import { getPort, loadFixture, Nuxt, rp } from '../utils' let port const url = route => 'http://localhost:' + port + route let nuxt = null describe('fallback', () => { beforeAll(async () => { const config = await loadFixture('with-config') nuxt = new Nuxt(config) await nuxt.ready() port = await getPort() await nuxt.server.listen(port, 'localhost') }) test('robots.txt handled', async () => { await expect(rp(url('/test/robots.txt'))) .rejects.toMatchObject({ statusCode: 404, response: { body: '' } }) }) test('normal html routes should be rendered using SSR', async () => { await expect(rp(url('/test/index.html'))) .rejects.toMatchObject({ statusCode: 404, response: { body: expect.stringContaining('data-n-head-ssr') } }) }) test('uknown assets handled in dist', async () => { await expect(rp(url('/test/orion/'))) .rejects.toMatchObject({ statusCode: 404, response: { body: '' } }) }) // Close server and ask nuxt to stop listening to file changes afterAll(async () => { await nuxt.close() }) })