import { createCommonJS } from 'mlly' import { defaults, merge, cloneDeep } from 'lodash-es' import { requireModule } from '@nuxt/kit' import type { Nuxt } from '@nuxt/schema' const isPureObject = (obj: unknown): obj is Object => obj !== null && !Array.isArray(obj) && typeof obj === 'object' export const orderPresets = { cssnanoLast (names: string[]) { const nanoIndex = names.indexOf('cssnano') if (nanoIndex !== names.length - 1) { names.push(names.splice(nanoIndex, 1)[0]) } return names }, autoprefixerLast (names: string[]) { const nanoIndex = names.indexOf('autoprefixer') if (nanoIndex !== names.length - 1) { names.push(names.splice(nanoIndex, 1)[0]) } return names }, autoprefixerAndCssnanoLast (names: string[]) { return orderPresets.cssnanoLast(orderPresets.autoprefixerLast(names)) } } export const getPostcssConfig = (nuxt: Nuxt) => { function defaultConfig () { return { sourceMap: nuxt.options.webpack.cssSourceMap, plugins: nuxt.options.postcss.plugins, // Array, String or Function order: 'autoprefixerAndCssnanoLast' } } function sortPlugins ({ plugins, order }: any) { const names = Object.keys(plugins) if (typeof order === 'string') { order = orderPresets[order as keyof typeof orderPresets] } return typeof order === 'function' ? order(names, orderPresets) : (order || names) } function loadPlugins (config: any) { if (!isPureObject(config.plugins)) { return } // Map postcss plugins into instances on object mode once const cjs = createCommonJS(import.meta.url) config.plugins = sortPlugins(config).map((pluginName: string) => { const pluginFn = requireModule(pluginName, { paths: [cjs.__dirname] }) const pluginOptions = config.plugins[pluginName] if (!pluginOptions || typeof pluginFn !== 'function') { return null } return pluginFn(pluginOptions) }).filter(Boolean) } if (!nuxt.options.webpack.postcss || !nuxt.options.postcss) { return false } let postcssOptions = cloneDeep(nuxt.options.postcss) // Apply default plugins if (isPureObject(postcssOptions)) { if (Array.isArray(postcssOptions.plugins)) { defaults(postcssOptions, defaultConfig()) } else { // Keep the order of default plugins postcssOptions = merge({}, defaultConfig(), postcssOptions) loadPlugins(postcssOptions) } // @ts-expect-error delete nuxt.options.webpack.postcss.order return { // @ts-expect-error sourceMap: nuxt.options.webpack.cssSourceMap, ...nuxt.options.webpack.postcss, postcssOptions } } }