import { promises as fsp } from 'node:fs' import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url' import { beforeAll, describe, expect, it } from 'vitest' import { isWindows } from 'std-env' import { join } from 'pathe' import { $fetch as _$fetch, fetch, setup } from '@nuxt/test-utils/e2e' import { expectNoErrorsOrWarnings, expectWithPolling, renderPage } from './utils' // TODO: update @nuxt/test-utils const $fetch = _$fetch as import('nitro/types').$Fetch const isWebpack = process.env.TEST_BUILDER === 'webpack' || process.env.TEST_BUILDER === 'rspack' // TODO: fix HMR on Windows if (process.env.TEST_ENV !== 'built' && !isWindows) { const fixturePath = fileURLToPath(new URL('./fixtures-temp/hmr', import.meta.url)) await setup({ rootDir: fixturePath, dev: true, server: true, browser: true, setupTimeout: (isWindows ? 360 : 120) * 1000, nuxtConfig: { builder: isWebpack ? 'webpack' : 'vite', }, }) const indexVue = await fsp.readFile(join(fixturePath, 'pages/index.vue'), 'utf8') describe('hmr', () => { beforeAll(async () => { await expectWithPolling(() => $fetch('/').then(r => r.includes('Home page')).catch(() => null), true) }) it('should work', async () => { const { page, pageErrors, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/') expect(await page.title()).toBe('HMR fixture') expect(await page.getByTestId('count').textContent()).toBe('1') // reactive await page.getByRole('button').click() expect(await page.getByTestId('count').textContent()).toBe('2') // modify file let newContents = indexVue .replace('HMR fixture', 'HMR fixture HMR') .replace('

Home page

', '

Home page - but not as you knew it

') newContents += '' await fsp.writeFile(join(fixturePath, 'pages/index.vue'), newContents) await expectWithPolling(() => page.title(), 'HMR fixture HMR') // content HMR const h1 = page.getByRole('heading') expect(await h1!.textContent()).toBe('Home page - but not as you knew it') // style HMR const h1Color = await h1.evaluate(el => window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('color')) expect(h1Color).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"rgb(255, 0, 0)"') // ensure no errors expectNoErrorsOrWarnings(consoleLogs) expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) await page.close() }) it('should detect new routes', async () => { const res = await fetch('/some-404') expect(res.status).toBe(404) // write new page route await fsp.writeFile(join(fixturePath, 'pages/some-404.vue'), indexVue) await expectWithPolling(() => $fetch('/some-404').then(r => r.includes('Home page')).catch(() => null), true) }) it('should hot reload route rules', async () => { await expectWithPolling(() => fetch('/route-rules').then(r => r.headers.get('x-extend')).catch(() => null), 'added in routeRules') // write new page route const file = await fsp.readFile(join(fixturePath, 'pages/route-rules.vue'), 'utf8') await fsp.writeFile(join(fixturePath, 'pages/route-rules.vue'), file.replace('added in routeRules', 'edited in dev')) await expectWithPolling(() => fetch('/route-rules').then(r => r.headers.get('x-extend')).catch(() => null), 'edited in dev') }) it('should HMR islands', async () => { const { page, pageErrors, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/server-component') const componentPath = join(fixturePath, 'components/islands/HmrComponent.vue') const componentContents = await fsp.readFile(componentPath, 'utf8') const triggerHmr = (number: string) => fsp.writeFile(componentPath, componentContents.replace('ref(0)', `ref(${number})`)) // initial state await expectWithPolling(async () => await page.getByTestId('hmr-id').innerText(), '0') // first edit await triggerHmr('1') await expectWithPolling(async () => await page.getByTestId('hmr-id').innerText(), '1') // just in-case await triggerHmr('2') await expectWithPolling(async () => await page.getByTestId('hmr-id').innerText(), '2') // ensure no errors expectNoErrorsOrWarnings(consoleLogs) expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) await page.close() }) it.skipIf(isWebpack)('should HMR page meta', async () => { const { page, pageErrors, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/page-meta') const pagePath = join(fixturePath, 'pages/page-meta.vue') const pageContents = await fsp.readFile(pagePath, 'utf8') expect(JSON.parse(await page.getByTestId('meta').textContent() || '{}')).toStrictEqual({ some: 'stuff' }) const initialConsoleLogs = structuredClone(consoleLogs) await fsp.writeFile(pagePath, pageContents.replace(`some: 'stuff'`, `some: 'other stuff'`)) await expectWithPolling(async () => await page.getByTestId('meta').textContent() || '{}', JSON.stringify({ some: 'other stuff' }, null, 2)) expect(consoleLogs).toStrictEqual([ ...initialConsoleLogs, { 'text': '[vite] hot updated: /pages/page-meta.vue', 'type': 'debug', }, { 'text': '[vite] hot updated: /pages/page-meta.vue?macro=true', 'type': 'debug', }, { 'text': `[vite] hot updated: /@id/virtual:nuxt:${encodeURIComponent(join(fixturePath, '.nuxt/routes.mjs'))}`, 'type': 'debug', }, ]) // ensure no errors expectNoErrorsOrWarnings(consoleLogs) expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) await page.close() }) it.skipIf(isWebpack)('should HMR routes', { timeout: 60_000 }, async () => { const { page, pageErrors, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/routes') await fsp.writeFile(join(fixturePath, 'pages/routes/non-existent.vue'), ``) await expectWithPolling(() => consoleLogs.some(log => log.text.includes('hmr')), true) await page.getByRole('link').click() await expectWithPolling(() => page.getByTestId('contents').textContent(), 'A new route!') for (const log of consoleLogs) { if (log.text.includes('No match found for location with path "/routes/non-existent"')) { // we expect this warning before the routes are updated log.type = 'debug' } } // ensure no errors expectNoErrorsOrWarnings(consoleLogs) expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) await page.close() }) }) } else { describe.skip('hmr', () => {}) }