#!/usr/bin/env node const boxen = require('boxen').default const chalk = require('chalk').default const warningBox = boxen([ chalk.yellow.bold('IMPORTANT : Package deprecation'), '', `Nuxt TypeScript Support has been refactored to be used with ${chalk.green.bold('nuxt')} package.`, `Which means that ${chalk.yellow.bold(`nuxt-ts`)} package is now no longer needed and is now tagged as ${chalk.yellow.bold('deprecated')}.`, `${chalk.bold.underline('We highly recommend')} to follow the guidelines below :`, '', chalk.yellow.bold('Migration guide (2.5.x)'), '', chalk.bold('Using yarn'), 'yarn remove nuxt-ts', 'yarn add nuxt', 'yarn add -D @nuxt/typescript', '', chalk.bold('Using npm'), 'npm uninstall nuxt-ts', 'npm install nuxt', 'npm install -D @nuxt/typescript', '', ` ----- ${chalk.bold('nuxt.config.ts')} -----`, '| build: { |', `| ${chalk.red('-- useForkTsChecker: ...')} |`, `| ${chalk.green('++ typescript : {')} |`, `| ${chalk.green('++ typeCheck: ...')} |`, `| ${chalk.green('++ }')} |`, '| } |', ' --------------------------', '', 'Find more information in updated docs : ' + chalk.blue.underline('https://nuxtjs.org/guide/typescript') ].join('\n'), Object.assign({ borderColor: 'yellow', borderStyle: 'round', padding: 1, margin: 1 })) + '\n' process.stdout.write(warningBox) const suffix = require('../package.json').name.includes('-edge') ? '-edge' : '' require('@nuxt/cli' + suffix).run() .catch((error) => { require('consola').fatal(error) process.exit(2) })