import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url' import { afterEach, beforeEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest' import { normalize } from 'pathe' import { withoutTrailingSlash } from 'ufo' import { logger, tryUseNuxt, useNuxt } from '@nuxt/kit' import { loadNuxt } from '../src' import type { NuxtConfig } from '../schema' const repoRoot = withoutTrailingSlash(normalize(fileURLToPath(new URL('../../../', import.meta.url)))) vi.stubGlobal('console', { ...console, error: vi.fn(console.error), warn: vi.fn(console.warn), }) const loggerWarn = vi.spyOn(logger, 'warn') vi.mock('pkg-types', async (og) => { const originalPkgTypes = (await og()) return { ...originalPkgTypes, readPackageJSON: vi.fn(originalPkgTypes.readPackageJSON), } }) beforeEach(() => { loggerWarn.mockClear() }) afterEach(() => { vi.clearAllMocks() }) describe('loadNuxt', () => { it('respects hook overrides', async () => { let hookRan = false const nuxt = await loadNuxt({ cwd: repoRoot, ready: true, overrides: { hooks: { ready () { hookRan = true }, }, }, }) await nuxt.close() expect(hookRan).toBe(true) }) it('ensures layer CSS remains in order', async () => { const layerFixtureDir = withoutTrailingSlash(normalize(fileURLToPath(new URL('./layers-fixture', import.meta.url)))) const nuxt = await loadNuxt({ cwd: layerFixtureDir, overrides: { css: ['override.css'], }, }) await nuxt.close() expect(nuxt.options.css).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` [ "auto.css", "custom.css", "final-project.css", "duplicate.css", "override.css", "new-css-added-by-module.css", ] `) }) it('load multiple nuxt', async () => { await Promise.all([ loadNuxt({ cwd: repoRoot, }), loadNuxt({ cwd: repoRoot, }), ]) expect(loggerWarn).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('expect hooks to get the correct context outside of initNuxt', async () => { const nuxt = await loadNuxt({ cwd: repoRoot, }) // @ts-expect-error - random hook nuxt.hook('test', () => { expect(useNuxt().__name).toBe(nuxt.__name) }) expect(tryUseNuxt()?.__name).not.toBe(nuxt.__name) // second nuxt context const second = await loadNuxt({ cwd: repoRoot, }) expect(second.__name).not.toBe(nuxt.__name) expect(tryUseNuxt()?.__name).not.toBe(nuxt.__name) // @ts-expect-error - random hook await nuxt.callHook('test') expect(loggerWarn).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) }) const pagesDetectionTests: [test: string, overrides: NuxtConfig, result: NuxtConfig['pages']][] = [ ['pages dir', {}, { enabled: true }], ['pages dir empty', { dir: { pages: 'empty-dir' } }, { enabled: false }], ['user config', { pages: false }, { enabled: false }], ['user config', { pages: { enabled: false } }, { enabled: false }], ['user config', { pages: { enabled: true, pattern: '**/*{.vue}' } }, { enabled: true, pattern: '**/*{.vue}' }], ] const pagesFixtureDir = withoutTrailingSlash(normalize(fileURLToPath(new URL('./pages-fixture', import.meta.url)))) describe('pages detection', () => { it.each(pagesDetectionTests)('%s `%s`', async (_, overrides, result) => { const nuxt = await loadNuxt({ cwd: pagesFixtureDir, overrides, ready: true }) // @ts-expect-error should resolve to object? expect(nuxt.options.pages).toMatchObject(result) await nuxt.close() }) })