import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest' import { RemovePluginMetadataPlugin, extractMetadata } from '../src/core/plugins/plugin-metadata' describe('plugin-metadata', () => { it('should extract metadata from object-syntax plugins', () => { const properties = Object.entries({ name: 'test', enforce: 'post', hooks: { 'app:mounted': () => {} }, setup: () => {}, order: 1 }) for (const item of properties) { const obj = [[key]) => key !== item[0]), item] const meta = extractMetadata([ 'export default defineNuxtPlugin({',[key, value]) => `${key}: ${typeof value === 'function' ? value.toString() : JSON.stringify(value)},`), '})' ].join('\n')) expect(meta).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "name": "test", "order": 1, } `) } }) const transformPlugin: any = RemovePluginMetadataPlugin({ options: { sourcemap: { client: true } }, apps: { default: { plugins: [{ src: 'my-plugin.mjs', order: 10 }] } } } as any).raw({}, {} as any) it('should overwrite invalid plugins', () => { const invalidPlugins = [ 'export const plugin = {}', 'export default function (ctx, inject) {}' ] for (const plugin of invalidPlugins) { expect(transformPlugin.transform(plugin, 'my-plugin.mjs').code).toBe('export default () => {}') } }) it('should remove order/name properties from object-syntax plugins', () => { const plugin = ` export default defineNuxtPlugin({ name: 'test', enforce: 'post', setup: () => {}, }, { order: 10, name: test }) ` expect(transformPlugin.transform(plugin, 'my-plugin.mjs').code).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` " export default defineNuxtPlugin({ setup: () => {}, }, { }) " `) }) })