## Nuxt 2 has reached End of Life **You are looking at the now inactive branch for Nuxt 2. The actively maintained branch for the latest version of Nuxt is [nuxt/nuxt#main](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/tree/main).** Nuxt 2 reached End of Life on June 30, 2024. It will continue to be available on the npm package manager, but will no longer receive updates, such as security and browser compatibility fixes. In other words, your applications will continue to work, but you may get deprecation warnings from your package manager reminding you that Nuxt 2 is no longer a supported version. If you are starting a new project, please start with the latest version of Nuxt. We also strongly recommend current Nuxt 2 users to upgrade. [See more about how to upgrade](https://nuxt.com/docs/getting-started/upgrade#nuxt-2-vs-nuxt-3). If you have to stay on Nuxt 2 post-EOL, we have partnered with HeroDevs to offer [Nuxt 2 Never-Ending Support (NES)](https://www.herodevs.com/support/nuxt-nes?utm_source=nuxt&utm_medium=nuxt-eol-article). Read more in [our blog post](https://nuxt.com/blog/nuxt2-eol).


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> Build your next Vue(2) application with confidence using Nuxt: a framework making web development simple and powerful. ## Links - 📘 Documentation: [https://nuxtjs.org](https://nuxtjs.org) - 👥 Community: [GitHub discussions](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js/discussions) - 🎬 Video: [1 minute demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmf-p-pTi40) - 🐦 Twitter: [@nuxt_js](https://twitter.nuxtjs.org/) - 💬 Chat: [Discord](https://discord.nuxtjs.org/) - 🌟 [AwesomeNuxt](https://awesome.nuxtjs.org/) - 👉 [Play with Nuxt online](https://template.nuxtjs.org) ## Features - Automatic transpilation and bundling (with webpack and babel) - Hot code reloading - Server-side rendering OR Single Page App OR Static Generated, you choose :fire: - Static file serving. `./static/` is mapped to `/` - Configurable with a `nuxt.config.js` file - Custom layouts with the `layouts/` directory - Middleware - Code splitting for every `pages/` - Loading just the critical CSS (page-level) Learn more at . ## Getting started ```sh $ npx create-nuxt-app ``` It's as simple as that! Learn more at https://nuxtjs.org/guide/installation ## Examples Please take a look at or directly in . ## Production deployment To deploy, instead of running nuxt, you probably want to build ahead of time. Therefore, building and starting are separate commands: ```bash nuxt build nuxt start ``` Learn more at https://nuxtjs.org/guide/commands#production-deployment ## Consulting from the Nuxt team Get help with that tough bug or make sure your Nuxt app is ready to deploy. For $250 an hour, get technical support, advice and code reviews from the Nuxt core team: support@nuxtlabs.com ## Agency Network When in need for more broad or long-term consulting, reach out for one of our [agency partner](https://nuxtjs.org/partners):

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## Supporting Nuxt Nuxt is an MIT-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible entirely by the support of these awesome backers. Funds donated via OpenCollective are managed with transparent expenses and will be used for compensating work and expenses for core team members or sponsoring community events. Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities. [[Become a backer](https://opencollective.com/nuxtjs#contribute)] [![Open Collective Platinum Sponsors][platinum-sponsors-src]][platinum-sponsors-href] ## Contributors Thank you to all our [contributors](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js/graphs/contributors)! [![Nuxt Contributors][contributors-src]][contributors-href] ## Contributing [![Open in Gitpod](https://gitpod.io/button/open-in-gitpod.svg)](https://gitpod.io/#https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js) Please refer to our [Contribution Guide](https://nuxtjs.org/contribution-guide/) ## Cross-browser testing BrowserStack Thanks to [BrowserStack](http://browserstack.com)! ## Automated testing SauceLabs Thanks to [SauceLabs](https://saucelabs.com) for supporting Open Source <3 ## Security If you discover a security vulnerability regarding Nuxt, please send an e-mail to the team via security@nuxtjs.org! All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed. ## License [MIT](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js/blob/dev/LICENSE) [platinum-sponsors-src]: https://opencollective.com/nuxtjs/tiers/platinum-sponsors.svg?avatarHeight=96&width=890 [platinum-sponsors-href]: https://opencollective.com/nuxtjs#contributors [gold-sponsors-src]: https://opencollective.com/nuxtjs/tiers/gold-sponsors.svg?avatarHeight=80&width=890 [gold-sponsors-href]: https://opencollective.com/nuxtjs#contributors [silver-sponsors-src]: https://opencollective.com/nuxtjs/tiers/silver-sponsors.svg?avatarHeight=64&width=890 [silver-sponsors-href]: https://opencollective.com/nuxtjs#contributors [bronze-sponsors-src]: https://opencollective.com/nuxtjs/tiers/bronze-sponsors.svg?avatarHeight=48&width=890 [bronze-sponsors-href]: https://opencollective.com/nuxtjs#contributors [nuxters-src]: https://opencollective.com/nuxtjs/tiers/nuxters.svg?width=890&button=false [nuxters-href]: https://opencollective.com/nuxtjs#contributors [contributors-src]: https://opencollective.com/nuxtjs/contributors.svg?width=890&button=false [contributors-href]: https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js/graphs/contributors