import path from 'path' import chokidar from 'chokidar' import consola from 'consola' import fsExtra from 'fs-extra' import Glob from 'glob' import hash from 'hash-sum' import pify from 'pify' import upath from 'upath' import semver from 'semver' import debounce from 'lodash/debounce' import omit from 'lodash/omit' import template from 'lodash/template' import uniq from 'lodash/uniq' import uniqBy from 'lodash/uniqBy' import { r, createRoutes, relativeTo, waitFor, determineGlobals, stripWhitespace, isString, isIndexFileAndFolder } from '@nuxt/utils' import Ignore from './ignore' import BuildContext from './context/build' import TemplateContext from './context/template' const glob = pify(Glob) export default class Builder { constructor(nuxt, bundleBuilder) { this.nuxt = nuxt this.plugins = [] this.options = nuxt.options this.globals = determineGlobals(nuxt.options.globalName, nuxt.options.globals) this.watchers = { files: null, custom: null, restart: null } this.supportedExtensions = ['vue', 'js', 'ts', 'tsx'] // Helper to resolve build paths this.relativeToBuild = (...args) => relativeTo(this.options.buildDir, ...args) this._buildStatus = STATUS.INITIAL // Hooks for watch lifecycle if ( { // Start watching after initial render this.nuxt.hook('build:done', () => {'Waiting for file changes') this.watchClient() this.watchRestart() }) // Close hook this.nuxt.hook('close', () => this.close()) } if ( { this.nuxt.hook('build:done', () => { consola.warn('Notice: Please do not deploy bundles built with analyze mode, it\'s only for analyzing purpose.') }) } // Resolve template this.template = || '@nuxt/vue-app' if (typeof this.template === 'string') { this.template = this.nuxt.resolver.requireModule(this.template).template } // if(! { // TODO: enable again when unsafe concern resolved.(common/options.js:42) // this.nuxt.hook('build:done', () => this.generateConfig()) // } this.bundleBuilder = this.getBundleBuilder(bundleBuilder) this.ignore = new Ignore({ rootDir: this.options.srcDir }) } getBundleBuilder(BundleBuilder) { if (typeof BundleBuilder === 'object') { return BundleBuilder } const context = new BuildContext(this) if (typeof BundleBuilder !== 'function') { ({ BundleBuilder } = require('@nuxt/webpack')) } return new BundleBuilder(context) } forGenerate() { this.bundleBuilder.forGenerate() } async build() { // Avoid calling build() method multiple times when dev:true /* istanbul ignore if */ if (this._buildStatus === STATUS.BUILD_DONE && { return this } // If building /* istanbul ignore if */ if (this._buildStatus === STATUS.BUILDING) { await waitFor(1000) return } this._buildStatus = STATUS.BUILDING if ( {'Preparing project for development')'Initial build may take a while') } else {'Production build') } // Wait for nuxt ready await this.nuxt.ready() // Call before hook await this.nuxt.callHook('build:before', this, await this.validatePages() // Validate template try { this.validateTemplate() } catch (err) { consola.fatal(err) } consola.success('Builder initialized') consola.debug(`App root: ${this.options.srcDir}`) // Create .nuxt/, .nuxt/components and .nuxt/dist folders await fsExtra.remove(r(this.options.buildDir)) const buildDirs = [r(this.options.buildDir, 'components')] if (! { buildDirs.push( r(this.options.buildDir, 'dist', 'client'), r(this.options.buildDir, 'dist', 'server') ) } await Promise.all( => fsExtra.mkdirp(dir))) // Generate routes and interpret the template files await this.generateRoutesAndFiles() await this.resolvePlugins() // Start bundle build: webpack, rollup, parcel... await // Flag to set that building is done this._buildStatus = STATUS.BUILD_DONE // Call done hook await this.nuxt.callHook('build:done', this) return this } // Check if pages dir exists and warn if not async validatePages() { this._nuxtPages = typeof !== 'function' if ( !this._nuxtPages || await fsExtra.exists(path.join(this.options.srcDir, this.options.dir.pages)) ) { return } const dir = this.options.srcDir if (await fsExtra.exists(path.join(this.options.srcDir, '..', this.options.dir.pages))) { throw new Error( `No \`${this.options.dir.pages}\` directory found in ${dir}. Did you mean to run \`nuxt\` in the parent (\`../\`) directory?` ) } this._defaultPage = true consola.warn(`No \`${this.options.dir.pages}\` directory found in ${dir}. Using the default built-in page.`) } validateTemplate() { // Validate template dependencies const templateDependencies = this.template.dependencies const dpendencyFixes = [] for (const depName in templateDependencies) { const depVersion = templateDependencies[depName] const requiredVersion = `${depName}@${depVersion}` // Load installed version const pkg = this.nuxt.resolver.requireModule(path.join(depName, 'package.json')) if (pkg) { const validVersion = semver.satisfies(pkg.version, depVersion) if (!validVersion) { consola.warn(`${requiredVersion} is required but ${depName}@${pkg.version} is installed!`) dpendencyFixes.push(requiredVersion) } } else { consola.warn(`${depName}@${depVersion} is required but not installed!`) dpendencyFixes.push(requiredVersion) } } // Suggest dependency fixes (TODO: automate me) if (dpendencyFixes.length) { consola.error( 'Please install missing dependencies:\n', '\n', 'Using yarn:\n', `yarn add ${dpendencyFixes.join(' ')}\n`, '\n', 'Using npm:\n', `npm i ${dpendencyFixes.join(' ')}\n` ) throw new Error('Missing Template Dependencies') } } async generateRoutesAndFiles() { consola.debug('Generating nuxt files') // Plugins this.plugins = Array.from(this.normalizePlugins()) const templateContext = new TemplateContext(this, this.options) await Promise.all([ this.resolveLayouts(templateContext), this.resolveRoutes(templateContext), this.resolveStore(templateContext), this.resolveMiddleware(templateContext) ]) await this.resolveCustomTemplates(templateContext) await this.resolveLoadingIndicator(templateContext) // Add vue-app template dir to watchers await this.compileTemplates(templateContext) consola.success('Nuxt files generated') } normalizePlugins() { return uniqBy( => { if (typeof p === 'string') { p = { src: p } } const pluginBaseName = path.basename(p.src, path.extname(p.src)).replace( /[^a-zA-Z?\d\s:]/g, '' ) if (p.ssr === false) { p.mode = 'client' } else if (p.mode === undefined) { p.mode = 'all' } else if (!['client', 'server', 'all'].includes(p.mode)) { consola.warn(`Invalid plugin mode (server/client/all): '${p.mode}'. Falling back to 'all'`) p.mode = 'all' } return { src: this.nuxt.resolver.resolveAlias(p.src), mode: p.mode, name: 'nuxt_plugin_' + pluginBaseName + '_' + hash(p.src) } }), p => ) } async resolveFiles(dir, cwd = this.options.srcDir) { return this.ignore.filter(await glob(`${dir}/**/*.{${this.supportedExtensions.join(',')}}`, { cwd, ignore: this.options.ignore })) } async resolveRelative(dir) { const dirPrefix = new RegExp(`^${dir}/`) return (await this.resolveFiles(dir)).map(file => ({ src: file.replace(dirPrefix, '') })) } async resolveLayouts({ templateVars, templateFiles }) { if (fsExtra.existsSync(path.resolve(this.options.srcDir, this.options.dir.layouts))) { for (const file of await this.resolveFiles(this.options.dir.layouts)) { const name = file .replace(new RegExp(`^${this.options.dir.layouts}/`), '') .replace(new RegExp(`\\.(${this.supportedExtensions.join('|')})$`), '') // Layout Priority: module.addLayout > .vue file > other extensions if (name === 'error') { if (!templateVars.components.ErrorPage) { templateVars.components.ErrorPage = this.relativeToBuild( this.options.srcDir, file ) } } else if (this.options.layouts[name]) { consola.warn(`Duplicate layout registration, "${name}" has been registered as "${this.options.layouts[name]}"`) } else if (!templateVars.layouts[name] || /\.vue$/.test(file)) { templateVars.layouts[name] = this.relativeToBuild( this.options.srcDir, file ) } } } // If no default layout, create its folder and add the default folder if (!templateVars.layouts.default) { await fsExtra.mkdirp(r(this.options.buildDir, 'layouts')) templateFiles.push('layouts/default.vue') templateVars.layouts.default = './layouts/default.vue' } } async resolveRoutes({ templateVars }) { consola.debug('Generating routes...') if (this._defaultPage) { templateVars.router.routes = createRoutes( ['index.vue'], this.template.dir + '/pages', '', this.options.router.routeNameSplitter ) } else if (this._nuxtPages) { // Use nuxt.js createRoutes bases on pages/ const files = {} const ext = new RegExp(`\\.(${this.supportedExtensions.join('|')})$`) for (const page of await this.resolveFiles(this.options.dir.pages)) { const key = page.replace(ext, '') // .vue file takes precedence over other extensions if (/\.vue$/.test(page) || !files[key]) { files[key] = page.replace(/(['"])/g, '\\$1') } } templateVars.router.routes = createRoutes( Object.values(files), this.options.srcDir, this.options.dir.pages, this.options.router.routeNameSplitter ) } else { // If user defined a custom method to create routes templateVars.router.routes = this.options.srcDir ) } await this.nuxt.callHook( 'build:extendRoutes', templateVars.router.routes, r ) // router.extendRoutes method if (typeof this.options.router.extendRoutes === 'function') { // let the user extend the routes const extendedRoutes = this.options.router.extendRoutes( templateVars.router.routes, r ) // Only overwrite routes when something is returned for backwards compatibility if (extendedRoutes !== undefined) { templateVars.router.routes = extendedRoutes } } // Make routes accessible for other modules and webpack configs this.routes = templateVars.router.routes } async resolveStore({ templateVars, templateFiles }) { // Add store if needed if ( { templateVars.storeModules = (await this.resolveRelative( .sort(({ src: p1 }, { src: p2 }) => { // modules are sorted from low to high priority (for overwriting properties) let res = p1.split('/').length - p2.split('/').length if (res === 0 && p1.includes('/index.')) { res = -1 } else if (res === 0 && p2.includes('/index.')) { res = 1 } return res }) templateFiles.push('store.js') } } async resolveMiddleware({ templateVars }) { // -- Middleware -- templateVars.middleware = await this.resolveRelative(this.options.dir.middleware) } async resolveCustomTemplates(templateContext) { // Resolve template files const customTemplateFiles = t => t.dst || path.basename(t.src || t) ) const templateFiles = await Promise.all( (file) => { // Skip if custom file was already provided in build.templates[] if (customTemplateFiles.includes(file)) { return } // Allow override templates using a file with same name in ${srcDir}/app const customPath = r(this.options.srcDir, 'app', file) const customFileExists = await fsExtra.exists(customPath) return { src: customFileExists ? customPath : r(this.template.dir, file), dst: file, custom: customFileExists } })) templateContext.templateFiles = templateFiles .filter(Boolean) // Add custom template files .concat( => { return Object.assign( { src: r(this.options.srcDir, t.src || t), dst: t.dst || path.basename(t.src || t), custom: true }, t ) }) ) } async resolveLoadingIndicator({ templateFiles }) { if ( { let indicatorPath = path.resolve( this.template.dir, 'views/loading', + '.html' ) let customIndicator = false if (!await fsExtra.exists(indicatorPath)) { indicatorPath = this.nuxt.resolver.resolveAlias( ) if (fsExtra.existsSync(indicatorPath)) { customIndicator = true } else { indicatorPath = null } } if (indicatorPath) { templateFiles.push({ src: indicatorPath, dst: 'loading.html', custom: customIndicator, options: this.options.loadingIndicator }) } else { consola.error( `Could not fetch loading indicator: ${ }` ) } } } async compileTemplates(templateContext) { // Prepare template options const { templateVars, templateFiles, templateOptions } = templateContext await this.nuxt.callHook('build:templates', { templateVars, templatesFiles: templateFiles, resolve: r }) templateOptions.imports = { ...templateOptions.imports, resolvePath: this.nuxt.resolver.resolvePath, resolveAlias: this.nuxt.resolver.resolveAlias, relativeToBuild: this.relativeToBuild } // Interpret and move template files to .nuxt/ await Promise.all( ({ src, dst, options, custom }) => { // Add custom templates to watcher if (custom) { } // Render template to dst const fileContent = await fsExtra.readFile(src, 'utf8') let content try { const templateFunction = template(fileContent, templateOptions) content = stripWhitespace( templateFunction( Object.assign({}, templateVars, { options: options || {}, custom, src, dst }) ) ) } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Could not compile template ${src}: ${err.message}`) } const _path = r(this.options.buildDir, dst) // Ensure parent dir exits and write file await fsExtra.outputFile(_path, content, 'utf8') }) ) } resolvePlugins() { // Check plugins exist then set alias to their real path return Promise.all( (p) => { const ext = '{?(.+([^.])),/index.+([^.])}' const pluginFiles = await glob(`${p.src}${ext}`) if (!pluginFiles || pluginFiles.length === 0) { throw new Error(`Plugin not found: ${p.src}`) } if (pluginFiles.length > 1 && !isIndexFileAndFolder(pluginFiles)) { consola.warn({ message: `Found ${pluginFiles.length} plugins that match the configuration, suggest to specify extension:`, additional: '\n' + => `- ${x}`).join('\n') }) } const modes = ['client', 'server'] const modePattern = new RegExp(`\\.(${modes.join('|')})\\.\\w+$`) pluginFiles[0].replace(modePattern, (_, mode) => { // mode in nuxt.config has higher priority if (p.mode === 'all' && modes.includes(mode)) { p.mode = mode } }) p.src = this.relativeToBuild(p.src) })) } // TODO: Uncomment when generateConfig enabled again // async generateConfig() /* istanbul ignore next */ { // const config = path.resolve(this.options.buildDir, 'build.config.js') // const options = omit(this.options, Options.unsafeKeys) // await fsExtra.writeFile( // config, // `export default ${JSON.stringify(options, null, ' ')}`, // 'utf8' // ) // } watchClient() { const src = this.options.srcDir const rGlob = dir => ['*', '**/*'].map(glob => r(src, `${dir}/${glob}.{${this.supportedExtensions.join(',')}}`)) let patterns = [ r(src, this.options.dir.layouts), r(src,, r(src, this.options.dir.middleware), ...rGlob(this.options.dir.layouts) ] if (this._nuxtPages) { patterns.push( r(src, this.options.dir.pages), ...rGlob(this.options.dir.pages) ) } patterns = const options = this.options.watchers.chokidar /* istanbul ignore next */ const refreshFiles = debounce(() => this.generateRoutesAndFiles(), 200) // Watch for src Files this.watchers.files = chokidar .watch(patterns, options) .on('add', refreshFiles) .on('unlink', refreshFiles) this.watchCustom(refreshFiles) } watchCustom(refreshFiles, refresh) { const options = this.options.watchers.chokidar // Watch for custom provided files const customPatterns = uniq([, ...Object.values(omit(, ['options'])) ]).map(upath.normalizeSafe) if (customPatterns.length === 0) { return } if (refresh) { refreshFiles() } this.watchers.custom = chokidar .watch(customPatterns, options) .on('change', refreshFiles) const { rewatchOnRawEvents } = this.options.watchers if (rewatchOnRawEvents && Array.isArray(rewatchOnRawEvents)) { this.watchers.custom.on('raw', (_event, _path, opts) => { if (rewatchOnRawEvents.includes(_event)) { this.watchers.custom.close() this.watchers.custom = null this.watchCustom(refreshFiles, true) } }) } } watchRestart() { const nuxtRestartWatch = [ // Server middleware ...this.options.serverMiddleware.filter(isString), // Custom watchers ].map(this.nuxt.resolver.resolveAlias) if (this.ignore.ignoreFile) { nuxtRestartWatch.push(this.ignore.ignoreFile) } this.watchers.restart = chokidar .watch(nuxtRestartWatch, this.options.watchers.chokidar) .on('all', (event, _path) => { if (['add', 'change', 'unlink'].includes(event) === false) { return } this.nuxt.callHook('watch:fileChanged', this, _path) // Legacy this.nuxt.callHook('watch:restart', { event, path: _path }) }) } unwatch() { for (const watcher in this.watchers) { this.watchers[watcher].close() } } async close() { if (this.__closed) { return } this.__closed = true // Unwatch this.unwatch() // Close bundleBuilder if (typeof this.bundleBuilder.close === 'function') { await this.bundleBuilder.close() } } } const STATUS = { INITIAL: 1, BUILD_DONE: 2, BUILDING: 3 }