import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url' import type { Plugin } from 'vite' import { findStaticImports } from 'mlly' import { dirname, relative } from 'pathe' import { genObjectFromRawEntries } from 'knitwork' import { filename } from 'pathe/utils' import { parseQuery, parseURL } from 'ufo' import type { Component } from '@nuxt/schema' interface SSRStylePluginOptions { srcDir: string chunksWithInlinedCSS: Set shouldInline?: ((id?: string) => boolean) | boolean components: Component[] } const SUPPORTED_FILES_RE = /\.(vue|((c|m)?j|t)sx?)$/ export function ssrStylesPlugin (options: SSRStylePluginOptions): Plugin { const cssMap: Record = {} const idRefMap: Record = {} const relativeToSrcDir = (path: string) => relative(options.srcDir, path) const warnCache = new Set() const islands = options.components.filter(component => component.island || // .server components without a corresponding .client component will need to be rendered as an island (component.mode === 'server' && !options.components.some(c => c.pascalName === component.pascalName && c.mode === 'client')) ) return { name: 'ssr-styles', resolveId: { order: 'pre', async handler (id, importer, options) { if (!id.endsWith('.vue')) { return } const res = await this.resolve(id, importer, { ...options, skipSelf: true }) if (res) { return { ...res, moduleSideEffects: false } } } }, generateBundle (outputOptions) { const emitted: Record = {} for (const file in cssMap) { const { files, inBundle } = cssMap[file] // File has been tree-shaken out of build (or there are no styles to inline) if (!files.length || !inBundle) { continue } const base = typeof outputOptions.assetFileNames === 'string' ? outputOptions.assetFileNames : outputOptions.assetFileNames({ type: 'asset', name: `${filename(file)}-styles.mjs`, source: '' }) emitted[file] = this.emitFile({ type: 'asset', name: `${filename(file)}-styles.mjs`, source: [, i) => `import style_${i} from './${relative(dirname(base), this.getFileName(css))}';`), `export default [${, i) => `style_${i}`).join(', ')}]` ].join('\n') }) } for (const key in emitted) { // Track the chunks we are inlining CSS for so we can omit including links to the .css files options.chunksWithInlinedCSS.add(key) } this.emitFile({ type: 'asset', fileName: 'styles.mjs', source: [ 'const interopDefault = r => r.default || r || []', `export default ${genObjectFromRawEntries( Object.entries(emitted).map(([key, value]) => [key, `() => import('./${this.getFileName(value)}').then(interopDefault)`]) as [string, string][] )}` ].join('\n') }) }, renderChunk (_code, chunk) { if (!chunk.facadeModuleId) { return null } const id = relativeToSrcDir(chunk.facadeModuleId) for (const file in chunk.modules) { const relativePath = relativeToSrcDir(file) if (relativePath in cssMap) { cssMap[relativePath].inBundle = cssMap[relativePath].inBundle ?? !!id } } return null }, async transform (code, id) { const { pathname, search } = parseURL(decodeURIComponent(pathToFileURL(id).href)) const query = parseQuery(search) if (!SUPPORTED_FILES_RE.test(pathname) || query.macro || query.nuxt_component) { return } if (!islands.some(c => c.filePath === pathname)) { if (options.shouldInline === false || (typeof options.shouldInline === 'function' && !options.shouldInline(id))) { return } } const relativeId = relativeToSrcDir(id) cssMap[relativeId] = cssMap[relativeId] || { files: [] } let styleCtr = 0 for (const i of findStaticImports(code)) { const { type } = parseQuery(i.specifier) if (type !== 'style' && !i.specifier.endsWith('.css')) { continue } const resolved = await this.resolve(i.specifier, id) if (!resolved) { continue } if (!(await this.resolve( + '?inline&used'))) { if (!warnCache.has( { warnCache.add( this.warn(`[nuxt] Cannot extract styles for \`${i.specifier}\`. Its styles will not be inlined when server-rendering.`) } continue } const ref = this.emitFile({ type: 'chunk', name: `${filename(id)}-styles-${++styleCtr}.mjs`, id: + '?inline&used' }) idRefMap[relativeToSrcDir(] = ref cssMap[relativeId].files.push(ref) } } } }