m.meta && m.meta.configKey && m.meta.name && !adHocModules.includes(m.meta.name))
@ -224,7 +230,7 @@ export const schemaTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
if (link) {
if (link.startsWith('git+')) {
link = link.replace(/^git\+/, '')
link = link.replace(GIT_RE, '')
if (!link.startsWith('http')) {
link = 'https://github.com/' + link
@ -370,7 +376,7 @@ export const appConfigDeclarationTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'types/app.config.d.ts',
getContents ({ app, nuxt }) {
const typesDir = join(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'types')
const configPaths = app.configs.map(path => relative(typesDir, path).replace(/\b\.\w+$/g, ''))
const configPaths = app.configs.map(path => relative(typesDir, path).replace(EXTENSION_RE, ''))
return `
import type { CustomAppConfig } from 'nuxt/schema'
@ -14,3 +14,7 @@ export function uniqueBy<T, K extends keyof T> (arr: T[], key: K) {
return res
export const QUOTE_RE = /["']/g
export const EXTENSION_RE = /\b\.\w+$/g
export const SX_RE = /\.[tj]sx$/
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { basename, dirname, extname, normalize } from 'pathe'
import { kebabCase, splitByCase } from 'scule'
import { withTrailingSlash } from 'ufo'
import { QUOTE_RE } from '.'
export function getNameFromPath (path: string, relativeTo?: string) {
const relativePath = relativeTo
@ -9,7 +10,7 @@ export function getNameFromPath (path: string, relativeTo?: string) {
const prefixParts = splitByCase(dirname(relativePath))
const fileName = basename(relativePath, extname(relativePath))
const segments = resolveComponentNameSegments(fileName.toLowerCase() === 'index' ? '' : fileName, prefixParts).filter(Boolean)
return kebabCase(segments).replace(/["']/g, '')
return kebabCase(segments).replace(QUOTE_RE, '')
export function hasSuffix (path: string, suffix: string) {
@ -176,8 +176,10 @@ export const PageMetaPlugin = (options: PageMetaPluginOptions) => createUnplugin
// https://github.com/vuejs/vue-loader/pull/1911
// https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues/8473
const QUERY_START_RE = /^\?/
const MACRO_RE = /¯o=true/
function rewriteQuery (id: string) {
return id.replace(/\?.+$/, r => '?macro=true&' + r.replace(/^\?/, '').replace(/¯o=true/, ''))
return id.replace(/\?.+$/, r => '?macro=true&' + r.replace(QUERY_START_RE, '').replace(MACRO_RE, ''))
function parseMacroQuery (id: string) {
@ -189,6 +191,7 @@ function parseMacroQuery (id: string) {
return query
const QUOTED_SPECIFIER_RE = /(["']).*\1/
function getQuotedSpecifier (id: string) {
return id.match(/(["']).*\1/)?.[0]
return id.match(QUOTED_SPECIFIER_RE)?.[0]
@ -5,11 +5,14 @@ type InstanceOf<T> = T extends new (...args: any[]) => infer R ? R : never
type RouterViewSlot = Exclude<InstanceOf<typeof RouterView>['$slots']['default'], undefined>
export type RouterViewSlotProps = Parameters<RouterViewSlot>[0]
const ROUTE_KEY_PARENTHESES_RE = /(:\w+)\([^)]+\)/g
const ROUTE_KEY_SYMBOLS_RE = /(:\w+)[?+*]/g
const ROUTE_KEY_NORMAL_RE = /:\w+/g
const interpolatePath = (route: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded, match: RouteLocationMatched) => {
return match.path
.replace(/(:\w+)\([^)]+\)/g, '$1')
.replace(/(:\w+)[?+*]/g, '$1')
.replace(/:\w+/g, r => route.params[r.slice(1)]?.toString() || '')
.replace(ROUTE_KEY_SYMBOLS_RE, '$1')
.replace(ROUTE_KEY_NORMAL_RE, r => route.params[r.slice(1)]?.toString() || '')
export const generateRouteKey = (routeProps: RouterViewSlotProps, override?: string | ((route: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded) => string)) => {
@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ type GenerateRoutesFromFilesOptions = {
shouldUseServerComponents?: boolean
const INDEX_PAGE_RE = /\/index$/
export function generateRoutesFromFiles (files: ScannedFile[], options: GenerateRoutesFromFilesOptions = {}): NuxtPage[] {
const routes: NuxtPage[] = []
@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ export function generateRoutesFromFiles (files: ScannedFile[], options: Generate
route.name += (route.name && '/') + segmentName
// ex: parent.vue + parent/child.vue
const path = withLeadingSlash(joinURL(route.path, getRoutePath(tokens).replace(/\/index$/, '/')))
const path = withLeadingSlash(joinURL(route.path, getRoutePath(tokens).replace(INDEX_PAGE_RE, '/')))
const child = parent.find(parentRoute => parentRoute.name === route.name && parentRoute.path === path)
if (child && child.children) {
@ -307,6 +308,7 @@ export async function getRouteMeta (contents: string, absolutePath: string): Pro
return extractedMeta
const COLON_RE = /:/g
function getRoutePath (tokens: SegmentToken[]): string {
return tokens.reduce((path, token) => {
return (
@ -319,7 +321,7 @@ function getRoutePath (tokens: SegmentToken[]): string {
? `:${token.value}(.*)*`
: token.type === SegmentTokenType.group
? ''
: encodePath(token.value).replace(/:/g, '\\:'))
: encodePath(token.value).replace(COLON_RE, '\\:'))
}, '/')
@ -439,13 +441,14 @@ function findRouteByName (name: string, routes: NuxtPage[]): NuxtPage | undefine
return findRouteByName(name, routes)
const NESTED_PAGE_RE = /\//g
function prepareRoutes (routes: NuxtPage[], parent?: NuxtPage, names = new Set<string>()) {
for (const route of routes) {
// Remove -index
if (route.name) {
route.name = route.name
.replace(/\/index$/, '')
.replace(/\//g, '-')
.replace(INDEX_PAGE_RE, '')
.replace(NESTED_PAGE_RE, '-')
if (names.has(route.name)) {
const existingRoute = findRouteByName(route.name, routes)
@ -608,6 +611,7 @@ async function createClientPage(loader) {
const PATH_TO_NITRO_GLOB_RE = /\/[^:/]*:\w.*$/
export function pathToNitroGlob (path: string) {
if (!path) {
return null
@ -617,7 +621,7 @@ export function pathToNitroGlob (path: string) {
return null
return path.replace(/\/[^:/]*:\w.*$/, '/**')
return path.replace(PATH_TO_NITRO_GLOB_RE, '/**')
export function resolveRoutePaths (page: NuxtPage, parent = '/'): string[] {
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ interface ComposableKeysOptions {
const stringTypes: Array<string | undefined> = ['Literal', 'TemplateLiteral']
const NUXT_LIB_RE = /node_modules\/(?:nuxt|nuxt3|nuxt-nightly)\//
const SUPPORTED_EXT_RE = /\.(?:m?[jt]sx?|vue)/
const SCRIPT_RE = /(?<=<script[^>]*>)[\s\S]*?(?=<\/script>)/i
export const composableKeysPlugin = createUnplugin((options: ComposableKeysOptions) => {
const composableMeta: Record<string, any> = {}
@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ export const composableKeysPlugin = createUnplugin((options: ComposableKeysOptio
transform (code, id) {
if (!KEYED_FUNCTIONS_RE.test(code)) { return }
const { 0: script = code, index: codeIndex = 0 } = code.match(/(?<=<script[^>]*>)[\s\S]*?(?=<\/script>)/i) || { index: 0, 0: code }
const { 0: script = code, index: codeIndex = 0 } = code.match(SCRIPT_RE) || { index: 0, 0: code }
const s = new MagicString(code)
// https://github.com/unjs/unplugin/issues/90
let imports: Set<string> | undefined
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { isCSSRequest } from 'vite'
const PREFIX = 'virtual:public?'
const CSS_URL_RE = /url\((\/[^)]+)\)/g
const CSS_URL_SINGLE_RE = /url\(\/[^)]+\)/
const RENDER_CHUNK_RE = /(?<= = )['"`]/
interface VitePublicDirsPluginOptions {
dev?: boolean
@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ export const VitePublicDirsPlugin = createUnplugin((options: VitePublicDirsPlugi
if (!chunk.facadeModuleId?.includes('?inline&used')) { return }
const s = new MagicString(code)
const q = code.match(/(?<= = )['"`]/)?.[0] || '"'
const q = code.match(RENDER_CHUNK_RE)?.[0] || '"'
for (const [full, url] of code.matchAll(CSS_URL_RE)) {
if (url && resolveFromPublicAssets(url)) {
s.replace(full, `url(${q} + publicAssetsURL(${q}${url}${q}) + ${q})`)
@ -108,13 +109,14 @@ export const VitePublicDirsPlugin = createUnplugin((options: VitePublicDirsPlugi
const PUBLIC_ASSETS_RE = /[?#].*$/
export function useResolveFromPublicAssets () {
const nitro = useNitro()
function resolveFromPublicAssets (id: string) {
for (const dir of nitro.options.publicAssets) {
if (!id.startsWith(withTrailingSlash(dir.baseURL || '/'))) { continue }
const path = id.replace(/[?#].*$/, '').replace(withTrailingSlash(dir.baseURL || '/'), withTrailingSlash(dir.dir))
const path = id.replace(PUBLIC_ASSETS_RE, '').replace(withTrailingSlash(dir.baseURL || '/'), withTrailingSlash(dir.dir))
if (existsSync(path)) {
return id
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ const logLevelMapReverse: Record<NonNullable<vite.UserConfig['logLevel']>, numbe
info: 3,
const RUNTIME_RESOLVE_REF_RE = /^([^ ]+) referenced in/m
export function createViteLogger (config: vite.InlineConfig): vite.Logger {
const loggedErrors = new WeakSet<any>()
const canClearScreen = hasTTY && !isCI && config.clearScreen
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ export function createViteLogger (config: vite.InlineConfig): vite.Logger {
if (msg.startsWith('Sourcemap') && msg.includes('node_modules')) { return }
// Hide warnings about externals produced by https://github.com/vitejs/vite/blob/v5.2.11/packages/vite/src/node/plugins/css.ts#L350-L355
if (msg.includes('didn\'t resolve at build time, it will remain unchanged to be resolved at runtime')) {
const id = msg.trim().match(/^([^ ]+) referenced in/m)?.[1]
const id = msg.trim().match(RUNTIME_RESOLVE_REF_RE)?.[1]
if (id && resolveFromPublicAssets(id)) { return }
@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ export const isJS = (file: string) => isJSRegExp.test(file)
export const extractQueryPartJS = (file: string) => isJSRegExp.exec(file)?.[1]
export const isCSS = (file: string) => /\.css(?:\?[^.]+)?$/.test(file)
const isCSSRegExp = /\.css(?:\?[^.]+)?$/
export const isCSS = (file: string) => isCSSRegExp.test(file)
export const isHotUpdate = (file: string) => file.includes('hot-update')
Reference in New Issue
Block a user