# `definePageMeta` `definePageMeta` is a compiler macro that you can use to set metadata for your **page** components located in the `pages/` directory (unless [set otherwise](https://v3.nuxtjs.org/api/configuration/nuxt.config#pages)). This way you can set custom metadata for each static or dynamic route of your Nuxt application. ```vue [pages/some-page.vue] ``` ::ReadMore{link="/guide/directory-structure/pages/#page-metadata"} :: ## Type ```ts definePageMeta(meta: PageMeta) => void interface PageMeta { pageTransition?: boolean | TransitionProps layoutTransition?: boolean | TransitionProps key?: false | string | ((route: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded) => string) keepalive?: boolean | KeepAliveProps layout?: false | LayoutKey | Ref | ComputedRef middleware?: MiddlewareKey | NavigationGuard | Array [key: string]: any } ``` ## Parameters ### `meta` - **Type**: `PageMeta` An object accepting the following page metadata: **`pageTransition`** - **Type**: `boolean` | [`TransitionProps`](https://vuejs.org/api/built-in-components.html#transition) Set name of the transition to apply for current page. You can also set this value to `false` to disable the page transition. **`layoutTransition`** - **Type**: `boolean` | [`TransitionProps`](https://vuejs.org/api/built-in-components.html#transition) Set name of the transition to apply for current layout. You can also set this value to `false` to disable the layout transition. **`key`** - **Type**: `false` | `string` | `((route: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded) => string)` Set `key` value when you need more control over when the `` component is re-rendered. **`keepalive`** - **Type**: `boolean` | [`KeepAliveProps`](https://vuejs.org/api/built-in-components.html#keepalive) Set to `true` when you want to preserve page state across route changes or use the [`KeepAliveProps`](https://vuejs.org/api/built-in-components.html#keepalive) for a fine-grained control. **`layout`** - **Type**: `false` | `LayoutKey` | `Ref` | `ComputedRef` Set a static or dynamic name of the layout for each route. This can be set to `false` in case the default layout needs to be disabled. **`middleware`** - **Type**: `MiddlewareKey` | [`NavigationGuard`](https://router.vuejs.org/api/interfaces/NavigationGuard.html#navigationguard) | `Array` Define anonymous or named middleware directly within `definePageMeta`. Learn more about [route middleware](/docs/directory-structure/middleware). **`[key: string]`** - **Type**: `any` Apart from the above properties, you can also set **custom** metadata. You may wish to do so in a type-safe way by [augmenting the type of the `meta` object](/guide/directory-structure/pages/#typing-custom-metadata). ## Examples ### Basic Usage The example below demonstrates: - how `key` can be a function that returns a value; - how `keepalive` property makes sure that the `` component is not cached when switching between multiple components; - adding `pageType` as a custom property: ```vue [pages/some-page.vue] ``` ### Defining Middleware The example below shows how the middleware can be defined using a `function` directly within the `definePageMeta` or set as a `string` that matches the middleware file name located in the `middleware/` directory: ```vue [pages/some-page.vue] ``` ### Defining Layout You can define the layout that matches the layout's file name located (by default) in the `layouts/` directory. You can also disable the layout by setting the `layout` to `false`: ```vue [pages/some-page.vue] ``` ::ReadMore{link="/guide/features/routing"} ::