--- title: 'Error Handling' description: 'Learn how to catch and handle errors in Nuxt.' navigation.icon: i-ph-bug-beetle --- Nuxt is a full-stack framework, which means there are several sources of unpreventable user runtime errors that can happen in different contexts: - Errors during the Vue rendering lifecycle (SSR & CSR) - Server and client startup errors (SSR + CSR) - Errors during Nitro server lifecycle ([`server/`](/docs/guide/directory-structure/server) directory) - Errors downloading JS chunks ::tip **SSR** stands for **Server-Side Rendering** and **CSR** for **Client-Side Rendering**. :: ## Vue Errors You can hook into Vue errors using [`onErrorCaptured`](https://vuejs.org/api/composition-api-lifecycle.html#onerrorcaptured). In addition, Nuxt provides a [`vue:error`](/docs/api/advanced/hooks#app-hooks-runtime) hook that will be called if any errors propagate up to the top level. If you are using an error reporting framework, you can provide a global handler through [`vueApp.config.errorHandler`](https://vuejs.org/api/application.html#app-config-errorhandler). It will receive all Vue errors, even if they are handled. ```ts twoslash [plugins/error-handler.ts] export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => { nuxtApp.vueApp.config.errorHandler = (error, instance, info) => { // handle error, e.g. report to a service } // Also possible nuxtApp.hook('vue:error', (error, instance, info) => { // handle error, e.g. report to a service }) }) ``` ::note Note that the `vue:error` hook is based on [`onErrorCaptured`](https://vuejs.org/api/composition-api-lifecycle.html#onerrorcaptured) lifecycle hook. :: ## Startup Errors Nuxt will call the `app:error` hook if there are any errors in starting your Nuxt application. This includes: - running [Nuxt plugins](/docs/guide/directory-structure/plugins) - processing `app:created` and `app:beforeMount` hooks - rendering your Vue app to HTML (during SSR) - mounting the app (on client-side), though you should handle this case with `onErrorCaptured` or with `vue:error` - processing the `app:mounted` hook ## Nitro Server Errors You cannot currently define a server-side handler for these errors, but can render an error page, see the [Render an Error Page](#error-page) section. ## Errors with JS Chunks You might encounter chunk loading errors due to a network connectivity failure or a new deployment (which invalidates your old, hashed JS chunk URLs). Nuxt provides built-in support for handling chunk loading errors by performing a hard reload when a chunk fails to load during route navigation. You can change this behavior by setting `experimental.emitRouteChunkError` to `false` (to disable hooking into these errors at all) or to `manual` if you want to handle them yourself. If you want to handle chunk loading errors manually, you can check out the [the automatic implementation](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/nuxt/src/app/plugins/chunk-reload.client.ts) for ideas. ## Error Page ::note When Nuxt encounters a fatal error (any unhandled error on the server, or an error created with `fatal: true` on the client) it will either render a JSON response (if requested with `Accept: application/json` header) or trigger a full-screen error page. :: An error may occur during the server lifecycle when: - processing your Nuxt plugins - rendering your Vue app into HTML - a server API route throws an error It can also occur on the client side when: - processing your Nuxt plugins - before mounting the application (`app:beforeMount` hook) - mounting your app if the error was not handled with `onErrorCaptured` or `vue:error` hook - the Vue app is initialized and mounted in browser (`app:mounted`). ::read-more{to="/docs/api/advanced/hooks"} Discover all the Nuxt lifecycle hooks. :: Customize the default error page by adding `~/error.vue` in the source directory of your application, alongside `app.vue`. ```vue [error.vue] ``` ::read-more{to="/docs/guide/directory-structure/error"} Read more about `error.vue` and its uses. :: For custom errors we highly recommend to use `onErrorCaptured` composable that can be called in a page/component setup function or `vue:error` runtime nuxt hook that can be configured in a nuxt plugin. ```ts twoslash [plugins/error-handler.ts] export default defineNuxtPlugin(nuxtApp => { nuxtApp.hook('vue:error', (err) => { // }) }) ``` When you are ready to remove the error page, you can call the [`clearError`](/docs/api/utils/clear-error) helper function, which takes an optional path to redirect to (for example, if you want to navigate to a 'safe' page). ::important Make sure to check before using anything dependent on Nuxt plugins, such as `$route` or `useRouter`, as if a plugin threw an error, then it won't be re-run until you clear the error. :: ::note Rendering an error page is an entirely separate page load, meaning any registered middleware will run again. You can use [`useError`](#useerror) in middleware to check if an error is being handled. :: ::note If you are running on Node 16 and you set any cookies when rendering your error page, they will [overwrite cookies previously set](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/pull/20585). We recommend using a newer version of Node as Node 16 reached end-of-life in September 2023. :: ## Error Utils ### `useError` ```ts [TS Signature] function useError (): Ref ``` This function will return the global Nuxt error that is being handled. ::read-more{to="/docs/api/composables/use-error"} Read more about `useError` composable. :: ### `createError` ```ts [TS Signature] function createError (err: string | { cause, data, message, name, stack, statusCode, statusMessage, fatal }): Error ``` Create an error object with additional metadata. You can pass a string to be set as the error `message` or an object containing error properties. It is usable in both the Vue and Server portions of your app, and is meant to be thrown. If you throw an error created with `createError`: - on server-side, it will trigger a full-screen error page which you can clear with [`clearError`](#clearerror). - on client-side, it will throw a non-fatal error for you to handle. If you need to trigger a full-screen error page, then you can do this by setting `fatal: true`. ```vue twoslash [pages/movies/[slug\\].vue] ``` ::read-more{to="/docs/api/utils/create-error"} Read more about `createError` util. :: ### `showError` ```ts [TS Signature] function showError (err: string | Error | { statusCode, statusMessage }): Error ``` You can call this function at any point on client-side, or (on server side) directly within middleware, plugins or `setup()` functions. It will trigger a full-screen error page which you can clear with [`clearError`](#clearerror). It is recommended instead to use `throw createError()`. ::read-more{to="/docs/api/utils/show-error"} Read more about `showError` util. :: ### `clearError` ```ts [TS Signature] function clearError (options?: { redirect?: string }): Promise ``` This function will clear the currently handled Nuxt error. It also takes an optional path to redirect to (for example, if you want to navigate to a 'safe' page). ::read-more{to="/docs/api/utils/clear-error"} Read more about `clearError` util. :: ## Render Error in Component Nuxt also provides a [``](/docs/api/components/nuxt-error-boundary) component that allows you to handle client-side errors within your app, without replacing your entire site with an error page. This component is responsible for handling errors that occur within its default slot. On client-side, it will prevent the error from bubbling up to the top level, and will render the `#error` slot instead. The `#error` slot will receive `error` as a prop. (If you set `error = null` it will trigger re-rendering the default slot; you'll need to ensure that the error is fully resolved first or the error slot will just be rendered a second time.) ::tip If you navigate to another route, the error will be cleared automatically. :: ```vue [pages/index.vue] ``` :link-example{to="/docs/examples/advanced/error-handling"}