import type { Component, } from 'vue' import { Teleport, defineComponent, h } from 'vue' import { useNuxtApp } from '../nuxt' // @ts-expect-error virtual file import { paths } from '#build/components-chunk' type ExtendedComponent = Component & { __file: string, __name: string } /** * component only used with componentsIsland * this teleport the component in SSR only if it needs to be hydrated on client */ export default defineComponent({ name: 'NuxtTeleportSsrClient', props: { to: { type: String, required: true }, nuxtClient: { type: Boolean, default: false }, /** * ONLY used in dev mode since we use build:manifest result in production * do not pass any value in production */ rootDir: { type: String, default: null } }, setup (props, { slots }) { if (!props.nuxtClient) { return () => slots.default!() } const app = useNuxtApp() const islandContext = app.ssrContext!.islandContext! return () => { const slot = slots.default!()[0] const slotType = (slot.type as ExtendedComponent) const name = (slotType.__name || as string if ( { const path = '_nuxt/' + paths[name] islandContext.chunks[name] = path } else { islandContext.chunks[name] = paths[name] } islandContext.propsData[] = slot.props || {} return [h('div', { style: 'display: contents;', 'nuxt-ssr-client': }, []), h(Teleport, { to: }, slot)] } } })