# Meta Tags Nuxt 3 provides several different ways to manage your meta tags. 1. Through your `nuxt.config`. 2. Through the `useHead` [composable](/getting-started/seo-meta) 3. Through [global meta components](/getting-started/seo-meta) You can customize `title`, `titleTemplate`, `base`, `script`, `noscript`, `style`, `meta`, `link`, `htmlAttrs` and `bodyAttrs`. ::alert{icon=📦} Nuxt currently uses [`vueuse/head`](https://github.com/vueuse/head) to manage your meta tags, but implementation details may change. :: [Read more about meta tags](/getting-started/seo-meta). ## Migration 1. In your `nuxt.config`, rename `head` to `meta`. Consider moving this shared meta configuration into your `app.vue` instead. (Note that objects no longer have a `hid` key for deduplication.) 1. If you need to access the component state with `head`, you should migrate to using `useHead`. You might also consider using the built-in meta-components. ### Example: `useHead` ::code-group ```vue [Nuxt 2] ``` ```vue [Nuxt 3] ``` :: ### Example: Built-in Meta-components Nuxt 3 also provides meta components that you can use to accomplish the same task. While these components look similar to HTML tags, they are provided by Nuxt and have similar functionality. ::code-group ```vue [Nuxt 2] ``` ```vue [Nuxt 3] ``` :: ::alert{icon=👉} 1. Make sure you use capital letters for these component names to distinguish them from native HTML elements (`` rather than `<title>`). 1. You can place these components anywhere in your template for your page. ::