import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url' import { parseURL } from 'ufo' import MagicString from 'magic-string' import { walk } from 'estree-walker' import type { AssignmentProperty, CallExpression, Identifier, Literal, MemberExpression, Node, ObjectExpression, Pattern, Program, Property, ReturnStatement, VariableDeclaration } from 'estree' import { createUnplugin } from 'unplugin' import type { Component } from '@nuxt/schema' import { resolve } from 'pathe' import { distDir } from '../dirs' interface TreeShakeTemplatePluginOptions { sourcemap?: boolean getComponents (): Component[] } type AcornNode = N & { start: number, end: number } const SSR_RENDER_RE = /ssrRenderComponent/ const PLACEHOLDER_EXACT_RE = /^(fallback|placeholder)$/ const CLIENT_ONLY_NAME_RE = /^(?:_unref\()?(?:_component_)?(?:Lazy|lazy_)?(?:client_only|ClientOnly\)?)$/ const PARSER_OPTIONS = { sourceType: 'module', ecmaVersion: 'latest' } export const TreeShakeTemplatePlugin = createUnplugin((options: TreeShakeTemplatePluginOptions) => { const regexpMap = new WeakMap() return { name: 'nuxt:tree-shake-template', enforce: 'post', transformInclude (id) { const { pathname } = parseURL(decodeURIComponent(pathToFileURL(id).href)) return pathname.endsWith('.vue') }, transform (code) { const components = options.getComponents() if (!regexpMap.has(components)) { const clientOnlyComponents = components .filter(c => c.mode === 'client' && !components.some(other => other.mode !== 'client' && other.pascalName === c.pascalName && other.filePath !== resolve(distDir, 'app/components/server-placeholder'))) .flatMap(c => [c.pascalName, c.kebabName.replaceAll('-', '_')]) .concat(['ClientOnly', 'client_only']) regexpMap.set(components, [new RegExp(`(${clientOnlyComponents.join('|')})`), new RegExp(`^(${ => `(?:(?:_unref\\()?(?:_component_)?(?:Lazy|lazy_)?${c}\\)?)`).join('|')})$`), clientOnlyComponents]) } const s = new MagicString(code) const [COMPONENTS_RE, COMPONENTS_IDENTIFIERS_RE] = regexpMap.get(components)! if (!COMPONENTS_RE.test(code)) { return } const codeAst = this.parse(code, PARSER_OPTIONS) as AcornNode const componentsToRemoveSet = new Set() // remove client only components or components called in ClientOnly default slot walk(codeAst, { enter: (_node) => { const node = _node as AcornNode if (isSsrRender(node)) { const [componentCall, _, children] = node.arguments if (componentCall.type === 'Identifier' || componentCall.type === 'MemberExpression' || componentCall.type === 'CallExpression') { const componentName = getComponentName(node) const isClientComponent = COMPONENTS_IDENTIFIERS_RE.test(componentName) const isClientOnlyComponent = CLIENT_ONLY_NAME_RE.test(componentName) if (isClientComponent && children?.type === 'ObjectExpression') { const slotsToRemove = isClientOnlyComponent ? => prop.type === 'Property' && prop.key.type === 'Identifier' && !PLACEHOLDER_EXACT_RE.test( as AcornNode[] : as AcornNode[] for (const slot of slotsToRemove) { s.remove(slot.start, slot.end + 1) const removedCode = `({${code.slice(slot.start, slot.end + 1)}})` const currentCodeAst = this.parse(s.toString(), PARSER_OPTIONS) as Node walk(this.parse(removedCode, PARSER_OPTIONS) as Node, { enter: (_node) => { const node = _node as AcornNode if (isSsrRender(node)) { const name = getComponentName(node) // detect if the component is called else where const nameToRemove = isComponentNotCalledInSetup(currentCodeAst, name) if (nameToRemove) { componentsToRemoveSet.add(nameToRemove) } } } }) } } } } } }) const componentsToRemove = [...componentsToRemoveSet] const removedNodes = new WeakSet>() for (const componentName of componentsToRemove) { // remove import declaration if it exists removeImportDeclaration(codeAst, componentName, s) // remove variable declaration removeVariableDeclarator(codeAst, componentName, s, removedNodes) // remove from setup return statement removeFromSetupReturn(codeAst, componentName, s) } if (s.hasChanged()) { return { code: s.toString(), map: options.sourcemap ? s.generateMap({ hires: true }) : undefined } } } } }) /** * find and remove all property with the name parameter from the setup return statement and the __returned__ object */ function removeFromSetupReturn (codeAst: Program, name: string, magicString: MagicString) { let walkedInSetup = false walk(codeAst, { enter (node) { if (walkedInSetup) { this.skip() } else if (node.type === 'Property' && node.key.type === 'Identifier' && === 'setup' && (node.value.type === 'FunctionExpression' || node.value.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression')) { // walk into the setup function walkedInSetup = true if (node.value.body.type === 'BlockStatement') { const returnStatement = node.value.body.body.find(statement => statement.type === 'ReturnStatement') as ReturnStatement if (returnStatement && returnStatement.argument?.type === 'ObjectExpression') { // remove from return statement removePropertyFromObject(returnStatement.argument, name, magicString) } // remove from __returned__ const variableList = node.value.body.body.filter((statement): statement is VariableDeclaration => statement.type === 'VariableDeclaration') const returnedVariableDeclaration = variableList.find(declaration => declaration.declarations[0]?.id.type === 'Identifier' && declaration.declarations[0]? === '__returned__' && declaration.declarations[0]?.init?.type === 'ObjectExpression') if (returnedVariableDeclaration) { const init = returnedVariableDeclaration.declarations[0].init as ObjectExpression removePropertyFromObject(init, name, magicString) } } } } }) } /** * remove a property from an object expression */ function removePropertyFromObject (node: ObjectExpression, name: string, magicString: MagicString) { for (const property of { if (property.type === 'Property' && property.key.type === 'Identifier' && === name) { magicString.remove((property as AcornNode).start, (property as AcornNode).end + 1) return true } } return false } /** * is the node a call expression ssrRenderComponent() */ function isSsrRender (node: Node): node is AcornNode { return node.type === 'CallExpression' && node.callee.type === 'Identifier' && SSR_RENDER_RE.test( } function removeImportDeclaration (ast: Program, importName: string, magicString: MagicString): boolean { for (const node of ast.body) { if (node.type === 'ImportDeclaration') { const specifier = node.specifiers.find(s => === importName) if (specifier) { if (node.specifiers.length > 1) { const specifierIndex = node.specifiers.findIndex(s => === importName) if (specifierIndex > -1) { magicString.remove((node.specifiers[specifierIndex] as AcornNode).start, (node.specifiers[specifierIndex] as AcornNode).end + 1) node.specifiers.splice(specifierIndex, 1) } } else { magicString.remove((node as AcornNode).start, (node as AcornNode).end) } return true } } } return false } /** * detect if the component is called else where * ImportDeclarations and VariableDeclarations are ignored * return the name of the component if is not called */ function isComponentNotCalledInSetup (codeAst: Node, name: string): string | void { if (name) { let found = false walk(codeAst, { enter (node) { if ((node.type === 'Property' && node.key.type === 'Identifier' && node.value.type === 'FunctionExpression' && === 'setup') || (node.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' && === '_sfc_ssrRender')) { // walk through the setup function node or the ssrRender function walk(node, { enter (node) { if (found || node.type === 'VariableDeclaration') { this.skip() } else if (node.type === 'Identifier' && === name) { found = true } else if (node.type === 'MemberExpression') { // dev only with $setup or _ctx found = ( === 'Literal' && === name) || ( === 'Identifier' && === name) } } }) } } }) if (!found) { return name } } } /** * retrieve the component identifier being used on ssrRender callExpression * * @param {CallExpression} ssrRenderNode - ssrRender callExpression */ function getComponentName (ssrRenderNode: AcornNode): string { const componentCall = ssrRenderNode.arguments[0] as Identifier | MemberExpression | CallExpression if (componentCall.type === 'Identifier') { return } else if (componentCall.type === 'MemberExpression') { return ( as Literal).value as string } return (componentCall.arguments[0] as Identifier).name } /** * remove a variable declaration within the code */ function removeVariableDeclarator (codeAst: Node, name: string, magicString: MagicString, removedNodes: WeakSet): AcornNode | void { // remove variables walk(codeAst, { enter (node) { if (node.type === 'VariableDeclaration') { for (const declarator of node.declarations) { const toRemove = findMatchingPatternToRemove( as AcornNode, node as AcornNode, name, removedNodes) if (toRemove) { magicString.remove(toRemove.start, toRemove.end + 1) removedNodes.add(toRemove) return toRemove } } } } }) } /** * find the Pattern to remove which the identifier is equal to the name parameter. */ function findMatchingPatternToRemove (node: AcornNode, toRemoveIfMatched: AcornNode, name: string, removedNodeSet: WeakSet): AcornNode | undefined { if (node.type === 'Identifier') { if ( === name) { return toRemoveIfMatched } } else if (node.type === 'ArrayPattern') { const elements = node.elements.filter((e): e is AcornNode => e !== null && !removedNodeSet.has(e)) for (const element of elements) { const matched = findMatchingPatternToRemove(element, elements.length > 1 ? element : toRemoveIfMatched, name, removedNodeSet) if (matched) { return matched } } } else if (node.type === 'ObjectPattern') { const properties = e is AssignmentProperty => e.type === 'Property' && !removedNodeSet.has(e)) for (const [index, property] of properties.entries()) { let nodeToRemove = property as AcornNode if (properties.length < 2) { nodeToRemove = toRemoveIfMatched } const matched = findMatchingPatternToRemove(property.value as AcornNode, nodeToRemove as AcornNode, name, removedNodeSet) if (matched) { if (matched === property) { properties.splice(index, 1) } return matched } } } else if (node.type === 'AssignmentPattern') { const matched = findMatchingPatternToRemove(node.left as AcornNode, toRemoveIfMatched, name, removedNodeSet) if (matched) { return matched } } }