// import rp from 'request-promise-native' import consola from 'consola' import { loadFixture, getPort, Nuxt } from '../utils' let port const url = route => 'http://localhost:' + port + route let nuxt = null // let logSpy describe('error', () => { beforeAll(async () => { const config = await loadFixture('error') nuxt = new Nuxt(config) await nuxt.ready() port = await getPort() await nuxt.server.listen(port, 'localhost') consola.wrapConsole() }) test('/ should display an error', async () => { await expect(nuxt.server.renderRoute('/error')).rejects.toMatchObject({ message: expect.stringContaining('not_defined is not defined') }) }) test('/404 should display an error too', async () => { const { error } = await nuxt.server.renderRoute('/404') expect(error.message).toContain('This page could not be found') }) test('/ with renderAndGetWindow()', async () => { await expect(nuxt.server.renderAndGetWindow(url('/error'))).rejects.toMatchObject({ statusCode: 500 }) }) test('Error: resolvePath()', () => { expect(() => nuxt.resolver.resolvePath()).toThrowError() expect(() => nuxt.resolver.resolvePath('@/pages/not-found.vue')).toThrowError('Cannot resolve "@/pages/not-found.vue"') }) test('Error: callHook()', async () => { consola.fatal.mockClear() const errorHook = jest.fn() const error = new Error('test hook error') nuxt.hook('error', errorHook) nuxt.hook('test:error', () => { throw error }) await nuxt.callHook('test:error') expect(errorHook).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(errorHook).toHaveBeenCalledWith(error) expect(consola.fatal).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(consola.fatal).toHaveBeenCalledWith(error) }) test('/info should display an error', async () => { await expect(nuxt.server.renderRoute('/info')).rejects.toMatchObject({ message: expect.stringContaining('Cannot read property \'title\' of undefined') }) }) test('/about should work', async () => { await expect(nuxt.server.renderRoute('/about')).resolves.toMatchObject({ html: expect.stringContaining('About') }) }) test('/error-square should display an error', async () => { await expect(nuxt.server.renderRoute('/squared')).rejects.toMatchObject({ message: expect.stringContaining('Cannot read property \'data\' of undefined') }) }) // Close server and ask nuxt to stop listening to file changes afterAll(async () => { await nuxt.close() }) })