import path from 'path' import consola from 'consola' import { getNuxtConfig } from '../src/options' jest.mock('std-env', () => ({ browser: false, test: 'test', dev: false, production: true, debug: false, ci: true, windows: false, darwin: false, linux: true })) jest.mock('@nuxt/utils', () => ({ ...jest.requireActual('@nuxt/utils'), getMainModule: () => ({ paths: ['/var/nuxt/node_modules'] }) })) describe('config: options', () => { test('should return default nuxt config', () => { jest.spyOn(process, 'cwd').mockReturnValue('/var/nuxt/test') jest.spyOn(path, 'resolve').mockImplementation((...args) => args.join('/').replace(/\\+/, '/')) expect(getNuxtConfig({})).toMatchSnapshot() process.cwd.mockRestore() path.resolve.mockRestore() }) test('should prevent duplicate calls with same options', () => { const options = {} const firstConfig = getNuxtConfig(options) const secondConfig = getNuxtConfig(firstConfig) expect(firstConfig).toBe(secondConfig) expect(firstConfig.__normalized__).toBe(true) }) test('should return default loading when loading is true', () => { const { loading } = getNuxtConfig({ loading: true }) expect(loading).toEqual({ color: 'black', failedColor: 'red', height: '2px', throttle: 200, duration: 5000, continuous: false, rtl: false, css: true }) }) test('should transform transition/layoutTransition to name', () => { const { transition, layoutTransition } = getNuxtConfig({ transition: 'test-tran', layoutTransition: 'test-layout-tran' }) expect(transition).toMatchObject({ name: 'test-tran' }) expect(layoutTransition).toMatchObject({ name: 'test-layout-tran' }) }) test('should transform extensions to array', () => { const { extensions } = getNuxtConfig({ extensions: 'ext' }) expect(extensions).toEqual(['js', 'mjs', 'ts', 'ext']) }) test('should support custom global name', () => { const { globalName } = getNuxtConfig({ globalName: 'globalNuxt' }) expect(globalName).toEqual('globalnuxt') }) test('should detect store dir', () => { const { store } = getNuxtConfig({ rootDir: path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures') }) expect(store).toEqual(true) }) test('should enable csp', () => { const { render: { csp } } = getNuxtConfig({ render: { csp: { allowedSources: true, test: true } } }) expect(csp).toEqual({ hashAlgorithm: 'sha256', addMeta: false, allowedSources: true, policies: undefined, reportOnly: false, test: true }) }) test('should check unknown mode', () => { const { build, render } = getNuxtConfig({ mode: 'test' }) expect(consola.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Unknown mode: test. Falling back to universal') expect(build.ssr).toEqual(true) expect(render.ssr).toEqual(true) }) test('should add appear true in transition when no ssr', () => { const { transition } = getNuxtConfig({ render: { ssr: false } }) expect(transition.appear).toEqual(true) }) test('should return 404.html as default generate.fallback', () => { const { generate: { fallback } } = getNuxtConfig({ generate: { fallback: true } }) expect(fallback).toEqual('404.html') }) test('should disable parallel if extractCSS is enabled', () => { const { build: { parallel } } = getNuxtConfig({ build: { extractCSS: true, parallel: true } }) expect(parallel).toEqual(false) expect(consola.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith('extractCSS cannot work with parallel build due to limited work pool in thread-loader') }) describe('config: router dir', () => { test('should transform middleware to array', () => { const { router: { middleware } } = getNuxtConfig({ router: { middleware: 'midd' } }) expect(middleware).toEqual(['midd']) }) test('should set _routerBaseSpecified when base is specified', () => { const { _routerBaseSpecified } = getNuxtConfig({ router: { base: '/test' } }) expect(_routerBaseSpecified).toEqual(true) }) }) describe('config: options dir', () => { test('should support custom root dir', () => { const { rootDir } = getNuxtConfig({ rootDir: 'root' }) expect(rootDir).toEqual(path.resolve('root')) }) test('should support custom src dir', () => { const { srcDir } = getNuxtConfig({ rootDir: 'root', srcDir: 'src' }) expect(srcDir).toEqual(path.resolve('root', 'src')) }) test('should support custom generate dir', () => { const { generate: { dir } } = getNuxtConfig({ rootDir: 'root', generate: { dir: 'generate' } }) expect(dir).toEqual(path.resolve('root', 'generate')) }) }) describe('config: options template', () => { test('should use default appTemplatePath', () => { const { appTemplatePath } = getNuxtConfig({}) expect(appTemplatePath).toEqual(path.resolve('.nuxt', 'views', 'app.template.html')) }) test('should use custom appTemplatePath', () => { const { appTemplatePath } = getNuxtConfig({ appTemplatePath: 'templates' }) expect(appTemplatePath).toEqual(path.resolve('templates')) }) test('should use custom app.html', () => { const { appTemplatePath } = getNuxtConfig({ rootDir: path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures') }) expect(appTemplatePath).toEqual(path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'app.html')) }) }) describe('config: options publicPath', () => { test('should fallback to default when publicPath is falsy', () => { const { build: { publicPath } } = getNuxtConfig({ build: { publicPath: false } }) expect(publicPath).toEqual('/_nuxt/') }) test('should append slash in publicPath', () => { const { build: { publicPath } } = getNuxtConfig({ build: { publicPath: '/nuxt_public' } }) expect(publicPath).toEqual('/nuxt_public/') }) test('should ignore url publicPath in dev', () => { const { build: { publicPath } } = getNuxtConfig({ dev: true, build: { publicPath: 'http://nuxt_public' } }) expect(publicPath).toEqual('/_nuxt/') }) }) describe('config: options babel', () => { test('should replace and deprecate @nuxtjs/babel-preset-app', () => { const { build: { babel } } = getNuxtConfig({ build: { babel: { presets: ['@nuxtjs/babel-preset-app'] } } }) expect(consola.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith('@nuxtjs/babel-preset-app has been deprecated, please use @nuxt/babel-preset-app.') expect(babel).toEqual({ configFile: false, babelrc: false, cacheDirectory: false, presets: ['@nuxt/babel-preset-app'] }) }) test('should support options in babel presets', () => { const { build: { babel } } = getNuxtConfig({ build: { babel: { presets: [['@nuxt/babel-preset-app', { test: true }]] } } }) expect(babel).toEqual({ configFile: false, babelrc: false, cacheDirectory: false, presets: [['@nuxt/babel-preset-app', { test: true }]] }) }) }) describe('config: options deprecated', () => { test('should deprecate render.gzip', () => { getNuxtConfig({ render: { gzip: true } }) expect(consola.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith('render.gzip is deprecated and will be removed in a future version! Please switch to render.compressor') }) test('should deprecate build.vendor', () => { getNuxtConfig({ build: { vendor: ['lodash'] } }) expect(consola.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith('vendor has been deprecated due to webpack4 optimization') }) test('should deprecate build.extractCSS.allChunks', () => { getNuxtConfig({ build: { extractCSS: { allChunks: true } } }) expect(consola.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith('build.extractCSS.allChunks has no effect from v2.0.0. Please use build.optimization.splitChunks settings instead.') }) }) }) describe('config: router', () => { test('should sanitize router.base', () => { const config = getNuxtConfig({ router: { base: '/foo' } }) expect(config.router.base).toBe('/foo/') }) })