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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Deployment
+A Nuxt application can be deployed on a Node.js server, pre-rendered for static hosting, or deployed to serverless or edge (CDN) environments.
+If you are looking for a list of cloud providers that support Nuxt 3, see the [list below](#supported-hosting-providers).
+## Node.js Server
+Discover the Node.js server preset with Nitro to deploy on any Node hosting.
+- **Default output format** if none is specified or auto-detected
+- Loads only the required chunks to render the request for optimal cold start timing
+- Useful for deploying Nuxt apps to any Node.js hosting
+### Entry Point
+When running `nuxt build` with the Node server preset, the result will be an entry point that launches a ready-to-run Node server.
+node .output/server/index.mjs
+### Example
+$ node .output/server/index.mjs
+Listening on http://localhost:3000
+### Configuring Defaults at Runtime
+This preset will respect the following runtime environment variables:
+- `NITRO_PORT` or `PORT` (defaults to `3000`)
+- `NITRO_HOST` or `HOST` (defaults to `''`)
+- `NITRO_SSL_CERT` and `NITRO_SSL_KEY` - if both are present, this will launch the server in HTTPS mode. In the vast majority of cases, this should not be used other than for testing, and the Nitro server should be run behind a reverse proxy like nginx or Cloudflare which terminates SSL.
+#### Using PM2
+To use `pm2`, use an `ecosystem.config.js`:
+```js [ecosystem.config.js]
+module.exports = {
+ apps: [
+ {
+ name: 'NuxtAppName',
+ exec_mode: 'cluster',
+ instances: 'max',
+ script: './.output/server/index.mjs'
+ }
+ ]
+#### Using Cluster Mode
+You can use `NITRO_PRESET=node_cluster` in order to leverage multi-process performance using Node.js [cluster](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/cluster.html) module.
+By default, the workload gets distributed to the workers with the round robin strategy.
+### Learn More
+:ReadMore{link="https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/node" title="the Nitro documentation for node-server preset"}
+## Static Hosting
+There are two ways to deploy a Nuxt application to any static hosting services:
+- Static site generation (SSG) pre-renders routes of your application at build time.
+- Using `ssr: false` to produce a pure client-side output.
+### Crawl-based Pre-rendering
+Use the [`nuxi generate` command](/api/commands/generate) to build your application. For every page, Nuxt uses a crawler to generate a corresponding HTML and payload files. The built files will be generated in the `.output/public` directory.
+npx nuxi generate
+### Manual Pre-rendering
+You can manually specify routes that [Nitro](/guide/concepts/server-engine) will fetch and pre-render during the build.
+```ts [nuxt.config.ts|js]
+ nitro: {
+ prerender: {
+ routes: ['/user/1', '/user/2']
+ }
+ }
+### Client-side Only Rendering
+If you don't want to pre-render your routes, another way of using static hosting is to set the `ssr` property to `false` in the `nuxt.config` file. The `nuxi generate` command will then output an `.output/public/index.html` entrypoint and JavaScript bundles like a classic client-side Vue.js application.
+```ts [nuxt.config.ts|js]
+ ssr: false
+## Presets
+In addition to Node.js servers and static hosting services, a Nuxt 3 project can be deployed with several well-tested presets and minimal amount of configuration.
+You can explicitly set the desired preset in the [`nuxt.config`](/guide/directory-structure/nuxt.config) file:
+```js [nuxt.config.js|ts]
+export default {
+ nitro: {
+ preset: 'node-server'
+ }
+... or use the `NITRO_PRESET` environment variable when running `nuxt build`:
+NITRO_PRESET=node-server nuxt build
+🔎 Check [the Nitro deployment](https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy) for all possible deployment presets and providers.
+### Supported Hosting Providers
+Nuxt 3 can be deployed to several cloud providers with a minimal amount of configuration:
+- :IconCloud{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [AWS](https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/aws)
+- :LogoAzure{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [Azure](https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/azure)
+- :LogoCloudFlare{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [CloudFlare](https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/cloudflare)
+- :IconCloud{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [Digital Ocean](https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/digitalocean)
+- :LogoFirebase{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [Firebase](https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/firebase)
+- :IconCloud{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [heroku](https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/heroku)
+- :IconCloud{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [layer0](https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/layer0)
+- :LogoNetlify{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [Netlify](https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/netlify)
+- :IconCloud{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [Render](https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/render)
+- :IconCloud{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [Stormkit](https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/stormkit)
+- :LogoVercel{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [Vercel](https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/vercel)
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@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Node.js Server
-Discover the Node.js server preset with Nitro to deploy on any Node hosting.
-- **Default output format** if none is specified or auto-detected
-- Loads only the required chunks to render the request for optimal cold start timing
-- Useful for deploying Nuxt apps to any Node.js hosting
-## Entry Point
-When running `nuxt build` with the Node server preset, the result will be an entry point that launches a ready-to-run Node server.
-node .output/server/index.mjs
-## Example
-$ node .output/server/index.mjs
-Listening on http://localhost:3000
-## Configuring Defaults at Runtime
-This preset will respect the following runtime environment variables:
-- `NITRO_PORT` or `PORT` (defaults to `3000`)
-- `NITRO_HOST` or `HOST` (defaults to `''`)
-- `NITRO_SSL_CERT` and `NITRO_SSL_KEY` - if both are present, this will launch the server in HTTPS mode. In the vast majority of cases, this should not be used other than for testing, and the Nitro server should be run behind a reverse proxy like nginx or Cloudflare which terminates SSL.
-### Using PM2
-To use `pm2`, use an `ecosystem.config.js`:
-```js [ecosystem.config.js]
-module.exports = {
- apps: [
- {
- name: 'NuxtAppName',
- exec_mode: 'cluster',
- instances: 'max',
- script: './.output/server/index.mjs'
- }
- ]
-### Using Cluster Mode
-You can use `NITRO_PRESET=node_cluster` in order to leverage multi-process performance using Node.js [cluster](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/cluster.html) module.
-By default, the workload gets distributed to the workers with the round robin strategy.
-## Learn More
-:ReadMore{link="https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/node" title="the Nitro documentation for node-server preset"}
diff --git a/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/2.static-hosting.md b/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/2.static-hosting.md
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-# Static Hosting
-There are two ways to deploy a Nuxt application to any static hosting services:
-- Static site generation (SSG) prerenders every route of your application at build time. For every page, Nuxt uses a crawler to generate a corresponding HTML and payload files.
-- Using `ssr: false` to produce a pure client-side output.
-## Prerendering
-Use the [`nuxi generate` command](/api/commands/generate) to build your application. The HTML files will be generated in the `.output/public` directory.
-npx nuxi generate
-## Client-side Only Rendering
-If you don't want to prerender your routes, another way of using static hosting is to set the `ssr` property to `false` in the `nuxt.config` file. The `nuxi generate` command will then output an `index.html` entrypoint like a classic client-side Vue.js application.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts|js]
- ssr: false
-## Advanced
-You can manually specify routes that [Nitro](/guide/concepts/server-engine) will fetch and prerender during the build.
-```ts [nuxt.config.ts|js]
- nitro: {
- prerender: {
- routes: ['/user/1', '/user/2']
- }
- }
diff --git a/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/3.presets.md b/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/3.presets.md
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-# Deployment Presets
-In addition to Node.js servers and static hosting services, a Nuxt 3 project can be deployed with several well-tested presets and minimal amount of configuration.
-You can use the [Nuxt config](/guide/directory-structure/nuxt.config) to explicitly set the preset to use:
-```js [nuxt.config.js|ts]
-export default {
- nitro: {
- preset: 'node-server'
- }
-Or directly use the `NITRO_PRESET` environment variable when running `nuxt build`:
-NITRO_PRESET=node-server nuxt build
-🔎 Check [the Nitro deployment](https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy) for all possible deployment presets and providers.
-## Supported Hosting Providers
-Nuxt 3 can be deployed to several cloud providers with a minimal amount of configuration:
-- :IconCloud{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [AWS](/guide/deploy/providers/aws)
-- :LogoAzure{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [Azure](/guide/deploy/providers/azure)
-- :LogoCloudFlare{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [CloudFlare](/guide/deploy/providers/cloudflare)
-- :IconCloud{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [Digital Ocean](/guide/deploy/providers/digitalocean)
-- :LogoFirebase{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [Firebase](/guide/deploy/providers/firebase)
-- :IconCloud{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [heroku](/guide/deploy/providers/heroku)
-- :IconCloud{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [layer0](/guide/deploy/providers/layer0)
-- :LogoNetlify{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [Netlify](/guide/deploy/providers/netlify)
-- :IconCloud{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [Render](/guide/deploy/providers/render)
-- :IconCloud{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [Stormkit](/guide/deploy/providers/stormkit)
-- :LogoVercel{class="h-5 w-4 inline mb-2"} [Vercel](/guide/deploy/providers/vercel)
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- aside: true
- asideClass: ''
- redirect: /guide/deploy/node-server
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-icon: IconCloud
-# AWS
-How to deploy Nuxt to [AWS Lambda](https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/)
-## Learn More
-:ReadMore{link="https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/aws" title="the Nitro documentation for AWS deployment"}
diff --git a/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/providers/azure.md b/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/providers/azure.md
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-icon: LogoAzure
-# Azure
-How to deploy to [Azure Static Web Apps](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/app-service/static/) or [Azure Functions](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/functions).
-- Support for serverless SSR build
-- Auto-detected when deploying
-- Minimal configuration required
-## Learn More
-:ReadMore{link="https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/azure" title="the Nitro documentation for Azure deployment"}
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-icon: LogoCloudFlare
-# Cloudflare Workers
-How to deploy Nuxt to [Cloudflare Workers](https://workers.cloudflare.com/).
-- Support for Workers build output
-- Zero-millisecond cold start with edge-side rendering
-- Minimal configuration required
-## Learn More
-:ReadMore{link="https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/cloudflare" title="the Nitro documentation for Cloudflare deployment"}
diff --git a/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/providers/digitalocean.md b/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/providers/digitalocean.md
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-icon: IconCloud
-# DigitalOcean
-Nitro supports deploying on the [Digital Ocean App Platform](https://docs.digitalocean.com/products/app-platform/) with minimal configuration.
-## Learn More
-:ReadMore{link="https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/digitalocean" title="the Nitro documentation for DigitalOcean deployment"}
diff --git a/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/providers/firebase.md b/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/providers/firebase.md
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-icon: LogoFirebase
-# Firebase Hosting
-How to deploy Nuxt to [Firebase Hosting](https://firebase.google.com/docs/hosting).
-Nitro supports [Firebase Hosting](https://firebase.google.com/docs/hosting) with Cloud Functions out of the box.
-**Note**: You need to be on the **Blaze plan** to use Nitro with Cloud Functions.
-## Learn More
-:ReadMore{link="https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/firebase" title="the Nitro documentation for Firebase deployment"}
diff --git a/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/providers/heroku.md b/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/providers/heroku.md
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-icon: IconCloud
-# Heroku
-How to deploy Nuxt to [Heroku](https://www.heroku.com/).
-## Learn More
-:ReadMore{link="https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/heroku" title="the Nitro documentation for Heroku deployment"}
diff --git a/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/providers/index.md b/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/providers/index.md
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-navigation: false
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-icon: IconCloud
-# Layer0
-Nitro provides a built-in preset to generate output format compatible with [Layer0](https://www.layer0.co/).
-Layer0 extends the capabilities of a traditional CDN by not only hosting your static content, but also providing server-side rendering for progressive web applications as well as caching both your APIs and HTML at the network edge to provide your users with the fastest browsing experience.
-## Learn More
-:ReadMore{link="https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/layer0" title="the Nitro documentation for Layer0 deployment"}
diff --git a/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/providers/netlify.md b/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/providers/netlify.md
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@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-icon: LogoNetlify
-# Netlify
-How to deploy Nuxt to [Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/).
-- Support for serverless SSR using Netlify Functions and Edge
-- Auto-detected when deploying
-- No configuration required
-## Setup
-Normally, the deployment to Netlify does not require any configuration. Nuxt will auto-detect that you are in a [Netlify](https://www.netlify.com) build environment and build the correct version of your Nuxt server. For new sites, Netlify will detect that you are using Nuxt and set the publish directory to `dist` and build command to `npm run build`. If you are upgrading an existing site, you should check these and update them if needed.
-To trigger a deploy, just push to your git repository [as you would normally do for Netlify](https://docs.netlify.com/configure-builds/get-started/).
-By default, Nuxt will server-render each page on server hit using [Netlify Functions](https://docs.netlify.com/functions/overview/). You can optionally configure deployment to use [Netlify Edge Functions](https://docs.netlify.com/netlify-labs/experimental-features/edge-functions/) or [Netlify On-demand Builders](https://docs.netlify.com/configure-builds/on-demand-builders/).
-## Netlify Edge Functions
-[Netlify Edge Functions](https://docs.netlify.com/netlify-labs/experimental-features/edge-functions/) use [Deno](https://deno.land) and the powerful V8 JavaScript runtime to let you run globally distributed functions for the fastest possible response times. Nuxt output can directly run the server at the edge - closer to your users!
-Read more in the [Netlify Edge Functions announcement](https://www.netlify.com/blog/announcing-serverless-compute-with-edge-functions).
-## On-demand Builders
-[Netlify On-demand Builders](https://docs.netlify.com/configure-builds/on-demand-builders/) are serverless functions used to generate web content as needed that’s automatically cached on Netlify’s Edge CDN. They enable you to build pages for your site when a user visits them for the first time and then cache them at the edge for subsequent visits (also known as Incremental Static Regeneration).
-## Custom Redirects
-If you want to add custom redirects, you can do so by adding a [`_redirects`](https://docs.netlify.com/routing/redirects/#syntax-for-the-redirects-file) file in the [`public`](/guide/directory-structure/public) directory.
-## Learn More
-:ReadMore{link="https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/netlify" title="the Nitro documentation for Netlify deployment"}
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-icon: IconCloud
-# Render
-How to deploy Nuxt to [Render](https://render.com/)
-## Learn More
-:ReadMore{link="https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/render" title="the Nitro documentation for Render deployment"}
diff --git a/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/providers/stormkit.md b/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/providers/stormkit.md
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-icon: IconCloud
-# StormKit
-How to deploy Nuxt to [StormKit](https://app.stormkit.io/?referral=nuxtjs).
-## Learn More
-:ReadMore{link="https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/stormkit" title="the Nitro documentation for StormKit deployment"}
diff --git a/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/providers/vercel.md b/docs/content/2.guide/3.deploy/providers/vercel.md
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-icon: LogoVercel
-# Vercel
-Nuxt on Vercel supports server-rendered pages and API routes.
-- Support for serverless build
-- Auto-detected when deploying
-- No configuration required
-## Git
-1. Push your code to your git repository (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket).
-2. [Import your project](https://vercel.com/new) into Vercel.
-3. Vercel will detect that you are using Nuxt and will enable the correct settings for your deployment.
-4. Your application is deployed! (e.g. [nuxt.vercel.app](https://nuxt.vercel.app/))
-After your project has been imported and deployed, all subsequent pushes to branches will generate [Preview Deployments](https://vercel.com/docs/concepts/deployments/environments#preview), and all changes made to the Production Branch (commonly “main”) will result in a [Production Deployment](https://vercel.com/docs/concepts/deployments/environments#production).
-Learn more about Vercel’s [Git Integration](https://vercel.com/docs/concepts/git).
-## CLI
-1. Install the [Vercel CLI](https://vercel.com/cli).
-2. Vercel will detect that you are using Nuxt and will enable the correct settings for your deployment.
-3. Your application is deployed! (e.g. [nuxt.vercel.app](https://nuxt.vercel.app/))
-npm i -g vercel
-npx nuxi init -t v3-vercel
-## Learn More
-:ReadMore{link="https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/vercel" title="the Nitro documentation for Vercel deployment"}
diff --git a/docs/static/_redirects b/docs/static/_redirects
index c6b8c2946..ccd1012a4 100644
--- a/docs/static/_redirects
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/guide/features/app-config /guide/directory-structure/app.config 302!
/guide/features/runtime-config /guide/going-further/runtime-config 302!
/guide/features/teleports /api/components/teleports 302!
+/guide/deploy/node-server /getting-started/deployment 302!
+/guide/deploy/static-hosting /getting-started/deployment 302!
+/guide/deploy/presets /getting-started/deployment 302!
+/guide/deploy/providers/aws https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/aws 302!
+/guide/deploy/providers/azure https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/azure 302!
+/guide/deploy/providers/cloudflare https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/cloudflare 302!
+/guide/deploy/providers/digitalocean https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/digitalocean 302!
+/guide/deploy/providers/firebase https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/firebase 302!
+/guide/deploy/providers/heroku https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/heroku 302!
+/guide/deploy/providers/layer0 https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/layer0 302!
+/guide/deploy/providers/netlify https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/netlify 302!
+/guide/deploy/providers/render https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/render 302!
+/guide/deploy/providers/stormkit https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/stormkit 302!
+/guide/deploy/providers/vercel https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/vercel 302!