mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 00:50:05 +00:00
Merge c3303373bc
into b0729241bc
This commit is contained in:
@ -119,9 +119,6 @@ export async function updateTemplates (options?: { filter?: (template: ResolvedN
return await tryUseNuxt()?.hooks.callHook('builder:generateApp', options)
const EXTENSION_RE = /\b\.\w+$/g
// Exclude bridge alias types to support Volar
const excludedAlias = [/^@vue\/.*$/, /^#internal\/nuxt/]
export async function _generateTypes (nuxt: Nuxt) {
const rootDirWithSlash = withTrailingSlash(nuxt.options.rootDir)
const relativeRootDir = relativeWithDot(nuxt.options.buildDir, nuxt.options.rootDir)
@ -233,7 +230,9 @@ export async function _generateTypes (nuxt: Nuxt) {
} satisfies TSConfig)
const aliases: Record<string, string> = nuxt.options.alias
const EXTENSION_RE = /\b\.\w+$/g
// Exclude bridge alias types to support Volar
const excludedAlias = [/^@vue\/.*$/, /^#internal\/nuxt/]
const basePath = tsConfig.compilerOptions!.baseUrl
? resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, tsConfig.compilerOptions!.baseUrl)
: nuxt.options.buildDir
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import type { RendererNode, VNode } from 'vue'
// eslint-disable-next-line
import { isString, isPromise, isArray, isObject } from '@vue/shared'
import type { RouteLocationNormalized } from 'vue-router'
// @ts-expect-error virtual file
import { START_LOCATION } from '#build/pages'
@ -14,9 +15,6 @@ export const _wrapInTransition = (props: any, children: any) => {
return { default: () => import.meta.client && props ? h(Transition, props === true ? {} : props, children) : children.default?.() }
const ROUTE_KEY_PARENTHESES_RE = /(:\w+)\([^)]+\)/g
const ROUTE_KEY_SYMBOLS_RE = /(:\w+)[?+*]/g
const ROUTE_KEY_NORMAL_RE = /:\w+/g
// TODO: consider refactoring into single utility
// See https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/tree/main/packages/nuxt/src/pages/runtime/utils.ts#L8-L19
function generateRouteKey (route: RouteLocationNormalized) {
@ -21,9 +21,6 @@ function compareDirByPathLength ({ path: pathA }: { path: string }, { path: path
return pathB.split(SLASH_SEPARATOR_RE).filter(Boolean).length - pathA.split(SLASH_SEPARATOR_RE).filter(Boolean).length
const DEFAULT_COMPONENTS_DIRS_RE = /\/components(?:\/(?:global|islands))?$/
const STARTER_DOT_RE = /^\./g
export type getComponentsT = (mode?: 'client' | 'server' | 'all') => Component[]
export default defineNuxtModule<ComponentsOptions>({
@ -78,6 +75,8 @@ export default defineNuxtModule<ComponentsOptions>({
const DEFAULT_COMPONENTS_DIRS_RE = /\/components(?:\/(?:global|islands))?$/
const STARTER_DOT_RE = /^\./g
// Resolve dirs
nuxt.hook('app:resolve', async () => {
// components/ dirs from all layers
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ interface ComponentChunkOptions {
buildDir: string
export const IslandsTransformPlugin = (options: ServerOnlyComponentTransformPluginOptions) => createUnplugin((_options, meta) => {
const isVite = meta.framework === 'vite'
const SCRIPT_RE = /<script[^>]*>/gi
const HAS_SLOT_OR_CLIENT_RE = /<slot[^>]*>|nuxt-client/
const TEMPLATE_RE = /<template>([\s\S]*)<\/template>/
@ -35,8 +37,40 @@ function wrapWithVForDiv (code: string, vfor: string): string {
return `<div v-for="${vfor}" style="display: contents;">${code}</div>`
export const IslandsTransformPlugin = (options: ServerOnlyComponentTransformPluginOptions) => createUnplugin((_options, meta) => {
const isVite = meta.framework === 'vite'
* extract attributes from a node
function extractAttributes (attributes: Record<string, string>, names: string[]) {
const extracted: Record<string, string> = {}
for (const name of names) {
if (name in attributes) {
extracted[name] = attributes[name]!
delete attributes[name]
return extracted
function attributeToString (attributes: Record<string, string>) {
return Object.entries(attributes).map(([name, value]) => value ? ` ${name}="${value}"` : ` ${name}`).join('')
function isBinding (attr: string): boolean {
return attr.startsWith(':')
function getPropsToString (bindings: Record<string, string>): string {
const vfor = bindings['v-for']?.split(' in ').map((v: string) => v.trim()) as [string, string] | undefined
if (Object.keys(bindings).length === 0) { return 'undefined' }
const content = Object.entries(bindings).filter(b => b[0] && (b[0] !== '_bind' && b[0] !== 'v-for')).map(([name, value]) => isBinding(name) ? `[\`${name.slice(1)}\`]: ${value}` : `[\`${name}\`]: \`${value}\``).join(',')
const data = bindings._bind ? `__mergeProps(${bindings._bind}, { ${content} })` : `{ ${content} }`
if (!vfor) {
return `[${data}]`
} else {
return `__vforToArray(${vfor[1]}).map(${vfor[0]} => (${data}))`
return {
name: 'nuxt:server-only-component-transform',
enforce: 'pre',
@ -142,40 +176,6 @@ export const IslandsTransformPlugin = (options: ServerOnlyComponentTransformPlug
* extract attributes from a node
function extractAttributes (attributes: Record<string, string>, names: string[]) {
const extracted: Record<string, string> = {}
for (const name of names) {
if (name in attributes) {
extracted[name] = attributes[name]!
delete attributes[name]
return extracted
function attributeToString (attributes: Record<string, string>) {
return Object.entries(attributes).map(([name, value]) => value ? ` ${name}="${value}"` : ` ${name}`).join('')
function isBinding (attr: string): boolean {
return attr.startsWith(':')
function getPropsToString (bindings: Record<string, string>): string {
const vfor = bindings['v-for']?.split(' in ').map((v: string) => v.trim()) as [string, string] | undefined
if (Object.keys(bindings).length === 0) { return 'undefined' }
const content = Object.entries(bindings).filter(b => b[0] && (b[0] !== '_bind' && b[0] !== 'v-for')).map(([name, value]) => isBinding(name) ? `[\`${name.slice(1)}\`]: ${value}` : `[\`${name}\`]: \`${value}\``).join(',')
const data = bindings._bind ? `__mergeProps(${bindings._bind}, { ${content} })` : `{ ${content} }`
if (!vfor) {
return `[${data}]`
} else {
return `__vforToArray(${vfor[1]}).map(${vfor[0]} => (${data}))`
export const ComponentsChunkPlugin = createUnplugin((options: ComponentChunkOptions) => {
const { buildDir } = options
return {
@ -16,100 +16,11 @@ interface TreeShakeTemplatePluginOptions {
getComponents (): Component[]
export const TreeShakeTemplatePlugin = (options: TreeShakeTemplatePluginOptions) => createUnplugin(() => {
const SSR_RENDER_RE = /ssrRenderComponent/
const PLACEHOLDER_EXACT_RE = /^(?:fallback|placeholder)$/
const CLIENT_ONLY_NAME_RE = /^(?:_unref\()?(?:_component_)?(?:Lazy|lazy_)?(?:client_only|ClientOnly\)?)$/
export const TreeShakeTemplatePlugin = (options: TreeShakeTemplatePluginOptions) => createUnplugin(() => {
const regexpMap = new WeakMap<Component[], [RegExp, RegExp, string[]]>()
return {
name: 'nuxt:tree-shake-template',
enforce: 'post',
transformInclude (id) {
const { pathname } = parseURL(decodeURIComponent(pathToFileURL(id).href))
return pathname.endsWith('.vue')
transform (code, id) {
const components = options.getComponents()
if (!regexpMap.has(components)) {
const serverPlaceholderPath = resolve(distDir, 'app/components/server-placeholder')
const clientOnlyComponents = components
.filter(c => c.mode === 'client' && !components.some(other => other.mode !== 'client' && other.pascalName === c.pascalName && !other.filePath.startsWith(serverPlaceholderPath)))
.flatMap(c => [c.pascalName, c.kebabName.replaceAll('-', '_')])
.concat(['ClientOnly', 'client_only'])
regexpMap.set(components, [new RegExp(`(${clientOnlyComponents.join('|')})`), new RegExp(`^(${clientOnlyComponents.map(c => `(?:(?:_unref\\()?(?:_component_)?(?:Lazy|lazy_)?${c}\\)?)`).join('|')})$`), clientOnlyComponents])
const s = new MagicString(code)
const [COMPONENTS_RE, COMPONENTS_IDENTIFIERS_RE] = regexpMap.get(components)!
if (!COMPONENTS_RE.test(code)) { return }
const componentsToRemoveSet = new Set<string>()
// remove client only components or components called in ClientOnly default slot
const ast = parseAndWalk(code, id, (node) => {
if (!isSsrRender(node)) {
const [componentCall, _, children] = node.arguments
if (!componentCall) { return }
if (componentCall.type === 'Identifier' || componentCall.type === 'MemberExpression' || componentCall.type === 'CallExpression') {
const componentName = getComponentName(node)
if (!componentName || !COMPONENTS_IDENTIFIERS_RE.test(componentName) || children?.type !== 'ObjectExpression') { return }
const isClientOnlyComponent = CLIENT_ONLY_NAME_RE.test(componentName)
const slotsToRemove = isClientOnlyComponent ? children.properties.filter(prop => prop.type === 'Property' && prop.key.type === 'Identifier' && !PLACEHOLDER_EXACT_RE.test(prop.key.name)) as Property[] : children.properties as Property[]
for (const _slot of slotsToRemove) {
const slot = withLocations(_slot)
s.remove(slot.start, slot.end + 1)
const removedCode = `({${code.slice(slot.start, slot.end + 1)}})`
const currentState = s.toString()
parseAndWalk(removedCode, id, (node) => {
if (!isSsrRender(node)) { return }
const name = getComponentName(node)
if (!name) { return }
// detect if the component is called else where
const nameToRemove = isComponentNotCalledInSetup(currentState, id, name)
if (nameToRemove) {
const componentsToRemove = [...componentsToRemoveSet]
const removedNodes = new WeakSet<Node>()
for (const componentName of componentsToRemove) {
// remove import declaration if it exists
removeImportDeclaration(ast, componentName, s)
// remove variable declaration
removeVariableDeclarator(ast, componentName, s, removedNodes)
// remove from setup return statement
removeFromSetupReturn(ast, componentName, s)
if (s.hasChanged()) {
return {
code: s.toString(),
map: options.sourcemap
? s.generateMap({ hires: true })
: undefined,
* find and remove all property with the name parameter from the setup return statement and the __returned__ object
@ -289,3 +200,92 @@ function findMatchingPatternToRemove (node: Pattern, toRemoveIfMatched: Node, na
if (matched) { return matched }
const regexpMap = new WeakMap<Component[], [RegExp, RegExp, string[]]>()
return {
name: 'nuxt:tree-shake-template',
enforce: 'post',
transformInclude (id) {
const { pathname } = parseURL(decodeURIComponent(pathToFileURL(id).href))
return pathname.endsWith('.vue')
transform (code, id) {
const components = options.getComponents()
if (!regexpMap.has(components)) {
const serverPlaceholderPath = resolve(distDir, 'app/components/server-placeholder')
const clientOnlyComponents = components
.filter(c => c.mode === 'client' && !components.some(other => other.mode !== 'client' && other.pascalName === c.pascalName && !other.filePath.startsWith(serverPlaceholderPath)))
.flatMap(c => [c.pascalName, c.kebabName.replaceAll('-', '_')])
.concat(['ClientOnly', 'client_only'])
regexpMap.set(components, [new RegExp(`(${clientOnlyComponents.join('|')})`), new RegExp(`^(${clientOnlyComponents.map(c => `(?:(?:_unref\\()?(?:_component_)?(?:Lazy|lazy_)?${c}\\)?)`).join('|')})$`), clientOnlyComponents])
const s = new MagicString(code)
const [COMPONENTS_RE, COMPONENTS_IDENTIFIERS_RE] = regexpMap.get(components)!
if (!COMPONENTS_RE.test(code)) { return }
const componentsToRemoveSet = new Set<string>()
// remove client only components or components called in ClientOnly default slot
const ast = parseAndWalk(code, id, (node) => {
if (!isSsrRender(node)) {
const [componentCall, _, children] = node.arguments
if (!componentCall) { return }
if (componentCall.type === 'Identifier' || componentCall.type === 'MemberExpression' || componentCall.type === 'CallExpression') {
const componentName = getComponentName(node)
if (!componentName || !COMPONENTS_IDENTIFIERS_RE.test(componentName) || children?.type !== 'ObjectExpression') { return }
const isClientOnlyComponent = CLIENT_ONLY_NAME_RE.test(componentName)
const slotsToRemove = isClientOnlyComponent ? children.properties.filter(prop => prop.type === 'Property' && prop.key.type === 'Identifier' && !PLACEHOLDER_EXACT_RE.test(prop.key.name)) as Property[] : children.properties as Property[]
for (const _slot of slotsToRemove) {
const slot = withLocations(_slot)
s.remove(slot.start, slot.end + 1)
const removedCode = `({${code.slice(slot.start, slot.end + 1)}})`
const currentState = s.toString()
parseAndWalk(removedCode, id, (node) => {
if (!isSsrRender(node)) { return }
const name = getComponentName(node)
if (!name) { return }
// detect if the component is called else where
const nameToRemove = isComponentNotCalledInSetup(currentState, id, name)
if (nameToRemove) {
const componentsToRemove = [...componentsToRemoveSet]
const removedNodes = new WeakSet<Node>()
for (const componentName of componentsToRemove) {
// remove import declaration if it exists
removeImportDeclaration(ast, componentName, s)
// remove variable declaration
removeVariableDeclarator(ast, componentName, s, removedNodes)
// remove from setup return statement
removeFromSetupReturn(ast, componentName, s)
if (s.hasChanged()) {
return {
code: s.toString(),
map: options.sourcemap
? s.generateMap({ hires: true })
: undefined,
@ -9,10 +9,6 @@ import type { Component, ComponentsDir } from 'nuxt/schema'
import { QUOTE_RE, resolveComponentNameSegments } from '../core/utils'
import { logger } from '../utils'
const ISLAND_RE = /\.island(?:\.global)?$/
const GLOBAL_RE = /\.global(?:\.island)?$/
const COMPONENT_MODE_RE = /(?<=\.)(client|server)(\.global|\.island)*$/
const MODE_REPLACEMENT_RE = /(\.(client|server))?(\.global|\.island)*$/
* Scan the components inside different components folders
* and return a unique list of components
@ -30,6 +26,11 @@ export async function scanComponents (dirs: ComponentsDir[], srcDir: string): Pr
// All scanned paths
const scannedPaths: string[] = []
const ISLAND_RE = /\.island(?:\.global)?$/
const GLOBAL_RE = /\.global(?:\.island)?$/
const COMPONENT_MODE_RE = /(?<=\.)(client|server)(\.global|\.island)*$/
const MODE_REPLACEMENT_RE = /(\.(client|server))?(\.global|\.island)*$/
for (const dir of dirs) {
if (dir.enabled === false) {
@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ export const componentsIslandsTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
const NON_VUE_RE = /\b\.(?!vue)\w+$/g
export const componentsTypeTemplate = {
filename: 'components.d.ts' as const,
getContents: ({ app, nuxt }) => {
const NON_VUE_RE = /\b\.(?!vue)\w+$/g
const buildDir = nuxt.options.buildDir
const componentTypes = app.components.filter(c => !c.island).map((c) => {
const type = `typeof ${genDynamicImport(isAbsolute(c.filePath)
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ const logLevelMapReverse = {
verbose: 3,
} satisfies Record<NuxtOptions['logLevel'], NitroConfig['logLevel']>
export async function initNitro (nuxt: Nuxt & { _nitro?: Nitro }) {
const NODE_MODULES_RE = /(?<=\/)node_modules\/(.+)$/
const PNPM_NODE_MODULES_RE = /\.pnpm\/.+\/node_modules\/(.+)$/
export async function initNitro (nuxt: Nuxt & { _nitro?: Nitro }) {
// Resolve config
const excludePaths = nuxt.options._layers
.flatMap(l => [
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ export default defineNuxtPlugin({
const RESTART_RE = /^(?:app|error|app\.config)\.(?:js|ts|mjs|jsx|tsx|vue)$/i
nuxt.hooks.hook('builder:watch', (event, relativePath) => {
const path = resolve(nuxt.options.srcDir, relativePath)
// Local module patterns
@ -914,9 +914,6 @@ export async function checkDependencyVersion (name: string, nuxtVersion: string)
console.warn(`[nuxt] Expected \`${name}\` to be at least \`${nuxtVersion}\` but got \`${version}\`. This might lead to unexpected behavior. Check your package.json or refresh your lockfile.`)
const RESTART_RE = /^(?:app|error|app\.config)\.(?:js|ts|mjs|jsx|tsx|vue)$/i
function deduplicateArray<T = unknown> (maybeArray: T): T {
if (!Array.isArray(maybeArray)) { return maybeArray }
@ -16,11 +16,6 @@ interface ComposableKeysOptions {
composables: Array<{ name: string, source?: string | RegExp, argumentLength: number }>
const stringTypes: Array<string | undefined> = ['Literal', 'TemplateLiteral']
const NUXT_LIB_RE = /node_modules\/(?:nuxt|nuxt3|nuxt-nightly)\//
const SUPPORTED_EXT_RE = /\.(?:m?[jt]sx?|vue)/
const SCRIPT_RE = /(?<=<script[^>]*>)[\s\S]*?(?=<\/script>)/i
export const ComposableKeysPlugin = (options: ComposableKeysOptions) => createUnplugin(() => {
const composableMeta: Record<string, any> = {}
const composableLengths = new Set<number>()
@ -34,6 +29,10 @@ export const ComposableKeysPlugin = (options: ComposableKeysOptions) => createUn
const maxLength = Math.max(...composableLengths)
const KEYED_FUNCTIONS_RE = new RegExp(`\\b(${[...keyedFunctions].map(f => escapeRE(f)).join('|')})\\b`)
const stringTypes: Array<string | undefined> = ['Literal', 'TemplateLiteral']
const NUXT_LIB_RE = /node_modules\/(?:nuxt|nuxt3|nuxt-nightly)\//
const SUPPORTED_EXT_RE = /\.(?:m?[jt]sx?|vue)/
const SCRIPT_RE = /(?<=<script[^>]*>)[\s\S]*?(?=<\/script>)/i
return {
name: 'nuxt:composable-keys',
enforce: 'post',
@ -7,10 +7,9 @@ interface DevOnlyPluginOptions {
sourcemap?: boolean
export const DevOnlyPlugin = (options: DevOnlyPluginOptions) => createUnplugin(() => {
const DEVONLY_COMP_SINGLE_RE = /<(?:dev-only|DevOnly|lazy-dev-only|LazyDevOnly)>[\s\S]*?<\/(?:dev-only|DevOnly|lazy-dev-only|LazyDevOnly)>/
const DEVONLY_COMP_RE = /<(?:dev-only|DevOnly|lazy-dev-only|LazyDevOnly)>[\s\S]*?<\/(?:dev-only|DevOnly|lazy-dev-only|LazyDevOnly)>/g
export const DevOnlyPlugin = (options: DevOnlyPluginOptions) => createUnplugin(() => {
return {
name: 'nuxt:server-devonly:transform',
enforce: 'pre',
@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ interface LayerAliasingOptions {
layers: NuxtConfigLayer[]
const ALIAS_RE = /(?<=['"])[~@]{1,2}(?=\/)/g
const ALIAS_RE_SINGLE = /(?<=['"])[~@]{1,2}(?=\/)/
export const LayerAliasingPlugin = (options: LayerAliasingOptions) => createUnplugin((_options, meta) => {
const aliases: Record<string, Record<string, string>> = {}
for (const layer of options.layers) {
@ -27,6 +24,8 @@ export const LayerAliasingPlugin = (options: LayerAliasingOptions) => createUnpl
'@@': layer.config?.alias?.['@@'] || rootDir,
const ALIAS_RE = /(?<=['"])[~@]{1,2}(?=\/)/g
const ALIAS_RE_SINGLE = /(?<=['"])[~@]{1,2}(?=\/)/
const layers = Object.keys(aliases).sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length)
return {
@ -99,13 +99,13 @@ export const serverPluginTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
export const pluginsDeclaration: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'types/plugins.d.ts',
getContents: async ({ nuxt, app }) => {
const TS_RE = /\.[cm]?tsx?$/
const JS_LETTER_RE = /\.(?<letter>[cm])?jsx?$/
const JS_RE = /\.[cm]jsx?$/
const JS_CAPTURE_RE = /\.[cm](jsx?)$/
export const pluginsDeclaration: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'types/plugins.d.ts',
getContents: async ({ nuxt, app }) => {
const EXTENSION_RE = new RegExp(`(?<=\\w)(${nuxt.options.extensions.map(e => escapeRE(e)).join('|')})$`, 'g')
const typesDir = join(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'types')
@ -177,11 +177,11 @@ export { }
const IMPORT_NAME_RE = /\.\w+$/
const GIT_RE = /^git\+/
export const schemaTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'types/schema.d.ts',
getContents: async ({ nuxt }) => {
const IMPORT_NAME_RE = /\.\w+$/
const GIT_RE = /^git\+/
const relativeRoot = relative(resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'types'), nuxt.options.rootDir)
const getImportName = (name: string) => (name[0] === '.' ? './' + join(relativeRoot, name) : name).replace(IMPORT_NAME_RE, '')
@ -538,13 +538,12 @@ export const nuxtConfigTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
const TYPE_FILENAME_RE = /\.([cm])?[jt]s$/
const DECLARATION_RE = /\.d\.[cm]?ts$/
export const buildTypeTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'types/build.d.ts',
getContents ({ app }) {
const TYPE_FILENAME_RE = /\.([cm])?[jt]s$/
const DECLARATION_RE = /\.d\.[cm]?ts$/
let declarations = ''
for (const file of app.templates) {
if (file.write || !file.filename || DECLARATION_RE.test(file.filename)) {
@ -7,10 +7,9 @@ import type { ImportsOptions } from 'nuxt/schema'
import { isJS, isVue } from '../core/utils'
import { installNuxtModule } from '../core/features'
export const TransformPlugin = ({ ctx, options, sourcemap }: { ctx: Unimport, options: Partial<ImportsOptions>, sourcemap?: boolean }) => createUnplugin(() => {
const NODE_MODULES_RE = /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/
const IMPORTS_RE = /(['"])#imports\1/
export const TransformPlugin = ({ ctx, options, sourcemap }: { ctx: Unimport, options: Partial<ImportsOptions>, sourcemap?: boolean }) => createUnplugin(() => {
return {
name: 'nuxt:imports-transform',
enforce: 'post',
@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ import { extractRouteRules, getMappedPages } from './route-rules'
import { PageMetaPlugin } from './plugins/page-meta'
import { RouteInjectionPlugin } from './plugins/route-injection'
const OPTIONAL_PARAM_RE = /^\/?:.*(?:\?|\(\.\*\)\*)$/
export default defineNuxtModule({
meta: {
name: 'nuxt:pages',
@ -305,6 +303,7 @@ export default defineNuxtModule({
const OPTIONAL_PARAM_RE = /^\/?:.*(?:\?|\(\.\*\)\*)$/
// Record all pages for use in prerendering
const prerenderRoutes = new Set<string>()
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ interface PageMetaPluginOptions {
routesPath?: string
export const PageMetaPlugin = (options: PageMetaPluginOptions = {}) => createUnplugin(() => {
const HAS_MACRO_RE = /\bdefinePageMeta\s*\(\s*/
const CODE_EMPTY = `
@ -49,8 +50,28 @@ if (import.meta.webpackHot) {
if (err) { window.location = window.location.href }
// https://github.com/vuejs/vue-loader/pull/1911
// https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues/8473
const QUERY_START_RE = /^\?/
const MACRO_RE = /¯o=true/
function rewriteQuery (id: string) {
return id.replace(/\?.+$/, r => '?macro=true&' + r.replace(QUERY_START_RE, '').replace(MACRO_RE, ''))
function parseMacroQuery (id: string) {
const { search } = parseURL(decodeURIComponent(isAbsolute(id) ? pathToFileURL(id).href : id).replace(/\?macro=true$/, ''))
const query = parseQuery(search)
if (id.includes('?macro=true')) {
return { macro: 'true', ...query }
return query
const QUOTED_SPECIFIER_RE = /(["']).*\1/
function getQuotedSpecifier (id: string) {
return id.match(QUOTED_SPECIFIER_RE)?.[0]
export const PageMetaPlugin = (options: PageMetaPluginOptions = {}) => createUnplugin(() => {
return {
name: 'nuxt:pages-macros-transform',
enforce: 'post',
@ -301,25 +322,3 @@ export const PageMetaPlugin = (options: PageMetaPluginOptions = {}) => createUnp
// https://github.com/vuejs/vue-loader/pull/1911
// https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues/8473
const QUERY_START_RE = /^\?/
const MACRO_RE = /¯o=true/
function rewriteQuery (id: string) {
return id.replace(/\?.+$/, r => '?macro=true&' + r.replace(QUERY_START_RE, '').replace(MACRO_RE, ''))
function parseMacroQuery (id: string) {
const { search } = parseURL(decodeURIComponent(isAbsolute(id) ? pathToFileURL(id).href : id).replace(/\?macro=true$/, ''))
const query = parseQuery(search)
if (id.includes('?macro=true')) {
return { macro: 'true', ...query }
return query
const QUOTED_SPECIFIER_RE = /(["']).*\1/
function getQuotedSpecifier (id: string) {
return id.match(QUOTED_SPECIFIER_RE)?.[0]
@ -4,12 +4,11 @@ import type { Nuxt } from '@nuxt/schema'
import { stripLiteral } from 'strip-literal'
import { isVue } from '../../core/utils'
export const RouteInjectionPlugin = (nuxt: Nuxt) => createUnplugin(() => {
const INJECTION_RE_TEMPLATE = /\b_ctx\.\$route\b/g
const INJECTION_RE_SCRIPT = /\bthis\.\$route\b/g
const INJECTION_SINGLE_RE = /\bthis\.\$route\b|\b_ctx\.\$route\b/
export const RouteInjectionPlugin = (nuxt: Nuxt) => createUnplugin(() => {
return {
name: 'nuxt:route-injection-plugin',
enforce: 'post',
@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
import { KeepAlive, h } from 'vue'
import type { RouteLocationMatched, RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded, RouterView } from 'vue-router'
type InstanceOf<T> = T extends new (...args: any[]) => infer R ? R : never
type RouterViewSlot = Exclude<InstanceOf<typeof RouterView>['$slots']['default'], undefined>
export type RouterViewSlotProps = Parameters<RouterViewSlot>[0]
const ROUTE_KEY_PARENTHESES_RE = /(:\w+)\([^)]+\)/g
const ROUTE_KEY_SYMBOLS_RE = /(:\w+)[?+*]/g
const ROUTE_KEY_NORMAL_RE = /:\w+/g
const interpolatePath = (route: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded, match: RouteLocationMatched) => {
return match.path
@ -10,4 +10,8 @@ export async function isDirectory (path: string) {
return (await fsp.lstat(path)).isDirectory()
export const ROUTE_KEY_PARENTHESES_RE = /(:\w+)\([^)]+\)/g
export const ROUTE_KEY_SYMBOLS_RE = /(:\w+)[?+*]/g
export const ROUTE_KEY_NORMAL_RE = /:\w+/g
export const logger = useLogger('nuxt')
@ -7,11 +7,6 @@ import { dirname, relative } from 'pathe'
import MagicString from 'magic-string'
import { isCSSRequest } from 'vite'
const PREFIX = 'virtual:public?'
const CSS_URL_RE = /url\((\/[^)]+)\)/g
const CSS_URL_SINGLE_RE = /url\(\/[^)]+\)/
const RENDER_CHUNK_RE = /(?<= = )['"`]/
interface VitePublicDirsPluginOptions {
dev?: boolean
sourcemap?: boolean
@ -21,6 +16,11 @@ interface VitePublicDirsPluginOptions {
export const VitePublicDirsPlugin = createUnplugin((options: VitePublicDirsPluginOptions) => {
const { resolveFromPublicAssets } = useResolveFromPublicAssets()
const PREFIX = 'virtual:public?'
const CSS_URL_RE = /url\((\/[^)]+)\)/g
const CSS_URL_SINGLE_RE = /url\(\/[^)]+\)/
const RENDER_CHUNK_RE = /(?<= = )['"`]/
const devTransformPlugin: UnpluginOptions = {
name: 'nuxt:vite-public-dir-resolution-dev',
vite: {
@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ interface SSRStylePluginOptions {
mode: 'server' | 'client'
const SUPPORTED_FILES_RE = /\.(?:vue|(?:[cm]?j|t)sx?)$/
export function ssrStylesPlugin (options: SSRStylePluginOptions): Plugin {
const cssMap: Record<string, { files: string[], inBundle?: boolean }> = {}
const idRefMap: Record<string, string> = {}
@ -35,6 +33,7 @@ export function ssrStylesPlugin (options: SSRStylePluginOptions): Plugin {
// .server components without a corresponding .client component will need to be rendered as an island
(component.mode === 'server' && !options.components.some(c => c.pascalName === component.pascalName && c.mode === 'client')),
const SUPPORTED_FILES_RE = /\.(?:vue|(?:[cm]?j|t)sx?)$/
return {
name: 'ssr-styles',
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
import MagicString from 'magic-string'
import type { Plugin } from 'vite'
const QUERY_RE = /\?.+$/
export function typeCheckPlugin (options: { sourcemap?: boolean } = {}): Plugin {
let entry: string
const QUERY_RE = /\?.+$/
return {
name: 'nuxt:type-check',
configResolved (config) {
@ -4,11 +4,6 @@ import { resolve } from 'pathe'
import type { Plugin } from 'rollup'
import { importModule } from '@nuxt/kit'
const PLUGIN_NAME = 'dynamic-require'
const DYNAMIC_REQUIRE_RE = /import\("\.\/" ?\+(.*)\).then/g
const BACKWARD_SLASH_RE = /\\/g
interface Options {
dir: string
inline: boolean
@ -33,6 +28,47 @@ interface TemplateContext {
export function dynamicRequire ({ dir, ignore, inline }: Options): Plugin {
const PLUGIN_NAME = 'dynamic-require'
const DYNAMIC_REQUIRE_RE = /import\("\.\/" ?\+(.*)\).then/g
const BACKWARD_SLASH_RE = /\\/g
async function getWebpackChunkMeta (src: string) {
const chunk = await importModule<WebpackChunk>(src) || {}
const { __webpack_id__, __webpack_ids__, __webpack_modules__, id = __webpack_id__, ids = __webpack_ids__, modules = __webpack_modules__ } = chunk
if (!id && !ids) {
return null // Not a webpack chunk
return {
moduleIds: Object.keys(modules || {}),
function TMPL_INLINE ({ chunks }: TemplateContext) {
return `${chunks
.map(i => `import * as ${i.name} from '${i.src}'`)
const dynamicChunks = {
${chunks.map(i => ` ['${i.id}']: ${i.name}`).join(',\n')}
export default function dynamicRequire(id) {
return Promise.resolve(dynamicChunks[id]);
function TMPL_LAZY ({ chunks }: TemplateContext) {
return `
const dynamicChunks = {
${chunks.map(i => ` ['${i.id}']: () => import('${i.src}')`).join(',\n')}
export default function dynamicRequire(id) {
return dynamicChunks[id]();
return {
transform (code: string, _id: string) {
@ -96,40 +132,3 @@ type WebpackChunk = {
__webpack_ids__?: string[]
__webpack_modules__?: Record<string, unknown>
async function getWebpackChunkMeta (src: string) {
const chunk = await importModule<WebpackChunk>(src) || {}
const { __webpack_id__, __webpack_ids__, __webpack_modules__, id = __webpack_id__, ids = __webpack_ids__, modules = __webpack_modules__ } = chunk
if (!id && !ids) {
return null // Not a webpack chunk
return {
moduleIds: Object.keys(modules || {}),
function TMPL_INLINE ({ chunks }: TemplateContext) {
return `${chunks
.map(i => `import * as ${i.name} from '${i.src}'`)
const dynamicChunks = {
${chunks.map(i => ` ['${i.id}']: ${i.name}`).join(',\n')}
export default function dynamicRequire(id) {
return Promise.resolve(dynamicChunks[id]);
function TMPL_LAZY ({ chunks }: TemplateContext) {
return `
const dynamicChunks = {
${chunks.map(i => ` ['${i.id}']: () => import('${i.src}')`).join(',\n')}
export default function dynamicRequire(id) {
return dynamicChunks[id]();
Reference in New Issue
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