import path from 'path' import escapeRegExp from 'lodash/escapeRegExp' import get from 'lodash/get' import consola from 'consola' import serialize from 'serialize-javascript' export const encodeHtml = function encodeHtml(str) { return str.replace(//g, '>') } export const getContext = function getContext(req, res) { return { req, res } } export const waitFor = function waitFor(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms || 0)) } export const isString = obj => typeof obj === 'string' || obj instanceof String export const isNonEmptyString = obj => obj && isString(obj) export const startsWithAlias = aliasArray => str => aliasArray.some(c => str.startsWith(c)) export const startsWithSrcAlias = startsWithAlias(['@', '~']) export const startsWithRootAlias = startsWithAlias(['@@', '~~']) async function promiseFinally(fn, finalFn) { let result try { if (typeof fn === 'function') { result = await fn() } else { result = await fn } } finally { finalFn() } return result } export const timeout = function timeout(fn, ms, msg) { let timerId const warpPromise = promiseFinally(fn, () => clearTimeout(timerId)) const timerPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { timerId = setTimeout(() => reject(new Error(msg)), ms) }) return Promise.race([warpPromise, timerPromise]) } export const urlJoin = function urlJoin() { return [].slice .call(arguments) .join('/') .replace(/\/+/g, '/') .replace(':/', '://') } export const isUrl = function isUrl(url) { return ['http', '//'].some(str => url.startsWith(str)) } export const promisifyRoute = function promisifyRoute(fn, ...args) { // If routes is an array if (Array.isArray(fn)) { return Promise.resolve(fn) } // If routes is a function expecting a callback if (fn.length === arguments.length) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fn((err, routeParams) => { if (err) { reject(err) } resolve(routeParams) }, ...args) }) } let promise = fn(...args) if ( !promise || (!(promise instanceof Promise) && typeof promise.then !== 'function') ) { promise = Promise.resolve(promise) } return promise } export const sequence = function sequence(tasks, fn) { return tasks.reduce( (promise, task) => promise.then(() => fn(task)), Promise.resolve() ) } export const parallel = function parallel(tasks, fn) { return Promise.all( } export const chainFn = function chainFn(base, fn) { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (typeof fn !== 'function') { return base } return function () { if (typeof base !== 'function') { return fn.apply(this, arguments) } let baseResult = base.apply(this, arguments) // Allow function to mutate the first argument instead of returning the result if (baseResult === undefined) { baseResult = arguments[0] } const fnResult = this, baseResult,, 1) ) // Return mutated argument if no result was returned if (fnResult === undefined) { return baseResult } return fnResult } } export const isPureObject = function isPureObject(o) { return !Array.isArray(o) && typeof o === 'object' } export const isWindows = /^win/.test(process.platform) export const wp = function wp(p = '') { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (isWindows) { return p.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\') } return p } export const wChunk = function wChunk(p = '') { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (isWindows) { return p.replace(/\//g, '_') } return p } const reqSep = /\//g const sysSep = escapeRegExp(path.sep) const normalize = string => string.replace(reqSep, sysSep) export const r = function r(...args) { const lastArg = args[args.length - 1] if (startsWithSrcAlias(lastArg)) { return wp(lastArg) } return wp(path.resolve( } export const relativeTo = function relativeTo() { const args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments) const dir = args.shift() // Keep webpack inline loader intact if (args[0].includes('!')) { const loaders = args.shift().split('!') return loaders.concat(relativeTo(dir, loaders.pop(), ...args)).join('!') } // Resolve path const _path = r(...args) // Check if path is an alias if (startsWithSrcAlias(_path)) { return _path } // Make correct relative path let rp = path.relative(dir, _path) if (rp[0] !== '.') { rp = './' + rp } return wp(rp) } export const flatRoutes = function flatRoutes(router, _path = '', routes = []) { router.forEach((r) => { if ([':', '*'].some(c => r.path.includes(c))) { return } /* istanbul ignore if */ if (r.children) { if (_path === '' && r.path === '/') { routes.push('/') } return flatRoutes(r.children, _path + r.path + '/', routes) } _path = _path.replace(/^\/+$/, '/') routes.push( (r.path === '' && _path[_path.length - 1] === '/' ? _path.slice(0, -1) : _path) + r.path ) }) return routes } function cleanChildrenRoutes(routes, isChild = false) { let start = -1 const routesIndex = [] routes.forEach((route) => { if (/-index$/.test( || === 'index') { // Save indexOf 'index' key in name const res ='-') const s = res.indexOf('index') start = start === -1 || s < start ? s : start routesIndex.push(res) } }) routes.forEach((route) => { route.path = isChild ? route.path.replace('/', '') : route.path if (route.path.includes('?')) { const names ='-') const paths = route.path.split('/') if (!isChild) { paths.shift() } // clean first / for parents routesIndex.forEach((r) => { const i = r.indexOf('index') - start // children names if (i < paths.length) { for (let a = 0; a <= i; a++) { if (a === i) { paths[a] = paths[a].replace('?', '') } if (a < i && names[a] !== r[a]) { break } } } }) route.path = (isChild ? '' : '/') + paths.join('/') } =$/, '') if (route.children) { if (route.children.find(child => child.path === '')) { delete } route.children = cleanChildrenRoutes(route.children, true) } }) return routes } const DYNAMIC_ROUTE_REGEX = /^\/([:*])/ const sortRoutes = function sortRoutes(routes) { routes.sort((a, b) => { if (!a.path.length) { return -1 } if (!b.path.length) { return 1 } // Order: /static, /index, /:dynamic // Match exact route before index: /login before /index/_slug if (a.path === '/') { return DYNAMIC_ROUTE_REGEX.test(b.path) ? -1 : 1 } if (b.path === '/') { return DYNAMIC_ROUTE_REGEX.test(a.path) ? 1 : -1 } let i let res = 0 let y = 0 let z = 0 const _a = a.path.split('/') const _b = b.path.split('/') for (i = 0; i < _a.length; i++) { if (res !== 0) { break } y = _a[i] === '*' ? 2 : _a[i].includes(':') ? 1 : 0 z = _b[i] === '*' ? 2 : _b[i].includes(':') ? 1 : 0 res = y - z // If a.length >= b.length if (i === _b.length - 1 && res === 0) { // unless * found sort by level, then alphabetically res = _a[i] === '*' ? -1 : ( _a.length === _b.length ? a.path.localeCompare(b.path) : (_a.length - _b.length) ) } } if (res === 0) { // unless * found sort by level, then alphabetically res = _a[i - 1] === '*' && _b[i] ? 1 : ( _a.length === _b.length ? a.path.localeCompare(b.path) : (_a.length - _b.length) ) } return res }) routes.forEach((route) => { if (route.children) { sortRoutes(route.children) } }) return routes } export const createRoutes = function createRoutes(files, srcDir, pagesDir) { const supportedExtensions = ['vue', 'js', 'ts'] const routes = [] files.forEach((file) => { const keys = file .replace(new RegExp(`^${pagesDir}`), '') .replace(new RegExp(`\\.(${supportedExtensions.join('|')})$`), '') .replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/') .split('/') .slice(1) const route = { name: '', path: '', component: r(srcDir, file) } let parent = routes keys.forEach((key, i) => { // remove underscore only, if its the prefix const sanitizedKey = key.startsWith('_') ? key.substr(1) : key = ? + '-' + sanitizedKey : sanitizedKey += key === '_' ? 'all' : '' route.chunkName = file.replace(new RegExp(`\\.(${supportedExtensions.join('|')})$`), '') const child = parent.find(parentRoute => === if (child) { child.children = child.children || [] parent = child.children route.path = '' } else if (key === 'index' && i + 1 === keys.length) { route.path += i > 0 ? '' : '/' } else { route.path += '/' + getRoutePathExtension(key) if (key.startsWith('_') && key.length > 1) { route.path += '?' } } }) parent.push(route) }) sortRoutes(routes) return cleanChildrenRoutes(routes) } // Guard dir1 from dir2 which can be indiscriminately removed export const guardDir = function guardDir(options, key1, key2) { const dir1 = get(options, key1, false) const dir2 = get(options, key2, false) if ( dir1 && dir2 && ( dir1 === dir2 || ( dir1.startsWith(dir2) && !path.basename(dir1).startsWith(path.basename(dir2)) ) ) ) { const errorMessage = `options.${key2} cannot be a parent of or same as ${key1}` consola.fatal(errorMessage) throw new Error(errorMessage) } } export const determineGlobals = function determineGlobals(globalName, globals) { const _globals = {} for (const global in globals) { if (typeof globals[global] === 'function') { _globals[global] = globals[global](globalName) } else { _globals[global] = globals[global] } } return _globals } const getRoutePathExtension = (key) => { if (key === '_') { return '*' } if (key.startsWith('_')) { return `:${key.substr(1)}` } return key } /** * Wraps value in array if it is not already an array * * @param {any} value * @return {array} */ export const wrapArray = value => Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value] const WHITESPACE_REPLACEMENTS = [ [/[ \t\f\r]+\n/g, '\n'], // strip empty indents [/{\n{2,}/g, '{\n'], // strip start padding from blocks [/\n{2,}([ \t\f\r]*})/g, '\n$1'], // strip end padding from blocks [/\n{3,}/g, '\n\n'], // strip multiple blank lines (1 allowed) [/\n{2,}$/g, '\n'] // strip blank lines EOF (0 allowed) ] export const stripWhitespace = function stripWhitespace(string) { WHITESPACE_REPLACEMENTS.forEach(([regex, newSubstr]) => { string = string.replace(regex, newSubstr) }) return string } export function defineAlias(src, target, prop, opts = {}) { const { bind = true, warn = false } = opts if (Array.isArray(prop)) { for (const p of prop) { defineAlias(src, target, p, opts) } return } let targetVal = target[prop] if (bind && typeof targetVal === 'function') { targetVal = targetVal.bind(target) } let warned = false Object.defineProperty(src, prop, { get: () => { if (warn && !warned) { warned = true consola.warn({ message: `'${prop}' is deprecated'`, additional: new Error().stack.split('\n').splice(2).join('\n') }) } return targetVal } }) } export function serializeFunction(func) { let open = false return serialize(func) .replace(/^(\s*):(\w+)\(/gm, (_, spaces) => { return `${spaces}:function(` }) .replace(/^(\s*)(\w+)\s*\((.*?)\)\s*\{/gm, (_, spaces, name, args) => { if (open) { return `${spaces}${name}:function(${args}) {` } else { open = true return _ } }) .replace(`${}(`, 'function(') }