mirror of
synced 2025-01-18 01:15:58 +00:00
feat(vite): vite dev server bundler (#604)
Co-authored-by: Pooya Parsa <pyapar@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
"node-fetch": "^3.0.0",
"ohmyfetch": "^0.3.1",
"ora": "^6.0.1",
"p-debounce": "^4.0.0",
"pathe": "^0.2.0",
"pretty-bytes": "^5.6.0",
"rollup": "^2.58.0",
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ function watch (nuxt: Nuxt) {
async function bundle (nuxt: Nuxt) {
const useVite = !!nuxt.options.vite
const useVite = nuxt.options.vite !== false
const { bundle } = await (useVite ? import('@nuxt/vite-builder') : import('@nuxt/webpack-builder'))
return bundle(nuxt)
@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ export async function buildClient (ctx: ViteBuildContext) {
manifest: true,
outDir: resolve(ctx.nuxt.options.buildDir, 'dist/client'),
assetsDir: '.'
outDir: resolve(ctx.nuxt.options.buildDir, 'dist/client')
plugins: [
replace({ 'process.env': 'import.meta.env' }),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
import { builtinModules } from 'module'
import { createHash } from 'crypto'
import * as vite from 'vite'
interface TransformChunk {
id: string,
code: string,
deps: string[],
parents: string[]
interface SSRTransformResult {
code: string,
map: object,
deps: string[]
dynamicDeps: string[]
async function transformRequest (viteServer: vite.ViteDevServer, id) {
// Virtual modules start with `\0`
if (id && id.startsWith('/@id/__x00__')) {
id = '\0' + id.slice('/@id/__x00__'.length)
if (id && id.startsWith('/@id/')) {
id = id.slice('/@id/'.length)
// Externals
if (builtinModules.includes(id) || id.includes('node_modules')) {
return {
code: `(global, exports, importMeta, ssrImport, ssrDynamicImport, ssrExportAll) => import('${id.replace(/^\/@fs/, '')}').then(r => { ssrExportAll(r) })`,
deps: [],
dynamicDeps: []
// Transform
const res: SSRTransformResult = await viteServer.transformRequest(id, { ssr: true }).catch((err) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn(`[SSR] Error transforming ${id}: ${err}`)
// console.error(err)
}) as SSRTransformResult || { code: '', map: {}, deps: [], dynamicDeps: [] }
// Wrap into a vite module
const code = `async function (global, __vite_ssr_exports__, __vite_ssr_import_meta__, __vite_ssr_import__, __vite_ssr_dynamic_import__, __vite_ssr_exportAll__) {
${res.code || '/* empty */'};
return { code, deps: res.deps || [], dynamicDeps: res.dynamicDeps || [] }
async function transformRequestRecursive (viteServer: vite.ViteDevServer, id, parent = '<entry>', chunks: Record<string, TransformChunk> = {}) {
if (chunks[id]) {
const res = await transformRequest(viteServer, id)
const deps = uniq([...res.deps, ...res.dynamicDeps])
chunks[id] = {
code: res.code,
parents: [parent]
} as TransformChunk
for (const dep of deps) {
await transformRequestRecursive(viteServer, dep, id, chunks)
return Object.values(chunks)
export async function bundleRequest (viteServer: vite.ViteDevServer, entryURL) {
const chunks = await transformRequestRecursive(viteServer, entryURL)
const listIds = ids => ids.map(id => `// - ${id} (${hashId(id)})`).join('\n')
const chunksCode = chunks.map(chunk => `
// --------------------
// Request: ${chunk.id}
// Parents: \n${listIds(chunk.parents)}
// Dependencies: \n${listIds(chunk.deps)}
// --------------------
const ${hashId(chunk.id)} = ${chunk.code}
const manifestCode = 'const __modules__ = {\n' +
chunks.map(chunk => ` '${chunk.id}': ${hashId(chunk.id)}`).join(',\n') + '\n}'
// https://github.com/vitejs/vite/blob/main/packages/vite/src/node/ssr/ssrModuleLoader.ts
const ssrModuleLoader = `
const __pendingModules__ = new Map()
const __pendingImports__ = new Map()
const __ssrContext__ = { global: {} }
function __ssrLoadModule__(url, urlStack = []) {
const pendingModule = __pendingModules__.get(url)
if (pendingModule) { return pendingModule }
const modulePromise = __instantiateModule__(url, urlStack)
__pendingModules__.set(url, modulePromise)
modulePromise.catch(() => { __pendingModules__.delete(url) })
.finally(() => { __pendingModules__.delete(url) })
return modulePromise
async function __instantiateModule__(url, urlStack) {
const mod = __modules__[url]
if (mod.stubModule) { return mod.stubModule }
const stubModule = { [Symbol.toStringTag]: 'Module' }
Object.defineProperty(stubModule, '__esModule', { value: true })
mod.stubModule = stubModule
const importMeta = { url, hot: { accept() {} } }
urlStack = urlStack.concat(url)
const isCircular = url => urlStack.includes(url)
const pendingDeps = []
const ssrImport = async (dep) => {
// TODO: Handle externals if dep[0] !== '.' | '/'
if (!isCircular(dep) && !__pendingImports__.get(dep)?.some(isCircular)) {
if (pendingDeps.length === 1) {
__pendingImports__.set(url, pendingDeps)
await __ssrLoadModule__(dep, urlStack)
if (pendingDeps.length === 1) {
} else {
pendingDeps.splice(pendingDeps.indexOf(dep), 1)
return __modules__[dep].stubModule
function ssrDynamicImport (dep) {
// TODO: Handle dynamic import starting with . relative to url
return ssrImport(dep)
function ssrExportAll(sourceModule) {
for (const key in sourceModule) {
if (key !== 'default') {
try {
Object.defineProperty(stubModule, key, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
get() { return sourceModule[key] }
} catch (_err) { }
await mod(
return stubModule
const code = [
`export default await __ssrLoadModule__('${entryURL}')`
return { code }
function hashId (id: string) {
return '$id_' + hash(id)
function hash (input: string, length = 8) {
return createHash('sha256')
.substr(0, length)
export function uniq<T> (arr: T[]): T[] {
return Array.from(new Set(arr))
@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
import { resolve } from 'pathe'
import * as vite from 'vite'
import vuePlugin from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import fse from 'fs-extra'
import pDebounce from 'p-debounce'
import consola from 'consola'
import { ViteBuildContext, ViteOptions } from './vite'
import { wpfs } from './utils/wpfs'
import { cacheDirPlugin } from './plugins/cache-dir'
import { bundleRequest } from './dev-bundler'
export async function buildServer (ctx: ViteBuildContext) {
const serverConfig: vite.InlineConfig = vite.mergeConfig(ctx.config, {
@ -19,7 +22,14 @@ export async function buildServer (ctx: ViteBuildContext) {
resolve: {
alias: {
'#build/plugins': resolve(ctx.nuxt.options.buildDir, 'plugins/server')
'#build/plugins': resolve(ctx.nuxt.options.buildDir, 'plugins/server'),
// Alias vue
'vue/server-renderer': 'vue/server-renderer',
'vue/compiler-sfc': 'vue/compiler-sfc',
'@vue/reactivity': `@vue/reactivity/dist/reactivity.cjs${ctx.nuxt.options.dev ? '' : '.prod'}.js`,
'@vue/shared': `@vue/shared/dist/shared.cjs${ctx.nuxt.options.dev ? '' : '.prod'}.js`,
'vue-router': `vue-router/dist/vue-router.cjs${ctx.nuxt.options.dev ? '' : '.prod'}.js`,
vue: `vue/dist/vue.cjs${ctx.nuxt.options.dev ? '' : '.prod'}.js`
ssr: {
@ -57,36 +67,49 @@ export async function buildServer (ctx: ViteBuildContext) {
const onBuild = () => ctx.nuxt.callHook('build:resources', wpfs)
// Production build
if (!ctx.nuxt.options.dev) {
const start = Date.now()
consola.info('Building server...')
await vite.build(serverConfig)
await onBuild()
consola.success(`Server built in ${Date.now() - start}ms`)
if (!ctx.nuxt.options.ssr) {
await onBuild()
let lastBuild = 0
const build = async () => {
let start = Date.now()
// debounce
if (start - lastBuild < 300) {
await sleep(300 - (start - lastBuild) + 1)
start = Date.now()
if (start - lastBuild < 300) {
lastBuild = start
await vite.build(serverConfig)
// Start development server
const viteServer = await vite.createServer(serverConfig)
// Close server on exit
ctx.nuxt.hook('close', () => viteServer.close())
// Initialize plugins
await viteServer.pluginContainer.buildStart({})
// Build and watch
const _doBuild = async () => {
const start = Date.now()
const { code } = await bundleRequest(viteServer, resolve(ctx.nuxt.options.appDir, 'entry'))
await fse.writeFile(resolve(ctx.nuxt.options.buildDir, 'dist/server/server.mjs'), code, 'utf-8')
const time = (Date.now() - start)
consola.success(`Vite server built in ${time}ms`)
await onBuild()
consola.info(`Server built in ${Date.now() - start}ms`)
const doBuild = pDebounce(_doBuild, 100)
await build()
// Initial build
await _doBuild()
ctx.nuxt.hook('builder:watch', () => build())
ctx.nuxt.hook('app:templatesGenerated', () => build())
function sleep (ms:number) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms)
// Watch
viteServer.watcher.on('all', (_event, file) => {
if (file.indexOf(ctx.nuxt.options.buildDir) === 0) { return }
// ctx.nuxt.hook('builder:watch', () => doBuild())
ctx.nuxt.hook('app:templatesGenerated', () => doBuild())
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import { defineNuxtConfig } from '@nuxt/kit'
export default defineNuxtConfig({
// vite: true
@ -1566,6 +1566,7 @@ __metadata:
node-fetch: ^3.0.0
ohmyfetch: ^0.3.1
ora: ^6.0.1
p-debounce: ^4.0.0
pathe: ^0.2.0
pretty-bytes: ^5.6.0
rollup: ^2.58.0
@ -10395,6 +10396,13 @@ fsevents@~2.3.2:
languageName: node
linkType: hard
version: 4.0.0
resolution: "p-debounce@npm:4.0.0"
checksum: 7f796f6ed264cb964b83601e70c4c0d94dd52d54e1361400ee80df7527217a59074aa14ab746d4d3089b352181c4ffb5329158fd679cb4b4b52c208574e9e56d
languageName: node
linkType: hard
version: 1.0.0
resolution: "p-finally@npm:1.0.0"
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