--- title: "Kit Utilities" description: Nuxt Kit provides composable utilities to help interacting with Nuxt Hooks and Nuxt Builder. --- # Kit Utilities ::ReadMore{link="/docs/guide/going-further/kit"} :: ## Modules [source code](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/kit/src/module) ### `installModule` Install specified Nuxt module programmatically. This is helpful when your module depends on other modules. You can pass the module options as an object to `inlineOptions` and they will be passed to the module's `setup` function. #### Type ```ts async function installModule (moduleToInstall: string | NuxtModule, inlineOptions?: any, nuxt?: Nuxt) ``` #### Parameters ##### `moduleToInstall` **Type**: `string` | `NuxtModule` **Required**: `true` The module to install. Can be either a string with the module name or a module object itself. ##### `inlineOptions` **Type**: `any` **Default**: `{}` An object with the module options to be passed to the module's `setup` function. ##### `nuxt` **Type**: `Nuxt` **Default**: `useNuxt()` Nuxt instance. If not provided, it will be retrieved from the context via `useNuxt()` call. #### Examples ```ts import { defineNuxtModule, installModule } from '@nuxt/kit' export default defineNuxtModule({ async setup (options, nuxt) { // will install @nuxtjs/fontaine with Roboto font and Impact fallback await installModule('@nuxtjs/fontaine', { // module configuration fonts: [ { family: 'Roboto', fallbacks: ['Impact'], fallbackName: 'fallback-a', } ] }) } }) ``` ## Programmatic Usage [source code](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/kit/src/loader) Programmatic usage can be helpfull when you want to use Nuxt programmatically, for example, when building a [CLI tool](https://github.com/nuxt/cli) or [test utils](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/tree/main/packages/test-utils). ### `loadNuxt` Load Nuxt programmatically. It will load the Nuxt configuration, instantiate and return the promise with Nuxt instance. #### Type ```ts async function loadNuxt (loadOptions?: LoadNuxtOptions): Promise interface LoadNuxtOptions extends LoadNuxtConfigOptions { dev?: boolean ready?: boolean rootDir?: string config?: LoadNuxtConfigOptions['overrides'] } ``` #### Parameters ##### `loadOptions` **Type**: `LoadNuxtOptions` **Default**: `{}` Loading conditions for Nuxt. `loadNuxt` uses [`c12`](https://github.com/unjs/c12) under the hood, so it accepts the same options as `c12.loadConfig` with some additional options: - `dev` (optional) **Type**: `boolean` **Default**: `false` If set to `true`, Nuxt will be loaded in development mode. - `ready` (optional) **Type**: `boolean` **Default**: `true` If set to `true`, Nuxt will be ready to use after the `loadNuxt` call. If set to `false`, you will need to call `nuxt.ready()` to make sure Nuxt is ready to use. - `rootDir` (optional) **Type**: `string` **Default**: `null` **Deprecated**: Use `cwd` option instead. The root directory of the Nuxt project. - `config` (optional) **Type**: `LoadNuxtConfigOptions['overrides']` **Default**: `{}` **Deprecated**: Use `overrides` option instead. Overrides for the Nuxt configuration. ### `buildNuxt` Build Nuxt programmatically. It will invoke the builder (currently [@nuxt/vite-builder](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/tree/main/packages/vite) or [@nuxt/webpack-builder](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/tree/main/packages/webpack)) to bundle the application. #### Type ```ts async function buildNuxt (nuxt: Nuxt): Promise ``` #### Parameters ##### `nuxt` **Type**: `Nuxt` **Required**: `true` Nuxt instance to build. It can be retrieved from the context via `useNuxt()` call. ### `loadNuxtConfig` Load Nuxt configuration. It will return the promise with the configuration object. #### Type ```ts async function loadNuxtConfig (opts: LoadNuxtConfigOptions): Promise ``` #### Parameters ##### `opts` **Type**: `LoadNuxtConfigOptions` **Required**: `true` Options to pass in [`c12`](https://github.com/unjs/c12#options) `loadConfig` call. ## Compatibility [source code](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/kit/src/compatibility.ts) - `checkNuxtCompatibility(constraints)` - `assertNuxtCompatibility(constraints)` - `hasNuxtCompatibility(constraints)` - `isNuxt2()` - `isNuxt3()` - `getNuxtVersion()` ## Auto-imports [source code](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/kit/src/imports.ts) - `addImports(imports)` - `addImportsDir(importDirs, { prepend? })` - `addImportsSources(importSources)` ## Components [source code](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/kit/src/components.ts) - `addComponentsDir(dir)` - `addComponent(componentObject)` ## Context [source code](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/kit/src/context.ts) - `useNuxt()` ## Pages [source code](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/kit/src/pages.ts) - `extendPages (callback: pages => void)` - `extendRouteRules (route: string, rule: NitroRouteConfig, options: ExtendRouteRulesOptions)` - `addRouteMiddleware (input: NuxtMiddleware | NuxtMiddleware[], options: AddRouteMiddlewareOptions)` ## Plugins [source code](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/kit/src/plugin.ts) - `addPlugin(pluginOptions, { append? })` - `addPluginTemplate(pluginOptions, { append? })` ## Templates [source code](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/kit/src/template.ts) - `addTemplate(templateOptions)` - `addTypeTemplate(templateOptions)` - `updateTemplates({ filter?: ResolvedNuxtTemplate => boolean })` ## Nitro [source code](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/kit/src/nitro.ts) - `addServerHandler (handler)` - `addDevServerHandler (handler)` - `useNitro()` (only usable after `ready` hook) - `addServerPlugin` - `addPrerenderRoutes` ## Resolving [source code](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/kit/src/resolve.ts) - `resolvePath (path, resolveOptions?)` - `resolveAlias (path, aliases?)` - `findPath (paths, resolveOptions?)` - `createResolver (base)` ## Logging [source code](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/kit/src/logger.ts) - `useLogger(scope?)` ## Builder [source code](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/kit/src/build.ts) - `extendWebpackConfig(callback, options?)` - `extendViteConfig(callback, options?)` - `addWebpackPlugin(webpackPlugin, options?)` - `addVitePlugin(vitePlugin, options?)`