import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest' import { getRouteMeta, normalizeRoutes } from '../src/pages/utils' import type { NuxtPage } from '../schema' const filePath = '/app/pages/index.vue' describe('page metadata', () => { it('should not extract metadata from empty files', async () => { expect(await getRouteMeta('', filePath)).toEqual({}) expect(await getRouteMeta('', filePath)).toEqual({}) }) it('should extract metadata from JS/JSX files', async () => { const fileContents = `definePageMeta({ name: 'bar' })` for (const ext of ['js', 'jsx', 'ts', 'tsx', 'mjs', 'cjs']) { const meta = await getRouteMeta(fileContents, `/app/pages/index.${ext}`) expect(meta).toStrictEqual({ name: 'bar', }) } }) it('should use and invalidate cache', async () => { const fileContents = `` const meta = await getRouteMeta(fileContents, filePath) expect(meta === await getRouteMeta(fileContents, filePath)).toBeTruthy() expect(meta === await getRouteMeta(fileContents, '/app/pages/other.vue')).toBeFalsy() expect(meta === await getRouteMeta('' + fileContents, filePath)).toBeFalsy() }) it('should extract serialisable metadata', async () => { const meta = await getRouteMeta(` `, filePath) expect(meta).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "meta": { "__nuxt_dynamic_meta_key": Set { "meta", }, }, "name": "some-custom-name", "path": "/some-custom-path", } `) }) it('should extract serialisable metadata from files with multiple blocks', async () => { const meta = await getRouteMeta(` `, filePath) expect(meta).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "meta": { "__nuxt_dynamic_meta_key": Set { "meta", }, }, "name": "some-custom-name", "path": "/some-custom-path", } `) }) it('should extract serialisable metadata in options api', async () => { const meta = await getRouteMeta(` `, filePath) expect(meta).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "meta": { "__nuxt_dynamic_meta_key": Set { "meta", }, }, "name": "some-custom-name", "path": "/some-custom-path", } `) }) it('should extract serialisable metadata all quoted', async () => { const meta = await getRouteMeta(` `, filePath) expect(meta).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "meta": { "__nuxt_dynamic_meta_key": Set { "meta", }, }, } `) }) it('should extract configured extra meta', async () => { const meta = await getRouteMeta(` `, filePath, ['bar', 'foo']) expect(meta).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "bar": true, "foo": "bar", } `) }) }) describe('normalizeRoutes', () => { it('should produce valid route objects when used with extracted meta', async () => { const page: NuxtPage = { path: '/', file: filePath } Object.assign(page, await getRouteMeta(` `, filePath)) page.meta ||= {} page.meta.layout = 'test' = 'bar' const { routes, imports } = normalizeRoutes([page], new Set(), { clientComponentRuntime: '', serverComponentRuntime: '', overrideMeta: true, }) expect({ routes, imports }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "imports": Set { "import { default as indexN6pT4Un8hYMeta } from "/app/pages/index.vue?macro=true";", }, "routes": "[ { name: "some-custom-name", path: indexN6pT4Un8hYMeta?.path ?? "/", meta: { ...(indexN6pT4Un8hYMeta || {}), ...{"layout":"test","foo":"bar"} }, redirect: "/", component: () => import("/app/pages/index.vue") } ]", } `) }) it('should produce valid route objects when used without extracted meta', () => { const page: NuxtPage = { path: '/', file: filePath } page.meta ||= {} page.meta.layout = 'test' = 'bar' const { routes, imports } = normalizeRoutes([page], new Set(), { clientComponentRuntime: '', serverComponentRuntime: '', overrideMeta: false, }) expect({ routes, imports }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "imports": Set { "import { default as indexN6pT4Un8hYMeta } from "/app/pages/index.vue?macro=true";", }, "routes": "[ { name: indexN6pT4Un8hYMeta?.name ?? undefined, path: indexN6pT4Un8hYMeta?.path ?? "/", props: indexN6pT4Un8hYMeta?.props ?? false, meta: { ...(indexN6pT4Un8hYMeta || {}), ...{"layout":"test","foo":"bar"} }, alias: indexN6pT4Un8hYMeta?.alias || [], redirect: indexN6pT4Un8hYMeta?.redirect, component: () => import("/app/pages/index.vue") } ]", } `) }) })