import test from 'ava' import { resolve } from 'path' import { intercept, release } from './helpers/console' import { Nuxt, Builder, Utils } from '..' import { truncateSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs' const port = 4001 const url = (route) => 'http://localhost:' + port + route const rootDir = resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/basic') const pluginPath = resolve(rootDir, 'plugins', 'watch.js') const pluginContent = readFileSync(pluginPath) let nuxt = null // Init nuxt.js and create server listening on localhost:4000 test.serial('Init Nuxt.js', async t => { const options = { rootDir, buildDir: '.nuxt-dev', dev: true, build: { stats: false, profile: true, extractCSS: { allChunks: true } }, plugins: [ '~/plugins/watch.js' ] } const spies = await intercept({ log: true, stderr: true }, async () => { nuxt = new Nuxt(options) await new Builder(nuxt).build() await nuxt.listen(port, 'localhost') }) t.true(spies.log.calledWithMatch('DONE')) t.true(spies.log.calledWithMatch('OPEN')) }) test.serial('/extractCSS', async t => { const window = await nuxt.renderAndGetWindow(url('/extractCSS')) const html = window.document.head.innerHTML t.true(html.includes('vendor.css')) t.true(!html.includes('30px'))'font-size'), '30px') }) test.serial('remove mixins in live reloading', async t => { const spies = await intercept({ log: true, error: true, stderr: true }) await nuxt.renderRoute(url('/')) t.true(spies.log.calledWith('I am mixin')) truncateSync(pluginPath) await new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let waitTimes = 0 while (spies.log.neverCalledWithMatch(/Compiled successfully/)) { if (waitTimes++ >= 20) {'Dev server doesn\'t reload after 2000ms') reject(Error()) } await Utils.waitFor(100) } resolve() }) spies.log.reset() await nuxt.renderRoute(url('/')) t.true(spies.log.neverCalledWith('I am mixin'))[0].statusCode, 404) release() }) test.serial('/stateless', async t => { const spies = await intercept() const window = await nuxt.renderAndGetWindow(url('/stateless')) const html = window.document.body.innerHTML t.true(html.includes('

My component!

')) t.true('You are running Vue in development mode.')) release() }) // test('/_nuxt/ should returns empty html', async t => { // try { // await rp(url('/_nuxt/')) // } catch (err) { //, 404) //, '') // } // }) // Close server and ask nuxt to stop listening to file changes test.after.always('Closing server and nuxt.js', async t => { writeFileSync(pluginPath, pluginContent) await nuxt.close() })