import Vue from 'vue' <% if (store) { %>import Vuex from 'vuex'<% } %> <% if (features.meta) { %>import Meta from 'vue-meta'<% } %> <% if (features.componentClientOnly) { %>import ClientOnly from 'vue-client-only'<% } %> <% if (features.deprecations) { %>import NoSsr from 'vue-no-ssr'<% } %> import { createRouter } from './router.js' import NuxtChild from './components/nuxt-child.js' import NuxtError from '<%= components.ErrorPage ? components.ErrorPage : "./components/nuxt-error.vue" %>' import Nuxt from './components/nuxt.js' import App from '<%= appPath %>' import { setContext, getLocation, getRouteData, normalizeError } from './utils' <% if (store) { %>import { createStore } from './store.js'<% } %> /* Plugins */ <%= isTest ? '/* eslint-disable camelcase */' : '' %> <% plugins.forEach((plugin) => { %>import <%= %> from '<%= %>' // Source: <%= relativeToBuild(plugin.src) %> (mode: '<%= plugin.mode %>') <% }) %> <%= isTest ? '/* eslint-enable camelcase */' : '' %> <% if (features.componentClientOnly) { %> // Component: Vue.component(, ClientOnly) <% } %> <% if (features.deprecations) { %> // TODO: Remove in Nuxt 3: Vue.component(, { ...NoSsr, render (h, ctx) { if (process.client && !NoSsr._warned) { NoSsr._warned = true <%= isTest ? '// eslint-disable-next-line no-console' : '' %> console.warn(' has been deprecated and will be removed in Nuxt 3, please use instead') } return NoSsr.render(h, ctx) } }) <% } %> // Component: Vue.component(, NuxtChild) <% if (features.componentAliases) { %>Vue.component('NChild', NuxtChild)<% } %> // Component NuxtLink is imported in server.js or client.js // Component: Vue.component(, Nuxt) Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '<%= globals.nuxt %>', { get() { const globalNuxt = this.$root.$options.<%= globals.nuxt %> if (process.client && !globalNuxt && typeof window !== 'undefined') { return window.<%= globals.nuxt %> } return globalNuxt }, configurable: true }) <% if (features.meta) { // vue-meta configuration const vueMetaOptions = { ...nuxtOptions.vueMeta, keyName: 'head', // the component option name that vue-meta looks for meta info on. attribute: 'data-n-head', // the attribute name vue-meta adds to the tags it observes ssrAttribute: 'data-n-head-ssr', // the attribute name that lets vue-meta know that meta info has already been server-rendered tagIDKeyName: 'hid' // the property name that vue-meta uses to determine whether to overwrite or append a tag } %> Vue.use(Meta, <%= JSON.stringify(vueMetaOptions) %>)<%= isTest ? '// eslint-disable-line' : '' %> <% } %> <% if (features.transitions) { %> const defaultTransition = <%= serialize(pageTransition) .replace('beforeEnter(', 'function(').replace('enter(', 'function(').replace('afterEnter(', 'function(') .replace('enterCancelled(', 'function(').replace('beforeLeave(', 'function(').replace('leave(', 'function(') .replace('afterLeave(', 'function(').replace('leaveCancelled(', 'function(').replace('beforeAppear(', 'function(') .replace('appear(', 'function(').replace('afterAppear(', 'function(').replace('appearCancelled(', 'function(') %><%= isTest ? '// eslint-disable-line' : '' %> <% } %> <% if (store) { %> const originalRegisterModule = Vuex.Store.prototype.registerModule function registerModule (path, rawModule, options = {}) { const preserveState = process.client && ( Array.isArray(path) ? !!path.reduce((namespacedState, path) => namespacedState && namespacedState[path], this.state) : path in this.state ) return, path, rawModule, { preserveState, ...options }) } <% } %> async function createApp(ssrContext, config = {}) { const router = await createRouter(ssrContext, config) <% if (store) { %> const store = createStore(ssrContext) // Add this.$router into store actions/mutations store.$router = router <% if (mode === 'universal') { %> // Fix SSR caveat store.registerModule = registerModule <% } %> <% } %> // Create Root instance // here we inject the router and store to all child components, // making them available everywhere as `this.$router` and `this.$store`. const app = { <% if (features.meta) { %> <%= isTest ? '/* eslint-disable array-bracket-spacing, quotes, quote-props, semi, indent, comma-spacing, key-spacing, object-curly-spacing, space-before-function-paren, object-shorthand */' : '' %> head: <%= serializeFunction(head) %>, <%= isTest ? '/* eslint-enable array-bracket-spacing, quotes, quote-props, semi, indent, comma-spacing, key-spacing, object-curly-spacing, space-before-function-paren, object-shorthand */' : '' %> <% } %> <% if (store) { %>store,<% } %> router, nuxt: { <% if (features.transitions) { %> defaultTransition, transitions: [defaultTransition], setTransitions (transitions) { if (!Array.isArray(transitions)) { transitions = [transitions] } transitions = => { if (!transition) { transition = defaultTransition } else if (typeof transition === 'string') { transition = Object.assign({}, defaultTransition, { name: transition }) } else { transition = Object.assign({}, defaultTransition, transition) } return transition }) this.$options.nuxt.transitions = transitions return transitions }, <% } %> err: null, dateErr: null, error (err) { err = err || null app.context._errored = Boolean(err) err = err ? normalizeError(err) : null let nuxt = app.nuxt // to work with @vue/composition-api, see if (this) { nuxt = this.nuxt || this.$options.nuxt } nuxt.dateErr = nuxt.err = err // Used in src/server.js if (ssrContext) { ssrContext.nuxt.error = err } return err } }, ...App } <% if (store) { %> // Make app available into store via = app <% } %> const next = ssrContext ? : location => app.router.push(location) // Resolve route let route if (ssrContext) { route = router.resolve(ssrContext.url).route } else { const path = getLocation(router.options.base, router.options.mode) route = router.resolve(path).route } // Set context to app.context await setContext(app, { <% if (store) { %>store,<% } %> route, next, error: app.nuxt.error.bind(app), payload: ssrContext ? ssrContext.payload : undefined, req: ssrContext ? ssrContext.req : undefined, res: ssrContext ? ssrContext.res : undefined, beforeRenderFns: ssrContext ? ssrContext.beforeRenderFns : undefined, ssrContext }) function inject(key, value) { if (!key) { throw new Error('inject(key, value) has no key provided') } if (value === undefined) { throw new Error(`inject('${key}', value) has no value provided`) } key = '$' + key // Add into app app[key] = value // Add into context if (!app.context[key]) { app.context[key] = value } <% if (store) { %> // Add into store store[key] = app[key] <% } %> // Check if plugin not already installed const installKey = '__<%= globals.pluginPrefix %>_' + key + '_installed__' if (Vue[installKey]) { return } Vue[installKey] = true // Call Vue.use() to install the plugin into vm Vue.use(() => { if (!, key)) { Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, key, { get () { return this.$root.$options[key] } }) } }) } // Inject runtime config as $config inject('config', config) <% if (store) { %> if (process.client) { // Replace store state before plugins execution if (window.<%= globals.context %> && window.<%= globals.context %>.state) { store.replaceState(window.<%= globals.context %>.state) } } <% } %> // Add enablePreview(previewData = {}) in context for plugins if (process.static && process.client) { app.context.enablePreview = function (previewData = {}) { app.previewData = Object.assign({}, previewData) inject('preview', previewData) } } // Plugin execution <%= isTest ? '/* eslint-disable camelcase */' : '' %> <% plugins.forEach((plugin) => { %> <% if (plugin.mode == 'client') { %> if (process.client && typeof <%= %> === 'function') { await <%= %>(app.context, inject) } <% } else if (plugin.mode == 'server') { %> if (process.server && typeof <%= %> === 'function') { await <%= %>(app.context, inject) } <% } else { %> if (typeof <%= %> === 'function') { await <%= %>(app.context, inject) } <% } %> <% }) %> <%= isTest ? '/* eslint-enable camelcase */' : '' %> // Lock enablePreview in context if (process.static && process.client) { app.context.enablePreview = function () { console.warn('You cannot call enablePreview() outside a plugin.') } } // Wait for async component to be resolved first await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Ignore 404s rather than blindly replacing URL in browser if (process.client) { const { route } = router.resolve(app.context.route.fullPath) if (!route.matched.length) { return resolve() } } router.replace(app.context.route.fullPath, resolve, (err) => { // if (!err._isRouter) return reject(err) if (err.type !== 2 /* NavigationFailureType.redirected */) return resolve() // navigated to a different route in router guard const unregister = router.afterEach(async (to, from) => { if (process.server && ssrContext && ssrContext.url) { ssrContext.url = to.fullPath } app.context.route = await getRouteData(to) app.context.params = to.params || {} app.context.query = to.query || {} unregister() resolve() }) }) }) return { <% if(store) { %>store,<% } %> app, router } } export { createApp, NuxtError }