import { describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest' import { h } from 'vue' import { mountSuspended } from '@nuxt/test-utils/runtime' import { createServerComponent } from '../../packages/nuxt/src/components/runtime/server-component' import { createSimpleRemoteIslandProvider } from '../fixtures/remote-provider' import NuxtIsland from '../../packages/nuxt/src/app/components/nuxt-island' vi.mock('#build/nuxt.config.mjs', async (original) => { return { // @ts-expect-error virtual file ...(await original()), remoteComponentIslands: true } }) vi.mock('vue', async (original) => { const vue = await original<typeof import('vue')>() return { ...vue, h: vi.fn(vue.h) } }) describe('runtime server component', () => { it('expect no data-v- attrbutes #23051', () => { // @ts-expect-error mock vi.mocked(h).mockImplementation(() => null) // @ts-expect-error test setup createServerComponent('DummyName').setup!({ lazy: false }, { attrs: { 'data-v-123': '', test: 1 }, slots: {}, emit: vi.fn(), expose: vi.fn() })() expect(h).toHaveBeenCalledOnce() if (!vi.mocked(h).mock.lastCall) { throw new Error('no last call') } expect(vi.mocked(h).mock.lastCall![1]?.props).toBeTypeOf('object') expect(vi.mocked(h).mock.lastCall![1]?.props).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "data-v-123": "", "test": 1, } `) vi.mocked(h).mockRestore() }) it('expect remote island to be rendered', async () => { const server = createSimpleRemoteIslandProvider() const wrapper = await mountSuspended(NuxtIsland, { props: { name: 'Test', source: 'http://localhost:3001' } }) expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"<div>hello world from another server</div>"') await server.close() }) })