import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url' import { existsSync } from 'node:fs' import { builtinModules } from 'node:module' import { isAbsolute, normalize, resolve } from 'pathe' import type * as vite from 'vite' import type { isExternal } from 'externality' import { genDynamicImport, genObjectFromRawEntries } from 'knitwork' import fse from 'fs-extra' import { debounce } from 'perfect-debounce' import { isIgnored, logger } from '@nuxt/kit' import { hashId, isCSS, uniq } from './utils' import { createIsExternal } from './utils/external' import { writeManifest } from './manifest' import type { ViteBuildContext } from './vite' interface TransformChunk { id: string, code: string, deps: string[], parents: string[] } interface SSRTransformResult { code: string, map: object, deps: string[] dynamicDeps: string[] } interface TransformOptions { viteServer: vite.ViteDevServer isExternal(id: string): ReturnType<typeof isExternal> } async function transformRequest (opts: TransformOptions, id: string) { // Virtual modules start with `\0` if (id && id.startsWith('/@id/__x00__')) { id = '\0' + id.slice('/@id/__x00__'.length) } if (id && id.startsWith('/@id/')) { id = id.slice('/@id/'.length) } if (id && !id.startsWith('/@fs/') && id.startsWith('/')) { // Relative to the root directory const resolvedPath = resolve(opts.viteServer.config.root, '.' + id) if (existsSync(resolvedPath)) { id = resolvedPath } } // On Windows, we prefix absolute paths with `/@fs/` to skip node resolution algorithm id = id.replace(/^\/?(?=\w:)/, '/@fs/') // Remove query and @fs/ for external modules const externalId = id.replace(/\?v=\w+$|^\/@fs/, '') if (await opts.isExternal(externalId)) { const path = builtinModules.includes(externalId.split('node:').pop()!) ? externalId : isAbsolute(externalId) ? pathToFileURL(externalId).href : externalId return { code: `(global, module, _, exports, importMeta, ssrImport, ssrDynamicImport, ssrExportAll) => ${genDynamicImport(path, { wrapper: false })} .then(r => { if (r.default && r.default.__esModule) r = r.default exports.default = r.default ssrExportAll(r) }) .catch(e => { console.error(e) throw new Error(${JSON.stringify(`[vite dev] Error loading external "${id}".`)}) })`, deps: [], dynamicDeps: [] } } // Transform const res: SSRTransformResult = await opts.viteServer.transformRequest(id, { ssr: true }).catch((err) => { logger.warn(`[SSR] Error transforming ${id}:`, err) // console.error(err) }) as SSRTransformResult || { code: '', map: {}, deps: [], dynamicDeps: [] } // Wrap into a vite module const code = `async function (global, module, exports, __vite_ssr_exports__, __vite_ssr_import_meta__, __vite_ssr_import__, __vite_ssr_dynamic_import__, __vite_ssr_exportAll__) { ${res.code || '/* empty */'}; }` return { code, deps: res.deps || [], dynamicDeps: res.dynamicDeps || [] } } async function transformRequestRecursive (opts: TransformOptions, id: string, parent = '<entry>', chunks: Record<string, TransformChunk> = {}) { if (chunks[id]) { chunks[id].parents.push(parent) return } const res = await transformRequest(opts, id) const deps = uniq([...res.deps, ...res.dynamicDeps]) chunks[id] = { id, code: res.code, deps, parents: [parent] } as TransformChunk for (const dep of deps) { await transformRequestRecursive(opts, dep, id, chunks) } return Object.values(chunks) } async function bundleRequest (opts: TransformOptions, entryURL: string) { const chunks = (await transformRequestRecursive(opts, entryURL))! const listIds = (ids: string[]) => => `// - ${id} (${hashId(id)})`).join('\n') const chunksCode = => ` // -------------------- // Request: ${} // Parents: \n${listIds(chunk.parents)} // Dependencies: \n${listIds(chunk.deps)} // -------------------- const ${hashId( + '-' + chunk.code)} = ${chunk.code} `).join('\n') const manifestCode = `const __modules__ = ${ genObjectFromRawEntries( => [, hashId( + '-' + chunk.code)])) }` // const ssrModuleLoader = ` const __pendingModules__ = new Map() const __pendingImports__ = new Map() const __ssrContext__ = { global: globalThis } function __ssrLoadModule__(url, urlStack = []) { const pendingModule = __pendingModules__.get(url) if (pendingModule) { return pendingModule } const modulePromise = __instantiateModule__(url, urlStack) __pendingModules__.set(url, modulePromise) modulePromise.catch(() => { __pendingModules__.delete(url) }) .finally(() => { __pendingModules__.delete(url) }) return modulePromise } async function __instantiateModule__(url, urlStack) { const mod = __modules__[url] if (mod.stubModule) { return mod.stubModule } const stubModule = { [Symbol.toStringTag]: 'Module' } Object.defineProperty(stubModule, '__esModule', { value: true }) mod.stubModule = stubModule // const importMeta = { url, hot: { accept() {}, prune() {}, dispose() {}, invalidate() {}, decline() {}, on() {} } } urlStack = urlStack.concat(url) const isCircular = url => urlStack.includes(url) const pendingDeps = [] const ssrImport = async (dep) => { // TODO: Handle externals if dep[0] !== '.' | '/' if (!isCircular(dep) && !__pendingImports__.get(dep)?.some(isCircular)) { pendingDeps.push(dep) if (pendingDeps.length === 1) { __pendingImports__.set(url, pendingDeps) } await __ssrLoadModule__(dep, urlStack) if (pendingDeps.length === 1) { __pendingImports__.delete(url) } else { pendingDeps.splice(pendingDeps.indexOf(dep), 1) } } return __modules__[dep].stubModule } function ssrDynamicImport (dep) { // TODO: Handle dynamic import starting with . relative to url return ssrImport(dep) } function ssrExportAll(sourceModule) { for (const key in sourceModule) { if (key !== 'default') { try { Object.defineProperty(stubModule, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() { return sourceModule[key] } }) } catch (_err) { } } } } const cjsModule = { get exports () { return stubModule.default }, set exports (v) { stubModule.default = v }, } await mod(, cjsModule, stubModule.default, stubModule, importMeta, ssrImport, ssrDynamicImport, ssrExportAll ) return stubModule } ` const code = [ chunksCode, manifestCode, ssrModuleLoader, `export default await __ssrLoadModule__(${JSON.stringify(entryURL)})` ].join('\n\n') return { code, ids: => } } export async function initViteDevBundler (ctx: ViteBuildContext, onBuild: () => Promise<any>) { const viteServer = ctx.ssrServer! const options: TransformOptions = { viteServer, isExternal: createIsExternal(viteServer, ctx.nuxt.options.rootDir, ctx.nuxt.options.modulesDir) } // Build and watch const _doBuild = async () => { const start = const { code, ids } = await bundleRequest(options, ctx.entry) await fse.writeFile(resolve(ctx.nuxt.options.buildDir, 'dist/server/server.mjs'), code, 'utf-8') // Have CSS in the manifest to prevent FOUC on dev SSR await writeManifest(ctx, ids.filter(isCSS).map(i => i.slice(1))) const time = ( - start) logger.success(`Vite server built in ${time}ms`) await onBuild() } const doBuild = debounce(_doBuild) // Initial build await _doBuild() // Watch viteServer.watcher.on('all', (_event, file) => { file = normalize(file) // Fix windows paths if (file.indexOf(ctx.nuxt.options.buildDir) === 0 || isIgnored(file)) { return } doBuild() }) // ctx.nuxt.hook('builder:watch', () => doBuild()) ctx.nuxt.hook('app:templatesGenerated', () => doBuild()) }