import type { Module } from '@nuxt/types' import { build } from './build' import { getoptions } from './config' export default function slsModule () { const { nuxt } = this if ( { return } // Config const options = getoptions(nuxt.options, nuxt.options.serverless || {}) // Tune webpack config = false = false // Tune generator nuxt.options.generate.crawler = false if (Array.isArray(nuxt.options.generate.routes)) { nuxt.options.generate.routes = Array.from(new Set([ ...nuxt.options.generate.routes, ...options.static ])) } nuxt.options.generate.dir = options.publicDir // serverMiddleware // TODO: render:setupMiddleware hook // TODO: support m.prefix and m.route nuxt.hook('modules:done', () => { const unsupported = [] for (let m of nuxt.options.serverMiddleware) { if (typeof m === 'string') { m = { handler: m } } const route = m.path || m.route || '/' const handle = nuxt.resolver.resolvePath(m.handler || m.handle) if (typeof handle !== 'string' || typeof route !== 'string') { unsupported.push(m) continue } options.serverMiddleware.push({ ...m, route, handle }) } if (unsupported.length) { console.warn('[serverless] Unsupported Server middleware used: ', unsupported)'Supported format is `{ path: string, handler: string }` and handler should export `(req, res) => {}`') } }) if (options.nuxtHooks) { nuxt.addHooks(options.nuxtHooks) } nuxt.hook('generate:cache:ignore', (ignore: string[]) => { ignore.push(options.slsDir) ignore.push(options.targetDir) ignore.push(...options.generateIgnore) }) nuxt.hook('generate:page', (page) => { // TODO: Use ssrContext if (!options.static.includes(page.route)) { page.exclude = true } }) nuxt.hook('generate:before', async () => {'Building light version for `nuxt generate`') const { entry } = await build(getoptions(nuxt.options, { target: 'cjs', serverMiddleware: options.serverMiddleware }))'Loading lambda') require(entry) }) nuxt.hook('generate:done', async () => { await build(options) }) }